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Topic outline:

We will be creating our own stories focussing on developing an
exciting setting. We will then be animating these stories. We will
be creating and performing our own poetry. This half term will
see us utilise all our skills we have learnt this year to ensure our
stories and poetry really excite the reader.
We will be focussing on mental maths skills and recapping
number bonds and place value. We will be spending time looking
at money and time, consolidating our understanding of this. We
will continue to be learning our 2, 5 and 10 times tables.
This half term we will be looking at our planet and the habitats
in which we live. We will link this to our English to help develop
the setting of our stories. We will also be planting and
harvesting our own plants and vegetables in our raised beds at
the New Cross street site.

This half term sees the year 1 phonics screening tests.

Please help your child by practising their phonics
through reading and the homework they will receive.
These will start on 13th June 2015
If you need any help please ask a member of staff in
the class who will give you any resources you need.
Try downloading a practice test from:

Topic challenges:

Suggested books:
We are looking at: The Great Fairytale disaster, You choose, Mixed
up fairy tales, Just imagine.


Recommended texts: There are an awful lot of weirdos in our

Any Alan Ahlberg anthologies
Any traditional tales.
Check the school library and Bolling Hall library for books.


Can you research what other countries

are like in summer?
Can you build a setting for your own
Can you create a new character for a

Learning links:
Oxford owl:
Top marks:
Learning Games:
Numberjacks and Alphablocks TV shows on Youtube.

Family Learning

Phonics and Reading:

Your child will be sent a reading book, when reading you can practise looking for
letter sounds, reading tricky words and answering questions about the book.
Each week your child will have an adult led guided reading session and will have
the chance to read with an adult. They will also have daily phonics lessons to
develop their phonics skills.
Can we remind parents that the phonics screening tests are coming up in June.
Please support your child by practicing alien words every day.
Useful phonics websites:
Mr Thorne
Oxford Owl
For phonics screening test:

Find more on our School Blog:
There is a parents page too, take a look!

YEAR 1 In our

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