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Name: Destiny
Strikethrough ALT+SHIFT+5
Copy CTRL + C

Dictator: Hitler
Underline CTRL+U
Paste CTRL +V

ASS 1 Q 1
Para 1 Ass Idea: (Ass idea + dictator) PLUG IT IN!

Rise to power + Hitler +how

PG 1
Para 1 Ass Sentence: (write it here)
Hitler rose to power in Germany because of the lost of World War One.

Q1 Idea: (Q idea + verb + ass idea) PLUG IT IN!

New politician + helped
+ hitler rise to power

Q1 Sentence: (write it here)

Germany was in search for a new politician which helped Hitler's rise to power.

Box1EV1 Copy entire box here then cross out the

B1 (Bulleted Out)

fat; put in ellipses where you crossed out information.

If you have multiple sources for this box, place the
citation directly after the passage - i.e. (Ayer, 28)

The Nazi party was based in

Munich, a hotbed of radical politics. By the
end of 1920, the party had about three
thousand members, including many
alienated, maladjusted ex-soldiers
with a strong disdain for the Treaty
of Versailles and the democratic
German government that abided
by it. They looked toward the rising
politician, Adolf Hitler, and the growing
Nakampfvement as an alternative
and brought in new recruits. The
treatery caused the military to be
eliminated and basically ruined life
for the German people. It also
caused the German citizens to pay
money or taxes to other countries..

Gavin, Philip. World War II in Europe.

San Diego, CA: Lucent, 2004. Print

Read the research info in EV Box a few times until you understand what
it says. When you fully understand it, cover it up so you cannot read what it says. Now you
are to write down, in bullets in your own words, what EV Box says.

Nazi party =3000 people
Treaty of versailles
Looked towards a rising politician
Caused the military to be eliminated
Citizens had to pay taxes to other countries

C Synonyms: find synonyms using a

thesaurus and write them here

upcoming =Rising
terminate= Eliminated


(Actual Sentences) use the bullets from B1 and write them into sentences. Use
sentence variety - use a * where you want to shove your Q. incorp (Box A). When finished,
look back at EV Box and compare what youve written here to it. If you use any of the same
words or phrasings, or if your sentences look similar structurally, REVISE IT.

In 1920 the Nazi party was made up of 3000

people. Most of them disliked the Treaty of
versailles.They started to look for a upcoming
politician.* Adolf Hitler and the Nazi movement as
another choice and lead in some recruits.*This
caused the military to be terminated and caused
the citizens to pay taxes to other countries.

in EV Box,, underline the phrase

that youd like to use as your quotation
selection. Write it here with the citation
at the end. Make sure that it doesnt
exceed 10 words. When you are
finished copying the quote here, cross it
out in EV Box. MAKE SURE YOU
when removing words, brackets when
adding words in

They looked towards

the rising politician,
Adolf Hitler, and the
growing Nazi
movement as an
alternative and
brought in new

D Paraphrasing with quotation incorporation:

Combine Both A and B2 together with the synonyms of C. You should have 3 + sentences here. Make sure that your quotation is incorporated into your own


In the late 1920s the Nazi party was made up of at least 3000 people.Most of them disliked the Treaty of Versailles.They
started to look for an upcoming politician. Adolf hitler and the Nazi movement was a second choice and they lead in some
recruits.This caused the military to be terminated and caused the citizens to pay taxes to different countries.

PG 2
F Transition Sentence
Not only did the things they had to do change but the mood of germany also changed.

Box1EV2 Copy entire box here then cross out the fat
and put in ellipses where you crossed out information. If
you have multiple sources for this box, place the citation
directly after the passage - i.e. (Ayer, 28)

In the early 1930s, the mood in

Germany was grim. The worldwide
economic depression had hit the
country especially hard, and millions
of people were out of work. Still fresh
in the minds of many was Germany's
humiliating defeat fifteen years
earlier during World war 1, and
Germans lacked confidence in their
weak government, known as the


(Bulleted Out) Read the research info in EV Box a few times until you understand what
it says. When you fully understand it, cover it up so you cannot read what it says. Now you
are to write down, in bullets in your own words, what EV Box says.

