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Info 102: Gender in Technology, Spring 2016

Takeaway Journal
Reflection &
Halsey Stultz

Table of Contents
Its Complicated...3
You Dont Always Have to Believe What Youre Told .....9
Career Path...11


This journal represents my cumulative journey through Info 102: Gender in Technology.
Through the ten-week course, I faced topics that I have known of for a long time, but have never
addressed myself. My mind was opened and expanded, and all the while I was able to relate what
I was learning to my own life on a more simplistic level. As I look back on these past ten weeks,
I have organized the class into four individual categories that each hold the most important things
that I have learned. What makes each theme even more influential is that they stand
independently on their own while simultaneously linking with one another. In the following
paper, I will reflect on the themes by discussing each in detail, as well as including some of my
favorite takeaways that coincide with each theme. I will also discuss how this course has altered
my career path, and what that career path now is.

Its Complicated
As one of the two core themes of the class, I found this reflection incomplete without
including it as one of my own main themes. This was a theme that was repeated week after week,
and proved an accurate answer for many of the questions that were pondered throughout the
quarter. Why arent women joining the tech field in larger numbers? Its complicated. Why are
men hostile to women in certain work places? Its complicated. Do companies purposely make
the work-place environment more difficult for women to advance professionally? Its
Before I move on, listed below are some key takeaways that I think best personify this
1. Its Complicated- sometimes I feel like people treat the issue of women in the workforce like
there is an easy answer, but there never is and Im glad Im not the only one who sees that.
65. How do you make the culture of your office so amicable that people can feel that they can speak
up about anything?
117. Implicit bias still occurs for people who claim not to believe in stereotypes
135. Tomboy vs. Girl-girl stigmas- you are either one or the other, and both have bad aspects.
174. Women leave entry level tech jobs for many reasons, perhaps they are underwhelmed or bored,
or they feel isolated
176. Sexual harassment is a complicated subject- maybe there really wasnt any intention of
harassment, but maybe there is
180. Companies are now increasing paid maternity leave which doesnt force young mothers to
choose between their family and their career

Though I could go on, and I have many more takeaways that would fit this theme, I think
these show a wide enough spectrum of exactly what is meant by the phrase its complicated.
There is no easy answer to any gender-related issue in the work place, and understanding that is
the first step to finding the right answer. Week after week, this course has raised the difficult

questions, and what I have really enjoyed is that instead of trying to answer them, we simply
discuss them. Why they exist, who the people involved are, what outcomes they present.
One of the most important lessons for me that has come out of this theme is to not be so
quick to judge someones situation or life choices. A favorite discussion in class was when we
talked about the role of the family, and how having a working mom compared to a stay at home
mom can affect a child. I grew up with the latter and loved every day that I got to come home
and see my mom and tell her about my day. As a kid, I always felt bad for the kids whos moms
went to work during the day and didnt see their children until dinner time, but having a class
discussion and hearing the perspective of someone in that situation made me see that there is not
one set path for everyone, and every women has the ability to decide for herself what is best for
both her and her family. This relates back perfectly to the theme of Its Complicated. Just as there
is no easy answer to why women do or dont join the tech field, there is no easy answer to the
question of which direction a woman can go in her life.
This theme was important because it showed me as a future employee and employer that
the solution to a situation can be specific to a person and does not just have to follow a set of predetermined guidelines. A complicated world demands complicated answers, and that is a lesson
that will benefit me no matter where my life takes me, and is one of the best things that I learned
in this class.

As the second major theme of the class, I also found it important to include in my final
journal. One thing I really enjoyed about this course is that it discussed the empowerment of all
women, from a middle-aged woman in a third world country to a kindergarten-aged girl.
Empowerment is the only way to make women see their own worth, and that is the first step in
making sure the entire world sees the worth of a women. Before I continue, here are some
takeaways from throughout the quarter that reflect the theme of empowerment.
16. Pipeline Effect. I love this one especially because I have always felt like one day I could be a
role model for someone else, and that is what pushes me, especially when I feel like I am
different from the norm.
79. Grace Hopper also believed that women didnt need special treatment, in the sense that there
shouldnt be anything special about a woman in computer science, and I agree with her, yet
there is
113. Having female STEM role models can show women that they are capable of STEM careers
123. Find your voice and be confident that it matters
181. Empowering women in third world nations is a good first step in making the world a more
accommodating place for all women.

