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Chapter 2 BASIC MATHEMATICAL CONCEPTS Tin this chapter the properties of functions of coraplex vata ae reylewed fo the exe nocessary for an saderstanding Of the ‘aya and inane of conformal mapping metas 2.4 TRANSFORMATION OF COORDINATES “The simplest transfomatons involve the selection of new coordinate systems when the ones in Whe & problem has been Specified sre not convenient for analysis. Such wansforoations ‘eed not involve complex numbers.” Consider Tor example the Ulipse shown in varios onentations and sees in Figures 2.1@) rug 210) pra cornet (0) af oi symmetry it (the elise may be to small in (B) the Scpresentation suffers from a smixture of the foregoing Sorcomings Instead of laboring wilh the riinal xy coordinate Syste shosin, one ould selee in each ese ew act OF Nes UV heh appear as broken lines in Figures 2.1 (4) @, and (10 ‘hain the effect of Figure (6. igure 2.1(a) reveals that a tanslation of the ellipse (or ssulvidentty asset of new kes uy parle to he egal SJstem) wot ranstonm the configuration of Figure 21) ite Wat oFiogure 2 le) he eansfonmtion woud be govered by 0 en ‘Similarly one could transform Figure 2.1(b) into (e) by rotating it through an angle of 6; Figure .1(¢) into (e by sealing; and Fagore week 6 rater 2: Baie arunascaCeneps 2.100 int (by combination ofthe foregoing ikem in ison or sepa Thsater mere peso transformation might take the uk (xg 6088 Grygsina} 2) =k (oox9 sind + ¢-ygcos 8) 7 (a) ) Figue 2.1 On Tansiomation of Coons ‘The dese ina image) is ebnne om (by arta, om ‘rotation, ro (6) magntcutn, and ro) by applying all of the egg ‘When an analysis bas already beea carried out on the original configuration, the answers ean give a clue as to what transformation ‘pe may wish tose the next ine. For iastance, Maxwell fou the Solution ofthe potential field problem associated with ihe Finging fux ofa parallel plate capacitor as in Figure 2.2 tobe ofthe frm x=d(u41 +e cosv)/= 2 yrdiv +e sinyy/n ‘This isthe sare transformation as given earlier in Figure 1.3, ex that we have. elected to separate the real and imsagiaary parts of x and w to facilitate the following discussion. Bact ine v=constant Conresponds to a potential ine in Figure 2.2 and each line ‘u-constant corresponds to fx or flow line. (Late, in Crapeer 5, we will introduce the less ambiguous term "Aux tube" to describe {8 Conformal Mapping: Methods and Appcations the flow bounded by two adjacent fux lines when shown in a plane.) For each point generated by the intersection of fines of ‘usconstant and v=constant inthe uy plane there i a corresponding point in the xy-plane given by Equations (23), Since lines of Constant wand v form & simple grid in the wy plane as shown in Figure 1.3(6), an analysis of capacitance, electric field stengeh, potential et. is caried out with ease inthe u.v-plane, ‘The result fan then be transformed into the physical xy"plane. We need not ‘epeat Maxwell's original devivation every tne a sma problecn is {olbe solved, even if another kind of potential eld is involved (such 48 the one encountered in viscous fluid flow) as long 1 the ‘boundary configuration i of de same general form. awe 2 Liresof Fax u and Lins of Egulpteat! (6) she Top Halak awe Since we deal with orthogonal field lines (potential and fux) in ‘our field problems, nd since coordinate sysems in general consist ‘ef erthogonal grids as well its not far fetched fo think ofa solution ding a cording wapstormaion is itis spi tha aes ‘of transformations of coordinates have been especially constructed for analyses dealing with potential fields. Often configerations in three dimensions with axal symmetry are included, {Moon and Spencer, 1071: Korn and Korn, 1961] Returning to our two-dimensional examples, consider the desired uy coordinate system which is showa superimposed on the original %.y-plane in Figure 23, Let that illustration be a ‘agmiffcaion ofan infinitesimal segment from Figare 