C Synonyms: find synonyms using a

thesaurus and write them here

Fragile = weak
Mood was grim
Germany had a depression and
many people lost their jobs
Germany lost the world war 1
They had no more confidence
Had a weak government (Weimar
Treaty of versailles put
responsibilities on germany
Provided a chance for a new leader


Belief = confidence

in EV Box,, underline the phrase

that youd like to use as your quotation
selection. Write it here with the citation
at the end. Make sure that it doesnt
exceed 10 words. When you are
finished copying the quote here, cross
it out in EV Box. MAKE SURE YOU
when removing words, brackets when

Weimar Republic.Post-World War 1

Germany was chaotic. Crushed by
military defeat and humiliated by
the terms of the treaty of
Versailles, which placed
responsibilities for the war on
Germany. The mood in Germany was grim.
The worldwide economic depression had hit the
country especially hard, and millions of people
were out of work. Still fresh in the minds of many
was Germany's humiliating defeat fifteen years
earlier during World War I, and Germans lacked
confidence in their weak government, known as
the Weimar Republic. These conditions

B2 (Actual Sentences) use the bullets from B1 and write them into sentences.

sentence variety - use a * where you want to shove your Q. incorp (Box A). When finished,
look back at EV Box and compare what youve written here to it. If you use any of the same
words or phrasings, or if your sentences look similar structurally, REVISE IT.

After the lost of World war one the mood was very
dreadful in Germany.They had no more belief.* A
worldwide economic depression had hit and put tons of
people without a job.*The Treaty of Versailles put
leadership in the hands of germany and provided a
chance for a new leader.

adding words in

The worldwide
economic depression
had hit the country
especially hard, and
millions of people
were out of work.

provided the chance for the rise of

a new leader, Adolf Hitler, and his
party, the National Socialist
German Workers' Party, or Nazi
party for short.


Susan D. Tell Them We

Remember: The Story of the Holocaust. Boston:
Little, Brown, 1994. Print.

D Paraphrasing with quotation incorporation:

Combine Both A and B2 together with the synonyms of C. You should have 3 + sentences here. Make sure that your quotation is incorporated into your own


After the lost of World war 1 the mood was dreadful in germany. They had no more belief and the government
was fragile.A economic depression had hit and put tons of people without a job. The Treaty of Versailles put
leadership in the hands of germany and provided a chance for a new leader to rise to power.

Ass 1 Q 2

PG 3

Q2 Idea: (Trans. sig. word + Prev. Q idea + , + Q2

idea + verb + ass idea) PLUG IT IN!.
In addition to + new politician +, + getting people to be
with him + help
+ rise to power

Q2 EV Sentence: (make sure to use an adv. transitional phrase from Q1 EV Sent)(write it here)

Box3EV1: Copy entire box here then cross out the


fat; put in ellipses where you crossed out information. If

you have multiple sources for this box, place the citation
directly after the passage - i.e. (Ayer, 28)

Nazis conducted a massive election campaign across Germany.

Hitler traveled ands spoke around

the country. He shook hands with
voters, signed autographs, and
kissed babies. In his speeches,
Hitler promised work for all of the

In addition to looking for a new politician , Hitler was doing everything he

could to get people to vote him which would help his rise to power .
(Bulleted Out) Read the research info in EV Box a few times until you understand
what it says. When you fully understand it, cover it up so you cannot read what it says. Now
you are to write down, in bullets in your own words, what EV Box says.

Traveled to other countries

Promised work, peace and prosperity
Victory at polls
February 1, 1933
Hitler on radio

We are not fighting for ourselves but

for Germany.

C Synonyms: find synonyms using a

thesaurus and write them here

Visited = traveled
pledged= promised
Conquest = victory

in Box E, underline the phrase that

youd like to use as your quotation
selection. Write it here with the citation
at the end. Make sure that it doesnt
exceed 10 words.

Hitler promised work

unemployed, prosperity for

businesses, peace, and most of all,
return to the past glory of
Germany. To celebrate their
victory at the polls, Nazi storm
troopers, dressed in civilian
clothing, smashed the windows of
Jewish shops and restaurants.
Over the following years German
business leaders donated huge
amounts of money to the Nazis,
whom expeted would soo take over
leadership of the nation. And so, on
February 1, 1933, as Hitlers voice
boomed over the radio, the German
people felt grateful for his
leadership. This time, the front lines are at home,
Hitler told them. Unity is our tool. We are not
fighting for ourselves but for


Ingram, Scott. Adolf Hitler. San Diego, CA:

Blackbirch, 2002. Print.
(Ingram, 56)

B2 (Actual Sentences) use the bullets from B1 and write them into sentences.

sentence variety - use a * where you want to shove your Q. incorp (Box A). When finished,
look back at EV Box and compare what youve written here to it. If you use any of the same
words or phrasings, or if your sentences look similar structurally, REVISE IT.

