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[tIn't nrgetthe "s' with he, she and it.

[ties he work?

Helping -..em do I does + subject + 1 st nrmof-..em


Subject + helping -..em do /does + not + 1 st nrm of-..em

He does not (doesn't) work.

~ do not (don't) work.

She doesnot (doesn't) work.


(doesn't) work.


Used for temporary actions going on now.

The action should be important enough to comment on

this ui eek

We are having a meeting_dght now.

The action must have a beginning and an end

at the moment

We are

w ori<ing.:..:.:.

They' are

w ori<ing.:..:.:. Subject + present of 'to U:~~---~---~---- He is

be" + -ing w ori<ing.:..:.:.

form of verb

present question of helping verb: 'to be" + subject + -ing form of verb

ke we wori<ingd

Subject +

present negative He is not Osn't)_

of helping verb:

'to be" + -ing w ori<ing.:..:.:.

form of verb We are not

__ ~~~~~~~~-----------~ren't)wori<ing.:..:.:.

She is not Osn't)_

w ori<ing.:..:.:.

It is not Osn't)_

They' are not wori<ing.:..:.:.

(aren't )_ You are not

w ori<ing.:..:.:. (aren't) w ori<ing.:..:.:.

P~ POOWE!!iI!ilNE!
.. ~ .
... -.
t ·f t
P~st 8irTlJle Prsssnt Si ITlJ lEI Future 8i~le KEY WORDS





Subject + 2nd They_ form 01 verb 1*~:------~----"WOrked.

He "WO~d.

She "WOrked. "WOrked.

Leam the irregular verbs!

Did we w orl<?

Subject + helping verb did + not + 1 st form 01 verb

I did not (didn't)_ w orl<

He did not (didn't)_ w orl<.

We did not (didn't) W orl<.

They' did not (didn't) W orl<.

She did not (didn't) W orl<. It did not (didn't)_

W ork .


f'd ... 'II....._---tr-, -----------------.,. Futul'::

Drthe past 01 the Present Pro 9 re ssi"l.E!

to saythat sorreons was in the rriddle 01 doing something at a

osrtain tirre in the past

This'lim:! last week Iwas worl<jng on the

'lfl.tJile we were ha"Jjng..2_ m:!e1ing Jane was inishing the reRort.

to show that two actions were going on atthe sarre tirre in the past

r---;;:============;:--~ .. A 4 o'dod< ~sterday"

Dr an action that was atemoon Iwas

interrupted bvanomer RreRaring Dr a m:!e1ing.:.,

action in the ast

to show that an action in the past went on Dr a longer period 011im:! or was repeated


when + Past Simple On trture'lim:! clause)

Iwas not (wasn'tl worl<jng.:.:.:

'lfl.tJen ..bhn arri"l.E!d we were ha"Jjng a m:!e1ing, Iwas worl<jng..2..!l..

that reR0rt all


She said they.were ha"Jjng a m:!e1ing,

bythe firre + Present Simple On trture'lim:! clause)

atthis'lim:! + point 011im:! in trture

\.I'ItIsit worl<jng ... ?

\I'Ik were not (weren't) worl<jng.:.;,:

He wasnot (wasn't) worl<jng.:.;,:

YOIJ were not (weren't) worl<jng.:.;,:

They.were not (weren't) worl<jng.:.;,:

She wasnot (wasn't) worl<jng.:.;,:


connects actions that started in the past to the present

action repeated itself before now - exactly w hen is not important

I have written many' rep-orts.

action happened before I have al ready' read

now at an unspecified time L-~-~__ that rep-ort.

in the past

I have worked here for 3 Y.§ars.


.- _- since (+ point of time) -_-.


Subject + Present helping verb: have + not + 3rd form of verb

We have not (baven't)_ worked.

I have not (baven't) worked

She has not (basn't) worked.

It has not (basn't) worked.


They have not (baven't) worked.

