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[ə físh'l]
noun (plural of·fi·cials)
somebody holding office: a holder of office in
an organization, corporation, or government
1. of government or authority: relating to the
role of a government, public body, or authority
official rules and regulations 2. authorized by [Mid-16th century.
authority: approved, recognized, or issued by a Directly or via French <
government, public body, or authority No official Latin recessus "going
statement has been issued. 3. formal: formal or back" < recedere "go
ceremonial invited to attend the official opening

“This week, the economists who officially decide when recessions

start and end declared the recession of 2008 to be over. But if
you’re one of the millions of Americans who lost your home, your
job, or your savings as a consequence of the recession, this news is
of little comfort or value [Authority becomes void due to Suffering].”
The executive Power shall be
vested in a President of the The late-2000s recession
United States of America. He shall (or the Great Recession[1]
hold his Offi ce during [2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14]
the Term of four Years ) was an economic

recession that began in

the United States in
[ Old English gēse < gēa (see yea) December 2007[17]
+ sīe "may it be (so)," form of the
verb to be]

Yes [Strong Emphasis], the economy is growing [POTUS Confirms the Outcome
of the Economists as a fact] instead of shrinking, as it was in 2008 and the
beginning of 2009. We’re gaining private sector jobs each month instead of
losing 800,000, as we did the month I [Barack Hussein Obama] took office.
But we [the people of the United States] have to keep pushing to promote
growth that will generate the jobs we need, and repair the terrible damage
the recession has done. That’s why I’ve proposed a series of additional
steps: accelerated tax breaks for businesses who buy equipment now; a
permanent research and development tax break to promote innovation by
American companies; and a new initiative to rebuild America’s roads, rails,
and runways [New Deal] that will [in]put folks to work and make our
[American] country more competitive.

At the proposal of the Russian Imperial Government, made through the minister of the
Emperor residing here, a full power and instructions have been transmitted to the minister of
the United States at St. Petersburg [capital of Russia] to arrange by amicable negotiation the
respective rights and interests of the two nations on the northwest coast of this continent. A
similar proposal has been made by His Imperial Majesty to the Government of Great Britain,
which has likewise been acceded to. The Government of the United States has been desirous
by this friendly proceeding of manifesting the great value which they have invariably attached
to the friendship of the Emperor and their solicitude to cultivate the best understanding with
his Government. In the discussion to which this interest has given rise and in the arrangements
by which they may terminate the occasion has been judged proper for asserting, as a principle
in which the rights and interests of the United States are involved, that the American
continents, by the free and independent condition which they have assumed and maintain, are
henceforth not to be considered as subjects for future colonization by any European [or Asian]
“At this week's Group of 20 summit, President Obama
must reaffirm to the world that Washington has no
intention of forming or even moving toward an exclusive
"G-2" relationship with China. It is, of course, important
that the United States deepen the constructive and
candid ties established between Chinese President Hu
Jintao and former president George W. Bush. The Obama
administration's willingness to build on that record is
heartening, and it is in the interest of all nations that we
broaden the U.S.-China relationship. We will, however,
pay a heavy price with our long-term friends and allies in
Asia by referring to increased economic cooperation with
China as a new G-2. “ –

Taken together with the small business tax cut and lending plan we
passed through Congress last week, these steps will help spur jobs
in the short run, and strengthen our economy [financial interests]
for the long run [as the Continents relations is Concerned].
In 1850, a political party was formed specifi cally Those who supported
to give a political platform to this anti-Catholic, Hamilton in his belief that
antiforeigner ideology. Its name was the Order of the national government
the Star-Spangled Banner, but party members should take whatever steps
were given the nickname “Know Nothings” were necessary for the
because members were told that, if anyone asked common good were
about the party, they were to say that they knew known as “Federalists.”
nothing about it.

Now, the Republicans who want to take over Congress offered their
own ideas the other day. Many were the very same policies that
led to the economic crisis in the first place, which isn’t surprising,
since many of their leaders were among the architects [[Mid-16th
century. Directly or via French and Italian < Latin architectus <
Greek arkhitektōn "chief builder" < tektōn "builder"]]of that failed
phi·los·o·phy [fi lóssəfee]
(plural phi·los·o·phies) noun Western
1. examination of basic concepts: the branch of Philosophy (Greek philosophia, “l
knowledge or academic study devoted to the systematic ove of wisdom”), the rational and
examination of basic concepts such as truth, existence, critical inquiry into basic
reality, causality, and freedom 2. school of thought: a principles. Philosophy is often
particular system of thought or doctrine 3. guiding or divided into four main branches:
underlying principles: a set of basic principles or metaphysics, the investigation of
concepts underlying a particular sphere of knowledge 4. ultimate reality; epistemology,
set of beliefs or aims: a precept, or set of precepts, the study of the origins, validity,
beliefs, principles, or aims, underlying somebody's and limits of knowledge; ethics,
practice or conduct 5. calm resignation: restraint, the study of the nature of
resignation, or calmness and rationality in somebody's morality and judgment; and
behavior or response to events aesthetics, the study of the
[14th century. Via French and Latin < Greek philosophia < nature of beauty in the fine arts.
philosophos (see philosopher)]