Hitler visited many other countries to win people over.

*He pledged work for unemployed, prosperity, peace,
and return to past glory.*On February 1, 1933 Hitler said
on the radio that we are not fighting for ourselves but
for germany.

for all of the

prosperity for
businesses, peace,
and most of all,
return to the past
glory of Germany

D Paraphrasing with quotation incorporation:

Combine Both A and B2 together with the synonyms of C. You should have 3 + sentences here. Make sure that your quotation is incorporated into your own


Hitler visited many other countries to win people over. He pledged work for the unemployed, prosperity, peace,
and return to past glory. On February 1, 1933 Hitler said on the radio that We are not fighting for ourselves but
for Germany.

PG 4
F Transition Sentence
Hitler was not only known for doing things to get people's attention he also was a really good speaker .

Box4EV2 Copy entire box here then cross out the fat;
put in ellipses where you crossed out information. If you
have multiple sources for this box, place the citation
directly after the passage - i.e. (Ayer, 28)

Hitler was a powerful and

spellbinding speaker who attracted a
wide following of Germans
desperate for change. He promised
the disenchanted a better life and a
new and glorious Germany. The
Nazis appealed especially to the
unemployed, young people, and
members of the lower middle class
(small store owners, office
employees, craftsmen, farmers)


(Bulleted Out) Read the research info in EV Box a few times until you understand
what it says. When you fully understand it, cover it up so you cannot read what it says. Now
you are to write down, in bullets in your own words, what EV Box says.

Powerful and spellbinding speaker

Promised a better life
Appealed to the young and unemployed
Attracted desperate germans

Dominant = powerful
Compulsive =
Plead =appealed
Engaged = attracted
Eager for = desperate
in EV Box,, underline the phrase that
youd like to use as your quotation
selection. Write it here with the citation
at the end. Make sure that it doesnt
exceed 10 words. When you are
finished copying the quote here, cross it
out in EV Box. MAKE SURE YOU
when removing words, brackets when
adding words in

sentence variety - use a * where you want to shove your Q. incorp (Box A). When finished,
look back at EV Box and compare what youve written here to it. If you use any of the same
words or phrasings, or if your sentences look similar structurally, REVISE IT.

Hitler engaged eager germans because he is an

dominant and compulsive speaker.He pledged a more
suitable life.

Did the Nazis Promise Germany?"

The Holocaust Explained. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 May
"Hitler Comes to Power." United States Holocaust
Memorial Museum. United States Holocaust

thesaurus and write them here

B2 (Actual Sentences) use the bullets from B1 and write them into sentences.


C Synonyms: find synonyms using a

He promised the
disenchanted a better
life and a new and
glorious Germany.

Memorial Council, n.d. Web. 11 May 2016.

D Paraphrasing with quotation incorporation:

Combine Both A and B together with the synonyms of C. You should have 3 + sentences here. Make sure that your quotation is incorporated into your own


Hitler engaged eager germans because he is an dominant and compulsive speaker.He pledged a more suitable life. He also
plead to younger people and unemployed.

Ass 1 Q 3

PG 5

Q3 Idea:(Q idea + verb + ass idea)PLUG IT IN

Only political party left + confirm

+ rise to power

Box5EV1: Copy entire box here then cross out the fat;
put in ellipses where you crossed out information. If you
have multiple sources for this box, place the citation
directly after the passage - i.e. (Ayer, 28)

in the first months of his

chancellorship, Hitler began a
concerted policy of "synchronization,"
forcing organizations, political parties,
and state governments into line with
Nazi goals and placing them under

Q3 EV Sentence: (make sure to use an adv. transitional phrase from Q2 EV sent.) (write it here)

Hitler had the only political party left therefore that confirmed that his rise to
power was a success.

(Bulleted Out) Read the research info in EV Box a few times until you understand
what it says. When you fully understand it, cover it up so you cannot read what it says. Now
you are to write down, in bullets in your own words, what EV Box says.