Prel!lent Perfect I

.,. ..... ------1 ........ 1 - - -'~


~~~---t-' --~,t--~t--~~

F':3 st S Imp I€!

Future 8i iIfIle

=reeem Simple

to explain a situation

nr actions repeated a eriod oftime

Sarah has blacl< ink all herself! Yes, Ithink she has been :! to b:the cop"y'machine .

to emphasize the length 01 an action (Progressi-..e) and sholJJ that it started in

the past and has re02!rrtly Oust) stopped or is still true nOIJJ.

r-..e been 1JJ0rl<jngk -..erten hours. r-t.1JJ it's time nr a break! ~ur dep-arlm:!nt ha-..e training sessions here oten? 2.!:L~s. \OJ:! ha-..e been ha~ng them e-..e[Y.month nr three ~ars nOIJJ .

to ask or sayholJJ long something has been happening

to emphasize or shoui that it has been a long time

Iha-..e been r-~_____ IJJO rl<jng here n r

o-..erwo ~ars.


~ -,IJJ~~!~~ 1JJ0rl<jng~

Subject + Present Per1E!ct ot'to be" + -ing nrrn 01-..erb

You ha-..e

\OJ:! ha-..e

be.en Thev.ha-..e 1JJ0rl<jng~ beer:;--


Ii:! has been 1JJ0rl<jng~


Pre se nt P e r1E! ct question 01 helping -..erb: ''to be" + subject + -ing nrrn 01-..erb

She has been 1JJ0rl<jng~

lhasbeen 1JJ0rl<jng~

Hashe been 1JJ0rl<jng ",?

Ha-..e thev.been ~g ... ?

Ha-..e lJJe been 1JJ0rl<jng ... ?

Has she been 1JJ0rl<jng ... ?

Subject + negati-..e Present Per1E!ct 01 helping -..erb: ''to be" + -ing nrm

Ii:! has not (l:!asn't)_ been 1JJ0rl<jng~

\OJ:! ha-..e not (J]a-..en't) been 1JJ0rl<jng~

---.--.~ . She has not (l:!asn't)_ been 1JJ0rl<jng~

l has not (l:!asn'tl

been 1JJ0rl<jng~

Thev.ha-..e not (l:!a-..en't )_ been 1JJ0rl<jng.:.:.;

You ha-..e not (l:!a-..en't) been 1JJ0rl<jng.:.:.;

to change the

omer01 L---~~~~


Past Si mRI e: He asked for the reRort and I fi ni shed it.

Past Perfect: He asked for the reRort after I had fi ni shed it.

action IJJ as completed I had fi ni shed

before another action ._------_-l~IRort by.the

or time in the past ti me he arri 'Jed.


Subject + Past 01

helping verb: have + He had not

not + 3m form 01 OJadn't) IJJ orked ...


------------:~~~=---~~----~~ __ Wehadnot OJadn't)_

1JJ0rked ...

They' had not OJadn't) IJJ orked ...


. I

~ ~~4~ ~5~ ~~ ~~ ~~

f t f

P:;'$1 81t"rllle Pte~ nt Simple F inure 81 ITfII!2

action will be completed before another action or time in the future

I "Wi II have fi ni shed the rep-ort by' the ti me he arrives tomorrow.

by this time + point 01 time in future

by the time + Present Simple 0n future time clause)

when + Present Simple 0n future time clause)

We "Will have

wo~ ... They' "Will have

~S;;~~:- --:-:----:-:7""""""'_wo_rk~e_d--< .. __ . He "Wi II

r It "Will have

have worked ...

wo~ ...

Subject + futu 01 have + 3rd form 01 verb

Will he have ..:..:..;:;.:....:..:.;::=.:..~....-' ... worl<ed ... ? Will they_


Future 01 helping verb: have + subject~~~=========-~~:-;:==--r-,

+ 3rd form 01 verb Will it have w orl<ed ... ?

Will we


worl<ed ... ?


Subject + future 01 helping verb: have + not + 3rd form 01 verb

He w ill not have (w on't have)_ w orl<ed ...

_______ :::~~~-~~----..___,_:we will not have (w on't have)_

w orl<ed ...

I will not have She w ill not have
(w on't have)_ (w on't have)_
