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The commitment to excellence, quality and respect to the environment are fundamental
principles in all our activities. Namely, Adecua is focused on:

 Focus on creating value and economic growth avoiding costs derived from
defective works, delays and any activity that does not contribute to add value.
 Efficiency and excellence in management with the application of an integrated
system of management for economic, technical, environmental, and social
aspects: all those aspects who contribute to the sustainability. A system
oriented towards the constant improvement of our products and services, giving
priority to the planning and initial prevention to avoid problems.
 The consideration of the environmental aspects related to our activity, in all the
phases of the process to minimize the environmental impact and promote a
rational use of the natural resources.
 The follow-up and control of the processes and activities on the basis of
indicators, obtaining valuable information that helps to take actions to improve
our products, services and management processes.
 To meet the clients requirements to achieve their satisfaction, being capable of
meeting their needs and expectations, transmitting the sensation that more than
suppliers, we are collaborators and participants of a common project, acting at
all time with professionalism, ethics and transparency.
 Collaborate with suppliers, creating relations based on confidence, loyalty,
transparency, mutual respect and reciprocal contribution, promoting their
implication in environmental and quality aspects as well in reducing labor risks
in common processes.

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