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MAURICE COTTERELL How Gravity Works How Gravity Works explains how Electricity and Magnetism work together to produce the force of Gravity andin sodoing reveals the underlying science behind Newton's equation that he tried in vain to uncover—the reason why Gravity is proportional to the masses of two attracting cbjects, why it grows weaker in proportion to the square ofthe distance between them and the nature of the mysterious Gravitational constant that continues to perplex researchers o this day I explains why all objects fall io earth at the same speed and why they accelerate by 32 eet per second, every second. Itexplains how permanent magnetism works, at atomic level, the nature of so-called'Dark Matto, the reason why spiral galaxies arespizal shaped and wiay the centrof theearthis boiling hot. How the discoveries were made Scientists cannot understand why the postive protons in the centre of atoms simply donotspring gpar'—theirpositivecharges Electricity Gravity Magnetism repelling each other. In 1935 a researcher named Yukawa suggested that another substance or particle must exist 'elue' the protons together in the nucleus, a kind of afomic ‘velcro. But an objector to Yukawa pointed out that if indeed that were the case 6 " then there would have to be two types of velero~a velvetside and alook-side (0 to speek) But another researcher pointed out that protons covered in the velvet-side would not stick to other protons covered inthe velvetside, and thet protons covered with the hook-side would not stick to other protons covered with the hookeside. So another researcher suggested that there must be three types of veloro (three colours, for example) But then another researcher pointed cut that for such a scheme to work there would have to be three types of each of the three types (three flavours of each colour). Thus, the erazy field of Particle Physics was bom. In the decades that followed Particle Physicists were ied billions of dollars to find out wnat made the atom stable nce then they have been searching for more than 300 imaginary sub-atomic particles. The Concise (Oxford) Seience Dictionary comments; ._-the whole elaborate theory is circumstantial... none of the smaller particles have ever been identified in experiments. te theory does not claim to have been verified. Colterell shows that none ofthe particles actully exist and, more ‘importantly, that none are necessary. To explain why the atom does not spring apart he retums to firm ground and to the pioneering work of Emest Rutherford and James Chaxiwvick ofthe 1930s and shows that by simply changing the perceived shape of \{ A URI ( f ( OTTERE LL the electron and the neutron the gravitational mechanism is exposed, explaining-away the mysteries of the atom and many of thecosmos. ‘This Paperis aimed at the general rer with no prior knowledge . 7 pee earlaeres inate aaeed theses ofthe same coin simply andconeisely. How Gravity Works The Nature of Dark Matter ‘The Reason why Spiral Galaxies Are Spiral Shaped Why the Earth is Boiling Hot The Cause of Permanent Magnetism How the Earth's Magnetic Field is Generated Maurice Cotterell ...aiom) cot Lene ter © A7.2008 209 nee Cer SaEsHAUK 90 car Reva Feb 20, Ny 209 Introduction i A New Look at Electromagnetic Radiation How Gravity Waves Propagate Helically The Archimedes Serew Proof that the Hydrogen atom Radiates EM Energy A New Look at Matter ii ‘Construction of theoretical atom Construction of the Neutron—the mest undervalued discovery in the history of science ANew Ator The New Atom Synopsis—How Gravit i How The Hydrogen Atom Generates Felically Polarised EM Radiation (overview) 1 The Inductance Cycle 2 ‘The Capacitance Cycle 3 4 5 Theory iti Works The Motor:Generator Effect hetween Neighbouring Atoms Determinant of the Gravitational Constant Gravitational Energy output of an Atom the Atomic-Amplifer Effect Conclusion—The Gravitational Force sl ‘The Reasons why the atom is Stable sant The Effect of Gravity on a falling Object 6 ‘The Nature of Dark Matter (1) 7 ‘The Reason why Spiral Galaxies are Spiral ‘The Nature of Dark Matter (11) 8 ‘The Reason Why the Earth's core is Red-Hot 9 ‘The Cause of Permanent Magnetism 10 How the Earth's Magnetic Field is Generated n References, Epilogue 13.45 Summary—How Gravity Works This explanation of the gravitational mechasm provides a causal mechanism that reconciles physical phenomena with Newows equation for the force of Gravity Itexplains the reason why the grevitatonal force i Proportional othe masses of the atracting bodies and why the force decreases in accordance with square law fcale, The Gravitational constan is defined, The reason why objects are caried to Earth at the same specd i explained, The reason why objects accelerate to Earth in accordance with a square law scale (9.806 m [32 ft] s isexplained. The nature of so-called Dark Matter is explained. The reason why spiral galaxies are spiral shaped is. explained. The reason why the Faris eoce is redshot is explained The cause of permeament magnetism is explained and how the Earls magnetic fied is generated is explained Conclusion; (Gravity] The hydrogen atom generates helically polarised eleciromerencic raiaon (wravity radiation) from polar regions that bombards neighbouring acs drawing them towards the source of the radiation, Gravity radiation then causes the neighbouring atom to spin axially (he motor effect. That atom, in ‘um, generates heliclly polarised electromagnetic energy (the wenerator effet), Both atoms spin axially inthe same direction. Henee, the gravitational frees ffom both atoms pull inthe same direction and the forces are additive. Introduction A New Look at Electromagnetic Radiation All atoms radiate, clectromagnetic eneruy. [Supporting evidence; om March 9h, 2008, the UK rexeurch establishment Rutherford Appleton Laboratory publicly anncxawced that fall etoms radiate electromagnetic nerey’ (Sunday Ties) |-This explanation proposes that Atomic Radiation differs from lower frequency man- madeeleetromagnetic enerey (radio waves)in