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o a 7 | | ELEMENTS _ : or | MYTHOLOGY; ° TENDED mo TO ENABLE THE READER : ¥O UNDERSTAND THE ANCIENT WRITERS OF GREECE AND ROME. Mhiekeme J Ph BY A. J. VALPY, M.A. FROM THE FOURTH EDITION, * REVISED AND IMPROVED. PHILADELPHIA: PRINTED FOR F. NICHOLS, By Clark & Raser. 1821. } a) + . Henry G Sen mae Eastern, District of Pennsylvania, to wit: . BE IT REMEMBERED, Teat om che cath dey of November, dence of in the sixth year of the indepen Mnited States of Ameri D 1821, Francis Nichols of the said district, hath deposited in thiss eels ot 8 book, the right whereof he claims as pro- the words following, to “ Elements of M; " Setvaded to coable the reader to under- stand the Ancient Vriters of Greece end Rome. By A.J, Valpy, M.A. From the Fourth Edition, revised and im- proved,” In conformity to the act of the Congress of the United States, satel “An Act for the sate ed of Learning, by securing ies of Maps, Charts, and Bi to the authors and proprietors of ation apict, during the times therein mentioned”. "And al also to the get, entit tied, An Act = fo an Act, entitled, ‘An Act for the Encouragement of Learning, by securing the copies of Maps, Charts, and Books, to the pe and proprietors of such copies during the times therein mentioned,’ and extending the benefits thereof to the arts ef designing, engraving, and etching historical and other prints.” D, CALDWELL, Clerk of the Eastern District of Peaseyivania. - PREFACE. Tue Plan of these Elements was suggested by a similar work used in some colleges in France, under the title of Histoire Poétique, from which a part of this book has been faken. The following History is written ina plain and easy style, adapted to inform the youthful mind. Every indelicate expression (which stains the pages of almost all other books on the subject,) is avoided. This History is partly intended to display the ignorance and folly whith prevailed in the world, and to show the necessity, which existed at that time, of a more rational object of worship, and a purer system of morality. N ore.—The additions are distinguished by inverted commas. oo i.

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