Before women can expect to be treated with fairness and equality, they need to view
themselves as such. There are too many stereotypes out there that perpetuate the idea that women
are less than men, especially when it comes to the tech field. If a woman believes this to be true
herself, she will never even try to strive for success in this and other male dominated field.
The best way that this theme was communicated through the course was through our guest
speakers. They were all very wonderful and each brought with them different lessons. I
especially appreciated Dotties visit and think that her message was the best on empowering
women. Thinking back to her visit, you may remember that she didnt focus a whole lot on
women empowerment, but that is exactly why I think she best demonstrated the theme. As a
woman in NASA, she was a minority, but that didnt stop her at any point along the way. When

she talked about the struggles that she overcame, they had nothing to do with her being a woman;
there were about issues that everyone faces as they progress through life, no matter their gender.
In my opinion, the best way of teaching empowerment is not saying anything about it at all.
When looking at the percentage of female engineers or any females in the tech field, too many
people, with only the best intentions, tend to victimize women. In professional settings, they are
first singled out for being the only women in an office full of men, and then, with only the best
intentions, a company will conduct training that teaches its employees how to deal with gender
diversity in the workplace. While this sounds like a step in the right direction, it also singles
women out again for basically being the reason that there is any problem at all. Instead of
training men how to deal with women in the workplace, companies should be training employees
how to deal with working together in the workplace. Singling out individual genders as the
bullies and the victims helps no one, so instead we should be leveling the playing field and
treating every as we all are- people.
That being said, the first step in this is making sure that women see that they are equal to
their male counterparts. If they believe that, they will project the confidence that is needed to
make everyone else see it. This theme was a part of every single lecture, even if it was
specifically stated out loud. Empowerment is the first step to equality, and with this mindset, this
kind of course wont be necessary in 20 years because employees wont even notice a difference
between themselves and the opposite gender in the workplace.

Before this course, the word diversity was simply a term that educators used when they
wanted to be sure that everyone felt included. It was training that was conducted time and time
again, to a point where the topics that were being discussed lost their importance and became just
another boring lecture. This course has reminded me just why diversity is important and why it is
needed in all work environments. Here are some key takeaways that best showcase this theme:
3. Diversity makes you stand out- People are so afraid of being on the outside so often, most people
would do whatever it takes to fit in. But fitting in means giving away what makes you special and
18. Forcing jobs to interview minorities is not designed to give them a free pass to a career, its meant
to open them up to a possibility of very different careers.
81. Diversity also has to do with age. You shouldnt discredit what someone says based on what you
think of them
85. Diversity in healthcare is key because the point of healthcare is to solve problems for people, but
a broader range of people have broader range of issues
136. Computer Science clubs are very exclusive- the members of the clubs feel like they dont belong
anywhere else, so when outsiders come to invade their niche they get defensive and feel like the
one place they belong is being invaded

Diversity is important no matter what field you go into. To be frank, its not just about having
every color of the rainbow on a staff team in order to make the lives of the public relations
branch easier. Its about having a vast array of skillsets ready to go in all areas of a company, and
making your company the strongest that it can possibly be.
Ill be honest; growing up as an upper class white female, I never really understood the
importance of diversity before taking this class. I would get mad at the thought that someone
who is less qualified than me could get into a school or get a job easier simply because the color
of their skin and how they grew up. I thought the easiest way to go about hiring for a company
was to look only at ones credentials and merit, and nothing else. And while that definitely pays a