it i propagateshelically through space, figure How Gravity Waves Propagate Helically "Man-made elecromagoatic waves (radio as) travel teu space ih the electric and magnetic components displaced by 90° a)and b) The sectrc Wave travels vertically and the magetie wave Waves honontlly away. from. the ansuting antenna.) However, it 1 ere proposed thal ‘aornie electromagnetic radian ted within a spinning aioe, radiates helically. €) Shows the helical polarised electromagnetic’ waves that radiate from the hydrogen ator, When this radiation bombards eahouring ats the neighbouring atom is scked Towards the radiating atom, like Waters dawn along theTengih of fan Archimedes serew(e helical radiation re polar togions ofan Sealy paningacm Schematic showing the expected dstibuion of Beronasticcnsry Womavsaie nana WON rection of trvel destin of ave sm 4) The spinning of the atom causes the scmmagnetic Wave 10 propazate helically through space. This radiation sixikes| oltring atoms, drawing them towards the source of the radiation. Therets no known way of] measuring helically" polarised electromagnetic (rarity) radiation which explans why gravity ‘canmotpresently” be measure Proof hat she Hydregen Atom RadiatesEM Energy ae sneeeatee ie ¢) The Archimedes Screw In 1999. Erie D. Isaaes, of wheaetaettetaiat 2m ies || axe Rf ail fi Soa Sere cee alae lee eo sglineds eae ame fe er, eas eres te ‘aa ena eh seein Soa ae Aare Bil tint magica Seeeeceecas fea ance sre terete tee suet ine tobe ig pe Pee ad Eres Tgp act Wade he || tyro Gra.ry 22 ck ots | peer eeen | PRT eee gitiey sed eran Ceeaeae ners ew aahStee Src Sasa Bicsoptenne "= | © ee el figure ANew Look At Matter In the 1920s, when the Nobel Prize-winning pliysicist Emes! Rutherford set down his theory on atomic structure, it all seemed quite straightforward; the smallest bundle of matter was the' atom’ that was comprised of positive charges inthe nucleus, which he called profons, and negative charges that orbited the nucleus, electrons. Different fundamental materials (elements) were distinguished by the numbers of protons and electrons, for example calcium wes found to heve 20 protons and 20 orbiting electrons which Rutherford illustrated like this (figure ii), Rutherford ey monic | [Rutherford early stom elation ‘utero fist tempt to desert] fucleus' comperane of | [Belt comprising of orbiting the aa Tealred ony petons nd Protensipostivechatyes) | [elcrons(nagatvecharaes) = & But later experiments showed the weight of the nucleus tobe twice as heavy as Rutherford lad initially proposed. This meant that there had to be yet znother undiscovered particle—one that had no electric charge inside the nucleus, By 1932 the British Chemist James Chadwiek had identified the missing particle and named it the ‘neuron’, because it appeared to have no electrical charge. Rutherford redesigned his atom 10 include the missing neutrons. d) He found no problem in accommodating the eleciically neutral neutron into his existing model and simply illustrated his now ‘complete atom! showing the neutrons, like small billiard balls, inside the nucleus. “This billiard-ball’ perception of the neutron would in time be seen as the greatest scientific ‘misconception of the twentieth-century, one that ‘would deny the discovery of gravity for generations to come. Moreover, Rutherford's new model, accepted by science today, fails to explain why the negative electrons do not simply get sucked into the positive nucteus, thus annihilating the atom, or why the positive protons imply donot spring apart, their positivecharges repelling each other. Construction af theoretical Atom Rushers cay om, a), depicted proters as bilan bal Spe panicles d) shows an atom of for example | Caicum, caaining 20 postive pros (siown in re) ‘and 20 negative elections (Hack). The nowy iscovere Seowealy rowel naten (Hae) were alco show wins same alirdbal erwontion that ha worked 0 wel state protons. (Now. Camm as 20 nents. ne altar shown rhs agra, Construction of the Neutron—the most undervalued discovery in the History ofscience In the 19605, experimenters using atomie particle accelerators smashed togetner 2 neutrons, as though they were bolled eggs, and wereamazed tofinsh apwith positive pales, I negative particles and 2 particles that appeared to do nothing, antinewirinos; meaning that cach neutron must cor of 3 panicles 1 positive, tnegativennd Tncutral ainentino. Bui, they argued, "it dint realy matter anyway because postive cancels ott negetive and therefore the neutron is sill overall Sectically neutral”. So they simply filed-in. Rutherford’s 1950 ds arta splepearons neutron bllac-ball with one positive charge and one negative pusthsouritlndeseate parce chargeand, in so doing, missed the chance toredefine the atom. gure i ii ANew Atomic Theory The igeovery thatthe eur ao pox parle anegativeptice anda neal patil allows to gorack to whete Rutherford leit of eden [redjine He ftom ane answer the Raaihertard Enigmas of wy Erato do nt aay ge sched whe poiixe mian whch wou anno ean a why ie postive atone snpiy donot png Allis thee avery snp ehange the sirius othe om, one tat wifaow us trunderstand lly How gravity Works The New Atom Consider a new structure tothe atom as shown here), b) anc) The nucleus of the tom sil contains Jrotons and neutrons, Election stil ort the atom. The penirons are sil shown a polarsed ett fale ato Ih ater elec nerf bu usted of being shown ke Rao iar balls ae instead iustrated spikes, fong and tin atlaehed to the mkletS dh lke spikes on & chesnut shell. The spikes themselves are polarised, ons end postive end nezatve.e) Now We can Soe {Gshemnically) wythe electrons do notcrash ano the atom. and shy tne proven im the nucleus do not Spring aan: ihe spikedcrerons act hike springs, foreing the electrons out and foreing the frowns th ‘Rupporting evtice; on March 3/x, 2008 rescarchers atthe Han-Heuner institute, Bertin, ervoeiced al eos Behave lke compass Sovence Pon). = “yted Near bal pve hl pray sh pe =e sie, ‘\ of w~®% gb. e wip 0 Gi=ae ow “ae ® serpined neurons 4 29 protons The elecuonsandprotons ae kept