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Statistics teams

The largest number of goals scored:

Germany with 16 goals
The largest number of goals in goal against:
North Korea with 12 goals
The largest number of goals scored from balls free:
South Korea with 5 goals
The largest number of shots:
Spain with 121 shots
The largest number of shots on goal:
Netherlands - Uruguay - Spain with 45 shots
The largest number of errors committed:
Netherlands 126 errors
Statistics teams
Best attack: Spain with 107 jobs
Best defense: Uruguay with 81 ball away
Most number of yellow cards: Netherlands with 22 card
Most number of red cards: two cards to Australia
The largest number of cases touching the ball:
Netherlands with 10 cases
The most successful number of passes:
Spain 3803 passes
The highest number of strikes corner:
Spain with 56 corner
Statistics Players
The highest number of goals:
David Villa, Spain (5 goals)
The largest number of successful shot
Spain's David Villa with 17 shots
Statistics Players
Missing the ball: Kenjson from Ghana 36 times
Best maker goals: Mold from Germany
Recovering the ball to his team:
Majid Bougara fom Algeria 10 times
Geting a yellow card:
Paraguayan Cáceres - 3 cards
Thank you!
Preprared by
Ahmed Abbas Abu-samara
Electrical engineer

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