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FCHD 2400 C.

Beckert, PhD

Re: Theories and Names connected w/ Family Studies (Very brief and general statements)

Talcott Parsons = Structural Functionalism, homeostasis, strict roles and patterns,


Uri Bronfenbrenner = Ecological theory, the individual and his or her environment

Ivan Pavlow = Classical conditioning, salivating dogs

B. F. Skinner = Operant conditioning, learning theory, behaviorism

Albert Bandura = social learning theory, observational learning, person, behavior, environment

Jean Piaget = Cognitive development

Lawrence Kohlberg = Moral development, Cognitive learning

Lev Vygotshy = No stages, children learn through environmental interactions

Sigmund Freud = Psychosexual focus, stages and fixations

Anna Freud = Daughter, defense mechanisms, children and families

Alfred Adler = Individual psychology, family focus

Erik Erikson = Psychosocial development, gradual phases

Abraham Maslow = Hierarchy of needs

Sandra Bem = Sex role inventory

Virginia Satire = Conjoint family therapy, no “identified patient” (IP)

Troy Beckert = Cognitive Autonomy, ability to make and analyze decisions

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