apartby he piked-neutrons ‘Theme atom. 20 protons, 20 spiked-neurons, ‘Thepoutive pele ofeach spisd-teuon rbd nthe mass 2eletons af tons cod nthe ates The neon poste ple? bain sed for btation purpose Dua apa! he postive protons, preven ther rom spin ie alas Span. ‘The neuron acgauve pole ropa the electrons peventing fem from setune Coser to he muleus, The spkedneutens act Higepnnge fora he slocvonsoutand forint preter hydrogen atom emiting gravity bon nsighbouringetom £) The neighbouring atomis drawn along the thread ofthe helically polarised electromagnetic waves. figure ii iit Synopsis How Gravity Works Somat Eecuomunetic(END raion trv though spate wile clce ave ardtne magnenewavedspiacesty 9)" ® » [Nowa EM ration aS = “ Aisin te sii) However, the (electrically) seorerrealy ymametrical hydrogen 0m Sprsacalyandatrenomoasty As tsps senemes helically polarised (corkscew- Spl) leeeomagnesie radiation, ©) Gravity tation, tom Rydrogen. ator, ls neighbouring “ucking” them towards the source of the fadiation [analozous to ‘nator hati suckedalongthe Ghread ofan ‘Archimedes magnetic wave Searie wave ‘Therois noknown nay of messuringhelicallypolaised EM radiation nih tesco dacnrit te eral nae nan as acral: mae of | pontve parce. mea parte and an aireuinsDrirntsadhecharkeo redefine ato The 'New’ Atom [2007}—containing 'spiked-neutrons! sie lecons protons rowron aga) (postive) ‘oeura) Mowtpat= f (Mass) Heenan ‘Gravity radiation actson be electorsand negative chugesof he spiked nouns nthe neighboatng atom causing thenucleesandelecioncageto Spi lke « motor et The electons, in tn, gororate helically planed slecvomagnene enersy—thus, the decton cage. behav like an ‘ectonagnetc penerao. [Wot Ca com cps of 20 pans, 20 decor ond0ypesencros sor pups tear Serwl ©) As gravity radiation ropagaes nay for the ‘on it devteses in fed Strong [per mere squared} For every unit of actin frmelled thera eneray Aiveees geomenseals. The raised energy dus reduces | bythe squmvotthe dstaes teavelled (62). Talicised numbers, inside boxes, show the fled sues oh the ing electromagnetic here to. sehematically illastace the prmsiple—the diverging wave is asualy coniealy-elcal and field streagtha finctenct ai) 4) The EM enory, generated by the noidhdouring atom, i bal convened by the spinning of the atom imo a odsctew pattem (araity radon) | sucking nearby atoms towards itself Beth afome sckin theca dreton, thus gravity from the Sun and sho ‘Moor puis hesemecrecten [1 | za 4 stone metres) 1) Hence Isaac Newion’s equation for ‘he fare of gravity, where he forces properional tothe masses(m & Mf the to attectng bodies and ho Sstienath of the forea_ decreases inversely with the square of the Aistancobotween thera) F=GmM/d? GisNewon'travjatcnal gonstant CoE ee figureiv. tv How the Hydrogen Atom Generates Helically polarised EM radiation (overview) 4) Because the proton is electrically positive and the electron HYDROGEN Glectrically negative, the particles are continually. drawn together. But the centrifugal force acting on the elecion as it orbits the proton defeats coalescence. b) As a result the space between the two differently charged particles becomes filled with electrical tension (an electric field) —a force that would bring the two charwed particles together if the balancing forces {pFollowinethe big ngsemefteclesonscolided Keeping them apart should ever fal The amount [cuptcy} of Macranalarced winter Sometecamestlites electri field that can be eontznedin the space tat separates the ofthe proton, cee heycepan tom fifferenily. charged particles is known a8 iis Capactance Because the eybndrical eleciron orbits the spherical proion around its equatorial region the surface area of the election presented 0 ibe proton varies cyclically. as does. the consequential capacitance between them, Analysis of the interaction between the particles shows thatthe clectron topples ‘onitsewnaxis a itorbits the proton. Consider the frst quartsr {Ist 4) evele: asthe clecion slies through the elect field tenergy is absorbed by the electron and man field around the electron. During the next 4 cycle the field decay and energy is retumed othe electic field. During the 31d % evele energy is again absorbed by te electron, this time inthe opposite direction than before, establishing a nw imagnetie polarity in the electron, as shown. During the final cyele the electron again loses its magnetic fied and once again returns its energy to the electric field. The oscillating energy between the two particles is thus passed ack and forth asthe electron orbils te atom, d) The resulting variations in the [mount of Capacitance [fiom one semi-sphere]aflected by the leston is shown ind). The variations in fnductance are shown LECTRON sd A cycle Is Aayele Field (CARRGTANCE) @@@@O @o ® ) Whenever the elzetron absorbs ener it drains the electric fled of some energy and the teusion between the tyo particles diminishes, allowing the electron to increas te sie of is orbit, Whenever energy returned the renee stronger ie pullsheelseonback oapositign ide tbe original orbs momentans betove return back to the original orbit. Thus a mechanical cyele also takes place [explaining-away the piezo-clectric an ‘magneto-striciveefTects apparcat in some molecales}. The magnetic Hild surowning he cleaton gan be experienced outside of the stm maning tha electromagnetic energy i ost (radiates) fom the alom mo space. A the magnate Held collapses 1 Howse downoad energy nofonly back ino he eleticheldbutalsoitospace turer aay from Iectomn i would appear that during the electric to maynetic—and magnetic to eleetric—conversion process the electron heals up and eools down. As iteools it absorbs heat energy from surrounding ambient heat sufficient to sustain oscillations, At-273°C the eleciton ceases to orbit the proton, Oscillations cease, The atom ceases toattract other atoms, n. meaning that some figure | 1 ‘The Inductance Cycle HYDROGEN ATOM ELECTRON id eye ist Aeycle ah eye 4) The negative electron ortits the proton ‘ound itsequatoral region and cuts throush the lectc Hel that Subsite beteon ts ‘andthe postive