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Texas Ethics Commission 0.80% 12070 __Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (612) 463-5800 __ 1-800-325-8508 PERSONAL FINANCIAL STATEMENT Form PFS COVER SHEET Filed in accordance with chapter $72 of the Government Code. For flings required in 2010, covering calendar year ending December 31, 2009.” Use FORM PFS-INSTRUCTION GUIDE when completing this form. 1 NAME TLE: FIRST, ie ose P"RECEIVED Mallee FEB 06 2010 ADDRESS | Hats mom OTERO Wa HO Texas Ethie comin Houston, TX 77019 encour mrs we ose 2s ol 3 TELEPHONE | *Pe4 cove "PHONE MUMBER, EXTENSION ROCESSED. FEB 09 2010 NUMBER [C73 ) s2ossi paste [Reason FOR FILING | D)canoipaTe a NDCATE OFFICE! ‘STATEMENT Judge, 263d District Court inoeate Orne) LECTED OFFICER Dlarponren oFricer — nica acener Dexecunive Heao nica acenery (C1 Former on RETIRED JUDGE SITTING BY ASSIGNMENT Osstate party cHair “ONDICATE PARTY Dorner csoenre pesmi Family members whose financial acivty you are reporting (Sler must report information about te Franclal activity ofthe fler's spouse oF lopendent cidten fhe fe had actual corvol over that act spouse HOlapplicable DEPENDENT CHILD 1 2 3 In Parts + through 18, you will dsciose your fnancial activity during the preceding calendar year. in Parts 1 through 14, you are ‘equited to dsciose not only your own financial activity, but alsa thal of yaur spouse or a dependent child if you had actual contr ‘over that person's nancial actly Be COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY ReAyAny “Texas ethics Commission P.0..80x 12070 | stock | Dnotappucaste ‘Austin, Texae 78711-2070 (612) 463-5800 __ 1-800-926-8508 PART 2 INSTRUCTION GUIDE, Uist each business eniyn which you, your spouse, ora dependent chia eld or acquired stock during the calendar yedt and indicate the category ofthe nurberof shares held or acquired! some or ll ofthe stock was sola also indeae te category ofthe amount of tne net gain o loss realized trom the sale. | When reporting information about a dependent child's activity indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet. For more information, see FORM PFS— T BUSINESS ENTITY JP Morgan-Chase 2 STOCK HELD OR ACQUIRED BY FILER Cisrouse _ Jozrennenr crit 3 NUMBER OF SHARES Dhtess THaw 100 Bs.000 10 9.000 Tltor0«50 Cisootosse (dyixooto aes Dir2.500 or Mose OD s.000 70 9,998 4 1F SOLD Der can CDtess tHan'ss.000 (1) $5.000-s9.999 [2 s10.000-s24.909 ] s2s,000-OR MORE NET LO5S BUSINESS ENTITY oe JP Morgan-Chaso STOCK HELD OR ACQUIRED BY | [rr Cisrouse CJocrenoenr cup NUMBER OF SHARES Thies tiawico — Clioto«se C) soo to 0x8 1.00070 4999 GD 10.000 oF MORE 1 SOLD [sercan ser ioss {LESS THAN $5,000, Dss.000-sa909 C)ss0.c00-sza.000 [1] s20,000-08 MORE: Ds00070 9999 BUSINESS ENTITY swe Ford Motor Company STOCK HELD OR ACQUIRED BY | Trier Ciseouse _ Dlocrenoevr oo NUMBER OF SHARES Dhessriavico Cioorowse Cisoovos» [dlsont0 000 Dsoo01o9909 D900 0R MORE IF SOLD Less'niawss.00 (2 e5000-s9.000 Cl stocee-szsaee Clszeco0-onwore | (ner toss BUSINESS ENTITY Tae Neti NFLX _ | STOCK HELD OR ACQUIRED BY | [rua Discuss Coserenoenr oni i NUMBER OF SHARES [uss tran ico Cliatoass Lissoto sae roooToase | TD i0.000 08 MoRE IF SOLD ET GAIN Cnertoss. LESS THAN $5,000, Css.000-s9,009 Clsio.000-s2ne09 [1] $25,000-OR MORE BUSINESS ENTITY Com ‘ae STOCK HELD OR ACQUIRED BY | [rier Ciseouse __ Dloreenoenrevmo —— NUMBER OF SHARES QesstHan tos = Ch oto499 © D1 soo to 09 1,000 TO 4.999 Dso00ro sss C1 9000 oR more IF SOLD LESS THAN $5,000 Dissc00-ss.s88 C)s10,000-824.999 1] s25,000-oR Mone: ‘COPY AND ATTAGH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY, ‘Texas Etnice Commission 20. Box 12070 ‘Austin, Texas 76711-2070 (612) 463.5800 _' 1-000-926.8506 STOCK Part 2 I Nor appucaate List each business entity in which you, your spouse, or a dependent child held or acquired stock during the calendar year and indicate the category of the number of shares held or acquiredif some or all ofthe stock was sold, also indicate the category of the amount of the net gain or loss realized from the sale. Far more information, see FORM PFS— INSTRUCTION GUIDE ‘When reporting information about a dependent child's activity indicate the child about whom you are reporting by Providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet. T BUSINESS ENTITY Tae Marathon Oil Corp T STOCK HELD OR ACQUIRED BY | Wruen Diseouse Doerenoentormn 2 NUMBER OF SHARES Dhess tian 00 Chwootoase Dy sv to s00 (0070 4999 . | Eist00 10.8990) t0.000 08 wore “IF SOLD NET GAIN (tess tHaw $5,000) $s.000-ss.998 C1) s10.000-s24.089 [] szs,000-0n wore INETLOss BUSINESS ENTITY we AK Steel Holding Corp ‘STOCK HELD OR ACQUIRED BY | [A ruer Cisrouse Cjoerencesromo NUMBER OF SHARES Cltessriavioo — Cltcotoae sn T0009 “000 70 4989 _ Cs000To 909 CO) 1a.000R moRE | MFso. Less tHanss.o00 C1 $6.000-88.992 CT) sto,000-s24.090 [1] s2i.c00-oF MORE | L (ner toss | [BUSINESS ENTITY ; Ts a Wendys Arbys Group, Ine [STOCK HELD OR ACQUIRED BY | TA ruer DisrouseCyoerenoenr cus | NUMBER OF SHARES Dhess rian so0 — Chroorose = Csootoe sco Toso | Dsevo70%999 C9900 or wore : IF SOLD [dneraan | Press tran ss.c00 C1 s5.000-s9.990 C)s10.000-s24.999 EF) s28,000-on WORE. { Liver toss | BUSINESS ENTITY Te Ford Motor Company _ [STOCK HELD OR ACQUIRED BY Tiseouse __[Dloerennenr cna NUMBER OF SHARES CltesstHan soo Ctonro«s9— Fisoot0009 CE) t.030 Toa ave 000109999 C1000 0R MORE | 'F SOLO Less THANS5.000 ()s5,000-so.909 C1s10.000-24,009 [J $26,000-0R MORE. BUSINESS ENTITY — - nae Hess Corp STOCK HELD OR ACQUIRED BY | rier Dsrouse TDIbePENDENT cht ‘| NUMBER OF SHARES: QlesstHantoo = C] oo to4ss —L) s00 T0909 1,090 TO 4,999 Lisc00To 9999 1] rot 08 woRE F SOLD [er cans Less tan sso00 [ss0oo-soee Elsvoonn-sze seo Ll sas au0-on mone Diner ioss _ COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSAR' - “Texas Ethics Commission P20. Box 12070 yerw-2070___(612) 469-5800 _1-800925.8508 STOCK PART 2 1 por appucaace List each business entity in which you, your spouse, or a dependent child held or acquired stock during the calendar year ‘and indicate the category of the number of shares held or acquired.if some or all ofthe stock was sold, also indicate the category of the amount of the net gain or loss realized from the sale. For mare information, see FORM PFS-- INSTRUCTION GUIDE, When reporting information about a dependent childs activity , indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet. T BUSINESS ENTITY we Bank of America Corp ? STOCK HELD OR ACQUIRED BY | @ ruer Osrouse Cer ENDENT CHILD _____ 3 NUMBER OF SHARES Chess tance Ciooroaae Li) s00 T0000 630704880 Dso00 708009 Cl] raccoon wore “IF SoLD [ner can ess THaw 59000 L] ss000-sese0 C)si0c00-s24o00 []2s,000-OF MORE NET LOSS BUSINESS ENTITY a0 Apple. ne ‘STOCK HELD OR ACQUIRED BY |W Fier Cisrouse _DJoerenventcnuo NUMBER OF SHARES [Dussstmansoo — Qhreor04 Ds00 T0999 sano 106 0 Ds000709.909 10.000 0 MORE ‘Dltess Tuan $5,000 2 $5.000-0.099 C)s10,000-s24.090 [1] $25,000-oR MORE. IF SOLD Dinertoss ‘BUSINESS ENTITY Citigroup. Ine ‘STOCK HELD OR ACQUIRED BY | Truer Tisrouse __ D)oerenoenr onto | NuMBER oF sHaRes TliesstHan soo Cliooto4ss Clsootoe CIs. T0«a00 t Os00070 9900 10,000 08 MORE | IF soLD nercan | Piess than ss000 [2 sn.000-s9.909 C]sioo00-szasee C1] s25,000-on MORE | Dnertoss | BUSINESS ENTITY Tae ‘American International Group Inc New ‘STOCK HELD OR ACQUIRED BY NUMBER OF SHARES Lites tunics Clieorowe C)scorosee Dse0r09s% Cra. or more Less THAN 5,000 (7) $6.000-s9,999 (J s10,000-s24.999 [1] $25,000-0R MORE wer Lisrouse _ Dhoerenoenronto ——— 19:07 4990 IF SOLD BUSINESS ENTITY aN Goldman Sachs Group Ine FILER Gsrouse Coerencenr cio ‘500 TO 998 1.000 704,999 ‘STOCK HELD OR ACQUIRED BY NUMBER OF SHARES Chess tan tc [10070400 Disovrosse Ci inooo0rmore Less THAN ss.oco [1] s5.000-s9.009 (1) s10,000-s24209 C]s25,200-0R MORE IF SOLD ‘COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY ‘Texas Ethics Commission 2.0. Box 12070 ‘Austin, Texas 78771-2070 (812) 483-5600 _1-800.325.8606 STOCK PART 2 Cl woraprucasie List each business entity in which you, your spouse, or a dependent child held or acquired stock during “he calendar yea ‘and indicate the category of the number of shares held or acquiredif some or all of te stock was sold, also indicate the category of the amount of the net gain or loss realized from the sale, For more information, see FORM PFS~ INSTRUCTION GUIDE When reporting information about a dependent child's activity _, indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet, 1 BUSINESS ENTITY WANE Final! Bull 3X New ? STOCK HELD OR ACQUIRED BY | GI FILER O seouse (CDePENDENT CHILD |3 NUMBER oF SHARES Clicsstianioo Chinovowe Ci sw0 70 0 "00070 4999 | Lsenorase LD) incoooe none “TFSOLD”——[ZJnev caw | Gress rmansnooo Cl ssoo-sosce Chsioow-szase Cex on-on wane Lier oss BUSINESS ENTITY. 1 Cd 7 AmazonCom. ne ‘STOCK HELD OR ACQUIRED BY |] ruce Disrouse CJoerencent onan NUMBER OF SHARES Bless tan s00 = Qrvoto«s — C) 50070 908 1.02070 4999 Dsooro9e09 10.000 0R MORE IF SOLD Less THanss.000 CO] s5.000-s9,099 C)sio,000-sz«.se9 [1] s25,000-0R MORE Ciservoss BUSINESS ENTITY _ we Priceline Corn. te STOCK HELD OR ACQUIRED BY FILER CO srouse CI DEPENDENT CHILD | NUMBER OF SHARES DeesstHan 100 =O) 100 10.499 D500 999 1,000 TO 4.999 | Ds000 109909 1 1o.000 oR moe _ IF SOLD Cnercan 7 ues manssoc0 Cl Clsvoo00-s24.000 [1] s2s.0c0-on MORE BUSINESS ENTITY NOME Activision Blizzard, Ine STOCK HELD OR ACQUIRED BY NUMBER OF SHARES Gliess tian sco Cicoto4 — CJscotoo Cro roaaee sco rosses [Zl 2000 oR Mone Less THAN 5.000 Cls5.000-§9.99 Cs10.000-s24.900 [] s25.000-OF MORE FER Cisrouse DJoerenoenr cui iF SOLD INET GAIN [ner ioss ‘BUSINESS ENTITY 7 sane United States Natural Gos. Ine STOCK HELD OR ACQUIRED BY | [J ruer Dsrouse DDePENDENT CHILD | NUMBER OF SHARES: Dluessthan sco Qiootowe Discoroo Dixnorosave Ds.000 70 2.900 10000 08 MORE 'F SOLD INET GAIN Less man s6.000 (1 ss.000-so.se0 C1) sroonc-s24ee2 C1) s2s.000-o8 