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08 Package Management

Red Hat and Debian package managers

takes the organizational burden of the system administrator
keeps the track of the important dependency
when there are multiple system administrators it helps coordinate day to day sof
tware management duties
DEBIAN - apn (a package tool)
Debian package management basic commands
dselect - front end interface (graphical interface)
apt-get - get packages from CD or internet
dpkg - installs package
Debian Packages
pkg_name pkg_version deb_version .deb

Dpkg command set

-i --install
--configure <--reconfigues installed pkg
-r --remove <--removes pkg leaves cfg
-P --purge <--removes pkg including configuration
-p --print-avail <--info about inst pkg
-I --info <--info about uninst pkg
-l pattern <--lists inst. pkgs whose name matches 'pattern'
-L <--lists inst. files associated with package
-C --audit <--looks for partially installed packages

RED HAT - rpm (red hat package manager)

pkg_name --> samba
pkg_version --> 2.0.7
build number aka release # --> 18
architecture --> i586

RPM command set

-i --> install
-U --> install or upgrade existing
-F --freshen --> upgrades if earlier version already inst.
-q --> queries a package
-e --> uninstalls a package
--force --> used with -i, -U, -F, forces installation
--nodeps --> used with -i, -U, -F, -e, does no dependency checks
--test --> checks for dependendy information
note: always test for dependencies, conflicts, etc, before carrying out operatio
rpm search engine
> rpm -q gtk+
checks for a particular package installed and what the version of the package
> rpm -qi gtk+
even more information about the package
> rpm -q xmms
> rpm -F --nodeps xmms-1.2.10-6.i386.rpm

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