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Engleski jezik, 5.r Vježba za test br.

I. Put the verb from the brackets into Present Simple Tense!

1. Our aunt and uncle ________________ in Spain. (LIVE)

2. When _________________ we __________________ English? (USE)

3. Her kids _______________________ me when I ____________________ about food. (NOT


4. Jessica ________________________ sometimes when she ________________ alone. (CRY /


5. ___________________ these children your best friends? (BE)

6. _________________ Kate ______________________ our school? (ATTEND)

II. Write negative form of the following sentences!

1. Jenny waits for me every day .

2. I like those tiny birds in my garden.

3. Mr Hill kisses me every morning.

III. Make correct sentences!

1. not think / she / him / about.

2. Pete and Zack / be / now / home / at.

3. work / usually / Bill / room / in / this.

IV. Translate!
1. Njihova učiteljica podučava engleski.

2. Pjeva li tvoj liječnik svaki dan?

3. Mi obično igramo šah srijedom u 2 sata.

4. Moj najdraži rođak se bavi atletikom.

5. Zima počinje 31. prosinca.

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