Concerted policy
State government into line with leadership of
the Nazis
Trade unions were abolished
July 1933
Nazi party= only political party permitted

C Synonyms: find synonyms using a

thesaurus and write them here

Authorize = permitted
Destroy = abolished
Control = leadership

in EV Box,, underline the phrase

that youd like to use as your quotation
selection. Write it here with the citation
at the end. Make sure that it doesnt
exceed 10 words. When you are

Nazi leadership. Culture, the economy,

education, and law came under
greater Nazi control. Trade unions
were abolished and workers,
employees, and employers were forced
into Nazi organizations. By mid-July
1933, the Nazi party was the only
political party permitted in Germany.
The Reichstag (German parliament)
became a rubber stamp for Hitler's
dictatorship. The Fuehrer's will
became the foundation for
government policy.


B2 (Actual Sentences) use the bullets from B1 and write them into sentences.

sentence variety - use a * where you want to shove your Q. incorp (Box A). When finished,
look back at EV Box and compare what youve written here to it. If you use any of the same
words or phrasings, or if your sentences look similar structurally, REVISE IT.

The Nazi party started a new policy. They forced the

government to line in authorize with the Nazi. They
destroyed *trade unions and forced employees into the
Nazi organization.

finished copying the quote here, cross it

out in EV Box. MAKE SURE YOU
when removing words, brackets when
adding words in

Trade unions were

abolished and
workers, employees,
and employers were
forced into Nazi


D Paraphrasing with quotation incorporation:

Combine Both A and B2 together with the synonyms of C. You should have 3 + sentences here. Make sure that your quotation is incorporated into your own


The Nazi party started a new policy. They forced the government to line in authorize with the Nazi. They destroyed trade
unions and forced employees into the Nazi organization.

PG 6
F Transition Sentence
Hitler in forced all these laws so that he could maintain power over Germany .

Box6EV2 Copy entire box here then cross out the fat;
put in ellipses where you crossed out information. If you
have multiple sources for this box, place the citation
directly after the passage - i.e. (Ayer, 28)

In order to achieve and maintain his

power, Hitler carried out a set of policies
which first demerited his opposition, then
legally made him the absolute leader.
Firstly, Hitler possessed tremendous
energy and will-power and a remarkable gift
for public speaking, which enabled him to
put forward his ideas with great emotional
force. He used the latest modern
communication techniques mass rallies,
parades, radio and film (Lowe). Hitler
discredited his opposition through the use of
violence (show[ing] no mercy to
communists and other enemies of state).
Then, in February 1933 the Reichstag
(German parliament) was set on fire.
Although it is assumed that the fire was lit
by the Dutch anarchist Marinus van der
Lubbe, according to Lowe Hitler used the
fire to stir up fear of communism and as a
pretext for the banning of the party.
However, in the election in early March
1933, in spite of all their efforts, the Nazis
still failed to win an overall majority (Lowe).
In response to this, later in March 1933,
Hitler passed the Enabling Act, the legal
basis for his absolute power. He assured
that the parliament would vote for the bill by
surrounding the voting hall with his private
armies; MPs had to push their way through
solid ranks of SS troops to get into the
building. The 81 communist MPs were not
allowed to pass (Lowe). This Enabling Act
allowed the government to make laws
without the approval of the Reichstag,
effectively eliminating its power. This meant
that Hitler no longer needed the support of
Franz von Papen (Chancellor of Germany in
1932 and Vice-Chancellor under Hitler in
19331934), Alfred Hugenberg (one of
Hitlers main advisors who helped him rise
to power and hoped to control him) or any
other political figure. Next, through a policy
ofGleichshaltung (forcible co-ordination)
Hitler turned Germany into a totalitarian


(Bulleted Out) Read the research info in EV Box a few times until you understand
what it says. When you fully understand it, cover it up so you cannot read what it says.
Now you are to write down, in bullets in your own words, what EV Box says.

Carried out sets of policies

Used latest modern communication
February 1933
The Reichstag set on fire
Hiter = stirred up fear in the community

C Synonyms: find synonyms using a

thesaurus and write them here


= transfer

in EV Box,, underline the phrase that

youd like to use as your quotation
selection. Write it here with the citation at
the end. Make sure that it doesnt exceed
10 words. When you are finished copying
the quote here, cross it out in EV Box.
SENSE - ellipses when removing words,
brackets when adding words in

B2 (Actual Sentences) use the bullets from B1 and write them into sentences.

sentence variety - use a * where you want to shove your Q. incorp (Box A). When finished,
look back at EV Box and compare what youve written here to it. If you use any of the
same words or phrasings, or if your sentences look similar structurally, REVISE IT.