22. ‘We note that small deviations in x.y must be related to the comesponding Chapr 2: Bese roma Congas 18 evintions in uy by sindar uiaagts, expresed by Equations (2.4) and 2.3) au av au av Beye 7 oe ay jelding the relationships 2a) Aw ay also ox, a es) Le vou gue 23 Smalt Changes in. sad Comespoading Change ite. ‘After differentiating Equations (2.4) and eliminating the mixed arial derivative terms-nand performing similar operations on ‘quitions (2.5)-we find thatthe transformation funetions u(x.) and vu), wel a8 uy) and (0, say Laplace's equation 20 ConformaiMepping:Madhode and Anpticatons Fu eu Py ay ae aye 9 get ge nO and 2.6) mm, A getaes? | GEthenO We have noted a few of she conditions which & transformation sist satisfy if orhogonality between she potential and flux lines to be mainiained during the process of wansformation, but we have not drawn on complex analysis so far.""Way bother then With ‘complex vatiables ad thei functions? ‘The answer has to-do ith four main question: How do we find suitable transformations? Rarely can We expect find a ready-made transformation sich 38 the one based on Maxwell's solution fo the semi-infinite parallel plates. The tsk is made considerably euier ite express 9 and ‘4 as components of complex variables z and w: saxty wausiv en oi polar notation aerc wane ea ‘The subscripts and w willbe omitted when polar coondinates sre used with only one ofthe planes and the context is unambiguous. Let w= f(z) denote the function which eansforms of maps 2 configuration from the xplane onto the w-plane and let x —G) perform the inverse operation. Then, fora Starter, we can Hluscrate ‘how much sities the elementary transformations disewssed atthe ‘beginning ofthis section can he writen. Replace the y-onondinat in Figures 21(@) through (d) by the imaginary term y'so that we ean fortransation: Werte wheree=ryiyy (29) forrowtion: © w=kz where = 2.10) forscaling: © w=sx wheres =real ep all combined ka +e)=m(e +e) ey, (One ofthe oldest wansformations is the representation of the world's surface on a flat sheet. Prolemy used a stereographic rat 2: Base Maomat Canes 2h projection (arqund 130 A.D): the Mercator projection came 1400 ears later, Euler interested himself in such projections at St Betersburg Academy in the 1700s when the Academy. was commissioned to proguce more accurste maps of Russia. Euler employed a number of concepts, such as the Complex plane, whieh Would later become part of conformal mapping. Gauss also approached conformal mapping by way of geodesy (1820-1830) 2.2 TRANSFORMATION BY MEANS OF COMPLEX FUNCTIONS (ur ask is now one of finding a coropex Function w = fa) of tn complex virile which wl a cnn cos of mt, lines, angles, and regions (domains) in the complex plane End map tino a simpler and more readily anaycable conigurauon inthe complex'w-plane.. Unless olterwise specified we will be ‘Concesned with planar fields. “The particular form of the fantion fix) will depend on the specific hourdasis and the application at and, or our purposes itis important tha the mapping be conformal, ‘ce, tat te relative propordons of neightering saline segments and the angles of intersecting line segments he preserved atthe Imicroscopie level during transformation. Any orthogonal set of Feld lines in the original ox physialy-pane would theretore appexe 48 another set of orthogonal ines in the weplane which serves a he tathemaal modes "The configurations in the 2- and w-planes are images of each ‘other. A mapping will be neo-one if (2) is linear or bilinear ‘ato of linea functions If not, ambiguities may arse, but these ate frequently resolved by knovledge of the pascal realities eine thea contin oy into vera {image planes (Riemann sortace) Finding a suitable transformation is not necessarily easy. One approach st select a desired end prodoct, sch ay a rectangular or ‘reular configuration in the w-plane, and pick or constmict any hiumber of fuetions 2 = g() to see what image resis in