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-----------------------------------------------------------1- Define What is Computer Network?

2- List the types of computer network available?
3- Why we need to create computer networks- explain with example?
Beacuse to share resources (such as information or data,
printers, cd, scanners .etc), exchange files or allow electronic
4- Define what is Node?
5- Explain with block diagrame & example about
LAN (Local area Network)?
6-Explain with block diagrame & example about
MAN(Metropolitian area Network)?
7-List any three Advantages of installing a network?
8-List any three disadvantages of installing a network?
9-Explain about both types of NETWORK ARCHITECTURE that can be
10-Explain about the network technology that can be used at any
11- Explain about Peer-to-Peer Network?
12-Explain about Client -server network?
13- Define what is NETWORK TOPOLOGY?
14- List all the types of NETWORK TOPOLOGY available?
15- Explain the following about bus topology network:
A- Define Bus topology Network.
B- Block diagram of bus topology Network.
C- List any One Advantage & one disadvantage of bus topology.
16- Explain the following about star topology network:
A- Define star topology Network.
B- Block diagram of star topology Network.
C- List any One Advantage & one disadvantage of star topology.
17- Explain the following about ring topology network:
A- Define ring topology Network.
B- Block diagram of ring topology Network.
C- List any One Advantage & one disadvantage of ring topology.
18- Explain the following about mesh topology network:
A- Define mesh topology Network.
B- Block diagram of mesh topology Network.
C- List any One Advantage & one disadvantage of mesh topology.
19- Explain the following about hybrid topology network:
A- Define hybrid topology Network.
B- Block diagram of hybrid topology Network.
C- List any One Advantage & one disadvantage of bus topology.

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