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Becoming Electrical vs. Magnetic, Electrical Foods, Diet and Balance

ARCHANGEL GABRIEL as Spoken by John Columbus Taylor
Tape #921015 San Diego, CA, October 15, 1992
Beloved Masters, a most hearty good evening to you this evening.
We bid you welcome indeed from the Great White Brotherhood of
Light, from the Ascended Masters, from the Great Ones, from the
Archangels, the Seraphim, the Cherubim and the Elohim. This
evening we will be talking about a most important topic in the
context of what is coming up as one of the most important topics
ever, and that is Freedom. Tonight what we're going to be talking to
you about the physical body, the garment that you where so to
speak, what it's about, what it really is to you, how you can in a
manner of speaking improve it in preparation for the higher
energies, the higher frequency, higher density energies that are in
fact coming in even now. It's already started.
And in that context, as always, we invite you to become quite for a
moment, to close your eyes, take a deep breath, relax and be at
"Great I AM Presence, and Great Beings of Light everywhere, we
invite thy presence into this space, into this place, in this time, to fill
the hearts and the minds, the emotional fields of everyone present
and everyone who will hear or read these words at a later time with
thy perfect energy, to heal, to harmonize, to assist in resolving, to
cleanse, to purify all that is of the shadows, all that is not of the
Light, that it be purged in a loving and gentle way and that no
longer need these be limited by the human experience or what may
have been acquired of limitation as a result of the human
experience, that it can be seen and enjoy for simply the adventure
that it is. So be it."
Now, your physical body is a storehouse and each and every
experience that you have in life that evokes an intense emotion is
stored in the physical body. Those experiences that are of joy and
happiness exist primarily in what would be called the emotional
body and then are eventually turned into other forms of energy. But
those that you would call negative experiences get recorded into the
emotional body and then more often than not are held in the
physical body, creating in some cases of the genetic changes and
the changes in the DNA code of the double helix DNA chain in the
cells of the body.

Going even further than that, every single thought and emotion
affects the spin/angular momentum of the dipole moment of the
electrons as they circulate around the nucleus of every atom that
makes up every cell of your body. So every thought, every emotion
changes what might be called the direction of those dipole
moments, or little tiny magnets if you want to think of them that
But what is happening upon this plane is an increase in the energy
density. That energy is coming in, and it is electromagnetic in
nature. It is Light, it is the energy of Love, it is the energy that
contains all those qualities that we have been speaking to you about
for some time, but from a scientific perspective it is still
electromagnetic in nature, at a sufficiently high frequency of
vibration such that it is still for the most part undetectable by
present instrumentation that humanity has. But you yourself feel
and sense the energy, you know that things "are speeding up," and
you know that it seems that you life is moving faster, and in a way
sometimes you wonder why. But at the same time there is much
that is happening that is, in a manner of speaking, beyond your
awareness and it needs to be beyond your awareness because
you're not prepared yet consciously to embrace some of these
greater energies and greater truths that are coming forth, for they
are not in
words, and it would overload the intellect to try to even begin to
interpret them in words.
To perceive the vastness of Life, the Soul/Spirit, which is energy, the
energy of thought -- you are a thought -- that Soul/Spirit that you are
creates bodies. To participate in the human experience, you created
the physical body and endowed it with many characteristics. It is
made of the substance of the earth and the stars, and it is made of
the substance of the stars. We shared with you that nutritionally
speaking the care and maintenance and nutrition that the body
requires is primarily contained in the Light of Love in whatever you
consume, not necessarily in specific foods.
There are a number of people, for example, who are on vegetarian
diets, and yet they will still experience the depletion of the physical
body. There are some who interestingly eat meat, and only meat,
and yet they may live for several hundreds. Exceptions perhaps?
Yes. But what we want to share you with you tonight might be more
in alignment with what is appropriate for the pathway that you are
on, for the direction in which you are headed, for what is appropriate
and in alignment with the changes taking place within you and on