proton. A megnte field is induced ino the Sectron making one end of the electron a magnetic Northspe and the ther end 2 magnetic South-pote.b) This lectron-magnet further interacts wih the peal peton grt orbits the proton topples interaction between the particles causes the electron to spinance [360°] during each orbit, ‘ofthe proton. ¢)It can be seen thal the endsaf the electron radiate a magnetic field from the quaiorial region towards each polar region, 4d) Radiation from the northem sector Is z Npverance ime ®. The Capacitance Cycle CAPACITANCE © B 5 & é 4) and b) The amount of eapacitanee hetween the ‘orbiting electron, and the projon, (hatched. areas) Naries in both a), vertical, ‘andb), horizontal, planes, Ciy \v OY 3) nd | ( \— vuuwwe ©) Te lecronmaypet (Mu) opps exis the pow causing te Capacitarec between the electron andthe spherical proton 1 change, relative fo the sphere. Dunng the eyelical collapse ofthe magnetic field ground the ‘electron-magnet. energy is returned to the sphere and a disc of electrical field energy ts flipped, displaced and, being loreed away from the sper, radiates into space, dad e) A eorksérew pattern of electrical energy thus radiates from each pole, The Capacitance eycle is displaced by 90° to the Inductance cycle tine @ Ol caractrANCE figure 3 3 The Motor:Generator Effect between Neighbouring Atoms Motor effect b) Helically polarised EM radiation fiom the hydrogen ston ts po the nemtve charges of te neighbouring ftom causing the nucleus and the electron cage to spin ‘axially. The massof the elecitonis twice that ofthe neutron ive charge, hence the torque on the electron {hvce that on the neutron-negative charges in the n “Thus, the elecron-caze spins faster than the nuelous. ee ee re wo ¢) Orbiting lecrons generate helically polarised EM ratation that rains rom the stom (see figure ?and’s) The power ouput othe atomic generators roporionalto he difereial speed Eevee uel lectin cuca zure 6) and also proportional (one nut orbiting electrons (toric mass. Elements wih tore mass thus generate more EAM energy that Dulls them towns the Earth with more force, Inakingthemmoce dificult heavie toh Generator effect ¢¢)"The neighbouring atom radiates helically polarised EM radiation that bombards other neighbouring toms drawing them coser the Source of radiation figured, ‘The Determinant of the Gravitational Constant 'G’ Seca aOR onelsal enMT NUE = A eee er reaes F=GmM/d? _ prsiettieseeatseins ode duty erent of ie GisNeyes on govt Dbetoween them, But irom where does the gravitational constant denve? hee peacetime neh os pelo asanaatte re anes SSS EEU SEY RTL MANTET NOR, a ed et cal el i G (ional Energy output of an Atom—the Atomic~ (utput from a neighbouring atom can exceed by many times the input energy that induces axial spin into the ater. Thisis due othe’ Atemnic-Amplifer effect estan ight Jaalogous tthe Power Supply Unit nb) a 3 Mf ~-& in ay 6 yet by This simple eauronie eet 7 eg x20 {Rac Sal Sp Sl cu ef th rastor coat eed ch ae a ut The awry teete | amplification is dravn from the power ¢) The output gravitational signal from the hydrogen atom (containing: pnb SU ieleston) ts input to the neaibouing atom and anphied by the neubturng atom bya factor! fy 0 ing len, which ha 2oslecmns asc example. The eet toss the ampiicton isl tn ambient tang it eter serve whe ower supply tn figures. 5 ‘The Gravitational Force The helically, polarised dtactromapnais radiation fom the The helically polarived tvdrogen atna”coiaies the etociromignctc ratuilon fromthe pin of the slic in the hem tian ata rychnontses the api of diem hector ithe calctunaton te The orhiting col-shaped hydrogen eleciron behaves ike aspinring permanent magnet (an e/ecrom-magned ihatradtaes helically polaried Sectrornagnetic energy intaspace:Theradlatingenersy boards nelgibosring stoincausarg then san acelly tte seanedveci ce ye anor aloes Lkeyacbeaare ls leche tnagacts thar silty rdatchelealy polor sed leeromagnetc energy to space a) lna cascade of ons (ot example hydrogen, helium and calcium) the eleetron-magnets in neighbouring atoms are organised like compass toed ete the sae dcton (0 neronce ha spans) Aa ws deewon maga: n Aijoont atone ce each oer wth oppose polar Ts, the thagnestepolarwy Between adjacent cect tmagnes in adjacere atoms mist e Cbmpleneoaar. meaning tat lect nayrets one fom Must act ett nadcen tot aston anows) laoreet ans husaatea Giher mn acoerdance wit te laws. magnclisny—under the influcnce aa kelcally polarised organising eld ve of Gravity is ‘electron-magnetism under the influence of helically polarised electromagnetic Ene Suppor eidencs Natta 2009418 (72941 ODOI A105 natured 787 [persian bell. © TS atte ee NS anroctinsfove i, NS aMRTTae yg based Trerativefore © Fosse N—Sanrocie ove fs ‘@ sachs Satna bree DS aareemre oe ‘gare S7 sat ‘The Reasons why the atom is Stable ® plan view romps ney ® BIe Figure illustrates how the elton behaves asa permanent magnet 90 ° and 270° fiom itstartins position and oss not poscessaragnet ld at andi The lcron ane therefore Gurng ony hal othe time itorbits fhe nucleus. We note further, [without wishing tostat the obvious, tat because apurcly magnetic 'd anda purely elec fil are dspiaced by 90° a particle cannot be pavely both elecrc and magnet Simullancovsly~the two are mutually exclusive, Henge, Ian electrically native electron possesses magnetic aualiis for half of te imei follows that cannot be simultaneously clectcal during thal same pat ot the yoke The eleston, therefore, can only be corsideredashaving eletial properties oral ofthetime a) Shows the electric and magnetic possibilities, in plan view, of two electrons as they orbit the nucieus of a helium atom. b) When the clectrons are each purely magnetic they cannot be attracted to an clectric particle (the ton). Henee the magnetic elecron is not acted towards the mules during the quadrants shaded in bie. c) later, the electron is maximum electric, but the charge on the nearby neutron-negatve prevents them moving closer tothe nucleus. Thus, the electrons eannot be sucked-into the nucleus. b) We also nate that