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Delhi Metro MC1B abc

Dalal Mott MacDonald
Calculations for Discipline : Civil File No. 59120 / X /
Calc by : RK Date 29-Aug-02 Sheet
Design of RCC Column
Checked by : Date 29-Aug-02

Design data

Size of Column b x D = 850 mm x 1300 mm

Axial Load on column Pu = 1313 x ### = 1313 kN
Moment in the direction of Larger dimension (Top) = 1760 x ### = 1760 kN.M.
Moment in the direction of Larger dimension (Bott) = 1760 x ### = 1760 kN.M.

Moment in the direction of Shorter dimension (Top) = 200 x ### = 200.0 kN.M.
Moment in the direction of Shorter dimension (Bott) = 200 x ### = 200.0 kN.M.

Effective Length parallel to Larger Dimensions lex = 6200 mm b

Effective Length Parallel to Shorter Dimensions ley = 6200 mm

Unsupported Length = 6200 mm
fck D
Concrete Grade = 35 N/mm2 Mx

Steel Grade fy = 415 N/mm2

Dia of bars used = 20 mm
Cover to reinforcement = 40 mm
Assumed reinforcement percentage p = 0.8 % Equally on all the four sides.

Check for slenderness lex / D = 4.8 < 12 Short Column

ley / b = 7.3 < 12 Short Column
Therefore the Column is Short Column

Additional Moment due to minimum eccentricity to be considered:

The above actual moments should be compared with those calculated from minimum eccentricity
consideration ( see 25.4 of the IS code 456:2000) and greater value is to be taken as the initial
moment for adding the additional moments.

Min. eccentricity ex = l/500 + D/30 or 20mm = 55.73 mm least of the two

ey = l/500 + b/30 or 20mm = 40.73 mm least of the two

Moments due to ex or ey or Both are Greater than 20mm.

Mux = 1312.6 x 0.0557 = 73.2 kN.m
Muy = 1312.6 x 0.0407 = 53.5 kN.m

Total moments for which the column is to be designed are :

Mux = Max. of (1760.07, 1760.07 = 1760 kN.m
39554702.xls / Short
Delhi Metro MC1B abc
Dalal Mott MacDonald
Calculations for Discipline : Civil File No. 59120 / X /
Calc by : RK Date 29-Aug-02 Sheet
Design of RCC Column
Checked by : Date 29-Aug-02
Muy = Max. of (200, 200, 53.46 = 200 kN.m

Section design for axial force & biaxial bending.

Pu / fck b D = 0.034
p / fck = 0.023

Puz = 0.45 fck . Ac + 0.75 fy . Asc

= [ 0.45*35*(1-0.0008) + 0.75*415*0.008 ] * 1105 N
= 20016 kN
Pu / Puz = 0.07 IF(M59<0.201,1,IF(M59>0.799,2,AG61))
an = 1.00

For x-x axis d'/D ratio = 0.038 Referring chart for d'/D =0.05
Mu / fck bD2 = 0.045
Mux1 = 2262 kN.m
Mux / Mux1 = 0.78

For Y-Y axis d'/D ratio = 0.059 Referring chart for d'/D =0.10
Mu / fck bD2 = 0.045
Muy1 = 1479 kN.m
Muy / Muy1 = 0.14

Now, with References to IS 456:2000, Page 71, Clause 39.6 and Clause 39.7.

(Mux / Mux1)an + (Muy / Muy1) an = 0.78^1.00 + 0.14^1.00

= 0.913 Column design is OK

Therefore Area of Steel As = 0.8 % of (850 x 1300) = 8840 mm2

Provided reinf. = 20 mm Dia Bar 29 Nos. = 9111 mm2

39554702.xls / Short
Delhi Metro MC1B abc
Dalal Mott MacDonald
Calculations for Discipline : Civil File No. 59120 / X /
Calc by : RK Date 29-Aug-02 Sheet
Design of RCC Column
Checked by : Date 29-Aug-02

39554702.xls / Short
Delhi Metro MC1B abc
Mott MacDonald Consultants(India)
Calculations for Discipline : Civil File No. 59120 / X /
Calc by : RK Date 02-Aug-02 Sheet
Design of RCC Column
Checked by : Date 02-Aug-02

Design data
Size of Column b x D = 300 mm x 600 mm
Axial Load on column Pu = 1000 x ### = 1000 kN
Moment in the direction of Larger dimension (Top)M1x = 150 x ### = 150.0 kN.M.
Moment in the direction of Larger dimension (Bott)M2x = 85 x ### = 85.0 kN.M.

Moment in the direction of Shorter dimension (TopM1Y = 10 x ### = 10.0 kN.M.

Moment in the direction of Shorter dimension (BottM2Y = 10 x ### = 10.0 kN.M.

