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Uncertain or unable to decide what course to follow.

"was ambivalent about what having children."

uncertain, unsure, incertain


1.) A disparaging remark.

2.) An abusive attack on person's character or good name.

3.) The act of sprinkling water in baptism{rare)

"in the 19th century any reference to femal sexuality was considered a vile aspersion"

defamation, denigration, calumny, slander


An explanation or critical interpretation.{esp. of Bible)



wealth as evidenced by sumptuous living.

luxuriousness, luxury, sumptuousness


1.) unfriendly behavior that causes anger or resentment.

2.) something that incites or provokes; a means of arousing or stirring to action.

3.) Needed encourangement.

3.) "the result was a provocation of vigorous investigation"

aggravation, incitation, incitement, irritation


n. Assistance in time of difficulty. v. Help in a difficult situation.

ministration, relief, succor


1.) A person who is gullible and easy to take advantage of.

all-day sucker, chump, fall guy, fool, gull, flim-flam


Naive and easily deceived or tricked.

2.) Easily tricked because of being too trusting.

"at that early age she had been gullible and in love"

2.) "gullible tourists taken in by the shell game"


adj. Greatly desired.

V. wish, long or crave for (something, especially the property of another person)

v. "she covets her sister's house"

desired, in demand, sought after


1.) Fundamentally different or distinct in quality or kind.

2.) including markedly dissimilar elements.

1.) "such disparate attractions as grand opera and game fishing"; "disparate ideas"

2.)"a disparate aggregate of creeds and songs and prayers"

