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REU : 00 Nay 19, 1998 DB-1H SERIES SERVICE MANUAL C AS CORPORATION THE CONTENTS CHAPTER-I THE GENERAL INTRODUCTIONS PREFACE ‘THE PRECAUTIONS, THE SPECIFICATIONS SEALING METHOD CHAPTER™: II THE CALIBRATIONS SET THE CALIBRATION NODE 2... THE NOPES THE nO THE nO THE nO THE nO THE nO C... THE SPAN CALIBRATION SET THE CALIBRATION NODE ENTRY OF TAE NODE 4 SPAN CALIBRATION CONFIRMATION OF THE SEAN D... THE SPAN CALIBRATION FROM THE REPAIR SET THE CALIBRATION NODE CHECK THE INITIAL ZHRD AND SPAN ‘THE SPAM CALIBRATION CONFIRMATION OF THE SEAN B... THE SPAN CALIBRATION HITH A PARTIAL LOAD SET THE CALIBRATION NODE ENTRY OF A PARTIAL CALIBRATION INPUT DF A PARTIAL LOAD BY PERCENTAGE THE SPAM CALIBRATION CONFIRMATION OF THE SEAN CHAPTER-III THE PART REPLACEMENTS A... REPLACEMENT DF THE LORD CELL fa. REELACSNENT OF THE LOAD caLL CORRECTION DF THE ECCENTRICITY 3. THE SPAN CALIBRATION 8... REPLACEMENT OF THE ANALOG NODULE 2.4. .REFLACENENT OF THE ANALOG MODULE 2.2..THE SP9N CALIBRATION FOR THE ANALOG AODULE, ©... REPLACEMENT DF THE DIGITAL NODULE C4. REPLACANENT OF THE DIGITAL NODULE .2..THE INQUTS FOR THE DIGITAL NODULE CHAPTER-IY THE TRANSFORMER A... THE TRANSEORIER as a5 a5 a5 38 38 38 38 38 38 2” CHAPTER-¥Y THE SCHEMATICS AND THE DIAGRAMS ....NAIN CIRCUIT DIAGRAM 8... .MIRING D1AcRAN ©....PARTS LOCATION CHAPTER-Y¥I THE ERROR MESSAGES fh... THE ERROR HESSACES BRE 13 CHAPTER-VII THE OTHERS f....FDR THE SERIAL INTERFACE A.4..THE COMMUNICATION AGREEMENTS. 2. THE HIRE CONNECTIONS 3. THE PROTOCOL A.4. THE DAM TRAINS 8... .RMELODED vIEH 2... .FULL PARTS LAST CHAPTER-VIII APPENDIX-I fh... IMEUT CODES FOR THE DIGITAL NODULE 4 THE ALTERNATIVE HEY FUNCTIONS 2 INPUT FOR MEIGH CONDITION CODES 3 THE SPAM CALIBRATION CHAPTER- I THE GENERAL INTRODUCTIONS A. PREFACE unohasing of CAS ecalo, jgnoé with OAS roliability, under wigid quality control formance, joy with this high quality reliable CAS product, de will be eatiefied and you will havo propor eoltability and with outetanding Your doyartaonts can Mp believe that your with In vaedzble wodght. 1 vil] hole wou with prov pe It handy for the futures & B. THE PRECAUTIONS 1. Mako ours that you plug your scale into the propor power outlet. 2 2 4 5 8 7 8 Adlust tho 4 loge at tho hotton of ockuies) eo ae to cantar the bubble of the Jovoling gaugo Inside tho indicated ofeole, C.THE SPECIFICATIONS noDeL oe 24 capacity 80x 0.0x¢ | 120 x 0.02% | 350% 0.0% | 200% 0.1 In piseiay: Vasuum Fluseassont Display WEICHT DISPLAY DESICHATORS ZERD and TARE NAKINUN TARE 50,00 kg 38.8516 =B8. omg, = 300.0 1% POWER SOURCE aa0v 72200 50, 80 Hz PDMER COMSUNPTION apeRoK. 108 PLATTER «> 320,54 x aB.52 PRODUCT 8128 «79 185.1 « 108.88 x 184.45 Notice : The specifications aro subject to change for Inpeovonont uithout aot ico. D. SEALING METHOD REY : 00 CHAPTER-II THE CALIBRATIONS A. SET THE CALIBRATION MODE Tho CAL auitch te located underneath of a hole on the hotton of the feont cover of head 4. Ronove a plato. 2, B1lde CAL eultch to the CAL position, cat cat wworwal node paltbeation node 3. Plug Into tho AC outiet => Tho dieplay chovs “CAL” thes tinoo. B. THE MODES Thie ecale hae § nodes pean cal theat ion Those § nod: nog, nog, nog, nog, nog, are daecetbed ae below. Sot up uodghing conditions Intacted A/D wpeding Galtheated A/D reading Bpan cal theation Fino tedaning of tho oan to sot the ubighing conditions and tho “DN/DEE" Kou to okie “DN/DEE" Kou to okie “DN/DEE" Kou to okie “gmEp" Koy to okie and to go to the norval node B. 1 THE MODE 1 In thie node 4, a varsous usighing conditions can bo est. Mpighing conditions for capacity, oxtoraal eosolution, and decinal point otc In thie nods, bolow theoo koye have au alternative functions respectively Kor kg/h) => Munoedc dncvonont TARE > Digit ehice Zeno > Entor % For outive got of uodghing conditions, ploaes rotor to tho APPENDIX 1 B. 2 THE MODE 2 In thie node 2, intactad A/D eaading te show on the display, Thio Intactod A/T woading 4e nocsesey to chock an initial geno point and 2 opan vango , uhon oithor 2 load cp] uae replaced or an analog nodule was replaced, Unloes above both esp ave eng the “ON/DFE Koy, pkip to thie mode 2 by pe B. 3 THE MODE 3 In thie node 2, a oaldheated A/D woading 42 shown on 1 Thie nod holes to to a fino span tednning without span calibrat ton(HODB 4) alee hay, B. 4 THE MODE 4 In thie nods 4, an actual span of tho scale to calculated by digital calibration othod. The eign “ULDAA”, moans onety the uoigMng pan, “LDA woane, Ioad a full weight bp tho weighing van. 2 the “ZERO” Koy uhilo oithor ULDAd * ov 1 you want to quit thie span calibration, ve una” 42 ehown on the a B.5 THE MODE 5. Finally 4m this mode 5, a fino opan teinning Jo obtained aftor 2 open pal theationcHODE 4) C. THE SPAN CALIBRATION (MODE 4) C. 1 SET THE CALIBRATION MODE Tho CAL auitch te Jocated underneath of a hole on the hotton of the feont cover of head. 1. Ronove a opal plato. 2, B1lde CAL eultch to the CAL position, oral node 3. Plug Into tho AC outiet => Tho dieplay chovs “CAL” thes tinoo. c aL C. 2 ENTRY OF THE MODE 4 Bntor to span caliheation wode ae below, Kou Dporations lon/ore| lon/ore| lon/ore| lon/ore| lon/ore| paltheation node ‘ Dopiay cone] => | a-ae nmin | node 2 nie | node 2 Blank utora | node 4 Note 4 C. 3 SPAN CALIBRATION In thie NOOB 4, “ULDAA” te ehoun on the display 4. Reoee the “DN/DFE” Koy, => Tho dteplay shows a count doun 8 to 0 => "EDAd” Je hom on th dtoplay 2. Load 2 ful] upight on tho plattor gontiy. 3. Pease the “DN/DFE” Koy, =? Tho dieplay shows a count down again, => Tho dieplay chovs “Mea” ané bo blanked 4. Ronove a full oad fron tho platter, S1£ you want to quit thie span calsheztion, peoos tho “ZERD" Koy uhilo olthor “ULDAA * ov “EpAa” te hon on the dleplay With above oporations, the span calibration Jo finiehod, and following parageayh A.4 guides to confiea ths opin and to do fino teinming for nore accurate uedghing However uhon f1ue trinning te not weeded, vet NDDE S and axit to tho noewal node. ‘the “ZERD' Koy to ckip fo] loving C. 4 CONFIRMATION OF THE SPAN (MODE 5) Taio noco 5 40 only available efter porforsance of a proviou span cal Iheation Tho Coplay shove tho initia} aoeo point 2. rove the “ZERD' kos to road a orantuot sight), => Tho éiopiny shows “O° 3. Lond a £111 aodght on the plattor gontly Unieee th dfeplay hae 30,000 +1, porforn a f4no teinndag. 4, 1€ a ppan valup fe higher than 39,000, prose tho “2” of “kg/Ib" hoy tuioo for a ‘then 39,000, pros tho “’ ov “kg/IB” Koy and proes the “TARE kou Aporoaeing and I foe an tncesae ing 5. At th ond of fino teinning, prose the “DN/DEE” Kou. 5. Pease the “ZMRD' key to oxtt and go to th wena] node. 7. Roturn tho CAL suitch to tho normal position(initial postion) ~40- . THE SPAN CALIBRATION FROM REPAIR D. 1 SET THE CALIBRATION MODE Tho CAL auitch te Iocated underneath of a hole on the hotton of the feont cover of head 1, Ronove a goal plato. 2, B1lde CAL eultch to the CAL position, cat cat oewal node paltheation node 3. Plug Into tho AC outlet => Tho dieplay ehous “CAL” theos tinss. 2 CHECK THE INITIAL ZERO AND SPAN(MODE 2) Kou Dporations lon/ore| 2 cont] => | at] note a lon/ore| xine | node 2 1. Prose the “TARE koy to chook tho initial goro point. Tho Initial gars point must be Jouse than 20,000 counts 2. Prose tho “ZERD' koy to chock tho span 3. Load 2 ful] upight on tho plattor gontly. Tho span aust bo highor than 30,000 counts. 4. Ronove a full Ioad on tho plattor, 5. Prose the “DM/DFF” kos theoo tinos to go to tho MODE 4. D. 3 THE SPAN CALIBRATION (MODE 4) In thio NODE 4, tho dioplay shows “WLDRd! 1. Prove the “DN/DEE" hoy => Tho éioplay shows a count dovn B to 0 => "Load to ohom on tho topias 2. toad a £131 wodghe on tl 3. Prove the “DN/DEE” kos platter gontly => The dieplay shows a count doun again, => Tho dieplay chovs “Mea” ané bo blanked 4. Ronove a full oad fron tho platter, J£ you vant to quit thio span calibeztion, pease the “ZERD” Koy uhilo olthor “ULDAA ” or “EpAa” te hon on the dleplay HJth above oporations, the span calibration Jo £inihed, and following parageayh B.4 guidse to confiva tho opin and to do a fino tednniag. However whon f1up trinaing 19 not wooded, prose the “ZERD’ oy to skip fol loving NDDE S and axit to tho noewal node. -a-

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