the 4 plane. I'v are lucky we can extract de forward wansformation 22 Conformal Napping: ABathods and Appeations <= (2) from what was essentially the inverse, x= g(w) = PW). ‘This is not always easy and sometimes not even possible, ‘The Paraliel plate capacitor presents us with such a problem. ‘The ‘equations for x= FG) or for ifs comporents x = X(v) and y= (uy) are given by equations which appeared earlier and which are repeated here, releo tise oxy Ja risecsy ov 7 vedo reriny, bur theres no convenient way of expressing w explicily in terms of However, itis not always gecessary to have an explicit, formulation forthe forward mapping fom 210 w. As long as the Doundaries and other key elements of the origizal field can be ‘denied inthe w-plane, the necessary Neld analyses can be earied fou there an the ress transferred the original plane by means of the available FW). Exch of te elementary transformations deseribed in Seotion 2.1 has an inverse which is easily found. “The sone iste ofthe widely applicable bilinear transformation welarba/e+d2), eis also known as the Mocbius or linear fractional transformation, a Dartcalar example of which was given in Figure 1.2. 2.3 ANALYTIC FUNCTIONS ‘The properties we nee in a mapping function are to be found in analyte functions. A complex valued function ofa complex variable is said to be analytic ina region of interes 1s single-valued and Aiferentiable in that egion. (it may also be multiple valved as long, Chap 2 BascNatonate Conon as itis single valued on a Riemann surface.) The terms regular and holomorphic age also used for such a ifereaability "ata point” and "inthe enti region” respecively Single-valuedaess i essential for unambiguous, one-to-one ‘mappings. Ditfereatiabiliy is desired so that angles will not lnder transformation (isogonality) and that all sides of a small triangle describing an angle wil setch or contact in the same ratio lei! end roxate by the same amount arg), Differentiabiity also implies continuity. Thus a set of onthogonal, continaous ‘curves, each of which Saifies Laplace's equation inthe original plane, Will satisfy Laplace's eqution when mapped onto the model Dane ‘Another way of defining analyicity is to say that (2 is analytic at point p if in its neighborhood it can be expanded in 2 Taylor ft ip) +20) @ p)+Mp) @-PF/A+.. 2.16) Such 2 condition amounts toa shorthand version of requizing single valuedness, continuity, ad differenti. ‘Let us briefly review what we mean by differentiation of a complex valued funetion. Applying the usual limiting process we tis fe + Aa) 00, FE) = A enn “This derivative should nos depend on the path we take in reducing Ar. Now ifwe express Av and Aw as Arextidy — Af=Aw=Ausiav — @.18) snd thea let Ax approach zero by fist letting Ay =O and thereafter Ax we obtain fim AusiAv tim (Au, Av, a ae Fe) = RETR = 8 (HR) BZ, a1) hile reversing the order Geting Ax » 0 first leads to 20 tim ¢ Au, AW) 2 Fee) = a apt ay) =e 24 Conformal tapping: Atthod and Appictions "Baquating the real and imaginary parts of Equations 2.19) and 2.20) produces the Cauchy Riemann eqitions which we had encountered earlier as Equations (2.4) and (2.3): 21) Sicily, in polar coordinates = 2: mt mle morse! a Toe 2 ‘We now have necessary conditions for ifferentabity of complex ‘alved function, By aang the more gene incement z= ARsiAy taping hema vae heen one ives atthe ie en as piven n (223), Thereby the equations ae elevated to necessary ‘and sufficient conditions. . ‘Gne can sate the results gs follows: Ifthe four pariat derivatives lon abfoy v/0e, fy of 17) = uEay) Fi M3) txt and are continuows throughout region, thet the Cavehy- ‘Riemann Conditions aufax = aay, avfdx = uly are necessary Conditions forthe derivative 0) teas thoughout the reion. ‘A function which is aferenable in he foregoing Sense san analy Tanetion, Points a which) isnot analytic ae called Singutartien. Tove wosk we wll encounter siagulances, bat aly they ever in anole, single location