* To make sure that he was the only leader he made his first
set of policies.*To do this he he used new and improved
communication devices.To cause fear and caos he set the
Reichstag on fire.

Hitler carried out a set of

policies which first
demerited his opposition,
then legally made him the
absolute leader.

state. According to Lowe, All parties except

the National Socialists were banned, and
separate state governments lost all power.
After a decree released in March 1933, it
became dangerous to oppose or criticize
the government in any way (Lowe).
Religion was brought under state control in
1933 when Hitler signed an agreement
(known as the Concordat) in which he
promised not to interfere with German
Catholics on the condition that they
dissolved the Catholic Centre Party.

CITATION:: Noor, Khairul. "IB History." : Account

for Hitlers Rise to Power and Analyse the
Methods Used to Maintain This Power. N.p., 3
Dec. 2012. Web. 11 May 2016.

D Paraphrasing with quotation incorporation:

Combine Both A and B2 together with the synonyms of C. You should have 3 + sentences here. Make sure that your quotation is incorporated into your own


To make sure that he was the only leader he made his first set of policies.*To do this he he used new and
improved communication devices.To cause fear and caos he set the Reichstag on fire. All of this happened
around February 1933.

ASS 2 Q 1

PG 7

Para 2 Ass Idea: (Trans. sig. word + Previous Ass

idea + , + Ass idea + dictator) PLUG IT IN!

Para 2 Ass Sentence: (make sure to use an adv. transitional phrase from ASS1 Idea) (write it here)
While Hitler's rise to power was a success , he still needed to find a way to maintain power.

While + rise to power + ,+ maintain power +hitler

Q1 Idea: (Q idea + verb + ass idea) PLUG IT IN!

Q1 Sentence: (write it here)

The new actions that he took on intended to help Hitler maintain his power.
New actions + intend

+ maintain power

Box7EV1 Copy entire box here then cross out the

fat; put in ellipses where you crossed out information.
If you have multiple sources for this box, place the
citation directly after the passage - i.e. (Ayer, 28)

One of the first actions was to

destroy the trade unions and
impose strict wage controls. The
government then expanded the
money supply through massive
deficit spending. However at the
same time the government
imposed a 4.5% interest rate
ceiling, creating a massive
shortage in borrowable funds.
This was resolved by setting up a
series of dummy companies that
would pay for goods with bonds.
The most famous of these was
the MEFO company, and these
bonds used as currency became
known as mefo bills. While it was
promised that these bonds could
eventually be exchanged for real
money, the repayment was put off
until after the collapse of the
Reich. These complicated
maneuvers also helped conceal
armament expenditures that
violated the Treaty of Versailles.
According to economic theory,
price control combined with a
large increase in the money
supply should have produced a
large black market, but harsh
penalties that saw violators sent
to concentration camps or even
shot prevented this development.
Repressive measures also kept
volatility low, reducing inflationary
pressures. New policies also


(Bulleted Out) Read the research info in EV Box a few times until you
understand what it says. When you fully understand it, cover it up so you cannot read
what it says. Now you are to write down, in bullets in your own words, what EV Box

C Synonyms: find synonyms using a

thesaurus and write them here

Enforce = impose

Impose strict wage control

limited imports of consumer

in EV Box,, underline the phrase that
goods and focused on producing exports. A
youd like to use as your quotation
selection. Write it here with the citation at
International trade was greatly
the end. Make sure that it doesnt exceed
10 words. When you are finished copying
the quote here, cross it out in EV Box.
SENSE - ellipses when removing words,
brackets when adding words in

B2 (Actual Sentences) use the bullets from B1 and write them into sentences.

sentence variety - use a * where you want to shove your Q. incorp (Box A). When
finished, look back at EV Box and compare what youve written here to it. If you use any
of the same words or phrasings, or if your sentences look similar structurally, REVISE IT

The first thing Hitler did was enforce rules on wages. He

also put a limit on what people could get.The government
imposed a 4.5% interest rate ceiling.

