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(Department of Pel-sonnel and TI-;kinin&

. .
New Ddhi, the 16th Septenlber, 2005 .- -
G.S.R 336.-111 exercise of the powers conferred by clauses (b) and (c) ofsu~b-section(2) of Scction27 of tlle
Right to Iniormation Act, 2005 (22 0f2005), the Central Governnlent hereby lilakcs tllcfollowingnlles, naillely :-
1. Short title imd CommenCerncnt-41) These rules lllaybe called tlieRight ta InI~~mation
(Regulation ~ [ F e eand
Cost) Rules, 2005.
. . (2) Tliey sliall come
. I illto force on thc dale of tl~eirpublic;ition in ilic Oficinl Gaxcllc.

2. Definitions--In tlle rilles, ullless the contest othcnvise requires,-

(a) 'Act' nleans the Rigllt to Infomlation Act, '2005;
@) 'section' incalls sectid11 of the Act;
(c) ~ d in tlie Act sh~illI i : i \ ~the meanings
all other words and espressioils used herein but not definbd a ~ dcfincd \
assigned to them in the Act.
3. Arequest for obtaiilingiilforillalion under sub-section (1) of Sectio116 shull be accompan~edthya,lapplication
fee of rupees ten by way of against proper receipt or by demand drdt or bankers cllcquc payab!-. tc: rhe Accoullts
Officer of the public authority.
A. for providing the iilIormation under sub-sectiol; ( I ) or Scclio1l7, tlic fcc sllall bc cl~argedby n.ay of cash
against proper receipt or by demald draft or balkers cheque payable to tlle Accou~ltsOfficcr of the publ~cauthority at tlle
follo>viilgrates :-
(a) stqxes two for each pagc (in.A-4 or A-3 sizc paper) creatcd or copied:
6) actual charge or cost price of a copy in larger size p;lpcr:
(c) - actual cost or price for samples or models; and
(d) for ilisl~ectionofrccords, 110fec for tl~cfirst hour; 311d a fee of'rupccs l i ~ lor
c c;;c11fillcc~rrl~il~utes
(or fraclioli
thereof) Ulereafter.
1 5. For providing tlle infonilation under sub-section (jjofsectidn 7. tile fce shall be chargedby way ofcash
against proper receipt or by dellland draft or bankers cheque payable to tlic Accounts Orficcr or t!le public authority at tlie
following rates :-

(il) for idormation provided in diskette or floppy nlpces fifty pcr diskc[tc-orfloppy; and
for illforinntion provided in printcd form a! tllc prlcc fixed for SIICII pi1blic:i11011
or nlpces Iw'o per page 0 5
iI photocopy for extracts Iron1 the publication.
\ F.No. 3;012/S(S)/2005-E~tt.(B)]
HART KUMAR Director .

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