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Engineering & Natural Sciences

On the Job So
Engineering and natural science man- met
Twen hing
agers plan and direct research, devel- almo ty years Ext
a st alw
lab c
ays b the ti
opment, and production in large and oat. B rough tle
has u eng
small companies and research labs. enginbegun op t in the l t up the i ineering
wom eering c ening to st two d mage of manage
They hire engineers, chemists, and tistic en at all ompanie women. ecades, a man inr
biologists. They manage and review engins show thlevels of s are ac In fact, t the field
the work in a business or lab and wom eering a e results employmtively rec oday’s
45 p en. Altho nd scien : Nearly ent. Cur ruiting
help determine salaries. They also from ercent fo ugh that ce mana 25 percerent sta-
the o r ’s g n
decide what workers and equip- ld steall occup still belo ers today t of all
reoty ations w the are
pe. , it’s a
ment are needed to do certain jobs. a lon verage o
g way f

Subjects to Study
Math, physics, chemistry, shop and technology
courses, computer skills, speech, business

Discover More
Bachelor’s degree
Ask to shadow your own school lab coordinator for +
a day or two. What kinds of jobs does he or she
perform on a regular basis? This might include Education &
supervising other workers and volunteers, keeping
track of chemicals and other supplies, preparing
workstations for students, and defragging comput-
ers, in addition to teaching students. $$$$$

Related Jobs Earnings

Engineers, mathematicians, agricultural and food
scientists, biological and medical scientists,
conservation scientists and foresters, atmospheric
scientists, chemists and materials scientists, envi- Average increase
ronmental scientists and geoscientists, physicists
and astronomers, computer programmers, top
Job Outlook

Industrial Engineers and Engineering Technicians Job Description FORENSIC SCIENCE RESEARCHER JOB DESCRIPTION
Civil Engineering Technician Job Description

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