the planet itself, and in the context of evolution as it needs to be at

this time.
Some of what we share may be obvious. It may be that you already
know it. But we would also say to you there are a lot of things that
you know intellectually but do not live. So much of what we do
sometimes is to remind you, and in fact from a greater perspective
that is really our purpose in your life, to help you to remember, to
remember who you are, to remember the love that is within and the
love that created all that you experience.
Some of you perhaps, or those who may hear these words at a later
time, have participated in what might be called a Course in Miracles.
One of the first postulants there is that "No thing that you see has
any importance; it is unreal, it is an illusion." So, too, in a manner of
speaking is the physical body, although you have a lot of belief
systems that would certainly make it seem to be otherwise. Many of
you were brought up for example with the belief that "you are what
you eat." Therefore, since that is wired into the brain, you find
yourself when you eat something that someone has programmed
into you that is wrong for you, perhaps you experience something
that would be a reaction in a negative way to it. Or perhaps you
have allergies of a some kinds to specific foods. All that is relative
truth, and all of it is important for you to understand, to
acknowledge, to be acquainted with, to know where you are as an
We, of necessity, must in many cases speak in general terms, and in
that way it is applicable to a broader number of people. You,
therefore, of necessity must be able to take the concept and apply it
in a more specific way for your own purposes and your own specific
experiences in order that you be assisted by the information that we
bring to you. But further than just information, of course we also
bring to you energy, and primarily energy of the Silver Ray of Divine
In your understanding of the physical body, you were taught, for
example, about the requirement for iron. You know, however, that
iron is highly magnetic and as such, therefore, contributes to part of
what might be called the gravitational pull of the earth upon your
body. It contributes to how much pull is exerted on the body, on
certain portions of the body. Now, here we also want to say that the
body that we're referring to in this particular context in this
sentence or group of sentences is not just the physical body, but it
also consists of the mental, emotional and causal bodies as well. So
within your emotional field, within your mental field, there are also

energies that are sometimes affected by the electromagnetic

radiation of the planet and that of the iron that may be in your
physical body.
Now, why do we mention iron? Why do we use this specific one?
Because in most cases all of you consume far too much iron in your
diet than what is required, and iron does make you magnetic in an
undesirable way, and you have been far too magnetic for far too
long a time. Not that you don't need some iron for proper
functioning of certain physiological processes as you understand
them to be. But in order to move higher in frequency of vibration, it
is necessary to begin becoming more electrical. This is not a
permanent thing, just a step on your pathway.
Now, let's explain why. Since the physical body is a storehouse of
negative emotions, those negative emotions then modulate the DNA
chain and affect most the hemoglobin, which is of course rich in
iron, carrying oxygen to all the parts of the body. It affects that, and
a negative emotion can affect other parts of the body in adverse
ways, and it does so because of what we shall call the transmutation
of the elements.
We mentioned to you sometime ago that the original purpose of the
hypothalamus was to convert energy directly into mass so that all
the vitamins and the minerals that the physical body required could
come merely from the Light that you receive, simply the Light. And
there was a time that even in what you understand to be the
physical embodiment you did not require to consume anything on
the planet. By virtue of evolution over many thousands of years,
several organs have evolved in the physical body.
Especial among these are the liver, which is used to cleanse the
blood, and that particular organ has only been a relatively recent
addition to the physical body. Now, what is cleansing out? It is
cleansing out primarily all the toxins that are created as a result of
negative thoughts, limited thoughts and negative or limited
emotions. So iron then becomes one of the components that more
easily records negative thought or negative emotion because
negative thought and negative emotion is primarily magnetic and
gravimetric in nature.
Now, you have all perhaps used terms or affirmations, something
like that, such as "I am magnetic to the abundance of money that I
desire. I am magnetically drawing things to me." We want to expand
your understanding there in the context now of achieving a greater
sense of balance, in that you want to be electromagnetically

attractive. It is time to bring in more of the electrical components,

even in terms of certain elements in the foods that you consume.
Here, however, we also have to issue a caution, because in
consuming some of these elements, in particular you do not require
a lot, simply because in higher frequencies of vibration, emotionally
speaking, the hypothalamus is able to perform its original function
more easily. And so all you need as might be called seeds -- your
nutritionists and scientists call it trace elements -- but you only need
the seeds of these elements so that the hypothalamus kind of has
the material from which it can clone, in a manner of speaking, these
elements as they are required. And they are often created and then
in a manner of speaking used up and uncreated in performing
certain functions in the body as those functions are required.
Many nutritionists, doctors, scientists and the like would probably
disagree with this vehemently, saying that there's no way, for
example, that you could take an atom of oxygen or nitrogen and
transform it into some other element that would be heavier in
nature, such as selenium or iron or gold or anything else. The
alchemists of old -- you may have remembered the stories at some
time -- used to want to transmute lead into gold, since they are on
the periodic chart right next to each other.
Well, in fact, it is a relatively simple thing to change lead into gold
from a certain perspective, and that technology, that understanding
has not come forth upon this plane because the periodic chart as it
has been devised is not a totally correct representation, and the
transmutation of the elements is more spiral in nature, just as the
DNA chain is spiral in nature. And many new additions to the DNA
chain have taken place over the course of many thousands of years
of evolution, such that it has reached rather lengthy proportions at
this time in order to record all of the emotional experiences that
were available in a particular timeframe.
In the evolution of the human physical body a number of organs, in
addition to the liver, are relatively recent. The size, for example, of
the digestive system is about 10 times what it used to be in order to
accommodate the quantities of substances that you dump into your
physical bodies. There was a time when all that you required was
sufficient to sample things, because that was all that you did. You
just tasted. You did not necessarily consume for the sake of survival
as it is thought in this day and time. In moving higher in frequency
of vibration, one of the natural outcomes of that will be a gradual
decrease, quite likely, in the quantity of food that you consume.

