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1. Define Heat.
Heat is a form of energy which is flowing due to the temperature difference.
It is measured by the unit joules.
2. Define Heat transfer.
The transmission of heat energy from one region to another region due to
temperature gradient is known as heat transfer.
3. Mention the significance of the study of heat transfer.
The study of heat transfer results the following.
a) Estimates the rate of heat exchange between the system and its
b) Determine the temperature distribution in the system.
4. What are the different modes of heat transfer?
The different modes of heat transfer are,
a) Conduction
b) Convection
c) Radiation
5. Define Conduction.
Conduction is defined as the mode of heat transfer from one part of a
substance to another part of the same substance or a substance having physical
contact with it, without any appreciable displacement of the molecules of the
6. Define Convection.
Convection is defined as the mode of heat transfer within a fluid by mixing
one portion of the fluid with another.
The mixing of the fluid may be due to temperature difference as in the case
of natural convection or due to some external means as in the case of forced
7. Define radiation.
Radiation is defined as the mode of heat transfer through space in the form
of electromagnetic waves or quantas
8. State Fouriers law of heat conduction.
Fouriers law of heat conduction is stated as the rate of heat conduction is
proportional to the area measured perpendicular to the direction of heat flow and
to the temperature gradient along the direction i.e.,
Q = -KA
9. Define thermal conductivity.

Thermal conductivity is a physical property of the substance and is defined

as the ability of a substance to conduct heat. The unit of thermal conductivity is

Define steady state heat conduction.
During heat conduction, if the temperature at any particular point does not

vary with respect to time, it is known as steady state heat conduction


Define transient heat conduction.

During heat conduction, if the temperature at any particular point varies

with respect to time, it is known as transient heat conduction


Define thermal diffusivity of a material.

The thermal diffusivity of a material is defined as the ratio of thermal

conductivity to the thermal storage capacity of the material


Define critical thickness of insulation.

Critical thickness of insulation is defined as the thickness of insulation at

which the heat flow is maximum. In case of cylinders and spheres it is called as
critical radius of insulation.

Define fins.
Fins are the extended surface in order to increase the effective surface area

for heat convection.


What are the applications of fins?

The fins are widely used in,


Economizers used in steam power plants.

Automobile radiators.
Cooling of IC engines.
Cooling of air compressors, electric motors and transformers.
Estimation of error in temperature measured by thermometers.

Mention some common types of fin configurations available.

Some common types of fin configurations are,
a) Rectangular fin
b) Triangular fin
c) Circular fin


Define efficiency of fin.

The efficiency of fin is defined as the ratio of actual heat transferred by fin to

the maximum possible heat transferred if the entire fin area is maintained at base

Define effectiveness of fin.

The effectiveness of fin is defined as the ratio of heat transfer from the
surface with fin to the heat transfer from the surface without fin.

What is meant by Newtonian and non Newtonian fluids?

The fluids which obey the Newton's law of viscosity are called Newtonian

fluids and those which do not obey are called non-Newtonian fluids.

What is hydro dynamic boundary layer?

In hydrodynamic boundary layer, velocity of the fluid is less than 99% of free

stream velocity.

What is thermal boundary layer?

In thermal boundary layer, temperature of the fluid is less than 99% of free

stream temperature.


What is meant by laminar flow and turbulent flow?

Laminar flow: Laminar flow is sometimes called stream line flow. In this type

of flow, the fluid moves in layers and each fluid particle follows a smooth
continuous path. The fluid particles in each layer remain in an orderly sequence
without mixing with each other.
Turbulent flow: In addition to the laminar type of flow, a distinct irregular
flow is frequently observed in nature. This type of flow is called turbulent flow. The
path of any individual particle is zigzag and irregular. Fig. shows the instantaneous
velocity in laminar and turbulent flow.


Define convection.
Convection is a process of heat transfer that will occur between solid surface

and a fluid medium when they are at different temperatures.


State Newton's law of convection.

Heat transfer from the moving fluid to solid surface is given by the equation
Q = h A (Tw - T ) this equation is referred to as Newton's law of cooling.
Where h - Local heat transfer coefficient in W/m2 K
A - Surface area in m2

Tw - Surface (or) wall temperature in K

T - Temperature of fluid in K
Turbulent flow Laminar flow
Velocity Time

What is meant by free or natural convection?

If the fluid motion is produced due to change in density resulting from

temperature gradients, the mode of heat transfer is said to be free or natural


What is forced convection?

If the fluid motion is artificially created by means of any external force like a

blower or fan, that type of heat transfer is known as forced convection.


According to Newton's law of cooling

The amount of heat transfer from a solid surface of area A at a temperature

Tw, a fluid at a temperature T is given by

Q = hA (Tw - T )

Indicate the concept or significance of boundary layer.

In the boundary layer concept the flow field over a body is divided into two regions:
A thin region near the body called the boundary layer where the velocity and
the temperature gradients are large.
The region outside the boundary layer where the velocity and the
temperature gradients are very nearly equal to their free stream values.

Define radiation Heat transfer.

It is defines as the transfer of heat energy from one region to another region

by means of an electro magnetism due to temperature difference.

What are the basic theories of radiation heat transfer?
Maxwells Classical electromagnetic theory.
Max planks theory.
What is the range of electromagnetic waves used in heat transfer?
The electromagnetic waves lies between 0.1 to 100 are used for heat transfer.
Define emissive power.
Emissive power is defines as the energy emitted per unit time from an unit
surface area.
Define. Reflectivity.
It is defined as the ratio of total energy reflected from the surface to the total
energy incident upon the surface.
Define. Transmissivity.
It is defined as the ratio of total energy transmitted through the surface to
the total energy incident upon the surface.

What are two types of reflection phenomena?

Specular Reflection.
Diffused Reflection.


Define. Black body.

Black body is defined as an ideal body which absorb all the incident rays

and also completely emits all the absorbed energy.


Define Gray body.

Gray body is defined as the real body which does not absorb the all incident

rays and also does not completely emit the absorbed energy.
What are the two types of radiation intensity?
Spectral radiation intensity.
Total Radiation intensity.
State Stefan Boltzmann Law of Radiation.
It states that the energy emitted from the surface is directly proportional to
the fourth power of its absolutes temperature.
Eb T4
Define Radio city.
It is defined as the total amount of heat energy leaving the surface which
includes the reflected energy and emitted energy.
State Plancks Distribution law.
It states that all the black surfaces at uniform elevated temperatures emit
maximum heat energy at some particular wavelength.
What is the effect of increase in surface roughness?
Generally, the increase in surface roughness increases the emissivity.
State Kirchhoffs law.
It states that, for all substances which are in thermal equilibrium with its
surroundings, the ratio of total power to absorptivity is constant.


Define Radiation shape factor.

It is defined as the fraction of radiation of radioactive heat energy diffused

from one surface strikes directly the other surface with or without any intervening
Define Irradiation.
It is defined as the amount of total radiation incident upon a surface per
unit time per unit area.
Define space resistance.
Space resistance is defined as the resistance to heat flow occurs due to the
distance between the geometry of the radiation surfaces.

Define surface resistance.

Surface resistance is defined as the resistance to heat flow due to the

surface nature and convective heat transfer coefficient.

What are applications of Radiation shield?
The insulation of cryogenic storage tanks. Measurement of temperature by
using thermometers and thermocouples.

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