different, heterogenous

n.1.) Problem solving that involves numbers or v.: 6.) ''you have to reckon with our opponents" count, cyphering, depending,
quantities. estimating, figuring, forecasting,
2.) A bill for an amount due. guessing, rgarding, seeing,
3.) the act of counting; reciting numbers in ascending supposing, tally.
v. 1.)Expect, believe or suppose.
reckoning 2.) Judge to be probable.
3.) Deem to be.
4.) Make a mathematical calculation or computation.
5.) have faith or confidence in
6.) take account of
vice 1.) A specific form of evildoing 1.) "vice offends the moral standards of the frailties, vises
2.) Moral weaknsess. community"
1.) not injurious to physical or mental health. 2.) "it was an innocuous remark", "confined himself to innocent, unobjectionable.
innocuous 2.) not causing disapproval. innocuous generalities"
3.) Lacking intent or capacity to injure
an unexpected and inexplicable change in something "the vagaries of the weather";"his wealth fluctuates
vagaries ( in a situation or a person's behavior, etc.) with the vagaries of the stock market";"he has dealth
with human vagaries for many years"
1.) the act of positioning close together (or side by 1.) "it is the result of juxtaposition of contrasting
juxtaposition side) colors"
2.) A side-by-side position.
confusion resulting from failure to understand. bafflement, befuddlement,
bewilderment bemusement, mystification,
obfuscation, puzzlement
v. 1.) Make less visible or unclear. v. 1.) "the stars are obscured by the clouds";"the big blur, clound, confuse, haze overm
2.) make unclear, indistinct or blurred. elm tree obscures our view of the valley" isolated, mist, obliterat, obnubilate,
3.) make obscure or unclear 3.) "the distinction was obscured" vague, unsung
4.) reduce a vowel to a neutral one, such as a schwa adj. 1.) "an obscure turn of phrase";"an impulse to go
5.) make undecipherable or imperceptible by off and fight certain obscure battles of his own spirit"
obscuring or concealing. 2.) "those who do not appreciate Kafka's work say his
obscure Adj. 1.) not clearly understood or expressed. style is obscure"
2.)marked by difficulty of style or expression. 3.) "an obscure retreat"
3.) difficult to find. 4.) "an obscure family"
4.)not famous or acclaimed. 5.)"an obscure flaw"
5.) not drawing attention. 6.) "an obscure village"
6.) remote and separate physically or socially. 1.) Having a sophisticated charm. bland, debonaire
suave 2.) smoothly agreeable and courteous with a degree
of sophistication.
altercation noisy quarrel. affray, fracas
1.) Admonish or counsel in terms of someones's 3.) "He admonished the child for his bad behaviour" cautioned, discouraged, monished,
behaviour. warned, reproved
admonished 2.) Warn strongly; put on guard
3.) Take to task
adj. 1.) Filled with the emotional impact of adj. 1.) "astounded viewers wept at the pictures from amazed, astonished, stunned
astounded overwhelming surprise or shock. Oklahoma City bombing"
v. affect with wonder.
Dig for reburial or for medical investigation; of dead disinterred
exhumed bodies
impaled 1.) Pierce with a sharp stake or point. 1.) "impale a shrimp on a skewer" empaled, spiked, staked, transfixed
2.) kill by piercing with a spear or sharp pole 2.) "the enemies were impaled and left to die"
1.) Lacking in rigor or strictness. 1.) "such lax and slipshod ways are no longer loose, slack
lax 2.) lacking in strength or firmness or resilience. acceptable"; "lax in attending classes"
3.) emptying easily or excessively. 2.) "a lax rope"
sacrilegious Grossly irreverent toward what is held to be sacred. "it is sacrilegious to enter with shoes on" blasphemous, profane
Believing the worst of human nature and motives; misanthropic
cynical having a sneering disbelief in e.g. selflessness of
inferno 1.) Any place of pain and turmoil. 1.) "the inferno of the engine room" conflagaration
2.) A very intense and uncontrolled fire.
bigot A prejudiced person who is intolerant of any opinions
differing from his own
1.)Adj. devoted to a cause of party.
N. 1.) a fervent and even militant proponent of
2.) an ardent and enthusiastic supporter of some
partisan person or activity.
3.) a pike with a long tapering double edged blade
with lateral projections; 16th and 17th centuries.
1.) the state of being disregarded or forgotten. "he sought the great oblivion of sleep" limbo
oblivion 2.) total forgetfulness.
incredulity Doubt about the truth of something disbelief, skepticism incredulous adj. not disposed or willing to believe; unbelieving disbelieving, distrustful, incredible,
skeptical, unbelievable
incriminate 1. suggest that someone is guilty. accuse, criminate, impeach, imply
2. bring an accusation against; level a charge against
incubate Grow under conditions that promote development brood, cover, hatch
1 .) A male demon believed to lie on sleeping persons nightmare
and to have sexual intercourse with sleeping women.
incubus 2.) a situation resembling a terrifying dream.
3.) someone who depresses or worries others
inculcate teach or impress by frequent repetitions or "inculcate values into young generation" infuse; instill
adj.1.) Lying or leaning on something else. 1. "an incumbent geological formation"
2.) necessary (for someone) as a duty or 2. "it is incumbent on them to pay their own debts"
incumbent responsibility; 3. "the incumbent governor"
morally binding.
3.) Currently holding an office.
v. 1.) Make oneselft subject to; bring upon oneself; 1."People who smoke incur a great danger to their find, get, obtain, receive
incur become liable to health."
2.) receive a specified treatment(abstract)
1.) the act of entering some territory or domain. 1.) "The incursion of television into the american penetration
incursion 2.) An attack that penetrates into enemy territory. living room."
3.) the mistake of incurring liability or blame.
indefatigable adj. 1.) showing sustained enthusiastic action with "an indefatigable advocate of equal rights" tireless, unflagging, unwearying
unflagging vitality.
v. 1.) Secure against future loss, damage or liability; "This plan indemnifies workers against wages lost compensate, repair
indemnify give security for. through illness."
2.) Make amends for; pay compensation for
1.) Oppose, as in hostility or a competition. 1.) You must confront your opponent. The two
2.) Deal with (something unpleasant) head on. enemies finally confronted on each other.
3.) Present somebody with something, usually to 2.) You must confront your problems.
Confront accuse or criticize. 3.) We confronted him with the evidence.
4.) Be face to face with. 4.)The child screamed when he confronted the man
in the Halloween costume.
mystified totally perplexed and mixed up. amazed, baffledm bewildered,
flummoxed, puzzled, vexed,
bellicosity a natural disposition to fight. wait in hiding to attack. ambushed, periled, queered
scuppered 2.) Put in dangerous, disadvantageous or difficult
1.) Sing with closed lip. 1.) She hummed a melody. buzzed, thrummed, seethed
hummed 2.) Be noisy with acitiviy 4.) the refrigerator is humming
3.) Make a low conitnuous sound.
conciliatory 1.) Making or willing to make concessions 2.) a coniciliatory visit compromising, conciliative, flexible
2.) Intended to placate.
adj. Fully understood or grasped. adj. "these apprehended truths" appreciated, grasped, comprehended
V. 1.) get the meaning of something.
apprehended 2.) Take into custody.
3.) Anticipate with dread or anxiety.
n. a detective who follows a trail. snoops, spies, stags
sleuths V. watch, observe or inquire secretly
n. a person who receives support and protection from
protege an influential patron who furthers the protege's

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