We do not suggest that you force that in any way, but merely allow
it. And in allowing it you will find that it transpires far more easily,
and you are not left depleted in any way because presently your
belief systems are such that you really think you need your
minimum daily adult requirements of this, that and the other. And
yet we would say unto you that that just shows you how powerfully
you can create from an unconscious beliefs, from the wiring that is
in your brain.
Since you, the real you, the conscious you, also identifies yourself as
a physical body, and that's been one of the things that you were
taught, you are then affected by what transpires in the physical
body. You do not have dominion over your physical body; it is more
that it has dominion over you. For example, could you go on a water
fast for three days, and what do you find yourself experiencing when
you do? Have you ever been addicted to some substance of some
kind, any kind of substance whatsoever? Were you aware that you
had become addicted to it in any way? Were you aware of the
reasons why? Were you aware of the emotions that you were
seeking to repress as a result of certain addictions that you may
have acquired for food and for other substances?
And if you were not aware, do you know how to use the Light to
bring you the awareness? You do now. You simply envision yourself
being filled with White Light. That's a relatively simple process for
you to do. It only takes a few seconds a few times a day, and it does
wonderful things for you and for your physical body because the
White Light contains all frequencies and therefore it is also a very
cleansing agent for the physical body. But there is more that is
required in the context of maintaining and cleansing the physical
body, and also in moving it from being unbalanced into the
magnetic realm to be more in a state of balance and being electrical
in addition to being magnetic.
So certain foods that are advantageous for you in that context
would be foods that contain elements that you know are highly
electrically conductive. Now what happens when you are more
electrical is that the energy of the emotions rather than being stored
in the physical body in the electrical-magnetic dipole moments in
the atoms, in the electrons themselves, rather than that taking
place, since it is electromagnetic energy, it gets conducted through
the body and into the earth where it can be grounded and absorbed
and transmuted. In that way you don't carry around all that toxicity
of repressed emotion.
How do you go about doing that? One of the first thing to realize

then is what elements are conductive. There are three that we

would say are very advantageous for the physical body in your
present state: potassium, magnesium and copper. Now, we're not
going to be going into an indepth treatise as it were as to what
foods to consume that contain those elements. Some of those you
already know. For example, potassium you get from bananas,
copper you get from apricots and peanuts, that kind of thing. But
you can certainly investigate them and start consuming perhaps, if
you're not doing already, start consuming those foods that have
more of these elements in them to assist in bringing the body into a
better state of balance, into being more electromagnetic.
That is not the only thing that is required. Remember, it is the
emotions that you feel that have a lot to do with the relative toxicity
of the body, and a person's size, being fat, thin or otherwise, may or
may not have anything to do with the level of toxicity in the body.
Since you are in the process of cleansing, purifying to move higher,
it is important to deal with the cause, and the cause is of course
what it has always been, and that is a negative emotion reaction to
the illusions of life.
Can you, for example, look at yourself stark naked in the body and
love your body, love what you see there? Can you love what you do
each day? Can you love all the people who come into your life for
various reasons? Can you see their function in your life, the gift that
they have for you? Many people may come into your life for whom
you may have a difficult emotional reaction, or maybe you won't
have many people come into your life; we would hope that you
would not. But certainly each and every one of you has experienced
times in your life where you've meant people for whom there were
some emotional reactions that were very difficult.
Can you move to a point of love? Can you move to a feeling of love
and understand the gift that these people have for you? That is part
of what it means to move higher in frequency of vibration. Then you
will quite naturally find that you are drawn to those foods that are
required, those foods that will assist your physical body in coming
into a higher and better state of balance, such that you become
transparent to the negative thoughts and emotions that exist
around you.
Now, we shared with you that around this planet is a cloud, a soup,
a thick yukky soup. That's a wonderful word, yukky! And this soup
contains all the negative thoughts and feelings of humanity, and
you're moving through it all the time. It's about 7,000 feet thick,
especially around some of the large cities. In moving through this,