However at the same

time the government
imposed a 4.5%
interest rate ceiling,
creating a massive
shortage in borrowable

limited imports of consumer

goods and focused on producing
exports. International trade was
greatly reduced remaining at
about a third of 1929 levels
throughout the Nazi period.
Currency controls were extended,
leading to a considerable
overvaluation of the Reichsmark.
These policies were successful in
cutting unemployment


Ayer, 95

D Paraphrasing with quotation incorporation:

Combine Both A and B2 together with the synonyms of C. You should have 3 + sentences here. Make sure that your quotation is incorporated into your

own sentence.

The first thing Hitler did was enforce rules on wages. He also put a limit on what people could get.The government
imposed a 4.5% interest rate ceiling. Hitler also reduced the amount of trade that you were able to do.

PG 8
F Transition Sentence
Over time Hitler's rules changed completely.

Box8EV2 Copy entire box here then cross out the fat;
put in ellipses where you crossed out information. If you
have multiple sources for this box, place the citation
directly after the passage - i.e. (Ayer, 28)

Now that he had the power he had

craved, Hitler began working to
restore Germanys economy and
find jobs for millions of unemployed.
One of his first steps was to expand
the DAF (Deutsche Arbeiter Front,
or German Labor Front), the
government-ran labor union that all
German workers were required to
join. Because the DAF was the only
labor union allowed by the Nazis, it
controlled the wages and working
conditions for all German laborers.
No longer could complain about
hours, working conditions, or
But most people were so glad to be
earning a regular paycheck that few
of them worried about the power
held by the DAF. When Hitler
became chancellor in 1933, six
million people were out of work.
Just three years later nearly
everyone had jobs and a little
money in their pockets. There was
a sense of security and hope--a
feeling the people had not known
for many years.maintain control?


(Bulleted Out) Read the research info in EV Box a few times until you understand
what it says. When you fully understand it, cover it up so you cannot read what it says.
Now you are to write down, in bullets in your own words, what EV Box says.

C Synonyms: find synonyms using a

thesaurus and write them here
Expanded= grew bigger


Gave people jobs

Expanded the DAF
DFA is the only labor union in the
At first millions without jobs

in EV Box,, underline the phrase that

youd like to use as your quotation
selection. Write it here with the citation at
the end. Make sure that it doesnt exceed
10 words. When you are finished copying
the quote here, cross it out in EV Box.
SENSE - ellipses when removing words,
brackets when adding words in

B2 (Actual Sentences) use the bullets from B1 and write them into sentences.

sentence variety - use a * where you want to shove your Q. incorp (Box A). When
finished, look back at EV Box and compare what youve written here to it. If you use any
of the same words or phrasings, or if your sentences look similar structurally, REVISE IT.

At first millions of people were without a job because

of hitler. He started working to bring germany back to
the way it was before . After about three years just
about everyone had a job again.

Hitler began working to

restore Germanys
economy and find jobs
for millions of

Trueman, C. N. "The Nazis and the

German Economy." History Learning Site. History
Learning Site, 9 Mar. 2015. Web. 11 May 2016.
Kala, Ravi. "History: Was Hitler Successful in
Tackling the Great Depression in Germany?" Quora. N.p., 6 Jan. 2016. Web. 11 May 2016.

D Paraphrasing with quotation incorporation:

Combine Both A and B2 together with the synonyms of C. You should have 3 + sentences here. Make sure that your quotation is incorporated into your own


At first millions of people were without a job because of hitler. He started working to bring germany back to the way it was
before . After about three years just about everyone had a job again.

ASS 2 Q 2

PG 9

Q2 Idea: (Trans. sig. word + Prev. Q idea + , + Q2

idea + verb + ass idea) PLUG IT IN!
Let alone + new actions +,+ his plan + maintain + his

Q2 EV Sentence: (make sure to use an adv. transitional phrase from Q1 EV sent.) (write it here)

Box9EV1 Copy entire box here then cross out the


fat; put in ellipses where you crossed out information.

If you have multiple sources for this box, place the
citation directly after the passage - i.e. (Ayer, 28)

Let alone his actions wouldn't be the only thing he did , he made up a plan
to maintain his power.
(Bulleted Out) Read the research info in EV Box a few times until you understand
what it says. When you fully understand it, cover it up so you cannot read what it says. Now
you are to write down, in bullets in your own words, what EV Box says.