It is grounded in same worn out philosophy: cut taxes for millionaires and
billionaires; cut the rules for Wall Street and the special interests; and cut the
middle class loose to fend for itself. That’s not a prescription for a better future.
It’s an [Caving] echo of a disastrous decade we can’t afford to relive [renter since
that would darken again our judgment].
George Washington (1732-1799), first president of
the United States (1789-1797) and one of the most
Washington, D.C., city and district, capital of the important leaders in United States history. His role
United States of America. The city of in gaining independence for the American colonies
Washington has the same boundaries as the and later in unifying them under the new U.S.
District of Columbia (D.C.), a federal territory federal government cannot be overestimated.
established in 1790 as the site of the new Laboring against great difficulties, he created the
nation’s permanent capital. Named after the Continental Army, which fought and won the
first U.S. president, George Washington, the city American Revolution (1775-1783), out of what was
has served since 1800 as the seat of federal little more than an armed mob. After an eight-year
government. It is also the heart of a dynamic struggle, his design for victory brought final defeat
metropolitan region. During the 20th century, to the British at Yorktown, Virginia, and forced
the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area grew Great Britain to grant independence to its overseas
rapidly as the responsibilities of national possession.
government increased, both at home and
throughout the world.

The [Democratic-] Republicans in Washington claimed to draw their ideas from a

website called “America Speaking Out.” It turns out that one of the ideas that’s
drawn the most interest on their website is ending tax breaks for companies that
ship jobs overseas.
fun·ny [fúnnee] John Andrew Boehner (pronounced /ˈ
adjective (comparative fun·ni·er, beɪnər/ BAY-nər; born November 17, 1949)
superlative fun·ni·est) is an American Republican politician who is
1. comical: causing amusement, currently serving as the
especially enough to provoke laughter 2. House Minority Leader in the 111th
strange: odd or perplexing That's funny, I Congress. He serves as a
can't find my keys. 3. unconventional: out
of the ordinary in a quaint or comical way
U.S. Representative from
a funny little doorway through an arch 4. Ohio's 8th congressional district, which
unwell: nauseated, faint, or otherwise includes several rural and suburban areas
slightly ill (informal) 5. tricky: slyly near Cincinnati and Dayton and a small
deceitful and dishonest (informal) Don't portion of Dayton itself.
try anything funny, or I'll call the police.

Funny thing is, when we recently closed one of the most egregious
loopholes for companies creating jobs overseas, Republicans in Congress
were almost unanimously opposed. The Republican leader John Boehner
attacked us for it, and stood up for outsourcing [More True Free Trade
more Real American Jobs], instead of American workers.
The candidates’ supporters began using newspapers
and pamphlets to criticize the candidates’ policies,
records, and reputations. Their characters were
attacked through gossip and rumors. Jefferson’s
supporters attacked Adams and the Federalists for
defi cit spending and for their unfocused foreign
policy. Federalists attacked Jefferson’s
character, labeling him “un-Christian.”

So, America may be speaking out, but Republicans in Congress sure aren’t
listening. They want to put special interests back in the driver’s seat in
Washington. They want to roll back [financial recession becomes legal] the
law that will finally stop [private] health insurance companies from denying
you coverage on the basis of a preexisting condition. They want to repeal
reforms that will finally protect hardworking families from hidden
[miscalculated] rates and penalties every time they use a credit card, make a
[Bank Lander] mortgage payment [Financial Lander], or take out a student
loan [for what reason?].
And for all their talk [We Democrat Human Beings were listening]
about reining in spending and getting our deficits under control,
they want to borrow another $700 billion, and use it to give tax
cuts to millionaires and billionaires [Stimulate Sectors Business
and Lead World Forum from top Level]. On average, that’s a tax
cut of about $100,000 for millionaires [Give Space to Top
American Corporations and Boost True Free Trade, Balance
needed for the Middle Class though].
Instead of cutting taxes for the wealthiest few – tax breaks we
cannot afford – I’ve called [also from a Democratic-Republican
View] for tax cuts for middle class families who [indeed] saw their
incomes shrink by five percent during the last, lost decade. We’ve
[managed] already [to] cut 8 different taxes for small business
owners to help them hire and grow, and we’re going to cut 8 more.
We’re challenging our [Democrat] states and schools to do a better
job educating our kids and making college more affordable so
America can once more lead the world in the proportion of our kids
graduating from college. And we’re putting an end to the days of
taxpayer-funded bailouts so [that] Main Street never again has to
pay for Wall Street’s mistakes [Codex Regius, I will Draw a Line on
this Street].
America is a great country. Our [American] democracy is vibrant
[despite the Challenges which make it Stronger in Return], our
economy is dynamic[ally Evolving], and our workers can outcompete
the best of them [Where that is Necessary]. But the [Best American]
way for us to remain the greatest country on [Free] Earth isn’t to
[Just] turn back the clock [in Better Times] and put the special[ized]
interests in charge [to favor the Youngsters and protect the Elder
Generations]. It’s [time] to make sure all our people [No Matter the
Age or the Class] are getting a fair shake [of the American Dream].
It’s [Time] to make sure everyone who’s willing to work [from the
Position he / she occupies] for it still has a chance to reach for the
[his / her] American dream. And that will remain my mission
[Protecting and Boosting the American Glory deriving from our
Everyday Dreams] every single day so long as I [Barack Hussein
Obama] have the honor of serving as President [of the United States
of America].

Have a nice weekend, everybody.


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