since you are magnetic in nature more than you are electrical, you
find yourself oftentimes being affected by the energies in a place.
Because those energies are negative in nature and you have a lot of
iron in your body, it sort of means you draw those negative energies
into you. And, additionally, since you identify the self so much as
the physical body, whatever the physical body feels you interpret as
"you" are feeling, rather than attributing the physical body its own
The physical body does have its own consciousness, but most of you
have not yet learned to communicate with it as sufficiently well as
you might nor as sufficiently as we would suggest may in effect be
required with the energies that are coming in. Not to suggest this in
some context of you're going to experience a whole bunch of
negativity if you don't, but look at what's been going on in your life.
Have you been dealing with stress of any kind, anxiety or fears or
doubts or uncertainties?
There's not a single one of you who could not answer that "yes," you
have been dealing with those things. We know. We see your energy
fields. We see that the great cloud around you individually as well as
the great cloud of energy around the planet. We also know that as
the Light begins to expand and that grayness around you begins to
diminish, as we shared with you last week, that there is an
attraction quite often that exists such that there are beings that
perhaps are not as bright a Light as you that are attracted to you.
Sometimes you refer to them as hitchhikers and the like.
So, with all of this potential for negative experience, it is no wonder
in a manner of speaking that it would seem in some particular
situations that you haven't quite achieved that level of real,
practical, realized Unlimitedness that really is the real you. But you
are in the process. You are well on the way, and you are doing very
well with what you are doing in that regard.
What we are sharing with you constitutes the beginning of a
program that we are going to call a "Program for Life," and it is a life
that exists in the frequencies of vibration of real Love, not just
romantic love, not love of family or love of country or any of those
kinds of pseudo loves, but a real Love that brings to you not only a
sense of self, of uniqueness, autonomy, sovereignty, individuality,
but simultaneous with that of your oneness, of unity, of your being
part of All That Is, meaning every other person out there.
It is an irony of sorts that in some particular situations some entities
are just finally beginning to break away from the programming of
infancy and childhood to have a sense of self, only that, in a manner

of speaking, that they also have to be able to let that go to have a

sense of unity and oneness, so it is a real balancing act. We know
it's difficult with what you're going through, with the energies that
are here. We know that there are times when you have had to face
challenges that were seemingly placed upon you unjustly, but they
would not have come to you if you were not prepared, if you were
not ready to stretch to allow something grander to begin emerging.
You know, you can take an egg, a fertilized egg, for example a
chicken egg, and that shell around the egg could also be thought of
as your physical body in a manner of speaking. We're going to use it
metaphorically here anyway. But in order for that little chicken to
emerge from that egg, that shell has to crack and break into pieces.
In the same way, much of your belief systems around your physical
body, many of your belief systems altogether, need to crack and to
break in order that You, the Real You, can emerge in full dominion
over your life and over your reality, over your physical body, over
your experience.
You are learning many things. You are learning, for example, that
you do require the White Light to protect yourself. That forms a
protective covering or coating around you so that as the Light is
expanding within, you are shielded and protected from some of this
negative soup of energy that exists around this planet and from, at
least while they may still exist, from negative entities. The Great
White Brotherhood of Light and the Ascended Masters began back in
the early part of this century removing all of that from the
atmosphere of the Earth. Yet we would say that right about the time
they got it all removed, there was dumped upon this planet almost
ten times as much negative energy as a result of War World II, the
Korean war, the Vietnam war, and most especially, nuclear testing.
As a result of that, there is still a lot of negative energy that exists
around the planet, and of course, as humanity indeed begins to first
awaken spiritually, that awakening brings awareness, and you get
the awareness of who you really are. You get to see where you judge
yourself, where you criticize yourself, where you beat yourself up,
and sometimes you don't know why. Sometimes you don't even
know how to stp, at least at the intellectual level. But the feeling of
love, that emotion that is the most important energy and emotion
and force and feeling you will ever know, it still awaits you. To
access it better means to bring yourself into a purer state of
balance, even down to the physical level, and to bring the physical
body more into balance means to make it more electromagnetic
rather than just magnetic.
Now, each of you is an individual. You are unique. Certain specific

