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Exprimarea datei (Dates)

February 14th, 1989 - 14th February 1989 - the fourteenth of February 1989 -14.2.1989 - 14 februarie 1989
In limba englez american data apare astfel: February 14, 1989, deci numele lunii se scrie naintea
numrului zilei.
What date is it today? - n ct este astzi?
What day is it today? - Ce zi este astzi?
Today is Sunday. - Astzi este duminic.
On Monday I'll go to Cetate. - Luni voi merge la Cetate.
44 B.C. (Before Christ) - 44 nainte de Cristos, 44 naintea erei noastre
A.D. 105 - A.D. one hundred oh five . (A.D. - Anno Domini - in the year of Lord) - 105 era noastr - 105
dup Cristos.
Lunile anului (The Months of the Year)
January (Jan.) - ianuarie; February (Feb.) - februarie; March (Mar.) - martie; April (Apr.) - aprilie; May mai; June - iunie; July - iulie; August - august; September (Sept.) - septembrie; October (Oct.) - octombrie;
November (Nov.) - noiembrie; December (Dec.) - decembrie
Zilele sptmnii (The days of the Week)
Sunday (Sun.) - duminic; Monday (Mon.) - luni; Tuesday (Tue.) - mari; Wednesday (Wed.) - miercuri;
Thursday (Thurs.) - joi; Friday (Fri.) - vineri; Saturday (Sat.) - smbt


n limba englez exist dou aspecte:

1. Aspectul Comun, prin care se exprim o aciune general , o aciune terminat sau o aciune de scurt
I play tennis. - Eu joc tenis (n general sau de obicei).
2. Aspectul Continuu, care exprim o aciune n desfurare - deci o aciune neterminat.
I am playing tennis. - Joc tenis (acum).
to be
to have
to do
to let
can (to be able to)
may (to be permitted /
allowed to)
must (to have to) (to be
obliged to)

1. Auxiliare




3. Principale


was / were



ought to
to be to

(ought to)
was, were
used to

been to

- a fi
- a avea
- a face
- trebuie s
- a vrea
- a lsa
- a putea, a ti
- a avea voie s (a-i fi permis s)
- trebuie,
(a trebui s) (a fi obligat s)
- a trebui s,
a se cuveni s
- a dori, a vrea
- ar trebui s
- a ndrzni
- obinuia s
- a urma s


- obinuia s
- a ntreba
- a-i plcea
- a rspunde
- a ntrebuina

- went

- gone

- a merge

- saw

- seen

- a vedea

to ask
to like
to answer
to use
to go



4. Auxiliar - Modale

to see

could etc.

Primele 3 cele mai folosite verbe in limba engleza sunt "to be" (a fi), "to have" (a avea) and "to do" (a face); de aceea
noi va oferim aici formele celor 3 verbe la timpul prezent (afirmativ, negativ, interogativ):

Forma afirmativa:
I am (I'm)
- Eu sunt
You are (You're) - Tu esti
He is (He's)
- El este
She is (She's)
- Ea este
It is (It's)
- El/ Ea
We are (We're) - Noi
You are (You're) - Voi
They are (They're) - Ei/Ele

Forma interogativa:
Am I ?
- Sunt eu?
Are you ? - Esti tu?
Is he ?
- Este el?
Is she ?
- Este ea?
Is it ?
- Este el/
Are we ?
- Suntem
Are you ? - Sunteti
Are they ? - Sunt

Forma negativa:
I am not (I'm not)
- Eu nu sunt
You are not (You aren't) - Tu nu esti
He is not (He isn't)
- El nu este
She is not (She isn't)
- Ea nu este
It is not (It isn't)
- El/ Ea nu este
We are not (We aren't) - Noi nu
You are not (You aren't) - Voi nu sunteti
They are not (They aren't) - Ei/Ele nu

"TO HAVE" - a avea

Forma afirmativa:
I have (I've)
- Eu am
You have (You've) - Tu ai
He has (He's)
- El are
She has (She's)
- Ea are
It has (It's)
- El/ Ea
We have (We've) - Noi
You have (You've) - Voi
They have (They've) Ei/Ele au

