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“Texas Ethics Commission P.O. Box 12070 ‘Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (612) 483-5800 __ 1-800-525-8506 PERSONAL FINANCIAL STATEMENT Form PFS COVER SHEET Filed in accordance with chapter §72 of the Government Code. " For flings required in 2010, covering calendar year ending December 31, 2009. == Use FORM PFS-INSTRUCTION GUIDE when completing this form, NAME: TERT 544 ‘OFFICE USE ONLY R- Dée OO. oe iorouiud: Us FFX RECEIVED Wong AeR 08 2010 a a ater $506 Coron Gled CovkT Sucse Law, 77474 TZ] ccueck ie ness Home aDoREss) TELEPHONE | >Re cone PONE WER STEEN NUMBER} (7B) 1d3- 7064 ‘+ REASON FORFILING | Cl canpiare Inoeare orice) ‘STATEMENT Di etecten oFFicer evocare orricey Soeronresomcen TEXAS Bones oF PRFEGONAL ENGIMEERE cy Dlexecurive Heap —— orcare score C1 FoRMER OF RETIRED JUDGE SITTING BY ASSIGNMENT nctea par CO sTATE PARTY CHAIR Clotner oscars PoSON 5 Family members whose fnancistactvty you are reporting (er must report Information about the fnanelal actly ofthe filers spouse or pendent chitren if the fer had actual Crsol over that acti): ‘SPOUSE DEPENDENT CHILD +. ee 3 = = In Parts 4 through 18, you will disclose your financial activity during the preceding calendar year. In Parts 1 through 14, you are Fequited to disclose not only your own financial activity, but also that of your spouse or a dependent child if you had actual control over that person's financial activity aul GOPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY p. ug ui-3. ‘Texas Ethics Commission P.0.B0x12070__ __Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (612) 463-8800_ 1-800-825-8506 1 norappucaste SOURCES OF OCCUPATIONAL INCOME Part 1A. When reporting information about a dependent child's activity, indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet. 2 INFORMATION RELATES TO DA rwer Ci seouse Ci oePeNpenr cHinD 2 EMPLOYMENT “ONC tone Pre Hone Aaeas) TeLunat— WONG EW SIN EES, We- Pl eurrovensvanomer | fo7/> S. SAW thaSten PY. w,, # 700 HouSTA, TR 7703 Ceo. Ciseur-emptoveo NATUREOF OCCUPATION INFORMATION RELATES TO " Cruer Ci spouse Ci vePeNvenr cH EMPLOYMENT EY (heat ar ame Aes) CI EMPLOYED BY ANOTHER eye suse or oecrrion INFORMATION RELATES TO Orwer CO spouse (CO DEPENDENT CHILD EMPLOYMENT Cl ewptoven ey aNoTHER Cl stir emptoveo NOSE neck Fre ome Alsen) COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY ‘Texas Ethics Commission P.0..Box 12070 Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (512)463-5800__ 1-800-325-8506 RETAINERS. part 1B B sorarrucase This section concerns fees received as a retainer by you, your spouse, or a dependent child (or by a businessiin which you, your spouse, or a dependent child have a "substantial interest’) fora claim on future services in case of need, rather than for services on a matter specified at the ime of contracting for or receiving the fee. Report information here only ifthe value of the work actually performed during the calendar year did not equal or exceed the value ofthe retainer. For more information, ‘see FORM PFS--INSTRUCTION GUIDE, When reporting information about a dependent child's activity, indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet. 1 FEE RECEIVED FROM FEE RECEIVED BY Orwer OR FILER'S BUSINESS O spouse (OR SPOUSE'S BUSINESS, CD pepenvent cio OR CHILD'S BUSINESS 3 FEE AMOUNT Cites tHawss.000 [1 $5,000-s8,999 1] s10.000-824.000 1 $25,000-0R MORE FEE RECEIVED FROM FEE RECEIVED BY Orwer OR FILER'S BUSINESS Cl spouse (Or Beles pac Ci pePenvenr cro. (OR CHILD'S BUSINESS FS Mount, Ces rHaN $5,000) $5,000-s9.999 1] s10.000-s24,908 1] $25,000-0R MORE COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY - ea ‘Texas Ethics Commission P.O. Box 12070 STOCK CO noraprucaate Austin, Texas 78711-2070 ___(612) 463-5800_ 1-800-825-8606 PART 2. INSTRUCTION GUIDE. List each business entity in which you, your spouse, or a dependent child held or acquired stock during the calendar year and indicate the category of the number of shares held or acquired. If some or all of the stock was sold, also indicate the category of the amount of the net gain or loss realized from the