huge role in every hiring process, it is not the only thing that goes into hiring the best person for
the job, nor should it be.
A team is not only the professional skills and experiences that its members bring to the table,
but the personal ones as well. If a group of people is working together to create a product that is
to be sold to the general public, they need a point of view from as many aspects of the general
public as possible. It wont matter if they have the smartest people on the team if they cant relate
to large areas of the population. Just as you wouldnt want a team of 10 accountants to build a
new tech product, you also wouldnt want ten people who all grew up five minutes from each
others houses.
This seems like a no brainer, but the truth is individuals like to flock to those who are like
them, which makes working with people who are different from you means stepping outside of
your comfort zone, which a lot of people dont like to do. Our differences make us stronger
together, but only if everyone on the team is willing to acknowledge them. That is why diversity
training is important- not to get some certification or to look good to consumers, but to force
workers to get outside of their comfort zone in order to make a better product and a better

You dont always have to agree with the things you are being told
I chose this as my final overarching theme of the course because I think it is a very
important lesson to learn. College is about expanding ones mind and choosing who it is they
want to be and what they want to believe and stand for. With that in mind, throughout all of the
classes a student takes during their time here at the University of, no one should agree with
everything they are told. With that in mind, here are some takeaways that stuck with me where I
didnt share the same viewpoint.
51. Donas main message seems to be you are just as important as everyone else, but my way
of thinking is everyone else is just as important as you
60. There is a difference between being invisible and not wanting to be rude
140. People take the line of least resistance
167. If you are white you can get grant money just by writing down something on the back of a
napkin, but for people of color who have a developed idea with a clear path, all you can get is
guilt money, if anything
190. In a Ted x Womens talk, there shouldnt just be women in the audience. She is talking about
men, yet only talking to women

I know that this isnt the most conventional class theme, and it might not be a great
feeling to hear a student say that this is one of the biggest takeaways they learned from a very
serious class, but I think that it is a very important life lesson, and the sooner one learns it, the
better off they will be. The whole point of this class, not the mention the university, is to produce
of group of the next prominent generation to be self-sufficient and be capable of making the right
decisions. If we went through life agreeing with everything that we are told, we would be no
more capable of inheriting the burden of the future than a group of toddlers. Growing up means
choosing what is important to you, and thus what you stand for.
Im not saying to disregard everything that you disagree with, quite the contrary, actually.
When you hear something that is against what you believe, think on why you dont agree with it.

Listen to that point of view, and then decide where you stand. Blindly disagree with someone or
something without acknowledging the argument is just as bad as blindly agreeing with it and
taking it as truth without question.
When you sit in lecture for hours each week, listening to someone teach you new
information, its all too easy to mix up learning knowledge and learning opinions. Learning the
difference is the first step in becoming a fully functioning adult who doesnt need help in making
decisions or taking a stance on something.


Career Path
I knew going into this course that I wasnt interested in going into the tech field, and that
still reigns true for today. Although I view the field as very profitable, exciting, and full of
growth opportunity, one thing that Laura said about the industry is that your heart has to be in it,
and mine just isnt. It was under consideration for a time, but I dont believe that I would wake
up excited for my job in the tech field like I would for a career in a field that I am passionate
That field is currently accounting. I know to most people, accounting seems like nothing
but reading over numbers and calculating things day after day. Someone going into technology
might find it strange that I believe a field of organization and numbers is more exciting than a
field that is constantly expanding, but that is just how I feel. I hope one day to hold a success
position as an accountant, preferably in a stable company as opposed to working as a consultant
and traveling constantly, in order to also have a family in a stable environment.
The steps to achieve this goal are to finish the year strong in my accounting class, and
come ready next fall to pick up where I left off. It is also very important to start looking into
internships for next summer at prominent account firms such as EY, which works closely with
the business school to get accounting students connecting to prominent accounting firms that
they can hold successful careers with.

There were a few options I could have taken when I started this journal, and the most
straightforward would have been to look at individual takeaways and analyze and explain them


in more detail. Instead, I decided to look at the big picture and use individual takeaways to form
bigger ideas. I know that this takeaway journal might not be as simple or straight-forward as
some others, but I think it accurately depicts the biggest things that I have learned from the class
and how I will relate them to my life in the future, even when this course is years in my past.
Whenever I feel sad or like my career is going nowhere, I know that I can take this
journal and instantly uplift my spirits, if not from the life lessons that I have learn, then from the
funny takeaways that will always make me laugh. This course has truly been eye opening, and
although I am not nor plan to be a woman in tech, the lessons that I have learned can be applied
to any career that I choose.