MORE Diner oss ‘COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY. ‘Texas Ethics Commission P.0.80x 12070 __Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (612) 463-5800_ 1-800-375-8506 STOCK PART 2 Di sor apruicasve List each business entity in which you, your spouse, or a dependent child held or acquired stock during “he calendar year ‘and indicate the category of the number of shares held or acquiredif some or all of the stock was sold, also indicate the: category of the amount of the net gain or loss realized from the sale. For more information, see FORM PFS- INSTRUCTION GUIDE ‘When reporting information about a dependent child's activity , indicate the child about whom you are reporting by Providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet. T BUSINESS ENTITY, T NE Surtwater Mining, Ie # STOCK HELD OR ACQUIRED BY | Mrier Cisrouse —_ CJberenoenr cent 3 NUMBER OF SHARES Dlessnwwio —Croorowe — Clsoroe Crow Toxsne Ds.000 10 2.990 2.000 08 MORE « F SoLD Cnet can rss Tianss.000 () ss000-seeee Clsiaon0-szasa [1] s25,000-08 MORE NET LOSS BUSINESS ENTITY swe Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc ‘STOCK HELD OR ACQUIRED BY | [rer Cisrouse _ CJoerenoenr own NUMBER OF SHARES Tleesstmanico — Chicotoass Ci) soo ro ose 1900 704999 Tiso0010999 _C] race ox wore . WF SOLD Less THaNs9.000 Cl ssc00-seov C)si0000-sz«000 [1] s2s.000-0n MORE BUSINESS ENTITY ae STOCK HELD OR ACQUIRED BY | C] Fier Osrouse C1 dePeNDENT CHILD NUMBER OF SHARES Cees man ico Clvotoase Liscotooe Cir awto save Cisc00 09999 CD) 9m00 oR wore IF SOLD (ser can | Chessman ss000 Cl ssc00-s.999 Cl sto.co0-s2e.00 C1 s25.000-0n wore Grervoss _| BUSINESS ENTITY NAME ‘STOCK HELD OR ACQUIRED BY | LIruca Disrouse _Cloerenoenr co NUMBER OF SHARES [LitesstHan 100 Ch1ot0499 L800 T0099 D1.0c0 104.999 L Ds.00 709.909 C1 ro. oR MORE F SOLD Lvercan 7 C)cesstawss.000 Clssoac-seeea Cisiocce-sze.aoe [] s26 000-on Mone it Liner cos. ‘BUSINESS ENTITY T i vane STOCK HELD OR ACQUIRED BY | C]ruer Osrouse DDoerenoent canto T NUMBER OF SHARES Tltesstuan ico Chicotowse Cscotosse — ivoovro«.ove Disc00T09s09 0) 10.000 0R MORE F SOLD Cher GAN "| Chess maw sso00 Cl s5000-s0900 Ll sto.o00-s24.999 Ll ses 000-on WORE NET LOSS ‘COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY “Tewas Ethics Comme BONDS, NOTES & OTHER COMMERCIAL PAPER PART 3 CO nor appucaaie on P.O. Box 12070 Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (612) 463-5800 _ 1-000-225-8506 Usaltons, ses, nd ter commercial pape eld or zg you your pase oa dependent hl ung calendar year, soi neat fw catguy oft unt nent ann ret eas Hem Peco Fermere | information, see FORM PFS-INSTRUCTION GUIDE. ‘When reporting information about a dependent child's activity _, indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet. 7 | | DESCRIPTION Fidelity US Bond Index Fune OF INSTRUMENT { ? HELD OR ACQUIRED BY (Csrouse Dloerennenr cH. 3 IF SOLD uess Han ss.000 [lss.000-s0.990 [kt0.000-s24.009 1] sze,000-07 Mone: ET GAIN Onertvoss DESCRIPTION OF INSTRUMENT HELD OR ACQUIRED BY Orner Oseouse Dloerenoenr cto —___ IF SOLD ner can Qhesstrawsso00 Lssoxo-ssseo Clhoone-sseaee [ses ane-on wore Dner toss DESCRIPTION OF INSTRUMENT HELD OR ACQUIRED BY Oruer Osrouse Qoerenoens cro —__ | IF SOLD ner ean Ditess man $5,000 Cls5.000-9.929 [Is10,000-824,809 C1325 000-0R