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The newest OD cultural intervention since

Emotional Intelligence (EQ)...

around the world. Hence the

(or Gratitude Quotient- GQ) was


Gratitude, thankfulness, gratefulness, or appreciation is a feeling, emotion
or attitude in acknowledgment of a benefit that one has received or will
receive. The experience of gratitude has historically been a focus of several
world religions, and has been considered extensively by moral philosophers.
The systematic study of gratitude within psychology only began around the
year 2000, possibly because psychology has traditionally been focused more
on understanding distress rather than understanding positive emotions.
However, with the advent of the positive psychology movement, gratitude
has become a mainstream focus of psychological research.

The science of gratitude is the outcome of collaborative research conducted

by leading psychologists, medical scientists, and quantum physicists along
side with educators, management gurus, religious sects and businessmen

This workshop will explain the

benefits of gratitude intelligence
and the different ways of
cultivating gratefulness in our
personal life and work life.
The topics in this program are
focused on self-awareness,
gaining awareness of the many
things that we should be grateful
about like our jobs no matter how
stressful or unchallenging, all
types of customers including the
demanding ones, all types of
bosses whether nice peopleoriented or the difficult driver
type , facilities whether new or
old, and of course employees
who are truly a companys
number one asset.
The workshop will also discuss
how the attitude of gratitude can
improve interpersonal
relationships, leadership styles,
ability to concentrate and recall
details, ability to recover from
stress, analytical mind, decisionmaking and problem-solving
skills, work-life balance, teamspirit, customer-orientation,
among others.

The exercises included in the workshop will show the practical ways of
internalizing gratitude as a way of life, a strong belief or a mindset and not
just an emotion or gesture. When peoples mind is predominantly grateful,
they will be positive, glad and open to anything that comes their way. They
will be less bitter and complaining. The most amazing part of the seminar is
how gratefulness coincides with the law of attraction and how gratitude
attitude improves ones physical, mental, spiritual and well-being. It will also
show how this positive feeling can benefit ones career, business, finances,
love-life and family life.

I. What Is Gratitude Intelligence (GQ)?
II. What Are The Benefits Of Gratitude Attitude on Personal and
Professional Levels?
III. How Gratitude Atiitude Can Tap the Law of Attraction and Help you
Achieve Success at Work and Life in General
IV. The Devastating Effects of Poor Gratitude Intelligence on Personal
and Professional Levels
V. Gratitude Attitude Can Be Infectious! Lets Spread It!
VI. How to Change a Stressful Negative Company Culture into a
Culture of Appreciation, Happiness and Positiveness
VII. Challenges of Practicing Gratitude and How to Overcome Them
Structured learning exercises/training games, self-awareness
assessment tools, visualization exercises, participative lectures, buzz
groups, creativity games, musical mnemonics, self-affirmation,
inspirational videos, and photo montage

Gratitude Intelligence can

trigger the realization of your
personal and company vision
and find the key to financial
8. Understand how
negativism and toxic behavior
can ruin relationships, personal
health and company culture
and learn the remedial actions
to salvage the situation
9. Learn the behavior and
attitude of intensely grateful
person and internalize them
through positive self-affirmation
and creative visualization
10. Practice strategies that
can help increase your
gratitude intelligence and reap
its benefits in all aspects of
your life
11. Learn how to build a
corporate culture based on
gratitude and lessen stress,
blaming and bitterness at work
12. Design your own
gratitude journal that can help
develop this new habit into a
natural part of your self


You will take home the following learnings
1. Expand your understanding on how Science, Philosophy and
Religion agree on the subject of gratitude.
2. Learn the the medical benefits of gratitude attitude on your
physical body and learn practical techniques on how to stay healthy
through gratitude meditation
4. Increase emotional and mental and spiritual toughness with the
use of gratitude exercises and see why work stress is no match to
gratitude attitude
5. Learn how to develop a culture of gratitude that can lessen the
possibilities of industrial disputes and therefore promote workplace
harmony all the time.
6. Understand why grateful persons are always proactive during
organizational crisis and learn their daily personal mind-setting
techniques and behavior modification approaches
7. Explore the realm of Law of Attraction and discover how


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