sale. For more information, soe FORM PFS— When reporting information about a dependent child's activity, indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet. T BUSINESS ENTITY VARIOUS InTERMET STOCKS 2 STOCK HELD OR ACQUIRED BY Orwer Cisrouse CI] bePENDENT CHILD 3 NUMBER OF SHARES JE Less Than 100 1 5000 70 9960 Diooto«e —Chsootoes 100010 4009 1D 10,0000R MORE 4 1F SOLD Bren can | PSLess Tuan ss000 1 $5.000-89.909 1 s10.000-s24.909 1 $26,000-o8 MORE. Cnertoss BUSINESS ENTITY ae "STOCK HELD OR ACQUIRED BY | CI Fier Cisrouse CI bePENDeNT CHILD NUMBER OF SHARES Clues tHant0a Cl o0To« Clsootosse C1 1000 To 40m C1sp00T0 9999 1) 19900 oR more F SOLD ner can | 7) cess tran ss.000 (2 $8,000-89,989 1) s10,000-824.089 1] s25,00-0F MORE Oneross BUSINESS ENTITY se STOCK HELD ORACQUIRED BY |Tirier Cisrouse CI] dePenpenr cHito NUMBER OF SHARES Tlussstian 100 — Cliooto« — Csvotow Cliooro«oe C1 so00 709990 C1 10900 0R MoRE : (SOLD Chnercan | Chess Tran ssco0 C1 s5000-s0e09 Cl sto000-s2«e0 1 $25 000-0R MORE OnerLoss BUSINESS ENTITY 7 ‘STOGKHELD OR ACQUIRED BY | Crier Ciseouse_ Dloerenpenr ono NUMBER OF SHARES Cltesstuant00 —Cli0t049 — Cscotows 100 10 4900 | 21500070 9.960 £19000 0R MoRE IF SOLD Ciner can | 7) tess rHanss.000 1 s5.000-s0,609 C1 s10,000-24009 7] $25,000-OR MORE Onerioss BUSINESS ENTITY oo ‘STOCK HELD OR ACQUIRED BY | C) rier Cisrouse ~~ Clperenpenr cop — NUMBER OF SHARES ~ |Cuesstaav100 Clioov0499 Clsvotoae CI xan To sem Cso00 T0909 C1 10000 oR MoRE IF SOLD wercan | C}cess Tuan ss.000 C1 $5000-89909 C] s10.000-$24.000 ] $25,000-0R MORE. COnervoss [__ cy an ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY “Texas Ethics Commission P.0.Box12070___Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (612) 463-6800 _ 1-800-325-8506 BONDS, NOTES & OTHER COMMERCIAL PAPER PART 3. Il notappucasie List all bonds, notes, and other commercial paper held or acquired by you, your spouse, or a dependent child during the calendar year. If sold, indicate the category of the amount of the net gain or loss realized from the sale. For more information, soe FORM PFS~INSTRUCTION GUIDE. When reporting information about a dependent child's activity, indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet. 7 DESCRIPTION OF INSTRUMENT 2 HELD OR ACQUIRED BY Crer Ci spouse (Ci DEPENDENT CHILD 3 IF SOLD Onerean C1tess THaN $5,000 C1 $5.9000-s0,909 C] $10,000-$24,009 C) $25,000-OR MORE. Onertoss DESCRIPTION OF INSTRUMENT HELD OR ACQUIRED BY Crier CO spouse C1 vePeNDENT CHILD IF SOLD Oneroan Dtess tHaw $5,000 C2 $5.000-s0.902 C1] $10.000-$24909 1) $25.000-0R MORE Oinertoss DESCRIPTION OF INSTRUMENT HELD OR ACQUIRED BY Cruer CO spouse (Dl vePeNDENT CHILO | IF SOLD ner can tess THaw $5,000 C1 s5000-s0.999 C] s10.000-$24009 [1] $25.000-0R MORE Onertoss COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY Texas Ethics Commission P.0..Box 12070 ‘Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (612) 468-5800 _ 1-800-325-8506 MUTUAL FUNDS PART 4 1A noraPeLcaBLe List each mutual fund and the numberof shares in hat mutual fund that you, your spouse, or a dependent child held or ‘quired during the calendar year and indicate the category of he numberof shares ofmtual funds held or accuied, if some allofne shares of mutual fund were sol, also ncaa the category ofthe amount of the net gan orloss realized from the sale. For more information, see FORM PFS--INSTRUCTION GUIDE. When reporting information about a dependent child's activity, indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet. + MUTUALFUND wae ; - na Don aeaanen eve Orucr Cisrouse — C]oerenoenr cio - 3 NUMBER OF SHARES CLESS THAN 100 1 100 To 429, 500 To 999 O 1.000 To 4,999 (OF MUTUAL FUND C1 5,000 To 9,999 1 10,000 or MoRE 4 "FsoLp Oweroan 1 5 cess Tuan $6000 ]$5.000-80.900 [1] sio000-s24,000 |] $25,000-0R MORE Dnertoss MUTUAL FUND vee ‘SHARES OF MUTUAL FUND ELD ORAEEURED EYE Corner Ciseouse C1 oe enpenr cH. NUMBER OF SHARES: CILESs THAN 100 1 100 To 499° 1 500 To 999 1 1.000 To 4,999 OF MUTUAL FUND 1 5,000 To 9,999 C2 10,000 oR MORE IF SOLD CINETGAIN | Fy Less THaN $5,000] $5,000-$9.900 ] st0000-24900 -] $25.000-0n MORE Cinertoss MUTUAL FUND ae SHARES OF MUTUAL