MORE Onertoss COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY { as Ethies Commission 2.0. Box 12070 Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (612) 463-5800 __ 1-800-325-8505 MUTUAL FUNDS PART 4 D nor aPpucame LUst each mutual fund and the number of shares in that mutual fund that you, your spouse, or a dependent child held or acquired during the calendar year and indicate the category of the number of shares of mutual funds held or acquiredf ferva or al of he sharea of mutual fund were ao, lo ineata te catogry of the erount of there gain or los eae from the sale. For more information, see FORM PFS-INSTRUCTION GUIDE. When reporting information about a dependent child's activity indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet, 4) MUTUAL FUND wane ‘American Funds: Growth Fund of America 2 SHARES OF MUTUAL FUND. SHARES OF MUTUAL FU FILER Dseouse — Lloerenvenr cuuo |) NUMBER OF SHARES Tlisss maw 100 coTo«ss E)sc070s — CJacooro ame OEMUTUAL FUND | Dis000 00% Ch sam oR wone 4 1Fs000 r Dnercan 17 sessraan 5000 [[]ss.000-s0900 Cl sro.000-sza0e [1] s25000-08 MORE Onerioss MUTUAL FUND = -an Funds: High Income Trust SHARES OF MUTUAL FUN HELDORACOUIRED BY Fuge Csecuse — loerenoenr crn —___ NUMBER OF SHARES Ditess THAN 100 ooro4s9 © }s0070999 ©} 1.00010 4.909 OF MUTUAL FUND 500070 3.899 1 10,000 08 MoRE F SOLD Nev ane a Di tess man ss.000 (1 $5,000-s9.999 LC} s10.000-s2e.999 [7] $28,000-0R MORE Oreross MUTUAL FUND vm ‘American Funds: Fundlemenial Investors, Inc SHARES OF MUTUAL FUND HELD ORACQUIRED BY FILER Osrouse Dloerenoent cup NUMBER OF SHARES tess THAn s00 corowss — E)sooT0909 ©} 1.000 Toa999 (OF MUTUAL FUND Osco0t0s909 = 10.00008 More 1F SOLD INET Gain Q Ctess ran ss.000 C2) s5,000-89.999 Cisio.000-s2400 [] $2.000-08 MORE ner Loss ‘COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY 2x2 Ethics Commission P.O. fox 12070 Austin, Texas 78771-2070 (612) 463-5800___ 1-800-325-8508 MUTUAL FUNDS PART 4 D1 sor appucaste: List each mutual fund and the number of shares in that mutual fund that you, your spouse, or a dependent child held or ‘acquired during the calendar year and indicate the category of the number of shares of mutual funds held or acquired some or all of the shares of a mutual fund were sold, also indicate the category of the amount of the net gain or oss realized {rom the sale. For more information, see FORM PFS~INSTRUCTION GUIDE, ‘When reporting information about a dependent child's activity , indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet. 4) MUTUAL FUND, nae ‘American Funds: Washington Mutual Inv Fund 2 SHARES OF MUTUAL FUND. HELD ORAGCUIRED BY Cisrouse — Doerenoenr crito 3. NUMBER OF SHARES Dtess man 100 oTowe — sooo =] 1.000 Toa a00 ‘OF MUTUAL FUND 5.000 70 9,999 (010.000 on MoRE on IN Soin Olver Diess tmawss.o00 []s5000-$5.99 C) s10.000-§2e.999 [] s2*,000-08 MORE Oner toss MUTUAL FUND nae ‘American Funds: Capital Income Builder. Inc SHARES OF MUTUAL FUND. Docrenoenr can HELD ORACQUIRED BY rusR NUMBER OF SHARES Dheess nian 100 Lismor09 © Qiawr04 900 OF MUTUAL FUND sooo 9899) rac000R oe F010 INET GAIN a Ciess riawsso0 )ssc00-s0 0 Cstoooo-s24.900 [325 000-08 MORE Onervoss MUTUAL FUND, 7 ‘Amesican Funds: Capital World Gro & Ine Fd Ri AL FUN fib onacuuree ye Furr Ulsrouse — Dlocrenoewr cro NUMBER OF SHARES [ess ran 100 