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San José, Costa Rica, Monday 24 may, 2010

Student, Miss Gabriela Cruz

Neighbor Turnón, San José
Universidad Latinoamericana de Ciencia y Tecnología
English Class II

Dear sir Carlos Arias

First of all, I want to say you, that your presentation about, How can a company
move to digital? was really profit for all the students present.
Because it was focused on digital marketing, which is very important for the
students of engineering, business administration and of course for the students
from publicity.

But, in the other hand, the way used to give the information was very boring; the
people attention was just captured when the videos were run. The opaque colors of
the slides were one of reasons why the students were distracted, this made the
presentation monotone.

Here whit this pictures, I´m demonstrating what I said.

Thank you for the presentation. I hope that my advantages can be useful for next
time you will make an exhibition.

I appreciate your attention.

Gabriela Cruz Carvajal

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