Forma interogativa:
Have I ?
- Am eu ?
Have you ? - Ai tu ?
Has he ?
- Are el ?
Has she ?
- Are ea ?
Has it ?
- Are el/ ea
Have we ? - Avem noi
Have you ? - Aveti
voi ?
Have they ? - Au ei/ele

Forma negativa:
I have not (I haven't)
- Eu nu am
You have not (You haven't) - Tu nu ai
He has not (He hasn't)
- El nu are
She has not (She hasn't)
- Ea nu are
It has not (It hasn't)
- El/ Ea nu
We have not (We haven't)
- Noi nu
You have not (You haven't) - Voi nu
They have not (They haven't) - Ei/Ele
nu au

"TO DO" - a face

Forma afirmativa:
I do
- Eu fac
You do
- Tu faci
He does
- El face
She does - Ea face
It does
- El/Ea face
We do
- Noi facem

Forma interogativa:
Do I ?
- Fac eu ?
Do you ? - Faci tu ?
Does he ? - Face el ?
Does she ? - Face ea ?
Does it ? - Face el/
ea ?

Forma negativa:
I do not (I don't)
- Eu nu fac
You do not (You don't)
- Tu nu faci
He does not (He doesn't) - El nu face
She does not (She doesn't) - Ea nu face
It does not (It doesn't)
- El/Ea nu

You do
They do

- Voi faceti
- Ei/Ele fac

Do we ?
- Facem
noi ?
Do you ? - Faceti voi ?
Do they ? - Fac ei/ele ?

We do not (We don't)

- Noi nu
You do not (You don't)
- Voi nu faceti
They do not (They don't) - Ei/ Ele nu


este the
- pronunat [z] - naintea cuvintelor care ncep cu o consoan sau semi-consoan
the ball [ z bO-l]
the window [z `wind\u ]
- pronunat [zi] - n faa cuvintelor care ncep cu o vocal
the eye [zi ai]
the apple [zi `Epl]
the girl [z g|l] - fata
the boy [z Boi] - biatul
the tree [z trI] - copacul
the cat [z kEt] - pisica

the girls [z g|lz] - fetele
the boys [z Boiz] - bieii
the trees [z trIz] - copacii
the cats [z kEts] - pisicile

Articolul hotrt apare ntr-un mare numr de expresii:

on the one side/hand - pe de o parte
on the other side/hand - pe de alt parte
at the same time - n acelai timp etc
Articolul hotrt plasat n faa unor adjective d acestora sensul unor substantive la numrul plural:
adj. rich - bogat-bogat, bogai-bogate
the rich - cei bogai - cele bogate
adj. poor - srac-srac, sraci-srace
the poor - cei sraci - cele srace
Articolul hotrt apare la gradul superlativ relativ al adjectivelor:
the best - cel mai bun, cea mai bun, cei mai buni, cele mai bune
the least - cel mai puin, cea mai puin, cei mai puini, cele mai puine
the biggest - cel mai mare, cea mai mare, cei mai mari, cele mai mari
the most interesting - cel mai interesant, cea mai interesant, cei mai interesani, cele mai interesante etc




este :
- a pronunat [] - naintea cuvintelor care ncep cu consoan sau semiconsoan:
a dog [ `dog]- un cine
a wall [ `wOl]- un zid/perete
a flower [ `flau\]- o floare
a year [\ `ji\] - un an
- an pronunat [n] - naintea cuvintelor care ncep cu vocal:
an apple [n `Epl]- un mr
an eye [n `ai] - un ochi
an ear [n `i\]- o ureche an idea [n ai`dia]- o idee