things, the quantities of food, certain specific foods, your likes and
your dislikes, are going to be different. But we do suggest indeed
that you will want to embrace and look up for yourself the concept
of certain elements as they may be electrical, and the foods perhaps
that you would enjoy that contain those elements. Indeed, in so
doing you will be assisting yourself very greatly.
Another element that is of importance in the physical body at this
time also is calcium. Now you think you get calcium in milk, but it is
not so easily assimilated in the physical body in that form. There are
vegetables, in other words living substances, that contain calcium in
a sufficient quantity that it is more readily assimilated by the body
that is actually more beneficial to the physical body than in the form
of milk. Nutritional supplements more often than not contain the
vibration of greed and so more often than not may not be beneficial
to the body as much as natural food would be.
Belief systems play an important role here. If you have a strong
belief that a particular vitamin or mineral substance or supplement
or whatnot would benefit you, then honor that belief system, but
also recognize that ultimately the direction that you are headed in,
and in a manner of speaking, a goal that you have for yourself is to
be able to replace more and more of what you consume physically
with what you envision as Light coming into your physical body, and
the hypothalamus then takes that energy that you envision coming
into the top of your head and converts it into a more balanced form
of what the body requires for its maintenance and its nutrition, its
nourishment, its energy needs and the like.
And especially if, in envisioning this Light, you also have the feeling
of love, that emotion of love, that will help to bring into the physical
body that vibration such that the physical body starts taking on a
different form. For some of you, you may want your physical body to
appear differently than what it is. Maybe you want to gain weight,
maybe your want to lose weight, maybe you want to put a few
pounds here or there or take a few off here or there or whatever.
Love accomplishes that and Light accomplishes that more easily
than diet and exercise. However, because you have such a strong
belief around diet and exercise, perhaps you need to honor that at
the present time and use Light currently as a supplement itself while
you are in the process of evolving into the absolutely knowing that
Light, and especially the Light of love is what it was that you have
been seeking all along.
One of the reasons in particular that the people of the United States
of America are, in a manner of speaking, this is apparent to many of
the peoples of the rest of the world, one of the reasons that they are

notoriously more overweight than other peoples is because most of

the foods produced and consumed in this country are not done so
with love. They are done so with greed; therefore, when you
consume the thing that has a vibration of greed, it triggers more
consumption and more consumption and more consumption.
If, on the other hand, for example, you did as many people are now
beginning to do, if you started planting and raising your own food,
putting your energy of love into nourishing the plants and the seeds
and that kind of thing, you would be absolutely amazed at how
quickly a transformation could take place within you, particularly if
you begin to attune yourself to your particular genetic memory,
recorded in the physical body and what your physical body therefore
requires to operate at a better peak of efficiency.
And it is not necessarily the same for every person. Eventually, as
we said, the sameness becomes that everyone uses Light, but along
the way each one of you may find yourself evolving through certain
foods, foods both that you like and that you find that your body has
an affinity for and therefore it would appropriate for you.
Now, there are times when you have cravings, and that is certainly
alerting you to the fact that something is out of balance, that there
is something your body requires. There are many times when you
have cravings, for example, for something that what your body
really wants is in effect the opposite essence in food. We're only
going to give you one specific example here. It works both ways.
There are times that you crave a particular food that yes, that's the
perfect thing for you to have, and there are times when it's not. You
need to know your body and to know it well.
You need to start attuning to, meditating upon, in a manner of
speaking, your physical body to learn to understand. Talk to it. It will
speak back to you, not necessarily in words, but in what you feel in
your body. Does it feel good, for example, for you to go out for a
walk in the morning, to exercise on a regular basis? Anything that
you do for the body, for the mind, for the emotions, if it is not a
natural thing for you to do, but if it is in alignment with the direction
that you're doing, then you must do it on a consistent, regular basis.
There are many people, for example, that think they can read in a
book and get enlightenment, if they only have intellectual
knowledge. That's why we've been drilling that into you so much.
It's only knowledge. You can get knowledge directly once you are
enlightened, but it's rare that anyone got enlightened merely from
knowledge. The way that it truly comes of course is in the energy of
feeling, of knowing, and that is different from the mind or the

intellect. It is the heart, it is what is felt with in, and coupled with
that most certainly you will have a great awareness of your physical
Now, a few affirmations for you that may assist you in that regard:
"Mighty I AM Presence, Beloved Great Soul Being that I AM, come
forth into the awareness of what my physical body requires for its
peak performance and best nourishment. Come forth into my
conscious knowing of that information and let it be maintained,
sustained and self-sustaining. So be it."
Or words to that effect. The idea here is you want to acknowledge
that you already know, that You, the Real You, already knows what's
appropriate. In that way, you bring it forth more easily, and you can
bring it forth directly. Now, if it appropriate for you to get
information from a book, that's perfectly okay. They are available.
We highly recommend them, and there are many you can choose
from. Macrobiotic diets, for example, or one of the things you will
certainly want to think of as not in terms of diet, at least there are a
number of people we know who will hearing these words not to think
in terms of diets, but to think in terms of a way to live healthy. You
want to live joyful, to live healthy, to have longevity of life, and
therefore that is part of our purpose in assisting you in this way.
Now, what's going to happen? This is a gentle program. You
probably won't experience dramatic or radical changes
instanteously. There may a few exceptions, but that isn't the norm,
let us say, but over a period of time as you consume more copper
versus iron, even your skin color will begin to change, and you will
have a natural pigmentation that will look like you have kind of an
olive-colored skin. It will start showing up that way, or a natural tan,
because that is the color of certain combinations of copper. Since
there would be more copper in your system, it would be more
electrical, and the energies, in particular the lower frequencies of
vibration, will be conducted through you rather than retained by
Now, many of you have been using the affirmations or the decrees
of surrounding yourself with the White Light, and this is still
important in this time because this is a change you are going
through. There are some genetic changes that are still taking place,
there is still a lot of energy of negativity from which you do need
protection, in a manner of speaking, not that we want you to give
attention to negativity and therefore draw it to you, but rather give
attention to your Higher Self, to the Light, because what you give
your attention to is what you're becoming. If you're giving attention

