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Human Rights

After the Second World War, and all happened whit the Holocaust, the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights, was created, by the United Nations General
Assembly, in 1948. It pretends to make sure that the people in the entire world are
going to respect the rights each other, kipping out the racism, religion, social status
and all this stereotypes that use to damage the people until the death.

Human rights are first able governed by the United Nations Security Council, and
there are several committees with responsibilities for safeguard different human
rights. Punishing every fault to the human dignity, it covers every continent.

But which is the real meaning of Human Rights:

“…There are those freedoms, powers, institutions, or basic possessions that

include any person, for the simple fact of being human…”

Thank to this lots of women nowadays can life without aggression as the same whit
many kids that now don´t suffer as before the used to make. And more than that
now the variety is not a cause to kill someone. We respect our neighbor. Still being
a lot of abuses but less than many years ago, which is a really great thing.

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