whe they ca be ‘Sreurenied ‘The transformation 1) cannot te conformal at pos where F(2}-O or, These are called eed poi “Analytic fonctions have some very desi properties. IF) nd) are anayie functions then 80a fe) ft) ete) ©) f+ @ 223) (© fa! s@) @ fe) or fp). p= ee) Jt follows that polynomials and power series within their circles of convergence ae alte Tunctioas caper 2 ase MeamaatearCoreps 25 “The inverse of an analytic function w=f(2), which we have esribed a8 2=(W), is also analytic if (2) is analytic, and its ‘erivatve isthe retproval of the derivative of (2): euiw= Fe 224) ‘To conclude this section we list some inportant properties whch arise inthe integration of analy functions in simply connected omains, (Multiply connected domains can be converted into ‘Smply connected dotoains by suitable cus.) 8) The integration around a closed path yields a 2030 acconding 19 the Cauchy Goursat theorem: faye =0 {foe Integration between two points is independent ofthe path ken between these points. (©) The value of f2) at formals can be found by Cauchy's inegeal & [ ee ifthe close path of integration C encloses 2.4 CONFORMALITY AND UNIQUENESS "The propesty of "eonformality” applies to small neighborhoods ‘of a point %, which i being mapped trom the -plane onto the W- plane hy means of w=). Suppose that fis analytic at 2 and that P,) #0. Ac neighboring poims we approach fia) = (2) + P04) 2%) 28) 28 ontomarioig et nt Aletons with Faden and rasta Corresponding to 7, and inthe physical plane we have w, and w. in she model plane (the image), with wow, =An Me 2.26) [A small move from 210 % produces & move from w, t0W governed by WeWy fH) (e- 2) Ay e8P* = £¢7,) Ar en am Arg) Ie follows that € sy =mds, where m=mod Fe) 28) Ae Its important to observe that w depends only on z, not on 7. ‘Thus the angle a which appears in Ay a8 alitional rotation i the sabe at every inthe neighborhood of %. Say we describe a curve segment C, in terms of points, as shown in Figure 2.(@). TF we ‘map this stall configuration C from the z-plane onto the W-plane 88 Cy, it will undergo & rotation « and a magnification or sospsion by aftr m 8 shown in Figure 2. ‘loser examination of the limiting process in terms of infinitesimally salt increments of areas (AS,,A8,) and use of Equations (2.19) through (2.22) leads to tin 38, An0-ASS Ae, where w= arg Pl, ) Sher e229 rane? Base Matera Cong 27 igus 24 Changes in he Soall Accompanying 3 Trnsfrmaton (4) A sul segment Cin he pan, (6) The sme segment marge tio te wane becomes Cy. Bas bee changed in sie by tee faoe ns nod ade By an ale =a). where J is the Jacobian of the transformation w = fiz). The ‘ranstormation is one-to-one when f(z) # 0or 3+ 0, in lator chapters we wil eer cepeatedl to the transformation of incremental legit of areas, ‘Therefore we summarize our resulis for later reference as follows in the set of Equations (2.30) “Transformation of incremental length la = Wea) “Transformation of incremental area AS, ~ AS dw dW = FG) Fle) dnd du dv = FG? de dy 2.309) Area bounded « fy [ita dx dy, 3, 28 —_Conermal tapping: Methods snd Appeations ‘ith Equations 2.19) and 220 providing ror 2300) 2, 2p a Gy Repeatedly we shall mske use of the seale or niagnification factor m. Tt was previously introduced in an implicit manner sroagh Equations (2.12), 2.28), and elsewhere: dwidx=ft); mimi M=ifm. — @.31) Jnoner i have a clearly defined one-to-one mapping we must re ony ere! poy cay pat ya Fe) 0 infty, because the inverts @.24) a8 well a= ry ia) would be neers "Also fires oe led pos. Tet ae points where w ‘An cxaple of axed plat ia =w = I for wc) This norto be conta wih an itoltaryransonmaton foe which w= Mag thesreform sf An xa Whee ich an {schange of w and 25 permis everywhere w= tr Doub od ruc garg one tron appiogs when he angular oon i going rote tow xceode Dy, Fox camp, et Unconider w= The wpper hal plane of shown in igure 25a is defined by nna) or <8,

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