to negativity, to limited beliefs and the like, then you're only feeding
the energy of your life into it, and that then becomes part of your
experience. So it's important to be aware of what to be careful
about but not to the point to where it evokes fear or anxiety or
anything like that.
Certainly, we would say that there have been a number of entities
bringing forth information, through the channeling process for
example, that have in many cases evoked the emotion of fear, and
yet we would also say that they do a service by getting those
entities to see the emotion that has been repressed within them for
so long. Whenever anyone comes into your life, and if you find
yourself having a very strong emotional reaction, it may mean that
that person was doing you a service by evoking a repressed emotion
from you so that you could get it out.
Now, how do you get it out? Well, you feel it, you acknowledge it,
and you acknowledge it, a real simple thing here, by simply saying,
"I am aware that I feel..." whatever the emotion is. Eventually you'll
get to the point where you can say, "I am aware that I chose to
feel..." Most entities, however, are still in some form of suppression
or repression of their emotional bodies and their emotional
experience. So another affirmation might be helpful here: "Mighty I
AM Presence, Beloved Great Soul Being that I AM, I desire to be
more aware of my emotions and feelings moment by moment.
Come forth into that awareness that I may more greatly exercise my
divine right and choice in what I think and feel."
Now, if you find yourself having lots of limited thoughts and
emotions, remember to still use the Invocation of the Law of
Forgiveness and the Violet Flame. Do so each day. Do so as often as
you can remember if you have the awareness of noticing that you
are thinking or feeling something in a negative way. If you do that,
you don't give it a chance to accumulate in the physical body to
such an extent that the energy becomes precipitated into mass,
which then becomes a toxin to the physical body and gets
transmuted through that process in the hypothalamus or the
transmutation of the elements, it gets transmuted into heavier and
heavier elements that are, for the most part, more magnetic or
attracting to limited thoughts and emotions.
You want to become lighter, and to become lighter means to turn
that process around, such that the hypothalamus is actually
converting some of the heavy elements that may exist in the body
now back into simply energy that you use for physical activity. The
most often repressed emotion is anger, and the best way to use that
energy is through activity, activity, doing something. Sometimes

strenuous exercise is highly advantageous for that. But again, this

may or may not apply, or it may apply to individuals in differing
degrees because you have differing amounts of repressed anger, if
any at all, and you have varying degrees of evolution with respect to
how effectively that you can use the Light to achieve that
transformation or transmutation of the energy of anger into
something constructive.
There is always of course the assistance from the Great Beings of
Light. If you are aware, for example, that you are feeling anger or
fear, grief, guilt, shame, sadness, depression, whatnot, you might
use an affirmation such as this: "Mighty I AM Presence, Beloved
Great Soul Being that I AM, Beloved Great Beings of Light and
Ascended Masters [maybe you'll want to name one], hold your
loving arms around my solar plexus and do not let that energy go
out to affect life in any way. Hold it and transmute it and make it
part of the Victory of the Ascended Masters Plan fulfilled, through
the Ascended Masters' pure White Fire Love Substance from the
Great Central Sun. To the good of all concerned, to the Glory of God I
AM. So be it."
There are many, many affirmations to which you can add that
certain things be transmuted into the energy that becomes part of
the Victory of the Ascended Masters Plan fulfilled, through the
Ascended Masters' pure White Fire Love Substance from the Great
Central Sun. And you may find that a very appropriate thing indeed
to do because what you are doing then is you are beginning to turn
more over to the Light, to the Beings of Light. In doing that, it begins
to free you from having to process so much energy, especially
energies of negativity. In decreeing certain Divine Rays and the like
in behalf of others, more positive energies flow through you and
accomplish many transformations quite naturally, and you don't
even have to be consciously aware of it. You only need to
consciously choose to decree positively in behalf of others.
Now, it's easy to decree for someone that you care about, for
someone that you love, for someone in your life for whom you feel
an inclination to do so. But what about that person who brought you
pain or a lesson. Can you decree and mean it, with sincerity,
something positive for them? Because if you can do that and it's
sincere and it's with feeling, a wonderful transformation is already
taking place within you.
You are all highly evolved, spiritually speaking, already. We would
also say unto you there are many races of highly evolved
technologically speaking species of life, humanoid in nature, in the
universe. Some visitations have been taking place upon this planet
by highly evolved entities, technologically speaking, but they do not

