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The RH Bill will allow abortion.

How? The Catholic Church always taught that "Life begins at conception" i.e. upon the union of the
sperm and the egg. Population Control groups now insist that "life begins at implantation" giving them
the excuse to destroy the fertilized egg (3-5day old fetus/baby) before implantation... w/c is what most
contraceptive pills do. Some 15yrs. ago, oral contraceptive pills had 400 mcg. of ethinyl estradiol to
prevent ovulation (ovary's production of a mature ovum) but caused nausea, headaches, which made it
unpopular. They reduced ethinyl estradiol to less than 10% (30 mcg), to make it more popular. Oral
contraceptive pills today have reduced contents of ethinyl estradiol - allows ovulation (production of a
mature egg & the union of the sperm with the egg). BUT why won't you get pregnant? Oral
contraceptives now have an added chemical, levonorgestrel, that prevents implantation of the fertilized
egg ( 3-5day old fetus/baby). This causes early abortion.

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