dure the ble adrants the protons, drained of energy, physically shrink [compress, rapidly release heat ard cool. Fence the ‘apacitanee between electrons and proto reduces daring the blue quadranis—ecause Capaciince varies with distance between particles and the surface areaof each patil In proton, during te blue quadrants when the electron ismaximum: the positive electrical charge of each proton is minimal and the foree of repulsion between protons, minimal: hence the protons have litle propensiy to move apart during the blue {quadrants ¢) asthe electrons move iniothe grey quocranis the protons begin to suck-in ambient heat and expand ‘Epidly. Expansion of eaeh proton is constrained by’ its ability to suek-in energy from its surroundings, ts ‘decent of energy absorption, G, the gravitsbonal constant. AS the provors expand, the distance berween them and the electrons reduces and their surface area increases, inereasing the amount of capacitance between thern.Itan thus be seen tha when the elec particle ismaximnin™slectrc, the protons also maximu-slectne and atraetion between the electrons and protons ismasimum. The protonsare thus stetehed between the par of electrons and have no propensity to spring part, Lhis is why the messmurn, and minimums, nme OF ecto as and protonssustanat nthe fis orbital shel oF alms containingspiked-neutrons 182 ‘We conclude that orbiting electrons possess an increasing and decreasing magnetic field that alternates with an nerease and decrease of atomic capacitance. Thetwo forees unite in self-sustaining oscillation, where the proton increases and decreases in size and shape, altemately losing heat and sucking-in heat from surroundings. The ability o sustain oscillations depends on its energy absorption ability, its coefficient of energy absorption, G. Only combinations of electrons, protons and neutrons whose G equates isradiated energy Survive. ‘This unique electromagnetic interchange between the electron, neutron and proton, further explains why the gravitatcnal fore ['electon-magnetisih under the influence othelially polatsed electromagnetic radiation] Cannot be measared—beeause the magnetic moments alternate in polarity as the electrons ovbi the nucleus, micaning tet the gravitational force atracts in a forward motion, ané then in backwards metion, during one Orbital yee ofthe eleettons, as strated by figures 5/fb and’3/le, That isto say that my plan view b) the electrons both show N polanty and then 180" lair, they both show S polar, thus produsing an alterna mutually attractive magnetic force. A the same time, the atom radiates. alkemating helially por ‘lectrornagnetic energy that synchronisesthespin electrons inmeighbouring ars salt ‘The Effect of Gravity on a Falling Object ‘Why do falling objects fall tthe same speed, irrespective oftheir weight’? Consider the following experiments: OO ree i sone ||) So M a) The brain experiences no problem in. asking. the question why does object m fall to the ground (M)'?. At frst the answer Appears to be simple and obvious, gravity causes mo fall Earth lis this actually the case? Consider. the same experiment serriedout in Australia). © M b) In this example, the question now becomes ‘what causes the object torise 10 the Earth. Forcing us t0 {examine the rationality of eur eriginal questien. We note that some force must ‘raise’ the object, At the same time, appreciate fat must be the force of way. The logical inference, therefore, must be that gravity ‘carries abjects. Objects therefore do not ‘fall’. If objects do-not fall, they cannot fall at different speeds, meaning that ‘gravity must carry'allobjeetsat the same speed The Archimedes Screw 2 ~ © M eames pte fadiatlok from the car Wore a spproaches Ni the Sprig EA radianen Gifferential rotation between ‘each some haces and electron Sage of which is made ‘At a ost the alte! seme hee the ouput of the ncroases, “increasing ‘nov the atic inlproceade lon the EU Pi tes acy Sth scuare-taw {inform aceeleraton Ob in sai Berth by aa Aches St polated EM nen Rosymeracting Soreimtneabjed asthe EN ave spats across m The constant of cscleraion” hes beet Gotermined ge 9806 Bod parsecand Note: Here, mis shown spiralling towards M and the 1X4 ae 18 shonen stn buh n ‘tual m moves ina siraighe fine roads Nt 2 feel) per lean thus be seen that helically polarised EM radiation earries objeets from point to point. The Isdependenton the welarve trequet ‘of the helically polarised waves exehahged between m anc dof carriage (analogous {o the rotational periodicity oF the handle on the Atchimedes Screw—the atomic weights of m and Mand proximity ofmtoM, figure 6, 6 ‘The Nature of Dark Matter (1) ‘What could be responsible for Dark Matter—non-visible matter that would produce enough gravity to account fortheaccretion of stars into clusters? ‘The hydrogen atom radiates GRAVITY radiation from polar regions. Consider the effect of such radiation on ‘observers stationed at opposite polesofanatom; each observer will be bombarded by corkscrewEM radiation. GRAVITY and YTIVARG YTIVARG and GRAVITY hydrogen ‘wom _ eg, [5@) =i. rr GRAVITY and VTIVARG are relive teach biervet YTIVARG is not Antigravity. YTIVARG ‘sucks’ as does GRAVITY RAVITY! It simply radiates away from the observer YTIVARG is not ‘negative-pressure- a) Observer A is bombarded only by helically polarised GRAVITY radiation and is sucked towards the| atom, Observer B is likewise bombarded by helically polarised GRAVITY radiation and is likewise! Sucked tovsards the atom. Neither observer can sense the radiation flowing cavay from their self [the YILVARG radiation}. Both A & B willbe suckedalong their respective spiral foward the aicm. x Only GRAVITY radiation {ton ome in alignment: with the observer] bombers the observe [Neither observer isaffectedty the YTIVARG radiation flowing away from theirself Neither observer is aware of the existence of YTIVARG. Gravity is relative to the observer only and can only be sensed, therefore, relative to the observer. ‘The Reason why Spiral Galaxies are Spiral ° tO. ©) Ieappears tat the spiral galany pratt cused by GAOT