Special Takeaways are highlighted for viewing convenience

Its Complicated- sometimes I feel like people treat the issue of women in the workforce like there is an easy answer, but there never is
and Im glad Im not the only one who sees that.
First Impressions- Getting a stereotypical first impression is easy (the old woman who helped with technology problems) and its
something everyone does. The important part is being able to look past them.
Diversity makes you stand out- People are so afraid of being on the outside so often, most people would do whatever it takes to fit in.
But fitting in means giving away what makes you special and valuable.
Head HR Rep from Microsoft- that is a field I am considering going into, so I am very excited to see that this course can correspond
with that
Informatics- I have never learned much about informatics, but this course seems like a great look into the field and I am ready to learn
about it.
Business major Professor- Im glad this class isnt taught by an informatics person even if it is an informatics class. It will keep me
engaged thinking its more relatable to me.
This class is going to be a lot of work- but it will be worth it.
Teamwork makes the dreamwork- I like that we have one big team project, but mostly individual assignments. Its a good mix
Women in technology isnt just for women- there are a lot of guys in lecture and I think its good to continue the theme of diversity
onto the students
Hands on tech experience- I like that its not just learning about people in the tech field, but the tech field itself. I think that is what is
going to foster a larger amount of women joining the tech field, not talking about how women should join the tech field.
Ambiguity is inevitable. Life isnt like high school where you get an exact instruction sheet for everything you have to do. Real jobs
involve you to be able to figure things out by yourself and answer your own questions the best way you can.
Even the best undergraduates arent guaranteed an easy career. Even if you are great at networking, sometimes things just dont work
out. Over and over and over again.
Technology is a new type of creativity that attracts different kinds of people. The stereotypical creative person is artsy, but now a
creative person can be technical too.
Bosses are still human.
Theres no such thing as job security, but there is career security. Get the skills that you need to have a successful career, not just a
successful job. You might be able to get a job without certain skills but when that job ends you are stuck.
Pipeline Effect. I love this one especially because I have always felt like one day I could be a role model for someone else, and that is
what pushes me, especially when I feel like I am different from the norm.
Its not that women arent being hired, its just that women are choosing different career paths than men and making different life
choices. Men in the working world arent out to get women, they just choose the best person for the job.
Forcing jobs to interview minorities is not designed to give them a free pass to a career, its meant to open them up to a possibility of
very different careers.
If I did want to do technology as a career, I would do it to be a part of a progression that would continue all throughout my lifetime.
Technical jobs are on the rise.
Three stages- annoyed, angry, worried- Ignore-no-more
There are a lot of simple ways to improve everyday things
Big companies have many pros and cons
More job security, but you feel less important
Consultants have a vast range of options of work
If you like fixing things that no one else can solve, consulting is for you
Consulting also involves moving around a lot and not being able to put down roots personally or professionally
Small companies/startups can sometimes be more restraining for employees than large companies
Theres nowhere to hide in small businesses- if you mess up, you will pay for it.
Start looking for the career you want now
There are a lot of people with the exact same skills as me
Washington DC is the best place to live for women in technology
President Obama is the first to write a line of code
New Zealand is an accurate portrayal of how new products will be received in the rest of the world.
The tech field isnt just creating things, there are so many different jobs a person can have in the field
Project managers dont get as much authority as they deserve
There are lower numbers of women in tech because women are gifted with the ability to choose what they want to do with their lives,
and they just simply choose something other than STEM
Technology has greatly affected the travel industry
More women are in UWs CSE 142 and 143 this quarter than ever before
There are still ways to improve the travel industry
Lots of people want to be designers and managers
Instructors dont allow students to think enough. They are too focus with ensuring that students know things, they forget to let them
think about it all.
If something in your presentation does not benefit your project, take it out