Unele expresii / structuri fixe, care trebuie memorate pentru evitarea greelilor.
after dark - dup lsarea ntunericului
after three o'clock - dup ora trei
after dinner - dup cin
day by day - zi de zi
drop by drop - strop cu strop
day after day - zi dup zi, zi de zi
from end to end - de la cap la cap
from first to last - de la primul la ultimul
from London - de la Londra
to look for help/aid - a cuta ajutor
to pay on demand - a plti la cerere
from morning to night - de dimineaa pn seara
from beginning to end - de la nceput la sfrit
on certain conditions - cu anumite condiii

from place to place - din loc n loc

from time to time - din cnd n cnd
good for food - comestibil
goods on sale - mrfuri/bunuri de vnzare
in general - n general
to learn by heart - a nva pe de rost
piece by piece - bucat cu bucat
Just in time - chiar la timp/moment
to leave for school - a pleca la coal
to keep in mind - a ine minte
to be on duty - a fi de serviciu
to go on foot - a merge pe jos
to put in order - a pune n ordine
to be in parliament - a fi n parlament
to go to bed - a merge la culcare


masculin (masculine)
(he - el)
actor - actor
bachelor - celibatar
barman - barman
boy - biat
bridegroom - ginere
brother - frate
dad/daddy - tati/tticu
earl - conte
father - tat
gentleman - domn
god - zeu
grandfather - grandpa bunic
hero - erou
husband - so
king - rege
lad - flcu
landlord - proprietar
man - brbat
master - stpn
monk - clugr
nephew - nepot

feminin (feminine)
(she - ea)
actress - actri
spinster - celibatar
barmaid - barmani
girl - fat
bride - mireas
sister - sor
mam/mammy - mami
countess - contes
mother - mam
gentlewoman - doamn
goddess - zei
grandmother - grandma - bunic
heroine - eroin
wife - soie
queen - regin
lass - fat
landlady - proprietreas
woman - femeie
mistress - stpn
nun - clugri
niece - nepoat

papa/daddy - tata
policeman - poliist
prince - prin
salesman - vnztor
sir - domn
son - fiu
tutor - tutore
uncle - unchi
neutru (neuter)
(it - el/ea)
air - aer
ball - minge
book - carte
box - cutie
bread - pine
building - cldire
bus - autobuz
crocodile - crocodil
error - greeal
fish - pete
flag - drapel
flute - flaut
fork - furculi
glory - glorie
helicopter - elicopter
honour - onoare
house - cas
impression - impresie
indifference - indiferen
kangaroo - cangur
land - pmnt
legend - legend
light - lumin
march - mar
medal - medalie
microbe - microb
minaret - minaret
monkey - maimu
mouse - oarece
mushroom - ciuperc
masculin (masculine)
(he - el)
boy friend - prieten
brother - in - law cumnat
bull - taur
cock - coco
dog - cine
drake - roi
father - in - law - socru

mamma/mammy - mama
policewoman - poliist
princess - prines
saleswoman - vnztoare
madam - doamn
daughter - fiic
governess - guvernant
aunt - mtu
comun (common)
(he/she - el/ea)
associate - asociat/asociat
architect - arhitect/arhitect
artist - artist/artist
beginner - nceptor/nceptoare
author - autor/autoare
child - copil/copil
buyer - cumprtor/cumprtoare
client - client/client
companion - nsoitor/nsoitoare
cook - buctar/buctreas
cousin - verior/verioar
customer - client/client
customs officer - vame/vame
dancer - dansator/dansatoare
doctor - doctor/doctori
dreamer - vistor/vistoare
driver - ofer/oferi
dyer - vopsitor/vopsitoare
economist - economist/economist
engineer - inginer/inginer
fighter - lupttor/lupttoare
friend - prieten/prieten
guest - musafir/musafir
interpreter - interpret/interpret
journalist - jurnalist/jurnalist
owner - posesor/posesoare
painter - pictor/pictori
parent - printe

feminin (feminine)
(she - ea)
girl friend - prieten
sister - in - law - cumnat
cow - vac
hen - gin
bitch - cea
duck - ra
mother - in - law - soacr