and UEWARCunery sttacing mater into the galeays the Spiral formation saat hat CRAGIEY : ard YTIVARG are displaced. in paiGitey pase by 180", 2s iusated ina) fbove. and confirmed’ by analysis infigties 2and3 figure 7. the ostensible missing GRAVITY" that holds star clusters together—thus precluding the requirement for missing dak matter to compensate for the ostensible deft ‘The Nature of Dark Matter (II) 2) AL fist it apeary that YTIVARG accounts for $0% of the missing helically polarised EM energy in the Unwverse | [scoltgre a)} = ee “ ty eel anid En te p {at bomibards the’ bscrver (GRAVITY Sect ne Dy heomere, ‘The remuining 97 othchealy policed XI cation nthe Unione [YFIVARG ‘aot bedetectedby hcobeeer 'b) However, as an observer steps around the Universe it becomes clear that GRAVITY — that foree of attraction bombarding the observer_—acsoun's for only a tiny percentage of helically polarised EM energy available inthe figures, * ‘The Reason Why the Earth's Core isRed-Hot Norone knows why the inside of the planet is hot. The ‘Cold Forming Hypothesis’ of planetary formation suggests that particles of dust from interstellar gas clouds came together under the influence of gravity, accumulating aver time, to form larger bodies that eventually grew into planets. So, ifthe planet Earth was formed in this way, what caused the heating ofthe inner core? The crust of the Earth (Figure 9, a)) measures from around 4 ~ 25 miles deep. Beneath the erust lies an upper mantic, 390 miles thick and bencath that the lower mantle, 1 425 miles thick, with mantle temperatures ranging hom around 1,506 ~3,000°C. Surrounding the core, to a radius of around 1,450 miles. lies the outer core of ‘molten iron and nickel, with temperatures ranging from around 3,000 ~ 5,000°C. The solid core of iron and nickel, toa radius of around 775 miles, is heated to around 5,090°C, but remains solid, despite the temperature, due to the inereased core pressure fand concomitant temperature increases required 10 melt the metals at such pressures}, [Now that we understand that all atoms radiate gravity radiation we can understand how and why the Earth became super-het: the energy 10 Sustain gravity radiation derives from sunlight striking the Fans surface (figure 9, b)). Each atom therefore absorbs heat, generates gravity waves and re-radiates energy in the form of _ravity radiation, downloading eneray towards the centre of the Earth’ score. Wi ® roloeles cn "he lant’ Sorttee ants core 'b) Sunlight heats atoms in the Earths crust (here shown shaded in grey). The [rey] atoms convert the heat ‘energy into electromagnetic radiation. Radiation [from the grey atoms} heats up adjacent atoms in the Earth's amie [here shown in yellow]. Those atoms, in tum, transfer the heat, via electromagnetie radiation, to adjacent atoms deeper into the mantle [shown in red}. In this way heat and light from the Sun is conveyed {and focused’) cowards the interior ofthe Earth, The interior of the Earth (and other planets) becomes super- hot, over billions of years, reaching temperatures of 5,000°C, liquifying the inner mantle of iron and nickel ‘The inner core remains solid due to increased pressuresat the core, figure 9. ‘The Cause of Permanent Magnetism—The Reason Why Iron is Magnetic Regular atomsconsist of qual numbers of protons, neutrons andelectrons. However, some types of atom contain ‘more neutrons than others and are known as isofepes, Iron is an isotope. Commen iron has 30 neutrons, 26 electrons and 26 protons. [There are also other stable isotopes of iron with 28, 31, and 32, neutrons in the nucleus} © | 2)Common iron as 30 spiked-neutrons inthe nucleus. b) The electical charge 0f26 of the protons selectrically negated by the electrical charge of 26 electrons. 26 of the spiked-neutrons are engaged in keeping apart the 25 pairs of electrons and protons. Levoring (for purposes of illustration) the 26 pairs of protons and electrons, and 2 ‘ofthe neutrons that ae gainfully employed in Keeping the protons and elcetrons apart, the ironatom is eR with fan isotepic excess-spiked-netdron countof4(as illustrated by €). 2 Pra eae feats in ata of Ss ir. oa 8a5 i? 5% —% 3 ©) Stroking a bar of common iron with @ permanent magnet causes the excesy-spiked-newirans to align their polarity. The same follows forte magnetic isotopes of nickel and cobalt. The nucleus of each atom spins axially accordingto itsalignment figure 10. 10 Stroking a bar of common iron with permanent magnet, as shown, causes the loose’ exeess-spiked-neutronsin ¢ach atom fo align ther poly, Because the nucleus and elcren cage of each atom spn a diierontally the negative tips ofthe excess spiked-neutrons cut through the electrostatic field that exists between the nucleus and electron cage eausing the generation of an associated electromagnetic field around ench spiked-neutron and hhence each spinnning atom. Thesun otal ofeach directional magtetic field causes the ironbarto polarisealong its Tength such that one end becomes permanently magnetic positive and ihe other end becomes magnetic ‘negative (one end becomes mazn. and the other end magnetic south polarity), This suggests that thereon sek thingas permanent magnetism, Mesnetism (ie gros is dynamic and generated continu by spinning atoms. The associated magnetic field is thus electromagnetic. Isotopic metals are unique in that surplus spiked-neutrons aecommodate the axial alignment of each atomic nucleus, Each mcfous thus spins inthe samne direction. The associated electromagnetic fields, generaied by each spinning nucleus, unite 10 create a combined Walngtheenghoiienona. Secromaghete fall the Re Soct Fad scutre foce an @ Sound the bar A appears athe —-— revly magnemed bar ‘as acqut ied pa (erotinent magnetism, howevey, ican be SS“ the spree excesespice eutions ae attully” generating. a tiecromuagenicfeldineaitine ® Mew adie 7 ij tn figure 11 u Proof that so-called Permanent magnetism is actually electromagnetism "aicaeeels iro ai icon uldexe eat esis bo sen sald perenne yen me mae Sieh Telos te ery yes arent Strat herp yh atchesb the mae ow ans wil he Rough