FUND REI ORASOURED EYE Orner Ciseouse 1] oePeNvenr cnt NUMBER OF SHARES CliesstHan 100 © CJ 100 To4es = C500 T0999 ©) 1,000 To 4909 OF MUTUAL FUND 1 5.000 To 9,999 7 10,000 oR MORE SOLD 7 Onercan | Less Tran ss.000 (]ss000-s0900 [1] s10000-824,509 [[] $25,000-OR MORE Ci ner Loss ‘COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY ‘Texas Ethics Commission P.O. Box 12070 Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (612)463-5800__ 1-800-325-8506 1 norareticaste INCOME FROM INTEREST, DIVIDENDS, ROYALTIES &RENTS part 5 List each source of income you, your spouse, or @ dependent child received in excess of $500 that was derived from interest, dividends, royalties, and rents during the calendar year and indicate the category of the amount ofthe income. For more information, see FORM PFS-INSTRUCTION GUIDE. When reporting information about a dependent child's activity, indicate the child about whom you ate reporting by providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet. 1 ‘SOURCE OF INCOME CHASE BAK OA) C-D. ? RECEIVED BY ‘SOURCE OF INCOME Brier Lisrouse Di vePenoenr cHiLo 3 fesschadl TR s800-s4.990 1 s5.000-s5,900 C1 s10,000-s2.009 C1 s25.000-08 MORE BAnk oF ARIK OW 6.0. RECEIVED BY FILER Ci spouse Cl oePenoent chit _ ee | oo Bisso0-s6909 C1 s.00-80999 C1 si000-s24000 C1] s25.000-08 MORE SOURCE OF INCOME RECEIVED BY Crner Ci spouse Ci berenenr cuit cua 1 s800-s4.998 1 s5.000-s0.900 C1 sto000-s24000 1 25,000-0n MORE ‘COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY “Texas Ethies Commission P.O. Box 12070 ‘Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (612)463-5800__ 1-800-525-8508 PERSONAL NOTES AND LEASE AGREEMENTS PART 6 NOTAPPLCABLE Identify each guarantor of a loan and each person or financial institution to whom you, your spouse, or a dependent child had a total financial liability of more than $1,000 in the form of a personal note or notes or lease ‘agreement at any time during the calendar year and indicate the category of the amount ofthe liability. For more informa- tion, see FORM PFS-INSTRUCTION GUIDE. When reporting information about a dependent child's activity, indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child is isted on the Cover Sheet. 7 PERSON OR INSTITUTION HOLDING NOTE OR LEASE AGREEMENT LIABILITY OF Orer Ci spouse (Ol vePeNpent cH —__ GUARANTOR ‘AMOUNT Cs1000-s4900 C1) s5,000-$9.900 CL] s10,000-$24,900 1] $25,000-0R MORE PERSON OR INSTITUTION HOLDING NOTE OR LEASE AGREEMENT LIABILITY OF Orwer CO seouse CI DEPENDENT CHILD GUARANTOR AMOUNT 1 s1.000-84999 1 s5,000-$0.999 C1 s10.000-s24,909 1] $25,000-0R MORE PERSON OR INSTITUTION HOLDING NOTE OR LEASE AGREEMENT LIABILITY OF Oruer CO spouse CI Der eNbeNT CHILD GUARANTOR ‘AMOUNT Cis1,000-s4.982 C1 $s,000-s9.999 C1 s10.000-s24,9e9 1 $25,000-0R MORE. copy AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY ‘Texas Ethics Commission ___P.0. Box 12070 Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (612)463-5800_ 1-800-325-8506 INTERESTS IN REAL PROPERTY PART 7A noraprucaBte: Describe all beneficial interests in real property held or acquired by you, your spouse, or a dependent child during the calendar year. Ifthe interest was sold, also indicate the category of the amount ofthe net gain or loss realized from the sale, For an explanation of "beneficial interest" and other specific directions for completing this section, see FORM PF: INSTRUCTION GUIDE. ‘When reporting information about a dependent childs activity, indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child s isted on the Cover Sheet, " HELD OR ACQUIRED BY Bruen Cisrouse Ci berenoenrcHito 2 STREETADDRESS [STREET ASORESE NGLUDNEG CF, COUNTY, AIO STATE - Ci woranane (Ro S. Ska Holst! PREEMET WEST Di check it FiteR's HoMe aDoREss 3 DESCRIPTION Glio HaeeS Coun Orcas * NAMES OF PERSONS RETAINING AN INTEREST Di norapeucasie (SEVERED MINERALINTEREST) * IFsoLD (Kneroan Cluesstmanssoc0 8.85.000-s8,009 C) s10.000-§24.999 1 s25000-oR MORE Cinertoss HELD OR ACQUIRED BY OFier Uspouse (CDEP ENDENT CHILD STEenDRESS ‘BREET ASORESS NELUONS GT, COTY OTA Co noravanaste i cHeck iF FLeR's HOME ADDRESS DESCRIPTION Dus CO) Acres NAMES OF PERSONS