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adjective: complicated, involved, complex, involute, knotty, tricky,

elaborate, tangly, mazy, tangled
A trade-off is a situation where you make a compromise between two things, or wh
ere you exchange all or part of one thing for another.
brittle :
o adjective: fragile, frail, breakable, frangible, crisp, friable, ten
der, delicate, shivery, short, flimsy
An object or substance that is brittle is hard but easily broken. Adjecti
If you describe a situation, relationship, or someone's mood as brittle,
you mean that it is unstable, and may easily change. Adjective
Synonym: fragile
These incidents suggest the peace in Northern Ireland is still
This may help to undermine the brittle truce that currently exi
Someone who is brittle seems rather sharp and insensitive and says t
hings which are likely to hurt other people's feelings. Adjective
...Noel Coward's brittle comedy of bad manners.
A brittle sound is short, loud, and sharp. Adjective
Myrtle gave a brittle laugh.

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