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Mental laws - some basic truths regarding the functioning of the mind and the will.

The mind is a completely programmable, setable part of the human being.

Though the mind is untouchable, its existence cannot be denied. Because the mind executes all its
deeds in complete silence, it must be regarded as one of the hidden powers of the universe, its powers
must be mined and its force must be used, just as we do with other untouchable, and undeniable
powers, as wind, light, and force of attraction (gravitation), to our own benefit.

As it is with every other force and power, we only fear its power as long as we have still not learned to
rule it, to properly direct it.
The mind is itself the one that gives its bearer (humans) the power to rule over it.

Bringing the mind under our control and rule is impossible without studying the factors which, just as it
is with all other forces and powers manifest in the phisical world, render it different from all artificially
constructed limits prevalent in human society. No force or form or manifestation of energy which can
be studied by phisics, is bound by moral limitations, therefore, we say that from this point of view,
there is no such thing as good force and bad force, the moral reflection of all powers and forces is to be
found only in the measure and in the mode of its use.

Every mental image, imagination, to which we submit the rule of our minds, is willing to become
manifest in phisical reality, be it a mental image that projects a good outcome, or a bad outcome.

Every thought which is COUPLED BY FEELINGS is willing to be made manifest (to be manifested).
This is one of the secrets of a successful life. Nothing can be manifested successfully, which - as the
hungarians would say - does not warm you, or which "leaves you cold", meaning, that the thought of it
does not make you passionate enough so that an electrochemical response starts in your body and you
phisically warm up, your body temperature rises. We can only progress with success in a direction
towards which we feel that we "catch the spark" and we find the inner fire.

The mind does not have moral limitations, the image which is to be manifested is not bound by moral
goood or evil constructs or limitations.
Therefore, we say, that to the mind, it is equally important, whether you project, conquered by fear, an
image in which the possible outcome of an event , is a negative one, an accident for instance, or ruling
in trust and positive emotions, you project a positive outcome for the same event. For the mind, it is
equally path-setting, the mind will regard both as "direction".

The thoughts which are about to be manifested will first produce an electrochemical process in the
body, on the end of which will invariably be some action, inconsiderate of whether those actions will
be doing good or evil. Therefore, we must guard ourselves, not to let our minds be overwhelmed with
images of fear, not to let the negative emotions spring forth in our mindsets, because the actions
manifested from those negative emotions and images of fear, will be much harder to avoid or stop, then
stopping the negative thoughts would have been.

No thought, no image in the mind, can be in contrast or opposition with the image of the desired
(We say that a prayer for a positive outcome of something is useless, if we are already convinced that
the outcome will be negative, when we start praying).
If willpower and convincement(belief) are in direct contradiction with each-other, belief will ALWAYS
prevail in the mind. Therefore, it is better to analyse our own beliefs within ourselves, BEFORE
coupling them with the power of our will or willpower, so that we don't set ourselves on a journey of
inner conflict. There is no external event in life which could produce such a long-lasting destructive
mark on the mind - sooner or later we heal from all things done to our minds by external factors - then
the inner, unresolved conflicts.

Our aquired habits are NOT part of our real selves, though the mind will cling on to them, AS LONG
To our minds, habits simply mean "this is the right way to do things". Therefore, the willpower is
incapable of fighting bad habits UNTIL THE INTENT DOES NOT SET A NEW DIRECTION FOR


Intent arises in the human being when the projected image of the mind is coupled with such emotions,
that are "comely", good, and produce the feeling of well-being in the individual. Therefore, we say, we
can CONTROL our INTENT by coupling positive emotions to our thoughts guided in accordance with
our moral compass, aided by the power of imagination. And we can do this, we can guide and guard
our thoughts, by COMPARING THEM TO OUR MORAL BELIEFS and measuring the purity of the
thoughts that arise in us, on our moral scale.

Thus, once we have learnt how to keep our thoughts pure, and couple them with positive emotions, we
set our INTENT towards the realisation of our goals, in motion. This intent will then mobilise, from the
innermos, molecular, cellular level, and up to the action we must take, itself, the right energies, to make
that pure thought coupled with positive emotion, manifest. And the manifested images of our minds,
from the phase of their incipience, and from the intermediary phases of being partially manifested, our
goals partially realised, will give the POSITIVE FEEDBACK to our minds, and let it know that we are
on the right path. This feedback, through the positive feelings it produces in us, is the MENTAL
FOOD, the non-phisical nourishment for the accomplishment of our goals.


Guard your thoughts, discipline them. Couple EMOTIONS, ONLY TO THE THOUGHTS which
would produce POSITIVE INTENT in accordance with your moral values.To that CORRECT
INTENT, allow your willpower to be MERGED with full convincement, your pure WILL then
accomplish with full bravery, these will become your actions.Your actions will define then your
habits.Your habits will in turn become the path you walk in life.

Therefore, what you think in your mind, you truly become.

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