RETAINING AN INTEREST Di norarpucasie (SEVERED MINERAL INTEREST) IF SOLD ner can Tess Tuan $5,000] $6,000-$8,988 [1] $10,000-$24,909 1] s25,000-0R MORE Cinertoss COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY ‘Texas Ethics Commission P.O. Box 12070 Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (612) 463-5800 _ 1-800-325-8506 INTERESTS IN BUSINESS ENTITIES Part 7B i norappucante Describe all beneficial interests in business entities held or acquired by you, your spouse, or a dependent child during the calendar year. Ifthe interest was sold, also indicate the category of the amount ofthe net gain or loss realized from the sale For an explanation of "beneficial interest" and other specific directions for completing this section, see FORM PF: INSTRUCTION GUIDE. ‘When reporting information about a dependent child's activity, indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet, 7 HELD OR ACQUIRED BY Alrwer Cispouse Ci bePeNpeNT CHILD —__ 2 ~~ NAME AND ADDRESS DESCRIPTION Cea Pes ome atin DANIEL Govnw ok Qrel VALDEMoRILLo DRWE Corps cHesti , B78 YY * IF SOLD Fa nercan Ci tess tran $5,000 £1 s5.000-s9,909 C] $10,000-s24900 C1] $26,000-0R MORE CNet toss HELD OR ACQUIRED BY Orer CO. spouse CA DEPENDENT CHILD DESCRIPTION (Choe a ome sain iF SOLD ner enn Ces THAN $5,000 [1 s5,000-$5.909 1] $10,000-s24,909 [1] $25,000-0R MORE: Cner Loss -_ 1 HELD OR ACQUIRED BY Crier OC spouse (CO DEPENDENT CHILD DESCRIPTION Ceowe Pf toe ates IF SOLD ner can CiLess tHan $5,000 1 $5,000-$9.909 [1] $10,000-$24,909 [1] $25,000-08 MORE ner Loss COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY Texas Ethics Commission __P.0. 8x 12070 Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (512) 463-5800 _ 1-800-825-8506 GIFTS ParT 8 1 norarrucaace Identify any person or organization that has given a git worth more than 825010 you, your spouse, ora dependent child, and describe the git. The description of agit ofcash ora cash equivalent, such as @ negotiable instrument or gif certificate, must include a statement ofthe value ofthe gift. Do not include: 1) expenditures required tobe reported by a person required to be registered as a lobbyist under chapter 305 of the Government Code; 2) poltical contributions reported as required by law; or 3) gits given by a person related tothe recipient within the second degree by consanguinity orafnity. For more information, ‘500 FORM PFS-INSTRUCTION GUIDE When reporting information about a dependent child's activity, indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet. 7 DONOR RECIPIENT Cruer Ci spouse (i vePenpenr CHILD DESCRIPTION OF GIFT DONOR RECIPIENT Orner Ci srouse (J vePenvenr cHi.o DESCRIPTION OF GIFT DONOR RECIPIENT Orwer Ci srouse (1 bePeNDENT CHILD DESCRIPTION OF GIFT COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY ‘Texas Ethics Commission P.0.Box 12070 Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (612) 463-8800 _ 1-800-325-8508 TRUST INCOME Protec PART 9 providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet. Identity each source of income received by you, your spouse, ora dependent child as beneficiary of a trust and indicate the category of the amount of income received. Also identify each asset of the trust from which the beneficiary received more than $500 in income, if the identity of the asset is known. For more information, soe FORM PFS—INSTRUCTION GUIDE, When reporting information about a dependent child's activity, indicate the child about whom you are reporting by " source BENEFICIARY Cree CO srouse Ci oePenoent crit cca Cites THan $5,000 C] $5,000-$9.908 CZ s10.000-824,009 | C] $25,000-0R MORE ASSETS FROM WHICH OVER $500 WAS RECEIVED unknown SOURCE BENEFICIARY Ciruer Ci srouse (i vePeNDENT CHILD oe (CD Less THAN $5,000 C1] $5,000-s9,999 1 s10,000-s24.999 [1] $25,000.08 MORE ASSETS FROM WHICH OVER $500 WAS RECEIVED Cl uneown OVER $500 WAS RECEIVED Dunmow SOURCE BENEFICIARY Orner Ci seouse CpePenvenr crit Glee Cites THaN $6,000 £1 $5,000-$9.999 J s10,000-$24,999 1] $25,000-0f MORE ASSETS FROM WHICH COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY ‘Texas Ethies Commission P.0.B0x12070__Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (612)463-5800__ 