have the evolution that you have spiritually speaking. You can
render them a service by beaming Light, particularly the Violet
Light, and you don't have to be able to see them. You need only
have intention that the Light go forth to assist those that are not
spiritually evolved. And it does so.
In that regard, you are far more powerful than you give yourself
credit for. You don't know your power. You give it away. You don't
know your sovereignty because you're not free, and in many cases
you don't know your identity because you've been so enmeshed in
relationships of limitation. But you are beginning to awaken, and
that spark of Life, that spark of Love that is within is indeed
becoming a Flame within. Soon, very soon for some, it will be a
roaring Flame of Love. The White Fire of the Heart that purifies all,
so that you can look at someone and there would be such a sparkle
of Love in your eyes, it would pierce them. In some cases, perhaps
they would break down into tears, because many do need the
release of tears from repressed grief.
In other cases perhaps it would be the encouragement that
someone would need to move forward in their life with an idea, with
their joy, with their mission in life, with their desire, and they were
never given permission by their parents to do what they wanted to
do, to be what they wanted to be, or simply to be, without having to
attach any other name to it. To be able to say, for example, "I AM. I
AM. By all God's Love, I know I AM." In the mornings of your time to
issue one of the greatest decrees ever, "Beloved Great I AM
Presence, for this day I AM, I AM for this day, forever and ever and
ever, I AM. So be it."
You see, when you speak thusly, it is not limited. More often than
not, when you issue a decree, when you call forth a thing, the real
thought or the real emotion is one of not having. That's what you
were taught, that's what you learned. That's how the brain got
wired. The energies that have been coming in this year have started
a process of certain rewiring in the brain. You can begin speeding
that up with behavioral change and modification, if you choose to do
so. Or loving a different behavior, loving a different activity. You
know, if there is an activity in your life or a substance or whatnot
that is not producing perfection for you, then one of the wonderful
things you can do in that regard is to simply give your attention to
other activities and substances, meaning quite simply that you
embrace them rather than that which is not in alignment for you.
And in doing so, you will find that assists this transformation in
taking place also.
The day will come when you will have a perspective, for example,

when you will see all that has been rendered to you as intervention
for your benefit, and you'll be amazed at how many times your life
was spared, for example. At how many times there was an
interruption in certain communications or other manner of physical
experience so that you were not disturbed by news that would not
have been appropriate for you. And so many other ways that the
Great White Brotherhood of Light, the Great Ones and all of the
Angelic realm are seeking to render, a great service of Light and
Love to each and every one of you.
And why? Because you are Life. You are that which we are, and we
are compelled by the laws of Life to love all life, and in the service to
all Life, we are ourselves so enlivened. And that day will come
perhaps when you too no longer think in terms that are solely
personal or selfish in nature, not that it isn't important for you to
acknowledge self and the Godbeing that you are, but that it is
equally important to acknowledge your oneness and your unity and
your connectedness with all Life, and everything is alive because
everything is a thought at a different frequency of vibration. The
sand upon which your feet tread, the birds or the insects that fly in
the air, the rocks that make up the mountain. It is all alive, at a
different frequency of vibration and a different level of
consciousness, a different point of evolution perhaps.
Your physical body likewise you know is alive. But what is it that
gives it life? What is the energy that moves this wonderful
instrument? You, the Real You, the Soul/Spirit, the Higher Self, the
conscious self, altogether contribute to the function of all that the
physical body is capable of doing, and there is so much more that
the great feats of humanity are only a drop in the bucket in
comparison to what can come forth, and there are many people who
are beginning to say no to the limitations.
There are many people who have come into this physical
incarnation, into the human experience, with handicaps, and they're
beginning to say no to them. And there are many, for example, who
are beginning to find that Love does indeed have the ability to heal
and transform instantly. It doesn't take years and years. It can be
accomplished, and you can be changed in a moment, in the
twinkling of an eye. It is happening all around you. It is happening in
the atmosphere. It is happening in your friends and acquaintances.
In those same sands upon which your feet tread, in the birds, the
insects, the plants. All life on this planet is being shifted into a
higher frequency of vibration.
Some people refer to that as dimensions. It's not quite the way it
works, not quite the truth. It's kind of a slight misunderstanding of