Effective Length parallel to Larger Dimensions lex = 6840 mm b

Effective Length Parallel to Shorter Dimensions ley = 6840 mm

Unsupported Length = 6840 mm
Concrete Grade fck = 35 N/mm2 Mx

Steel Grade fy = 415 N/mm2

Dia of bars used = 20 mm
Cover to reinforcement = 40 mm
Assumed reinforcement percentage p = 1.3 % Equally on all the four sides.
Member is bent in SINGLE / DOUBLE curvature = Double
Design shear force--Factored = 85 kN

Check for slenderness lex / D = 11.4 < 12 Short Column

ley / b = 22.8 > 12 Slender Column
Column is slender about Minor Axis

Additional Moment due to slendernesss:

Max = (Pu*D / 2000) ( Lex / D )
= 0.0 kN.m
May = (Pu*b / 2000) ( Ley / b )
= 78.0 kN.m

The above moments is reduced by a multiplying factor (K), as calculated below-

K = (Puz - Pu) / (Puz - Pbx) IS-456:2000,

where Puz = 0.45 fck . Ac + 0.75 fy . Asc

= [ 0.45*35*(1-0.0013) + 0.75*415*0.013 ] * 18000 N
= 3526 kN
Calculation of Pb :
d' / D (about xx-axis) = 0.083 Use Chart for d' / D = 0.1
d' / b (about yy-axis) = 0.1667 Use Chart for d' / D = 0.2

From Table 60, Design Aid of IS:456-1978 Page - 171

39554702.xls / Long
Delhi Metro MC1B abc
Mott MacDonald Consultants(India)
Calculations for Discipline : Civil File No. 59120 / X /
Calc by : RK Date 02-Aug-02 Sheet
Design of RCC Column
Checked by : Date 02-Aug-02

Pb (about xx-axis) Pbx = (k1 + k2 * p / fck) * fck * b * D k1 = 0.207

= 1381 kN k2 = 0.328

Pb (about yy-axis) Pby = (k1 + k2 * p / fck) * fck * b * D k1 = 0.184

= 1166 kN k2 = 0.028

kx = (Puz - Pu) / (Puz - Pbx) = 1.18

ky = (Puz - Pu) / (Puz - Pby) = 1.07

The Additional slender moments calculated earlier will now be multiplied by the above value of K ( K<=1)
Max = 0.0 x 1.00 = 0.0 kN.m
May = 78.0 x 1.00 = 78.0 kN.m

The Additional moments due to slenderness effects should be added to the initial moments after
modifying the initial moments as follows (see section 39.7.1 of the code IS 456:2000)
Mux = 0.6 x 150.0 - 0.4 x 85.0 = 56.0 kN.m
but not less than = 0.4* Max (M1x & M2x) = 60.0 kN.m
Max of the above two = 60.0 kN.m

Muy = 0.6 x 10.0 - 0.4 x 10.0 = 2.0 kN.m

but not less than = 0.4* Max (M1Y & M2Y) = 4.0 kN.m
Max of the above two = 4.0 kN.m

Additional Moment due to minimum eccentricity to be considered:

The above actual moments should be compared with those calculated from minimum eccentricity
consideration ( see 25.4 of the IS code 456:2000) and greater value is to be taken as the initial
moment for adding the additional moments.

Min. eccentricity ex = l/500 + D/30 or 20mm = 33.68 mm least of the two

ey = l/500 + b/30 or 20mm = 23.68 mm least of the two

Moments due to ex OR ey OR Both are Greater than 20mm.

Mux = 1000.0 x 0.0337 = 33.7 kN.m
Muy = 1000.0 x 0.0237 = 23.7 kN.m

Total moments for which the column is to be designed are :

Mux = 150.0 + 0.0 = 150.0 kN.m

39554702.xls / Long
Delhi Metro MC1B abc
Mott MacDonald Consultants(India)
Calculations for Discipline : Civil File No. 59120 / X /
Calc by : RK Date 02-Aug-02 Sheet
Design of RCC Column
Checked by : Date 02-Aug-02
= 23.7 + 78.0 = 101.7 kN.m
But this moment cannot be less than the initinal end moments M 1x & M2x / M1Y & M2Y

Hence, Design moments Mux = 150.0 kN.m

Muy = 101.7 kN.m

Section design for axial force & biaxial bending.

Pu / fck b D = 0.159
p / fck = 0.037
Pu / Puz = 0.28
an = 1.14

For x-x axis d'/D ratio = 0.100 (Design Aid page No 130 )
Mu / fck bD2 = 0.060
Mux1 = 227 kN.m
Mux / Mux1 = 0.66

For Y-Y axis d'/D ratio = 0.200 (Design Aid page No 131)
Mu / fck bD2 = 0.060
Muy1 = 113 kN.m
Muy / Muy1 = 0.90

Now, with References to IS 456:2000, Page 71, Clause 39.6 and Clause 39.7.

(Mux / Mux1)an + (Muy / Muy1) an = 0.66^1.14 + 0.90^1.14

= 1.507 REDESIGN Column

Therefore Area of Steel As = 1.3 % of (300 x 600) = 2340 mm2

Provided reinf. = 20 mm Dia Bar - 8 Nos. = 2513 mm2 1.40 %

Shear Design
Shear force V = 85 kN
Provided tension reinf percentage pt = 1.40 %
Nominal shear stress tv = 5.05 N/mm2

Design shear strength of concrete tc = 0.758 N/mm2 IS-456:2000, Table-19

Shear to be taken by Stirrup Vus = 708.8 N/mm 2

Shear reinf. required for Vus Asv = 3.27 * Sv Asv = Vus * Sv / ( 0.87 * fy * d)
Min. shear reinf. (IS-456, Asv = 0.332 * Sv Asv = 0.4 * b * Sv / ( 0.87 * fy )

39554702.xls / Long
Delhi Metro MC1B abc
Mott MacDonald Consultants(India)
Calculations for Discipline : Civil File No. 59120 / X /
Calc by : RK Date 02-Aug-02 Sheet
Design of RCC Column
Checked by : Date 02-Aug-02
Assumed Spacing of Stirrup Sv = 125 mm
Area of Shear Reinf. required Asv = 409 mm2
Area of Shear Reinf. Provided = Tor 12 - 4 Legged @ 125 mm c/c ( 452 mm2 ) OK

39554702.xls / Long

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