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©2010-Federalist 2.0 V01 DRAFT Providentia publius.federalist@yahoo.


Noun: Root Verb: 4

The Justification to Control Providentia: Determination that the overall material progress of the nation should be implemented by a given
group, such that the resources to grow an individual’s providentia (Human Energy) would be determined by the government and provided to
the individual based on their commitment to the ideology. Where man’s material progress is determined by the use of available resources
plus the human energy times tools. MMP = R + (HE * T)

Only the governing class can

Only the anointed class has
determine who has the right
providentia, the government
character to utilize their
permits these individuals to
providentia, the government
exercise their providentia to
then allows them to utilize
their providentia to advance
advance man’s material Provideo:
man’s material progress. I forsee.
The ability to see something in
I am cautious;
advance; foresight,
I act with foresight.
foreknowledge. Precaution,
The majority in power can All citizens have providentia, I provide, see to.
providence, forethought. only determine what group it is their responsibility to
has providentia, the discover what that is and
I look after, care for.
government then is used to determine how to use their
allow these groups to utilize providentia within society to
their providentia to advance advance mankinds material
man’s material progress. progress.

The Justification to Liberate Providentia: Determination that the overall material progress of the nation should be liberated to be decided
by the citizens, such that the means to grow an individual’s providentia (Human Energy) would be determined by the individual and provided
to the individual based on their individual initiative. Where man’s material progress is determined by the use of available resources plus the
human energy times tools. MMP = R + (HE * T)

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