he cat "The ent daclops an ‘magetic field last! Moder scones cays that the meanede fle eekbrnpine i and ara ech oa (wifes ovever, beatae the magne field 1, permanent For ow fr wl the nae nace the [Umplyn ft permanent magoss wor by may) But where ° wv Afer hour the taten is does te ar come fern to sasnn fae Gee? The energy to Gsehaged and te fore of sa wl pl is ‘Sau e ld com from ambient het and eh that ead the alba gard {xeon sped rourons te raunc,aewag them ot ‘rover dtd generns an temal magienc feldforas ong the fomporatre oman emporste figure 12. ‘The Reason why Iron Sparks. Mognetic materials are unique in that physical excitation (ction) causes sparks to radiate from the material When oars orcllides ast ona jr ay serene asconmonly happens when on alway eae wheels rub against he iron track spark may also be priced when in rus against ionctaden rock. THis clecirical effect of magnetsable materials does not fuppen with-non-sotopic (lonemaghetisabie) metals Suggesting thatthe excess-spiked-ueutionsare responsible forte electrical activi When a pieve of iron collides with a piece of irona potential differenc the two pieces, The voltage then causes a convection cuttent 10 Now spatk betweentthe two. n electrical voltage) develops bet rough the intervening air produ How the Earth's Magnetic Field is Generated Molten magma in the inner mantle circulates around the solid core. Because more sunlight strikes the equatorial regions of the Farth’s surface than polar regions, the molten mazina is Geepest around the equatorial regions of the spherical Earth than in northem and southem latitudes. The distribution of magma thus established is disefdoughnat shaped [raher than spherical. The motion of the Lath, spnningon ts 24's causes magn fo circulate around the solid core. Heat destroys permanent magnetism, therefore the Earths magnetic field must be {generated electromagnetically.b) The circulating magma must therefore carry an electrical current that gives rise Ioamagnetie field that extends fromthe magma intospace sivlaing elecical eddy aureus | ' i PN ---4 bb) Gireulatng magma, around the sli coe. generates ecrca CLG Sinene ua dy he anor hoop sad ero {ai Ban tm psu a eecionagraie Feld wound he figure 13, = — 2 References; pit [Opening Paragraph] Rutherford Appleton abs, Quotation: Sunday Times, Sth March 2008, Pit figurei(Q Science News Online; ww.scioncenessorg/pagels’sn_areD9/1_23_99/febI.htm Pil igure Habn-Meitner Institute quotation: Science Daily (Mar. 31, 2008), pS/ll; Nature Magezine, 2009;458 (7238):610 DOL: 10.1038 natreO7871 [persistent spin heli}. Epilogue Field Theory sind Particle Physies ‘The Throe Fields Untilthe appearance of How Gravity Works there were believed tobe the electric fild, the magnetiieldanad, combined the clectromagreti fii. ‘The Four Forces Inregand tothe forces between patcles and sub-aienic particles, there were believed tobe the rong miclear force [that binds the nucleus ofthe atom together] the weak nrelear force [that prevents the escape of electrons from the storm, the clecimmagreric fore [responsible for electrical current] and the gvavzaional fore [that causes the universal ataciion between particles ofmatte}. How Gravity Works shows that there are in fact two types of electromagnetic mdiation; lower frequeney man- ade electromagnetic radio waves propagate through space with the magnetic field polarised horizontally and the electric field polarised vertically whereas atomic electromagnetic radiation from the hydrogen atom propagates threugh space helically (corkscrew-style) How Graraty Works showsthat itis this helically polarised ‘electromagnetic radiation that is responsible forthe attractive force of gravity and in so doing unifies the fields of electricity, magnetism and gravity. How Gravity Works hence provides the long sought after. Unified Field ‘Theory. How Gravity Works explains where Science took two wrong tums: the first in the 1930s with the perception of the neutron as a billiard-ball type particle, and the second in the 1960s—by failing to adequately appreciate the implications of the discovery that the neutron corsists of a positive panicle, a negative paticle, and a neutral particle. These twominor deviations denied the discovery of Gravity forover 85 years. Hows Gravity Workyand Particle Physics Inthe 1920s scientists could not understand why the positive protons simply do not spring apart, thcir postive charges repelling each othe, or why the negative electrons donot get sucked into the nucleus, ths annihilating theatomand they sill cant. In 1938 researcher named Yukawa suggested that another substance or particle must exist to ‘ge! the protons together in the nucleus, kind of atomic ‘velero. This was when the newly established field ef Paysics lastits way. Anobjector to Yukawa pointed outthat indeed that were thecasethen re would have to bs two types of velero—a velvet-side and a hook-side (30 to speak). But anctherrescarcher poinicd out that protons covered inthe velvet-side Would nat stick to other protons coveredin the velvet-sde, and thar protons covered with the hook-side would not stick to other protons covered inthe same way. So another researcher suggested that there musi be thee types of velero (thee colours, so to speak). But then another researcher pointed out that for sucha situation 19 subsist there would have tobe thee types of each of the three types (three flavours ofeach colour, soto speak), Thus, te field of Particle Physics was bora, Inthe decades that followed, Particle Physicists were granted billions of dollars to find out what made the atom sible. Since then thoy have been searching for more than 300 imaginary sub-afomic particles, The Concise (Oxford) Seisnce Dictionary comments, {the whole elaborate theory is cireumstamial.neither quarks nor sluons have been found of these particles hayeever ben identied inexperiments.thetheory doespet claim to hayebecn verified." And, in 2008, orthodox science still does not understand why the atom does not spring apart or annihilate itself. How Gravity Works explains how spiked-neutrons make the 'new-atom! completely stable precluding the need! for imaginary particles. 