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Chapter 22

1. There are eleven datives in From the Inn to Rome, the story in your textbook on
pages 185-186. List the eleven datives and the line number in which they are located.

Dative Line # Dative Line #

1. _________________ ________ 7. _________________ ________
2. _________________ ________ 8 _________________ ________
3. _________________ ________ 9. _________________ ________
4. _________________ ________ 10. _________________ ________
5. _________________ ________ 11. _________________ ________
6. _________________ ________

2. Identify whether the word in bold face is Dative or Accusative. Then translate
each sentence into English.

a. Dominus mandata vilicō dat. Case:___________________

b. Servō descendere ē raedā licet. Case:___________________
c. Corneliī cauponae appropinquāvērunt. Case:___________________
d. Sextus tunicam induere voluit. Case:___________________
e. Caupo servīs multās cistās tradidit. Case:___________________
f. Miles puerīs fabulam narrāvit. Case:___________________
g. Duō amicī iter in Graeciā fēcerunt. Case:___________________
h. Magistra nobīs nōn respondit. Case:___________________
i. Necesse est eīs strenuē laborāre. Case:___________________
j. Scelestus caupo stercus in plaustrō coniēcit. Case:___________________

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