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Non-specific response of the

body for any demands made
upon it
Emergency reaction of the
Wear and tear, our body
experiences as we adjust to
continuously changing

Chronic stress
Acute stress
Chronic stress is the response of the brain to
unpleasant events for a prolonged period over which an
individual perceives he or she has no control.
Acute stress reaction (also called acute stress disorder,
psychological shock, mental shock, or simply, shock) is a
psychological condition arising in response to a terrifying or
traumatic event.
The word distress has various meanings:-
Distress occurs when an individual cannot adapt to stress
Distress is a kind of suffering
Distress can also be termed as extreme anxiety ,pain or exhaustion
Stress need not be bad all the time. Sometimes, stress can be good
too. Eustress, a type of positive stress is actually good for your body.
It is basically a desirable form of stress which is healthful and gives a
feeling of contentment. It keeps you excited about life.
Mechanism of stress
Segregation of
adrenalin( hormone)
Slow digestion
Faster breathing
High heart beat
Increase in sweating
Tense muscle
Temporary weakness in
Different sources of stress
Stress management
Developing healthy self

Keeping our eyes on


Identifying all factors

producing stress
Stress management

Measuring the level of stress

Relaxation – 20 minutes a day
Yoga, exercise, entertainment
Thank you !

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