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Complete with the SIMPLE PAST of the verbs in parenthesis and say if they are REGULAR OR IRREGULAR VERBS,

after that make the

sentences in the interrogative and negative forms


Last year I (go) ______________ to England on holiday.


It (be)__________ fantastic.

Quando usado o Simple Past?
Quando usado o Present Perfect?


3.I (visit) _____________ lots of interesting places.

Como formada a afirmativa do Present Perfect?


In the mornings we (walk) _____________ in the streets of London.

Como so as formas negativa e interrogativa do Present

Perfect? D 1 exemplo de cada.


In the evenings we (go) ________________ to pubs.


It (not / rain) ___________________ a lot.


But we (see) ____________________ some beautiful rainbows.


Where (spend / you) _______________ your last holiday

Complete as frases abaixo usando os verbos em parntese no Present Perfect e marque a alternativa que tenha a seqncia correta dos
I The baby ________ (to cry).

II Alan _______ (to finish) the exercise

III Bob and Ted _____ (to spend) much money.

a) has cried has finished have spent.

b) have cried has finished has spent.

c) have cried have finished has spent.

d) has cried have finished have spent

Marque a alternativa cuja frase esteja no Present Perfect.

a) They played tennis.

b) Susan didnt sleep at home.

c) She has cooked our lunch

d) I have a terrible headach.

Qual a alternativa que completa corretamente a frase They ________ vegetables no Present Perfect?
a) have eat.

b) has eat.

c) have eaten.

d) has eat.

Qual a alternativa que completa corretamente a frase Rose ____________ here for five years no Present Perfect?
a) have live.

b) has lived.

c) have lived.

d) has live.

Marque a alternativa que complete corretamente a frase _____ Robert _______ another song? no Present Perfect.
a) Has wrote

b) Have written

c) Have wrote

d) Has written

Marque a alternativa que complete corretamente a frase Joe and I _________ to study Math no Present Perfect.
a) havent stopped

b) not have stopped

c) has not stopped

d) has stopped not

Qual a forma interrogativa da frase The children have visited their grandparents?
a) Has the children visited their grandparents?

b) Have the children visited their grandparents?

c) The children visited their grandparents?

d) The have the children visited their grandparents?

Qual a forma negativa da frase She has gone to Italy?

a) She has gone not to Italy.

b) Not she has gone to Italy.

c) She not has gone to Italy.

d) She has not gone to Italy.

Complete a frase They have worked here _____ 2001 com o advrbio adequado.
a) since

b) to

c) for

d) just

Qual a resposta correta da frase Have you told him the news??
a) Yes, I did.

b) Yes, I do.

c) Yes, I have.

d) Yes, I told.

Transformando a frase They havent been to Canada yet para a 3 pessoa do singular ser:
a) She didnt been to Canada yet.

b) She doesnt been to Canada yet.

c) She hasnt been to Canada yet.

d) She havent been to Canada yet.

Julgue C (certo) ou E (errado) as afirmaes abaixo e depois marque a alternativa com a seqncia correta.

) O Present Perfect um tempo verbal que expressa, basicamente, uma ao iniciada no presente e que continua no futuro.


) Usa-se o Present Perfect para uma ao passada quando h a indicao de quando essa ao aconteceu.


) Quando queremos fazer perguntas com o verbo no Present Perfect usamos o verbo auxiliar Do ou Does no incio da frase.


) Para formar uma frase negativa no Present Perfect, usa-se a partcula de negao antes do verbo auxiliar to have (has / have).

a) C, C, E, E

b) E, E, E, E

c) E, E, C, C

d) C, C, C, C

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