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*SWAMI SACHIDANANDA*, one of the close disciples of *SWAMI

SARASWATHI *of RISHIKESH had the extreme good fortune of having
stayed for
full six weeks in the Divine Presence and company of Bhagavan Sri
Sathya Sai
Baba at Kodaikanal. Both Swami Sachidananda & *Swami Sadananda*
were the
recipients of *BABA's infinite Grace* and Compassion and had enjoyed the
Supreme Bliss, that the close proximity of the physical form of Divinity

In his speech on this occasion Swami Satchidananda said, "From my

experience I am convinced without doubt and also from my extreme good
fortune of recent close association with Baba I am fully satisfied that Baba
is Super-Consciousness itself, Omniscient, Omnipresent and Inner
Resident of
all beings.

It is absolutely essential to explain how I have come to this

unquestionable faith in my heart and mind." Then he went on to say, "Once
was sitting with Baba in His room at a bungalow at *Kodaikanal*. At that
time Baba was reclining on His bed. All of a sudden Baba stood up with a
jerk and shouted in Telugu *"DO NOT SHOOT"* and then fell; unconscious
His bed.

To describe correctly, it can be said that Baba had gone on an *'out of the
body' journey.* His body then became stiff. At that very moment of His
shouting 'do not shoot' Baba was continuously thumping at the door of a
military officer *at Bhopal!!!*

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