the nature of reality as it exists at this time. You're still in a physical

world, in a physical dimension, in a physical body, but there is no
physical law over which you don't have dominion. You just don't
know it yet. Even to the point of levitating the body, for example,
but if you are so highly magnetic and gravitationally pulled to the
earth or have belief systems in that regard, it's not the easiest thing
in the world to do, to levitate the body. To move it over the ground,
not by putting one foot in front of the other, but by hovering, and
with a thought of moving forward, you move forward.
Part of superconsciousness. We mentioned sometime ago in a
gathering, in a group about superconsciousness, and it begins
simply with the words, "I know." I know. How many times do you go
around saying, "Well, gee, I don't know. I don't know. I don't know, I
don't know." Do you know what you do when you decree that you
don't know? Because every word you speak is the decree of the
Godbeing that you are.
Physiologically, the pineal and the pituitary glands secret fewer
hormones that go to the brain and activate the cells in the brain that
are receivers. They are like radio receivers. Every cell in your brain
is a receiver with a function, and that is to receive thought and to
convert it into electrical energy, electrical energy. And then it is
formed into what you would call conscious thought, meaning in
words in most cases, or in visions in many cases. And that's what
you use for your ideas, your motivation, for the feelings often.
The energy that comes into the physical body that is felt in the body
as emotion is electrical in nature when it is a positive emotion. But it
is more magnetic in nature when it is a negative emotion. As you
begin changing what you think and feel and taking dominion over
what you think and feel, not repressing what you feel but gaining
dominion over it, then you will find that you are naturally going to
become more electrical and consuming those foods that are
electrical becomes only kind of an adjunct process, because the
hypothalamus is fully capable of converting Light energy directly
into what you need in the physical instrument.
Now you also have, in addition to the physical body, you have the
emotional body, the mental body, the causal body (sometimes
people call things like the electrical body), but each one of these
bodies, so to speak, which go to make up what we would call the
shell of the human experience or the human body, each one of
these is operating with electromagnetic functions taking place, all
simultaneous, mostly contained within a 3 to 7 foot diameter circle
around you. Or you might even want to think of it as a sphere of
Light around you, or sphere of influence. And you live in this field of

energy, this energy field, 3 to 7 feet in diameter, so to speak. And as

such then, everything that happens external to this field is
irrelevant. It is only what is inside the field, which is your
consciousness, that is of any importance, because that's where you
live, that's your home. That's where you think and feel about what
you see, about what goes on "in the world," in your world.
That field begins to expand because the Light that is within you
compels you to expand, and you begin to include more and more of
the Unlimitedness that you are, and also since being more electrical
any negative energies are more or less grounded through you or,
perhaps more correctly, we would say that you are more transparent
to them. You find that you are able to expand the Love within and be
unaffected by negativity that may exist around you.
Now, the negativity that may exist around you can be at any
frequency of vibration. Example: The Ascended Masters can move
through the desert or move through a blizzard in simple clothing and
be unaffected by temperature. That's a high state of consciousness.
That's the direction you're headed in, that's the pathway that you're
on. Also, when they breathe, the air that they breathe comes
through filters that you can't see necessarily, and that air is filtered
in such a way so that it is purified. It doesn't contain smog or other
impurities, but is automatically purified within their energy field so
that if there is any negativity in there, they're not drawing it into
their system, polluting their system with it.
If an Ascended Master draws you into his energy field, and the day
may quite likely come when each and every one of you will have
that opportunity, you will certainly feel a greater lightness. You will
feel a tremendous love, such as you have never felt before, at least
in your conscious understanding for most of you. And that day,
Beloved Masters, from our perspective, is not so far away. It's not
decades, but easily for most of you within the next decade.
A wonderful new Golden Age is emerging. Become more balanced in
your approach to life, physically, emotionally, mentally, causally and
spiritually, and you will find indeed that Superconsciousness and the
Ascended Master state of consciousness is a natural byproduct or
result of that pathway.
At this time, we would say unto you, invite you once again to
become quiet, close your eyes, take a deep breath, relax.
"Great All, Mighty I AM Presence, we do give thanks for each of
those here this evening, for those who may hear or read these

words at a later time, that through that Love that is coming forth
upon this plane, they may feel and know Thy Unlimitedness as the
Light that expresses through them, that with each choice and
commitment to Life, they draw forth from an Unlimited Supply of all
good things, that as they seek to give back to Life, that Life is
unlimited in what it gives to them, that life itself may expand. And
since Life is also Love is also God and All That Is. So, too, are they,
and may it come forth into their absolute knowing. So be it."
Now, the time has come for us to depart. As always, we say unto
you, we're only a loving thought a way. So be it.
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