fisherman - pescar
fox - vulpoi
gipsy/gypsy - igan
grandson - nepot
horse - cal
host - gazd
lion - leu
lord - domn
man-servant - servitor
Mr. - domnul
negro - negru
ox - bou
peasant - ran
pirate - pirat
postman - pota
schoolboy - colar
soldier - soldat
son - in - law - ginere
steward - stevard
tom cat - pisoi
turkey cock - curcan
usher - plasator
waiter - chelner
neutru (neuter)
(it - el/ea)
net - plas
novel - roman
number - numr
occupation - ocupaie
ocean - ocean
oil - ulei
page - pagin
panic - panic
part - parte
pear - par
petal - petal
piano - pian
pig - porc
pot - oal
root - rdcin
scorpion - scorpion
shark - rechin
sparrow - vrabie
sphere - sfer
stage - scen
stick - b
sun - soare
tea - ceai
telephone - telefon

vixen - vulpe
gipsy/gypsy woman - iganc
granddaughter - nepoat
mare - iap
hostess - gazd
lioness - leoaic
lady - doamn
maid - servant - servitoare
Miss/Mrs. - domnioara/doamna
negress - negres
cow - vac
peasant woman - ranc
schoolgirl - colri
daughter - in - law - nor
stewardess - stevardes
pussy cat - pisic
turkey hen - curc
usherette - plasatoare
waitress - chelneri
comun (common)
(he/she - el/ea)
photographer - fotograf/fotograf
physician - doctor/doctori
physicist - fizician/fizician
passenger - pasager/pasager
manager - manager/manager,
director/direc- toare
philosopher - filozof
physiologist - fiziolog
pilot - pilot
player - juctor/juctoare
playwright - dramaturg
printer - tipograf/tipograf
prisoner - prizonier/prizonier
purchaser - cumprtor/ cumprtoare
supporter - suporter/suporter
reader - cititor/cititoare
reporter - reporter/reporter
rival - rival/rival
scholar - nvat/nvat
scientist - savant/savant
smoker - fumtor/fumtoare
spectator - spectator/spectatoare
spouse - so/soie
successor - succesor/succesoare
superintendent - supraveghetor/
theorist - teoretician/teoretician

weaver - estor/estoare
welder - sudor/sudori
worker - muncitor/muncitoare
writer - scriitor/scriitoare
Declinarea Substantivelor cu Articol Hotrt


the boy - biatul
the girl - fata
of the boy - the boy's - al, a, ai, ale
of the girl - the girl's - al, a, ai, ale
(to) the boy - biatului
(to) the girl - fetei
the boy - biatul
the girl - fata

the boys - bieii
the girls - fetele
of the boys - the boys' - al, a, ai, ale
of the girls - the girls' - al, a, ai, ale
(to) the boys - bieilor
(to) the girls - fetelor
the boys - bieii
the girls - fetele

Declinarea Substantivelor cu cu Articol Nehotrt

a boy - un biat
boys - biei
a girl - o fat
girls - fete
G of a boy - a boy's - al, a , ai, ale unui of boys - boys' - al, a, ai, ale, unor biei, de
of a girl - a girl's - al, a, ai, ale unei of girls - girls' - al, a , ai, ale, unor fete, de
(to) a boy - unui biat
(to) boys - unor biei
(to) a girl - unei fete
(to) girls - unor fete
a boy - un biat
boys - biei
a girl - o fat
girls - fete
boy ! - biete !, biatule !
boys ! - biei!
girl ! - fat !
girls ! - fetelor !

Declinarea Substantivelor Neutre



a table - o mas
the table - masa
of a table - al, a, ai, ale unei mese

tables - mese
the tables - mesele
of tables - de mese

of the table - al, a, ai, ale mesei

of the tables - al, a, ai, ale meselor

to a table - unei mese

to the table - mesei
a table - o mas
the table - masa

to tables - la/unor mese

to the tables - meselor
tables - mese
the tables - mesele

Adjective Posesive (Possessive Adjectives)

my - meu, mea, mei, mele

your - tu, ta, ti, tale
his - lui, su, sa, si, sale, dnsului
her - ei, su, sa, si, sale, dnsei
its - lui/ei, su/sa, si/sale

our - nostru, noastr, notri, noastre

your - vostru, voastr, votri, voastre, dumneavoastr
their - lor, dnilor, dnselor, dumnealor