Just because something already exists doesnt mean you cant make it better
When you create something based off of an already existing idea, you have to clearly state why yours is better
Its important to get to know your user and to be able to answer the question will this feature be something that my audience will
actually use? and if the answer is no, take it out
Takeaways are due on Lauras birthday!
Whenever something goes wrong in an interview, even if its not your fault, its your fault
This could potentially be a great way of networking and getting your foot in the door of a company you have always wanted to be a
part of
Be very gracious to an interviewee, they are giving up their personal time to be with you and help you out
Its hard to figure out a group plan for a group project when 3/5ths of your group doesnt show up.
Donas main message seems to be you are just as important as everyone else, but my way of thinking is everyone else is just as
important as you
Entrepreneurial spirit is solving problems for other people
This is what Im good at, and Im damn good at it, and go from there
Choosing a career where you can do things is good, but you should look for a career in something you want to do
Apply for a job where you qualify for a third of requirements
No one wants to hire someone who fits all the requirements
If you arent on social media, you dont exist
Cosmopolitan is about emopowering women, and yet she chooses to display a cover where the biggest words are WILD SEX and
to me that doesnt sound like the right kind of empowerment
Never turn down and interesting invitation
There is a difference between being invisible and not wanting to be rude
First of all, Dottie was an amazing speaker and had such a great and inspirational story. I really enjoyed hearing her speak.
It doesnt matter what your mentor looks like, all that matters is that they see potential in you
Its important to know yourself, but you should also listen to what other people see in you
Stars and dinosaurs are gateway drugs into science
How do you make the culture of your office so amicable that people can feel that they can speak up about anything?
If you arent valued in your workplace, you probably shouldnt be there
Salt takes away bone density
All earth space agencies need to work together to get to Mars
Even astronauts go back to finish their education
Its okay to retire some aspects of beloved programs to make way for greater things.
Be a person that somebody wants to mentor
When we were all hunter/gatherers, men and women were equal. Men became more powerful when they fought in wars and could
protect their homes
The traits that you think define you dont have to be your traits
Its easier for women to take on mens traits than it is for men to take on womens traits
Respect leads to violence. If be a man means be tough, they are going to be tough and violent
Women judge each other more than they should
It takes a conscious effort to change the way people are viewed, but I am confident that my children will grow up in a world where
this is less of a real issue. Im sure it will still be around, but it wont trouble them as much.
Grace Hopper was a pioneer for women in Computer Science
She also believed that women didnt need special treatment, in the sense that there shouldnt be anything special about a woman in
computer science, and I agree with her, yet there is
Why are things the way they are and do they need to be that way?
Diversity also has to do with age. You shouldnt discredit what someone says based on what you think of them
In 2012, 56% of students taking AP exams were female, but only 19% of all students taking the AP Computer Science exam were
Share criticism constructively.
Technology has seriously impacted the healthcare industry in both positive and negative ways.
Diversity in healthcare is key because the point of healthcare is to solve problems for people, but a broader range of people have
broader range of issues
The usual method of transferring mens healthcare to womens healthcare is to make it smaller and make it pink.
Your credit card is only worth a couple dollars on the black market, while your PHI is worth between $50 and $70.
Most aspects of your healthcare stay the same forever, which is what makes healthcare security so important
Anyone can easily impersonate both a doctor and a funeral director in order to virtually kill someone.
You get no rights if you are marked dead.
Group projects not only split up the work load, but when you are working with good people its a more enjoyable experience where
you can more easily bounce ideas off of each other
The beauty industry is growing by 3.7% per year
Netflix created the show House of Cards based on what its users were watching and rating
Fashion is dominated by females and tech is dominated by males, so the tech/fashion industry is bringing everyone together
3-D printed food could be a possibility in the near future, which will solve many problems in terms of hunger and access to food
Media and Public Relations are very intertwined
There are many different industries to choose from



All industries are worth a lot of money

Its fun to spend time with your group outside of work
Chocolate is good with friends

