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Minnowbrook III (2008) context-sensitivity, that is,

awareness that institutional and

 Minnowbrook III was held cultural context matters and
September 3-7, 2008. should be incorporated into
 It was coordinated by research. Contributions of this
Rosemary O'Leary, approach are practical for
Distinguished Professor at meeting curricular needs, and
Syracuse University theoretical in making research
 The theme for the third more rigorous, revealing
gathering was: The Future of underlying, often US-oriented
Public Administration, Public assumptions and exploring
Management, and Public alternative contexts.
Service Around the World.
 It consisted of two phases.  Emphasis on action research
and methodological pluralism
The conference discussed
Focal Areas of Minnowbrook III research methods and proposed
a statement of commitment
 Academic-practitioner document, informally referred
relations; to as a pledge or a manifesto,
 Democratic performance asking new scholars to serve
management; as change agents regarding
 Financial management; the use and teaching of
 Globalization/comparative research methods and the
perspectives; responsiveness of the peer-
 Information technology & review process. One element
management; of this was more attention to
 Law, politics & public the method of action research
administration management; to increase engagement with
 Leadership; the issues and practice of
 Methods/interdisciplinary; public administration;
networks; performance another was a commitment to
measurement; methodological pluralism.
 Public administration values &
theory;  A New Definition for Public
 Social equity & justice; Administration
 And Transparency & The conference offered a
accountability. reformulation of public
administration, defining public
administration as: "a
Outcomes of Minnowbrook III socially-embedded process of
collective relationships,
 Increased emphasis on dialogue, and action to
Comparative Studies promote human flourishing
The conference encouraged a for all
renaissance of comparative
studies as the world has
become increasingly
interdependent. The essence
of the comparative approach is

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