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'ffi z.BH
Prove that (a2 + p2)x2 - 3(o - l3)r *'f ohas no real roots, if cr + p ,. o ,


Discriminant = [-3(a -f,)]2-4kxz + lllf *) ll there is no real roola,

\z/ diacriminant < O.
= 9[(cr - B)2 - 2a2 - 2pz1
= 9[a2 + l32 - 2aF * 2o2 -2F2f
= -g(o.2 + g2 + 2cp)
= _9(a + 0)z
Since a + p r 0, therefore (a + 0)2 > 0
We have discriminant, -9(cr + 0)2 < 0.
Therefore, the quadratic equation has no real roots,

Relationship Between Roots and Coefficients of a Quadratic Equation

<0. Consider the general quadratic equation
r aII axz +br*c = 0,. where a,b,ce R, and a r"0. ffi "r,
derivethia formula aE il
Let a and B be the roots ofthe equation. often appeareinthe
By the factor theorem, an equivalent equation is obtained. e><aminal,ion,

r (r-cr)(r-|3)=0
x2-(ct+B)r+00 =0
Comparing with the equation axz + bx * c = 0 which can also be written as
We get c+F- -f; ".a o1=t
The above results can be summarised as follows:
(il Let cr and l3 be the roots of the equation ax2 + bx * c = 0.

::iiii.'::le :r.:-i::l:

..,'t::;:ltr::iji'!..:;:i;4:,,* 4,:1,::, ; i,-,:t;i:!*:,i:liLi9.r":,:i


(ii) Any,g11-1'd13tlc.e,grgtiolpl;1,!-eelprgsqgdinthe form

(iii) '" ;1 ffi

Since a and p are the roots, therefore ,aiit + b,cr.+ c = 0
are true. ' -'
Some important identities which can be used to express cerbain expression in \S Tn"u"identitieE are
terms of cr + p and crl3 are as follows: i uEaful for solving.

I probleme.
' (c)
Fj. (d)
ffi, (e)

Ifa and
Write downtheualues ot
B are the roots of2r2 - x + 4 = 0, find the values of
(a) sz 1 pz ft) 1*l
(c) (a-1xp-1) then e,<presethe
expresoion in ierms of
(d)9"F (e) a3+03 a+Bandap.
ir*g_ -- )l cneprnnz


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