coro49 — Cs T00% © C]son0To.408 OF MUTUAL FUND Diso00 1080 © Chre.ccoor more. fF soLD NET GAN Oo Cotess tHanss.coo (2) $5.000-$9.999 ()s10.000-$24,959 [1] $25 000-08 MORE. Oner toss | COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY ‘Texas Ethics Commission _2.0.80%12070__ Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (512) 469-5809 _ 1-800-976-8506 MUTUAL FUNDS PART 4 0 sor aprucase List each mutual fund and the number of shares in that mutual fund that you, your spouse, or a dependent child held or acquired during the calendar year and indicate the category of the number of shares of mutual funds held or acquired fome o ll ofthe shares ofa mutual fund were sold alo indeate the category ofthe amount ofthe net gain or foss realized {rom the sale. For more information, see FORM PFS.-INSTRUCTION GUIDE. ‘When reporting information about a dependent child's activity, indicate the child about whom you are eporting by Providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet. 1) MUTUAL FUND wae American Funds: New World Fund 2 SHARES OF MUTUAL FUND AELD OR ACeUIReD BY ue Ciseouse — loerenoent ciao 3 NUMBER OF SHARES Chucss Tran 100 corosss — E]scoToses — (]1,:00 10.4900 (OF MUTUAL FUND Dsoo0r09999 © Chs9.000 oR MORE 4 IFsoLD Diner can Dees rHanss,000 [1] s5.000-s9:999 (2) s10,000-s24,099 [[] $2%,000-08 MORE Onertoss MUTUAL FUND) we ‘American Funds: Small Cap Fund SHARES OF MUTUAL FUND RELD ORACCUIRED EY. rue Dioeeencent criuo NUMBER OF SHARES Dees THAN 100 s00 ro 209 1.000 To 4.999 ‘OF MUTUAL FUND Dsoooroas%9 2 roan oR MORE 1 SOLD INET GAN Q tess riaNs5.000 Cl) ss000-so.909 Cst0c00-s2s. 909] $2%.000-08 MORE Onercoss MUTUAL FUND NAME ~ SHARES OF MUTUAL FUND HELD OR ACQUIRED BY Oren Disrouse — D)oerenoenr cro ____ NUMBER OF SHARES Clues mansoo —Csoor049 ©] sooroas9 © rom to4oes | (OF MUTUAL FUND | Osc00r09909 — F)10.0000R wore F SOLO 7 Dasre0n |r cess nian ss000 [2 ss.c00-so00 Cisto.00-s20.000 [325 000-08 MORE Onerioss ‘COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY Texas Ethics Commission 0. 80x 12070 Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (812) 463-5800___ 1-800-325-8508 PERSONAL NOTES AND LEASE AGREEMENTS CO norarpuicane PART 6 @ dependent child had a total financial liability of more than $1,000 in the form agreement at any time during the calendar year and indicate the category of the tion, see FORM PFS-INSTRUCTION GUIDE, Providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet. Identify each guarantor of a toan and each person or financial institution to whom you, your spouse, or ‘When reporting information about a dependent child's activity _, indicate the child about whom you are reporting by of a personal note or notes or lease ‘amount of the labilifor more informa- 7 PERSON ORINSTITUTION | Ferg Motor Credit Corp HOLDING NOTE OR LEASE AGREEMENT ? LABILITY OF rnee Diseouse Cberenoenr cau 3 GUARANTOR : — — AMOUNT Cs1.000-s4,000 s000-seene []sroee-sz4ax ]s2s000-ORMORE | PERSON OR INSTITUTION HOLDING NOTE OR: LEASE AGREEMENT Honda Motor Credit Corp LIABILITY OF [spouse GUARANTOR Coerenoenr chico AMOUNT Cst.000-s4009 ss.o00-se 80 PERSON OR INSTITUTION 5 HOLDING NOTE OR WW Creat Comp LEASE AGREEMENT s10,000-824999 }s2o00-oF MORE LABILITY OF Lisrouse Loeeenoent ono GUARANTOR AMOUNT Csson0-se9s — [Z}ss000-sa902 sso 000-s24a80 }s25, 