w orked ... w orked ...
It w ill not have (w on't
They' will not have) w orked ...
have (w on't have)_
w orked ...
FutlI8 PBrR:lct I
.. . ·1 ..
f f f
Past Simple P r8 oonl 81t'fll18 Future 8itlllle. asthe past ofthe Present Pel'i!ct Progressi"JJ:!

Presert Perfect PCfmssive: Jctn still isn't ~re? I-bw I~ have Y.Q::! been ~itiOOfcr tim?

Past Perfect PCfmssive: I-bw I~. had Y.Q::! been ~itiOOfcr Jctn - befcre ~ arrived?

to errphasize or shoui that it urasa lonq tirre

I had been ~itiOOfcr tim fcr overt......-erty. mirties befcre Jctn st-Dwed !::p-=-

to errphasize the length of an action (Progressi"JJ:!) and :::how that it. started in the past and had been gOing on beDre a past action (Past Pel'i!ct)

[']J1 .. ( Dr

~R;:~'__b_e_D_re __ )


~ had been wcrkiOOfcr t~ can~[lY.fcr over t......-erty_~ar::: wh:!n ~ retired.



Subject + will +l~funmof~~==~--~----~~~~

vert It "Will 'W'Ork.

He "Will 'W'Ork.


\fIJi1i we work?

Subject + helping vert: will + not + 1~ form of vert

He w ill not (w on't)_ work.

I w ill not (w on't)_ work

We will not (w on't) work.

They-will not (w on't) work.

She will not (w on't) work.

It w ill not (w on't)_




1 1 ·1


P~~~~~-------------------------~i-----------lI~. ----------~. F~u~

Used for temporary actions going on now.

The action should be important enough to comment on

this ui eek

We are having a meeting_dght now.

The action must have a beginning and an end

at the moment

We are

w ori<ing.:..:.:.

They' are

w ori<ing.:..:.:. Subject + present of 'to U:~~---~---~---- He is

be" + -ing w ori<ing.:..:.:.

form of verb

present question of helping verb: 'to be" + subject + -ing form of verb

ke we wori<ingd

Subject +

present negative He is not Osn't)_

of helping verb:

'to be" + -ing w ori<ing.:..:.:.

form of verb We are not

__ ~~~~~~~~-----------~ren't)wori<ing.:..:.:.

She is not Osn't)_

w ori<ing.:..:.:.

It is not Osn't)_

They' are not wori<ing.:..:.:.

(aren't )_ You are not

w ori<ing.:..:.:. (aren't) w ori<ing.:..:.:.

P~ POOWE!!iI!ilNE!
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P~st 8irTlJle Prsssnt Si ITlJ lEI Future 8i~le to ernphas ize the length of an action (P rogress we) and s h(((JJ

that it will have been going on for r--~~ He will have been

a long time before a future action work ing for the

(future Perfect) comRaDY, for over


to ernphas ize or s h(((JJ that it will be a long time



h(((JJ long


Past Perfect question of helping verb: ''to be" + subject + - ing form of verb

Subject + negatwe Past Perfect of helping verb: ''to be" + - ing form of verb

I will not (won't)_ have been workinL

~y' the time I retire I will have een work ing for this comRaDY, for over ten y'ea~.

It will have been workinL

ave been workinL

Willi have

been Will it have

have been working ... ?

She will not (won't) have been workinL

Will we have been working ... ?

We will not (won't) have been work ing:..:..:

He will not (won't) have been work ing:..:..:

You will not (won't) have been work ing:..:..:

Th~ will not (won't) have been work ing:..:..:

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