1B Thus the ‘four forces’ need to be reconsidered; there is no longer a need for a ‘strong nuclear force—the positive nucleus attracts the negative electron cage [and vice versa]. The mutual force compresses the intervening spiked neutrons that behave like springs. Thusthe'strong nuclear force’ must be replaced by ameasure of tensile strength, ofthe neutron, beyond which the integrity of the neutron fails and the atom disintegrates, Implications of Anti-Gravity ‘There are three ways in which atoms bond to neighbouring atoms; Covatent bonding recognises that val stable molecule. 1rons of neighbouring atoms lassoo each other to produ Jonic bonding recognises that positive ions are attracted to negative ions and vive versa. The third type of bonding is not understood but referred to as Hydrogen bonding because it accounts for the bonding of molecules containing hydrogen. ‘The three types of bonding differ in that the first two are mutually inter-dependent, that is to say that in the case of covalent bonding atom A lassoes its neighbour and its neighbour, Atom B, lassocs atom A in equal measure. In the same way, positive ion attracts a negative ion and a negative ion attracts a positive ion in equal measure. But ‘with hydrogen bonding the bonding is uni-directional, one-way only. Hydrogen bonds tothe neighbouring atom, but the neighbouring atom does not bond to hydrogen. ‘The implications of this are far reaching. Hydrogen is the prime-mover in regard to the generation of helically polarised electromagnetic energy whereas other atoms cannot generate helically polarised electromagnetic energy autonomously [because without external stimulus from helically polarised electromagnetic energy from the hydrogen atom they tumble chaotically]. This means that hydrogen attracts other atoms, but other atoms cannot attract hydrogen autonomously. This one-way, uni-directional characteristic of /ndrogen bonding suggests that hydrogen bonding must in fact be gravity-bonding. This in turn means that molecules containing hydrogen, when bombarded by anti-gravity radiation [were it possible to generate] would disintegrate because the gravity-bonding of the hydrogen atoms would break. Anti-gravity radiation will thus destroy any material containing hydrogen. Anti-gravity weapons systems will destroy organic material, killing the body of the host. And this gives rise to the moral and ethical implications of anti-gravity weapons systems; as the soul leaves the body it will be attracted to the source of the antigravity radiation [the anti-gravity gun), thus annihilating the soul It therefore follows, given that the soul is a part of God, that the use of anti-gravity weapons systems would destroy God. Itis for this reason that have discontinued research into anti-gravity radiation i, How Gravity Works reconciles physical phenomena with Newton's equation forthe force of gravity. fi, How Gravity Works explains the reason why the gravitational force is proportional tothe ‘masses ofthe attracting bodies. Itexplains why the force decreases in accordance with the distance squared. iy. [texplains why all objects fall o earth at the same speed. \. Itexplains why all objects accelerate to Earth in concordance with a square lawscale. vi. Itexplains the nature ofso-called Dark Matter. vii, Itexplains the reason why spiral galaxies are spiral shaped. viii, Itexplains the reason why the Earth's core is hot ix. Itexplains the determinant of the Gravitational constant, that continues to perplex 4 ‘The Great Gravity Conspiracy I sent a copy of How Gravity Works to the Institute of Engineering and Technology [of which | am amember] in 2007. They replied saying ‘Gravity is beyond the scope of the activities of the IET...the Institute of Physi would be a more appropriate place to send your work’. In December, 2007, I sent a copy to Dr Robert Harris, the head of the Institute of Physics in London. There was no reply. A fter two months I wrote requesting a reply. After another three weeks they replied saying "The Institute of Physics does not publish original research, the Institute of Physics Publishing Ltd [their subsidiary Company] does’. I redrafted the Paper to meet the submission requirements of the loPP Ltd and mailed two copies to the Editor of the loP journal Classical and ‘Quantum Gravity. They replied, within 20 working hours. They could find no fault whatsoever with the contents of the document but refused to publish it because, they said; 1."...itis completely new’ and 2." there is nothing in it that wehave been working on! twas rejected on behalf of the British Institute of Physics by the literary editor of'a magazine. They would not cevenallow experts in the field to see it or peer review it, so afraid are they of the contents. The truth is simple, the orthodox scientific community do not wantyou to understand how gravity works; they are paid billions of dollars annually to search for the cause of gravity, thus defeating any incentive to find one. If they were to accept How Gravity Works then funding would stop and an army of physicists and mathematicians would be thrown out of employment overnight, But they fail to appreciate that by subverting the truth they simply invite overseas researchers to leap-frog British Science. Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored. In the Summer of 2008 I sent /Yow Gravity orks to the Royal Society (UK). They, likewise could find no fault whatsoever with the contents of the paper, but the magazine editor rejected it because '.. itcontains no mathematics’ This is the sorry state of so-called science inthe UK today, Additional Implications of How Gravity Works Although not covered here FYow Gravity Works accommodates 2 new galaxy-formation theory that explains how galaxies are formed, evolve and die, and a new planetary-formation theory that explains how planets are formed, how they evolveto develop amagnetic field, spinon their axisand orbit larger bodies.

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