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David Tierney

Using peer critiques and self-editing revision is a necessary evil. I say evil because
nobody likes revising their works but when it is done the work is probably way better and has a
better flow to it. During this semester we had to critiques two of our peers works and help
them by giving them pointers on some possible points of revision. Unfortunately, my writing did
not get critiqued so honestly I was lost on what needed to be done. It is neat how a critique
could help you make sense of the work and how it could be changed to be better or more
understandable. When I was critiquing I tried my best to help out my peers in making their
works easier to understand plus I asked some questions that could spark some more
investigation into their topics. I am going to be revising my first paper which was the synthesis
paper. There were some areas where my mind went crazy and I put some stuff in there that
should not have been there. I know I will be looking for word choice and sentence structure as
well as information that may not pertain to the topic of the paper. I want my paper to be
revised in a manner that will be able to flow better and not have people scratching their heads.

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