1-800-325-8506 BLIND TRUSTS PART 10A, Pl norarPucasie Identity each blind trust that complies with section 572.023(c) of the Government Code. See FORM PFS~INSTRUCTION GUIDE. ‘When reporting information about a dependent child's activity, indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the childis listed on the Cover Sheet, 1 NAME OF TRUST 2 TAME AND RODRESS ‘TRUSTEE, 3 BENEFICIARY Orwer Ci srouse Ol verenvenr cuito 4 FAIR MARKET VALUE Ces Tuan $5,000 (1) $6,000-$9.909 1] s10,000-s24.s09 [] $25,000-0R MoRE ® DATECREATED NAME OF TRUST — Tae ome BENEFICIARY OFter O spouse (1 DEPENDENT CHILD FAIR MARKET VALUE C1tess THAN $5,000) $6,000-s9,999 [1] 10,000-$24.999 [1] $25,000-OR MORE DATE CREATED NAME OF TRUST | TRUSTe Ta ORS BENEFICIARY Crner CO spouse DEPENDENT CHILD FAIR MARKET VALUE Ciess Tian $5,000 C1) $6,000-89.999 1] $10,000-s24,000 [1] $25,000-OR MORE J = DATE CREATED COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY Texas Ethics Commission P.0.Box 12070 Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (612)463-8800 _ 1-800-925-8506 TRUSTEE STATEMENT PaRT 10B (ZLNOTAPPLICABLE ‘An individual who is required to identify a blind trust on Part 10A of the Personal Financial Statement must submit a statement signed by the trustee of each biind trust listed on Part 10A. The portions of section 572.023 of the Government Code that relate to blind trusts are listed below. 1 NAME OF TRUST 2 TRUSTEE NAME 3 FILER ON WHOSE cA BEHALF STATEMENT IS BEING FILED 4 TRUSTEE STATEMENT | affirm, under penalty of perjury, that | have not revealed any information to the beneficiary of this trust excopt information that may be disclosed under section §72.023 (b)(8) of the Government Code and that to the best of my knowledge, the trust complies with section 572.023 of the Government Code, Trustee Signature § 572.023. Contents of Financial Statement in General (b) The account of financial activity consists of: (® identification ofthe source and the category of the amount of all income received as beneficiary of trust, other than a blind trust that complies with Subsection (c), and identification of each trust asset, i known to the beneficiary, from which income was received by the beneficiary in excess of $500; (14) identification of each blind trust that complies with Subsection (c), including: (A) the category ofthe fair market value ofthe trust; (8) the date the trust was created; (C)the name and address of the trustee; and (D)a statement signed by the trustee, under penalty of perjury, stating that (the trustee has not revealed any information tothe individual, except information that may be disclosed Under Subdivision 8); and (i) to the best ofthe trustee's knowledge, the trust complies with this section (©) For purposes of Subsections (b)(8) and (14), a blind trusts a trust as to which: (4) the trustee: (A)is a disinterested party; (B)is not the individual; (C)is not required to register as a lobbyist under Chapter 305; (D)is nota public officer or public employee; and (€)was not appointed to public ofice by the individual or by a public officer or public employee the individual supervises; and (2) the trustee has complete discretion to manage the trust, including the power to dispose of and acquire trust assets without consulting or notifying the individual (@ Ifa blind trust under Subsection c) is revoked while the individual is subject to this subchapter, the individual must fie an ‘amendment tothe individual's most recent financial statement, disclosing the date of revocation and the previously unreported | value by category of each asset and the income derived from each asset. “Texas Ethics Commission P.O. Box 12070 Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (612) 463-6800 _ 1-800-325-8506 ASSETS OF BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS PaRT 11A (Oy noraprucaate Describe all assets of each corporation, firm, partnership, limited partnership, limited liability partnership, professional corporation, professional association, joint venture, or other business association in which you, your spouse, or a depen- dent child held, acquired, or sold 