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ASA University Bangladesh


Program: BBA
Course Title: Business Ethics
Course Code: BUS-224

New Belgium Brewing’s

Case Study

Submitted to

Md. Shahanur Islam

Faculty of Business
ASA University Bangladesh (ASAUB)

Submitted by
Submission Date:

August, 17, 2010

1) What environmental issue does the New Belgium Brewing Company work to address?

How has NBB taken a strategic approach to addressing these issues? Why do you think

the company has chosen to focus on environmental issues?

Answer: New Belgium Brewing try to reduce its negative impact from the natural

environment. New Belgium Brewing (NBB) invest in a wind turbine, making it the first fully

wind powered brewery in the United States. NBB has also invested a mist condenser that

helps to reuses of hot water used for boiling barley and hops to create the after that brew.

This steam also helps to heat the floor tiles and de-ice the room in during winter. NBB has

also many other energy saving processes like use of daylight. I think that the company has

chosen to focus on the environment because of the type of their business is unethical. From

my view point its master product Tobacco and Brew both r harmful for society and
environment. I think it just a way of advertising. We know Prevention is better than cure. So

I think it’s better to do something for environment without doing harmful activities.

2. Are NBB’s social initiatives indicative of strategic philanthropy? Why or why not?

Answer: I believe that this is a case of strategic philanthropy.


The owner of organization introduces that type of business which is harmful for

environment. Then he takes some steps to reduce this impact in environment. It is not a

philanthropic work for society. It is a one kind of advertising. Because of they take this

all action from making profit from NBB’s. So 1st they making profit from an unethical

business then they use their profit in some activities which will reduce their negative
impact from environment. Like they are selling tobacco this is harmful for public health,

its Pollute our Air, Crop cultivation, water and so on. Then alcohol is another dangerous

toxin what can take a man in door of dead easily. From use of alcohol people affected by

cancer, liver diseases, Brain diseases, and so on.

3. Some segments of society vigorously contend that companies that sell alcoholic

beverages and tobacco products cannot be socially responsible organizations because of

the nature of their primary products. Do you believe that NBB’s actions and initiatives

are indicative of an ethical and socially responsible corporation? Why or why not?

Answer: From my view point its master product Tobacco and Brew both r harmful for

society and environment. So I don’t believe that NBB’s actions and initiatives are

indicative of an ethical and socially responsible corporation.

why not?

It’s well known to everyone that cultivating, producing and marketing of tobacco are

harmful for environment. There are over 4000 chemicals in tobacco out of witch a 100

are identified poisons and 63 are known carcinogens. Nicotine is often pointed out as the

most dangerous substance in tobacco but there are others which include: 

•    Arsenic, 

•    Cyanide, 

•    Carbon monoxide (found in car exhaust fumes)

•    Formaldehyde (used to embalm bodies), 

•    Ammonia Bromide (a toilet cleaner )

So in 1st sense they are doing harm for world environment. Their-other product is

alcoholic brew. Alcohols have a dangerous effect for Human body. Blood cancer, liver

cancer and many other deadly diseases are attack because of using alcohol.

Disadvantages of alcohol are: Source of energy in the diet but with no other nutrients

("empty calories"). In high concentrations or with repeated use can be toxic and cause

liver damage.  It can cause poor judgment, concentration, balance and

coordination. Driving with significant blood alcohol can lead to accidents, arrest and

imprisonment. So I think their total business is unethical from our ethical point of view

not from point of view of law. In Ethic we learn “Ethics and Law are not same.” But we

can appreciate this company because of they take some step for save environment where

other companies are silent. So my suggestion is to they can stop producing tobacco and

made their brew without alcohol or using a minimum alcohol.

4. What else could NBB do to foster ethical and responsible conduct?

Answer: I don’t think NBB is an ethical and social responsible company. If they want to

further their efforts, I believe that they should take some change in their business. They can

stop producing tobacco and made their brew without alcohol or using a minimum alcohol.

They have to aware for sponsors in playground. Because of most of the sports fans are

children. They should take step against drunk driving. They can try to monitor their beer

from non-adult selling. They would take some steps for prevent drunk driving.

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