000-08 Wore COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY “Texas Ethics Commission P.0.80x 12070 Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (612) 463-5800 __ 1-800-925-8505 INTERESTS IN REAL PROPERTY PART 7A Bi rorarrucame Describe all beneficial interests in real property held or acquired by you, your spouse, or a dependent child during the calendar year. If the interest was sold, also indicate the category of the amount of the net gain or loss realized from théesa For an explanation of “beneficial interest’ and other specific directions for completing this section, see FORM PFS-- INSTRUCTION GUIDE, When reporting information about a dependent chilt's activity indicate the child about whom you ae reporting by providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet. LER Osrouse Dloerennent cnn 7 sieevaooness SY Sie nt HOURDGT Ea AOI nor aarasie MR i02500,1 77019 COHECK IF FILER'S HOME aDoRESS ' HELO OR ACQUIRED BY > DESCRIPTION TUMGGR OF LTS OR ACRES ANG NAME GF COLATY WERE LOBED One Lor, Harris Couny, TX heres * NAMES OF PERSONS RETAINING AN INTEREST Nor APeucAsLe (SEVERED MINERAL INTEREST) * \esowo Dhercam Cees maw ss.o00 []s5.000-so.959 []ss0.000-s24.99 [7] s2e/000-08 MORE Drerioss HELD OR ACQUIRED BY Zener O seouse Doerenvenr cat —. STREET ADDRESS STRET ADDRES WELIONSENY CONT MOTTATE Droranusnie 3861 North Point Drive. Tinity. TX. 75862 i checir riers Home anoREss DESCRIPTION ‘MER OF LOTS OR ARES ASS MA OF COUNTY WERE LODNTED hors ‘one Lot, Polk County, Texas Dhcres: NAMES OF PERSONS RETAINING AN INTEREST | nor srrucane Oreraes | MINERAL INTEREST) IF SOLD hrerows Ctess naw sseco Clssone-se00 Clsioen-ser sno C1 seso10-on none Cineross ee COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY Texas Eiles Commission P.O. Box 12070 ‘Austin, Texas 78771-2070 (512) 463-5800_ 1-800-526-8508 | INTERESTS IN BUSINESS ENTITIES part 7B 1D Nor aPpucasue Describe all beneficial interests in business entities held or acquired by you, your spouse, or a dependent child during th calendar year Ifthe interest was sold, also indicate the category of the amount ofthe net gain or loss realized from thécsa For an explanation of "beneficial interest" and other specific directions for completing this section, see FORM PFS~ INSTRUCTION GUIDE, ‘When reporting information about a dependent child's activity , indicate the child about whom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet. 7 HELD OR ACQUIRED BY | Osrouse (DI oereNDENT CHD 2 ~ (WAME AND ADDRESS DESCRIPTION Deena retaneaten New York Pizzeria 2250 W. Holcombe Blvd Houston, TX 77054 restaurant ? IF SOLD Dreroww Clues man soc ) ss000-soaee C] si0o00-sz4900 1] sex. an0-on Mone Drertoss HELD OR ACQUIRED BY rues Dseouse Clocrenoenr cho KAME AND ADDRESS DESCRIPTION Lieto natn IF SOLD. Cnecroaw Ties thaw ssc00 Cl sso00-snase Cl s:0000-s24000 CI s2t.00-on mone Cinerioss HELD OR ACQUIRED aY Oruer Dsrouse Doerenoenr emo waa nes DESCRIPTION Dee etre natn IF SOLD Deron Ditess tan ss0ce CD ss00e-sa9es 1 siocon-szesce C) s2500-oR ore Cnertoss a COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY Toxas Ethics Commission P.O. Box 12070 Austin, Texas 78711-2070 (512) 463-5800 _ 1-200-325-8506 ASSETS OF BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS Part 11A D1 nor appucasic Describe all assets of each