Women grow frustrated with engineering not because they arent smart enough, but because they havent developed the same spatial
skills as men that are required for a successful career in engineering*
102. Spatial skills are not something one is born with, but rather are developed over time*
103. After taking a class on spatial skills (a quality that students lacked before), more students were inclined to continue and finish a degree
in engineering than if they hadnt been properly trained in spatial skills*
104. If there is no pain in your idea, no one is going to want to pay money to buy or produce it
105. Asian people hold a lot of tech jobs, but not executive management tech positions.
106. People named John are more likely to be CEOs than all women
107. There is a device that exists that is a washing and dryer combined
108. Public Relations is the difference between your company having a good reputation and a bad reputation.
109. The e-market is quickly expanding, soon we will probably be able to order everything online. Maybe someday we can buy a selfdriving car online and it will deliver itself to us.
110. Technology in football really interests me because I have no idea how they draw those lines on the field that show downs and are able
to have the players play over them
*From chapter 5 of Why So Few?

Girls have better verbal and written skills, memory and perceptual speed, while boys are better at spatial skills
People who had growth mindset improved significantly over people who had fixed mindset
Having female STEM role models can show women that they are capable of STEM careers
Women dont do STEM because they dont feel like they will be good at it, without ever even trying
The most important thing to do is to not let women compare themselves to men and believe that they arent good enough
Be nice to the receptionist
Implicit bias still occurs for people who claim not to believe in stereotypes
Women who do the exact same role as a man is still not viewed as enough. Women must additionally be able to manage the delicate
balance of being both competent and communal
119. Not all stereotypical roles are bad or should be abolished
120. I showed up on Cinco de Mayo
121. Ask yourself what you want to do instead of what everyone else wants to do
122. Learning just to learn, instead of trying to get good grades or get into college or get a job, is the best way to learn.
123. Find your voice and be confident that it matters
124. Having a growth mindset doesnt mean having no accountability
125. Work will fill the capacity that you give it
126. Every job will have so many more hats than you are prepared for, but find a way to wear them all
127. Use your superpowers and love what you do
128. Human compassion and genuine care about the people you work for and with is absolutely essential for a career in HR
129. Microsoft alters its company to fit the new generations of people which is really cool
130. Be a participant in your own rescue
131. Dont not apply for something just because you are afraid you wont get it
132. Short people hate tall center-pieces
133. When in middle school, it isnt just male intimidation that makes girls drop out of math, but the friends of the girls who dont do math,
and girls who are good at math think that the need to fit in and also not do math
134. The toys that are available for young girls are not the same as what are available for boys. Girl toys are dolls and shopping malls and
cooking sets, while boy toys are Legos and Hot Wheel tracks and things that they have to build with their hands.
135. Tomboy vs. Girl-girl stigmas- you are either one or the other, and both have bad aspects.
136. Computer Science clubs are very exclusive- the members of the clubs feel like they dont belong anywhere else, so when outsiders
come to invade their niche they get defensive and feel like the one place they belong is being invaded
137. High school mentors can make all the difference in a girls life
138. Friend groups can hold you back
139. Girls in high school are worried about getting bad grades in order to get into college so they dont try the hard classes
140. People take the line of least resistance
141. Its easier to plan for the future if you pick something and say this is what is important to me, this is what I want to do and then be
flexible and work around that
142. Your degree does not dictate your life path
143. A career in research is not sitting behind a computer, looking up facts. Its a career that turns into a life time of learning
144. Even CS students who want to spend their whole life behind the computer screen and enjoy working on problems alone might
eventually need some experience with people. Its not that difficult to relate humans and computer sciences, in fact most problems
nowadays that are dealt with using experts in CS are about people
145. Most researchers end up writing books
146. In a gamified setting, there are no gender differences in preference of the class, however people who are avid gamers are much more
into the class than people who dont game at all, but again, there are very few differences in whether the class is more beneficial for
certain types of people