50 percent or more of the outstanding ownership and indicate the category of the amount ofthe assets. For more information, see FORM PFS--INSTRUCTION GUIDE. ‘When reporting information about a dependent child's activity, indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the childis listed on the Cover Sheet. * BUSINESS Co tcreck i Fees Home Across) ae oLundt- Won EEINEERS EWC. 2 BUSINESS TYPE a4 ¥ HELD, ACQUIRED, OREOLD EY) Arner D spouse Cl berenvenr cup * Assets eee caTECoRY Ces ran 5.000 C1 $5,000-s9.909 Pho Fessional F (RM Cist0.000-s24.988 ('s25,000-0R woRE Cites THan $5,000 C1 $5,000-s9.900 O)s10,000-s24,0e8 [1] $28,000-0R MORE Ces Tuan $5,000 1 $5,000-s0.909 Cist0.000-s2488 C] s25,000-0R MORE tess THan $5,000 C1 $5,000-s9.990 Citess Tan $5,000 C1 s5,000-$9,900 s10,000-$24,900 C] $25,000-0R MORE Citess tan $5,000 [1] s5,000-$8.998, C1 s10.000-$24.090 C1 s25,000-0n MORE Dtess THAN $5,000 T) $5,000-$9,998 Cist0.000-s24989 1 s25,000-0n WORE Tess Than $5,000 C1 $5,000-s9.900 T | | \ I | | | | | | | | i \ | Clstoom-sarse0 C1 s2s000-o8 wore | | | | | | | | i i | | \ i i | | C1 810.000.624.999] $25,000-OR MORE COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY ‘Texas Ethics Commission P.O. Box 12070 ‘Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (612)463-5800__ 1-800-325-8506 Rl norserucenie LIABILITIES OF BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS part 11B Describe all labilies of each corporation, firm, partnership, limited partnership, limited liabilty partnership, professional corporation, professional association, joint venture, or other business association in which you, your spouse, or a depen- dent child held, acquired, or sold 60 percent or more of the outstanding ownership and indicate the category of the amount ofthe assets. For more information, see FORM PFS-INSTRUCTION GUIDE, When reporting information about a dependent chilo’s activity, indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet. * BUSINESS ASSOCIATION Di ccneats Pers Hone Aas) ? BUSINESS TYPE 3 HELD,ACQUIRED, OR SOLD BY Orter Cisrouse Ci bePeNbenr CHILD * UaBILITIES Ces THan $5,000 D1 s10,000-s24,098 Ces THaw 88,000 D s10,000-$24,999 Ctess THaw $5,000 1 st0.000-s24,999, Cl Less THaN $5,000 1 s10,000-24,998 (C1 Less THAN $5,000 a '$10,000-$24,999 Hess THan $5,000 1D sto.00-s24,009 C1 ess THAN $5,000 O s10,000-¢24,999 C1LEss THAN $5,000 T | | | | | | | | | i | I | | | | | 1 1 1 1 1 1 ! | | ! | | | | | J. Ci s10.000-s24,988 1 s5,000-33,909 01 825,000-0R MORE Ci s5,000-3,009 1 s25,000-0R MORE 1 s5,.000-s2.009 1 s25;000-0R MORE i s5.000-$3,908 C1 s25,000-0F MORE 1 85.00.3909 1 s25,000-oF wore 1 s5,000-39,000 1 s2s.000-0F MoRE i s5,000-$9,009 01 825,000.08 MORE Ti sscce-sa999 | CIs2sn00-o8 more | COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY ‘Texas Ethics Commission P.O. Box 12070 Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (612)463-5800__ 1-800-325-8506 BOARDS AND EXECUTIVE POSITIONS PART 12 0 norappucaste List all boards of directors of which you, your spouse, or a dependent child are a member and all executive positions you, your spouse, or a dependent child hold in corporations, firms, partnerships, limited partnerships, limited labilty partner- Ships, professional corporations, professional associations, joint ventures, other business associations, or proprietorships, stating the name of the organization and the position held. For more information, see FORM PFS-INSTRUCTION GUIDE, When reporting information about a dependent child's activity, indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the childs listed on the Cover Sheet. * ORGANIZATION FORT Sev Economie DELP MW] Gund * POSITION HELD TRostee * position HELD BY Grier D srouse Cl epenent cHito ORGANIZATION Get Bene Cee oF Guneh cE POSITION HELD Bore weer POSITION HELD BY rer Ci spouse (CI DEPENDENT CHILD i ORGANIZATION SUGAR LA HEMTAGE fMYATION POSITION HELD Poxeo ueMBer_ - od POSITION HELD BY rue Ci spouse Ci berenoenr cto ORGANIZATION POSITION HELD POSITION HELD BY Crier CO spouse Ci vePeNDeNT cHLo ORGANIZATION POSITION HELD POSITION HELD BY Cruse Ci spouse Cl verenoenr crit —__ COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY ‘Texas Ethics Commission P.O. Box 12070 Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (612/463-5800 _ 1-800-325-8508, EXPENSES ACCEPTED UNDER HONORARIUM EXCEPTION PART 13 fu NOTAPPLICABLE Identify any person who provided you with necessary transportation, meals, or lodging, as permitted under section 36.07(b) ‘of the Penal Code, in connection with a conference or similar event in which you rendered services, such as addressing an ‘audience or participating in a seminar, that were more than perfunctory. Also provide the amount of the expenditures on transportation, meals, orlodging. You are not required to include items you have already reported as political contributions ‘on a campaign finance report, or expenditures required to be reported by a lobbyist under the lobby law (chapter 305 of the Government Code). For more information, see FORM PFS—INSTRUCTION GUIDE. * PROVIDER " ? AMOUNT PROVIDER ‘AMOUNT PROVIDER ‘AMOUNT PROVIDER AMOUNT COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY ‘Texas Ethics Commission [Brorvervcse ___P.0.80x 12070 Austin, Texas 78711-2070 INTEREST IN BUSINESS IN COMMON WITH LOBBYIST (512) 483-5800, 1-800-325-8508 PART 14 Identify each corporation, frm, partnership, limited partnership, limited liability partnership, professional corporation, profes- sional association, joint venture, or other business association, other than a publicly-held corporation, in which you, your spouse, or a dependent child, and a person registered as a lobbyist under chapter 305 of the Government Code that both have an interest, For more information, soe FORM PFS~INSTRUCTION GUIDE. * BUSINESS ENTITY 2 INTERESTHELD BY Orter Clsrouse 1 bePenbenr cio BUSINESS ENTITY MENON INTERESTHELD BY Orter Disrouse ve envent cet BUSINESS ENTITY a INTEREST HELD BY Oruer Cispouse 1 DEPENDENT CHILD BUSINESS ENTITY Phe INTERESTHELD BY Orner Cisrouse Cl bePenvenr chit BUSINESS ENTITY ne) INTEREST HELD BY Orwer Ciseouse C1) vePennent cro _ COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY ‘Texas Ethics Commission P.0..Box 12070 ‘Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (612) 463-6800 _ 1-800-325-8506 FEES RECEIVED FOR SERVICES RENDERED part 15 TO ALOBBYIST OR LOBBYIST'S EMPLOYER sLLnoraPpucas.e Report any fee you received for providing services to or on behalf of a person required to be registered as a lobbyist under chapter 305 of the Government Code, or for providing services to or on behalf ofa person you actually know directly compen- sates or reimburses a person required to be registered as a lobbyist. Report the name of each person or entity for which the services were provided, and indicate the category of the amount of each fee. For more information, see FORM PFS— INSTRUCTION GUIDE. * PERSON OR ENTITY FOR WHOM SERVICES WERE PROVIDED 2 eee Ctess Tran $5,000 1 s5,000-89.909 1] $10,000-$24.900 1] s26,000-oR MORE PERSON OR ENTITY FOR WHOM SERVICES WERE PROVIDED FEE CATEGORY Ctess THAN $5,000 1 s5,000-$9,909 7] $10,000-s24,900 1 $25,000-0R MORE PERSON OR ENTITY FOR WHOM SERVICES WERE PROVIDED pe celecory, tess THaN $5,000 C1] s5}900-s0.999 C1 $10.000-s24,909 7] $25,000-08 MORE: PERSON OR ENTITY FOR WHOM SERVICES WERE PROVIDED FEE CATEGORY tess THan 5000] s5000-so.s60 (I sto,con-s24se0 [1 $26,000-OF MORE: PERSON OR ENTITY FOR WHOM SERVICES WERE PROVIDED eee Des Tuan $5,000) $5,000-$9.999 1] s10,000-s24099 [1] $25,000-0R MORE PERSON OR ENTITY FOR WHOM SERVICES WERE PROVIDED eee Tess THaN $5,000 C1) $5.000-$0.990 C1 $10.000-824,969 [7] $25,000-0F MORE COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY “Texas Ethics Commission P.O. Box 12070 ‘Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (612) 463-5800 _ 1-800-325-8506 REPRESENTATION BY LEGISLATOR BEFORE PART 16 | STATE AGENCY Kiscrenucone This section applies only to members of the Texas Legislature. Amember of the Texas Legislature who represents a person for compensation before a state agency in the executive branch must provide the name of the agency, the name of the person represented, and the category of the amount of the fee received for the representation. For more information, see FORM PFS-INSTRUCTION