Adjective Demonstrative (Demonstrative Adjectives)

this - acest, acesta ; aceast, aceasta
these - aceti, acetia ; aceste, acestea
this boy - acest biat, biatul acesta
these boys - aceti biei, bieii acetia
this girl - aceast fat, fata aceasta
these girls - aceste fete, fetele acestea
this tree - acest copac, copacul acesta
these trees - aceti copaci, copacii acetia
this book - aceast carte, cartea aceasta
these books - aceste cri, crile acestea
that - acel, acela ; acea, aceea
those - acei, aceia; acele, acelea
that boy - acel biat, biatul acela
those boys - acei biei, bieii aceia
that girl - acea fat, fata aceea
those girls - acele fete, fetele acelea
that tree - acel copac, copacul acela
those books - acele cri, crile acelea
that book - acea carte, cartea aceea
those trees - acei copaci, copacii aceia
Adjective Cantitative/Nnehotrte (The Quantitative/Indefinite Adjectives)
some - unii, unele, nite, vreun, vreo
Se folosete n propoziiile afirmative. Cnd apare n propoziiile interogative se sper s se obin un
rspuns afirmativ.
I see some people in the street. - Vd nite oameni pe strad.
Come to see us some Sunday ! - Vino/venii pe la noi ntr-o (zi de) duminic !
Do you see some people in the street ? - Vezi nite oameni pe strad ?
I should drink some water, not some wine. - A bea nite ap, nu nite vin.
I know him to some degree. - l cunosc ntr-o oarecare msur.
Some agree with me and some don't. - Unii sunt de acord cu mine, iar alii nu.
They will find out the truth some day. - Ei vor afla adevrul ntr-o bun zi.
This matter has some importance. - Chestiunea aceasta are oarecare importan.
You will meet some person or other. - Vei ntlni o persoan sau alta.
any- n propoziiile afirmative - orice, fiece
He can come at any hour of the day. - El poate veni la orice or din zi.
You may like any book. - i poate plcea orice carte.
You can/may come any time. - Poi veni oricnd.

Concordanta timpurilor in limba engleza

Este acordul obligatoriu al timpului verbului din subordonata cu timpul verbului din regenta sa. In limba engleza
timpul verbului din subordonata trebuie sa se subordoneze timpului verbului din regenta. Cu alte cuvinte timpurile
verbelor din regente dicteaza folosirea anumitor timpuri in subordonatele lor.

Exista in acest sens trei reguli de cunoscut si aplicat.

Regula I: Daca in regenta verbul este la Present Tense sau Present Perfect Tense in subordonata se poate folosi orice



Verbul este la prezent

Verbul poate fi la orice timp (cerut de sens)

(Present Tense Simple, Present Tense

Continuous, Present Perfect Simple,
Present Perfect Continuous )

We all know that = Noi toti stim ca

... he had gone = el mersese

... he went = el a mers
... he will go= el va merge

Regula II: Daca in regenta verbul este la trecut in subordonata el trebuie sa fie la unul din cele trei timpuri trecute ale
limbii engleze: The Past Perfect, The Past Tense, The Future in the Past.

Verbul este la trecut

Orice alt timp past"

(Past Tense Simple, Past Tense

Continuous, Past Perfect Simple,
Past Perfect Continuous)

a) Past Tense actiune simultana Past Tense

He said = El a spus

... he was ill = ca este bolnav

b) Past Tense actiune anterioara Past Perfect

He said = El a spus


he had returned home a week before

= ca se intorsese acasa cu o saptamna inainte

Atentie: Daca intr-o fraza exista doua propozitii secundara cu actiunea anterioara celei din principala, se poate
folosi Past Perfect in mod repetat.
Ex. She said she had forgotten where she had put her glasses.
(Ea a spus ca uitase unde si-a pus ochelarii.)
c) Past Tenseactiunea posterioar Future-in-the-Past
He said = El a spus
... he would leave the next day = ca va pleca a doua zi
Atentie: Daca intr-o fraza exista doua propozitii secundare cu actiune posterioara celei din principala, dintre care
una este temporala sau conditionala. Future-in-the-Pastse poate folosi numai o singura data, dupa care (in
temporala sau conditionala) se intrebuinteaza Past Tense (pentru simultaneitate) sau Past Perfect (pentru
He said = El a spus