corporation, frm, partnership, limited partnership, limited liability partnership, professional corporation, professional association, joint venture, or other business association in which you, your spouse, or a depen} dent child held, acquired, or sold 50 percent or more of the outstanding ownership and indicate the category of the amou! of the assets. For more informationsee FORM PFS-INSTRUCTION GUIDE. ‘When reporting information about a dependent child's activity _, indicate the child about whiom you are reporting by providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet, 7 aM AND AGO BUSINESS CicrecniFiers ame Aderess) ASSOCIATION ‘1&J Holcombe Venture, LP dba New York Pizzeria-Holeombe 1809 Houston Ave Houston, TX. 77006 ? BUSINESS TYPE 3 HELD, ACQUIRED, OR SOLD BY FILER Osrouse CQloerenenr cuito ~ DaeReTON enrecoRe “ ASSETS pizza restaurant; equipment: furnishings: Cessna ss.000 C)ss.000-se09 supplies; leasehold interest Cs10.000-s24,999 525,000-O8 MORE [ess tu ss.o00 ([]ss.000-s0 900 Csiooco-s249e9 Esaso00-on more | Litses manson Clss00-sose0 Csi0.000-s24909 )s25.000-on More Chess tua sso0 C)ss.000-se09 s:0.000-524,999 C)s25.000-08 More Ciuess than $5,000 []s5.000-s9.099 Cs:o.000-s24908 Cs25.000-08 mone Diese munse00 Csooo-s92e0 (D)s10.000-s24,989 ()s25,000-08 MORE Cites tHan $5,000 ([]s5,000-S0,998 Lsio000-s24s09 C25, 000-08 wore Qltess tan ss.000 ()s5.000-s0,998 Cls:0.000-s24009 (]s2s.000-08 MORE ‘COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY ‘Texas Ethics Commission P.O. Box 12070 ‘Austin, Texas 7871-2070 (612) 463-5800 __ 1-800-325-8505, DD norareucaste LIABILITIES OF BUSINESS ASSOCIATIONS part 11B Describe all iabities of each corporation, firm, partnership, limited partnership, imited liability partnership, professioal corporation, professional association, joint venture, or other business association in which you, your spouse, or a deper dent child held, acquired, or sold 50 percent or more of the outstanding ownership and indicate the cateyjory of the amo of the assets. For more informationsee FORM PFS-INSTRUCTION GUIDE. ‘When reporting information about a dependent child's activity indicate the child about whom you are reporting by Providing the number under which the child is listed on the Cover Sheet. * BUSINESS. ASSOCIATION Deiter heen J&J Holcombe Venture, LLP dba New York Pizzerla-Holcombe 2 BUSINESS TYPE Piaaia restaurant 3 HELD, ACQUIRED, OR SOLD BY FER D seouse Over enoent cH. —— * UaBILITIES T year lease enTECORe Deess Tuan s5.000 ist0.000-s24.999 Dhess miss 000 CO s10.000-s24,990 Dees tHan s5,000 Osto.00-s2¢.998 D1tess tHan $5.00 OD) s10.000-s24,000 Os10.000-524,000 Otess thaw 5.000 Osi0.c00-s24.990 hess Tran $5,000 Os:0.000-s24.900 Dltess tHan $5,000 T \ | I | ! i | | 1 | i \ ! { I I 1 | Dhess thaw ss.000 ! \ | ! | | I 1 1 \ | | \ | Cisia000-s24se8 Oss.c00-s9,909 525,000-OR MORE Oss 000-8s,998 s25,000-or woRE Oss co0-s9.999 Os25.000-or mone. Dss.co0-so.009 Os25,000-0n mone Oss.000-s9.990 O3s25.000-0n more Oiss.000-s3 998 O)s25.000-on mone O)s2%,000-08 wore ss.000-s9.909 Dis2r00-oF more ‘COPY AND ATTACH ADDITIONAL PAGES AS NECESSARY Wells Fargo Online Brokerage AU Spock's ‘Aeawicedl thy Files! Date. Deseriplion 085109 24,500 Pace. 0331/2008 9699061 WELLS FARGO. ‘CASH SWEEDP. 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