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Lorin Woolley had instructed the Council of Friends that

none of them were to organize, colonize, or to hold regular
meetings.' He said that they were not to organize wards and
stakes, etc., 2 for this was the work of the One Mighty and
Strong, 3 Joseph Smith. 4 The only thing they were authorized to
do was to 'keep plural marriage alive,' 5 as JohnTaylor had a l s o
said.6 Recall that Plural Marriage is a "Law of the
Priesthood." 7

Lorin Woolley had warned the fundamentalist saints a g a i n s t

apostasy,8 but regardless of his warnings, signs of this
a p o s t a s y b e came evident before he died. John Y. Barlow, for
instance, was overly anxious to get the House of God set in order,
according to his own ideas on the matter. He oftentimes urged
Lorin Woolley on the matter, and couldn't see why they could not
begin organizing wards, stakes, etc. 9 Brother Woolley said to `him:

"John, that is neither your mission nor my mission. That

is the mission of the One Mighty and Strong. Our
mission is simply to keep plural
marriage alive.' (Journal Notes


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