... he would buy a car if he had money = ca va cumpara o masina daca va avea bani

Regula III: Daca verbul din regenta este la viitor in subordonatele conditionale si temporale, el trebuie sa fie la
Present Tense sau Present Perfect Tense, iar daca subordonata este completiva directa verbul va fi la viitor.
Verbul este la viitor

Teoretic se poate folosi orice timp cerut
de sens, cu exceptia propozitii temporale
sau conditionale, care nu pot include
un verb la viitor.

Situatiile cel mai des intlnite sunt urmatoarele:

a) Future actiune simultana Present
I will read this book = Voi citi aceasta carte

when I have time =cnd voi avea timp

b)Future actiune anterioara Present Perfect

I will go to England = Voi merge in Anglia
after I have received a visa= dupa ce voi obtine viza
c) verbul va fi la orice timp in subordonata completiva directa
I shall see what = Eu voi vedea ce
I shall do. = voi face.
Nota: In limba engleza contemporana, se poate observa uneori o oarecare tendinta de a nu se respecta concordanta
timpurilor atunci cnd verbul din propozitia principala este la trecut. Se poate intlni, de exemplu, o formulare de
tipul: He said he loves me". Este posibil ca ceea ce apare acum ca tendinta, cu timpul, sa ajunga regula. Pentru
moment insa, sfatuim pe vorbitorii romni de limba engleza sa respecte regulile de concordanta a timpurilor asa
cum sunt prezentate mai sus.
EXCEPTII (deci cazuri cand nu se aplica regulile de concordanta a timpurilor)
1. Cand in subordonata se exprima un adevar stiintific /general.
Everybody knew that gold is a metal. = Toata lumea stia ca aurul este metal.
I told you that silver is gray. = Ti-am spus ca argintul este gri.
2. Cand subordonata este:
a) cauzala
He will not go to school because he didn't learn his lessons. = El nu va merge la scoala pentru ca nu si-a invatat
We shall go on the trip because they gave us the money. = Vom merge in excursie pentru ca ei ne-au dat banii.

b) atributiva
You will see the man who wrote that book. = Il vei vedea pe omul care a scris cartea aceea.
I saw the girl who will play the piano. = Am vazut fata care va canta la pian.
c) comparativ modala
Tomorrow I shall work more than I worked yesterday. = Maine voi munci mai mult decat am muncit ieri.

*Gradal superlativ (the Superlative D.)

*short (scurt) *shorter (mai scurt) *the shortest (cel mai scurt)
*large (mare) *larger (mai mare) *the largest (cel mai mare)
Adjectivele terminate ntr-o consum precedat de o vocal scurt [e, i, o., a.] dubleaz aceast consoan:
thin (subire) thinner (mai subire) the thinnest (cel mai subire)
hot (fierbinte) hotter (mai fierbinte) the hottest (cel mai fierbinte)
Adjectivele terminate n -y precedat de o consoan l transform n -i-:
dry (uscat) the drier (mai uscat) the driest (cel mai uscat)
Tot sintetic se compar i adjectivele dc dou silabe terminate n -y- precedat de consoan, adjectivele de
dou silabe terminate n -ble, -er, i -ow i alte cteva:
happy (fericit) happier (mai fericit) the happiest (cel mai fericit)
able (capabil) abler (mai capabil) the ablest (cel mai capabil)
narrow (ngust) narrower (cel mai ngust) the narrowest (cel mai ngust)

Comparaia analitic) (the Analytical Comparison) privete adjectivele formate din dou sau mai multe silabe, Ele
formeaz comparativul cu ajutorul adverbului more mai, iar superlativul cu ajutorul adverbului most precedat de the.

* Comparativ


*more interesting
*the most interesting *interesant *mai interesant *cel mai interesant *broken
*more broken
*the most broken
*stricat *mai stricat *cel mai stricat

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