GUIDE, Note: Beginning September 1, 2003, legislators may not, for compensation, represent another person before a state agency in the executive branch. The prohibition does not apply if: (1) the representation is pursuant to an attorney/client relationship ina criminal law matter, (2) the representation involves the fling of documents that involve only ministerial acts ‘on the part of the agency; or (3) the representation is in regard to a matter for which the legislator was hired before ‘September 1, 2003, u STATE AGENCY 2 PERSON REPRESENTED 3 oe cee Lites Tuan $5,000 (1 $5,000-$9.999 1] s10,000-$24,000 [1] $25,000-0R MORE ‘STATE AGENCY PERSON REPRESENTED FEE CATEGORY Tess tian $5,000 (1 $5.000-s5.999 C1] $10.000-824,900 1 $25,000-0F MORE STATE AGENCY PERSON REPRESENTED ee CoteCOrny, Tess THaN $5,000 C1 $5.000-$9.999 C] $10.000-$24.069 |] $25,000-0F MORE: STATE AGENCY PERSON REPRESENTED ee Ctess Tran $5,000 2 ss.000-89.999 1] s10,000-$24.000 C1 $25,000-0R MORE COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY “Texas Ethics Commission P.O. Box 12070 Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (512)463-5800_ 1-800-325-8506 BENEFITS DERIVED FROM FUNCTIONS HONORING part 17 PUBLIC SERVANT [Alsotveeucanie Section 36.10 of the Penal Code provides that the gift prohibitions set outin section 36.08 of the Penal Code do not apply to benef derived from a function in honor or appreciation of a public servant required o flea statement under chapter 572 ofthe Government Code or tite 15 ofthe Election Code if the benefit and the source of any benefit over $50 in value are: 1) reported inthe statement and 2) the benefits used solely to defray expenses that accrue inthe performance of duties or activities in connection with the office which are nonreimbursable by the state ora political subdivision. If such a beneftis received andi not reported by the public servant under ite 15 ofthe Election Code, the beneftis reportable here, For more information, see FORM PFS-INSTRUCTION GUIDE. ' SOURCE OF BENEFIT 2 BENEFIT SOURCE OF BENEFIT BENEFIT ‘SOURCE OF BENEFIT BENEFIT ‘SOURCE OF BENEFIT BENEFIT COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY “Texas Ethics Commission P.0..Box 12070 LEGISLATIVE CONTINUANCES Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (612) 463-5800 1-200-026-8506, PART 18 Axvorsreucasie Identity any legislative continuance that you have applied for or obtained under section 30,003 of the Civil Practice ‘and Remedies Code, or under another law or rule that requires or permits a court to grant continuances on the ‘grounds that an attomey for a party is a member or member-elect ofthe legislature NAME OF PARTY REPRESENTED DATERETAINED STYLE, CAUSE NUMBER, COURT & JURISDICTION DATE OF CONTINUANCE APPLICATION WAS CONTINUANCE GRANTED? Oves NAME OF PARTY REPRESENTED DATE RETAINED STYLE, CAUSE NUMBER, COURT, & JURISDICTION DATE OF CONTINUANCE APPLICATION WAS CONTINUANCE GRANTED? Oves COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY “Texas Ethice Commission .0.B0x12070__ PERSONAL FINANCIAL STATEMENT AFFIDAVIT _Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (512)483-5800_ 1-800-325-8506 ‘The aw requires the personal financial statement to be verified. The verification page must have the signature of the individual required to fle the personal financial statement, as well as the signature and stamp or seal of office of a notary public or other person authorized by law to administer oaths and affirmations, Without proper verification, the statement is not considered filed | swear, or affirm, under penalty of perjury, that this financial statement covers calendar year ending December 31, 2009, and is true and correct {nd includes all information required to be reported by me under chapter 572 of the Government Code. “on Broun je of 7 ry Publ, State of Texas ‘My Commission Epes Morch 09, 2012 /AFFIX NOTARY STAMP / SEAL ABOVE wom o and subectes tao me, ty te sna Danis! lon foe out Agni l 20 £0 _ . to certify which, witness my i and seal of office. Sionatre of ocr ediistng ca Pont nme of fcr aministng oat Tie of eticersdmitelog oh

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