147. Null findings may seem boring, but really its a way of saying that, for example, null findings are actually substantial in that they say
there arent many differences between how men and women and boys and girls play and learn
148. If there isnt something that you are passionate about and that is laid out for you to take control of, create it.
149. The way people interact with each other is greatly affected by where they grew up. In an office setting, people working at foreign
companies would just walk down the hall when they need to talk to someone, whereas in Seattle, they would send an email or post on
a forum.
150. I dont want to be a researcher.
151. Practice presentations arent a burden- they help you see what you need to work on and how you can make your presentation better
152. Anyone can come from anywhere to be successful
153. Trish had to change her major, and thus her entire life plan, just to stay in school
154. Trish worked every lower end job imaginable in order to get through school
155. All you need is one mentor to help you through a rough time in a rough job
156. You dont have to be technical to be a tech manager
157. Support systems in the form of family is very important, but they arent the only support systems
158. Social media companies are hiring women faster than men
159. HCDE major is 50% men and 50% women, unlike most majors
160. Competitive majors, as well as feeling like they arent good enough, is what causes women to drop out of STEM in college
5/24/16 (Trish)
161. Be yourself, no matter what
162. TAF started as early as kindergarten when working with kids to get them on the right track
163. You have to have leadership from your partner just as much as from you. You wont be able to do everything by yourself, so find a
partner who sees your vision.
164. Teaching younger students is easier when you make it fun but still give the right information
165. Too many students of color lack the skills, tools, habits of mind, and support needed to get and stay on the path to
successful adulthood
166. We need more teachers of color, yet the entire TAF program trains students of color to be tech professionals
167. If you are white you can get grant money just by writing down something on the back of a napkin, but for people of color
who have a developed idea with a clear path, all you can get is guilt money, if anything
168. Data from the 60s and 70s regarding people of color and education hasnt really changed at all
169. Change the definition of what a principal does, make sure they spend time in the classroom and have that scary authority
figure stigma removed
170. Find the issue when there is a learning difficulty before trying to solve with a solution.
171. Having more technical skills make your more valuable to your teammates
172. Quality consistency is hard to achieve when working with a team
173. Ambiguity is inevitable in life, so get used to it now
174. Women leave entry level tech jobs for many reasons, perhaps they are underwhelmed or bored, or they feel isolated
175. For most group projects, you get out what you put in. If you are excited about it and take charge, so will your group
176. Sexual harassment is a complicated subject- maybe there really wasnt any intention of harassment, but maybe there is
177. Women might not want to call attention to sexual harassment because if they are wrong, they have branded a person wrongly
178. The family dynamic greatly impacts how girls grow up and what they turn into. Nowadays, parents encourage their daughters not just
to get a husband, but to make something with their lives
179. The best thing about advancements in gender in technology is just giving women the option so they can choose what they want to do
180. Companies are now increasing paid maternity leave which doesnt force young mothers to choose between their family and their
181. Empowering women in third world nations is a good first step in making the world a more accommodating place for all women.
182. Its really easy to lose track of time when playing video games
183. Games provide a mental break for the mind
184. Games also have a way of bleeding over into the world
185. Games are always expected to be fun
186. Most game developers are men, as well as the belief that most people who play games are men
187. Women are mistreated in the gaming industry because male gamers think that they dont belong
188. Some male gamers want to keep the gaming industry as a boys club, which comes with many unspoken benefits
189. A cyber mob is the way people come together online to harass and exclude others also on the internet
190. In a Ted x Womens talk, there shouldnt just be women in the audience. She is talking about men, yet only talking to women
191. There is no logical reason that women shouldnt or cant join the tech field
192. The way the world is going, in the tech industry it is almost more beneficial to be a woman since companies have been working harder
toward gender equality in their hiring practices
193. A degree form UW is the first step towards a career
194. Choose a degree that will make you money and a minor that will make you happy
195. Your degree and your minor dont have to work toward the same goal
196. Success doesnt have to mean fame, its whatever you want it to be
197. Women in technology is a course that would be beneficial to anyone, not just women in technology
198. In fact, if the course is to succeed, it should be taken by people outside of that category
199. Info 102 relates to nearly every field, not just the tech field
200. 200 takeaways make for a great reflection paper, and are a great way to look over the quarter to remember what I learned.



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