Wanted to dominate Europe

Made a book of his ideas mein kampf
Wrote it in 1924 when he was in prison
Destroy the treaty of Versailles
He took advantage of things

When Hitler came to power he was

determined to make Germany a
great power again and to dominate
Europe. He had set out his ideas in
a book called Mein Kampf (My
Struggle) that he had written in
prison in 1924. His main aims were
to destroy the Treaty of Versailles
imposed on Germany after her
defeat in World War One. Hitler felt B2 (Actual Sentences) use the bullets from B1 and write them into sentences. Use
sentence variety - use a * where you want to shove your Q. incorp (Box A). When finished,
the Treaty was unfair and most
look back at EV Box and compare what youve written here to it. If you use any of the same
words or phrasings, or if your sentences look similar structurally, REVISE IT.
Germans supported this view./To
unite all German speakers together
in one country. After World War
Hitler took power of Germany so that he could try to take control Europe.He made a book of
his plans that was called Mein Kampf.He wrote this book while he was locked up in 1924.
One there were Germans living in
many countries in Europe e.g.
Austria, Czechoslovakia, Poland.
Hitler hoped that by uniting them
together in one country he would
create a powerful Germany or
To expand eastwards into the East
(Poland, Russia) to gain land for
Germany (Lebensraum- living
space).His tactics involved using
the threat of violence to achieve
his aims. He realised that his
potential foes, France and Britain,
were reluctant to go to war and
were prepared to compromise to
avoid a repeat of World War One.
He was also an opportunist who
often took advantage of events for
his own benefit.

C Synonyms: find synonyms using a

thesaurus and write them here
Dominate = control
Destroy= get rid of

in EV Box,, underline the phrase that

youd like to use as your quotation
selection. Write it here with the citation at
the end. Make sure that it doesnt exceed
10 words. When you are finished copying
the quote here, cross it out in EV Box.
SENSE - ellipses when removing words,
brackets when adding words in

When Hitler came to

power he was
determined to make
Germany a great
power again and to
dominate Europe.

CITATION:: Tonge, Stephen. "European

History." Hitlers Foreign Policy. Marjie Bloy, 12
Jan. 2016. Web. 11 May 2016

DParaphrasing with quotation incorporation:

Combine Both A and B2 together with the synonyms of C. You should have 3 + sentences here. Make sure that your quotation is incorporated into your own


Hitler took power of Germany so that he could try to take control Europe.He made a book of his plans that was called Mein
Kampf.He wrote this book while he was locked up in 1924. One of the plans he had in his book was to get rid of the Treaty
of Versailles. He also took control of things that world benefit himself and no one else .

PG 10
F Transition Sentence
Since he only does things to benefit himself it makes everyone else suffer.

Box10EV2 Copy entire box here then cross out the

fat; put in ellipses where you crossed out information.
If you have multiple sources for this box, place the
citation directly after the passage - i.e. (Ayer, 28)

Military opposition was also

punished. The demands of the SA
for more political and military
power led to the Night of the Long
Knives, which took place from
June 30 to July 2, 1934. Ernst
Rhm and other SA leaders, along
with a number of Hitler's political
enemies, were rounded up and
shot. He began to mobilize for
war. Germany withdrew from the
League of Nations, and Hitler
announced a massive expansion
of Germanys armed forces.The
Nazi regime also included social
reform measures. Hitler promoted
anti-smoking campaigns across
the country. These campaigns
stemmed from Hitler's selfimposed dietary restrictions, which
included abstinence from alcohol
and meat. At dinners, Hitler
sometimes told graphic stories
about the slaughter of animals in
an effort to shame his fellow
diners. He encouraged all
Germans to keep their bodies
pure of any intoxicating or unclean
A main Nazi concept was the
notion of racial hygiene. New laws
banned marriage between nonJewish and Jewish Germans, and
deprived "non-Aryans" of the
benefits of German citizenship.
Hitler's early eugenic policies
targeted children with physical and
developmental disabilities, and


(Bulleted Out) Read the research info in EV Box a few times until you understand
what it says. When you fully understand it, cover it up so you cannot read what it says. Now
you are to write down, in bullets in your own words, what EV Box says.

C Synonyms: find synonyms using a

thesaurus and write them here
Mobilized = assemble


Mobilized the war

Massive expansion on the German army
1939-1945 the Nazis killed 11-14 million
About 6 million were Jews

in EV Box,, underline the phrase that

youd like to use as your quotation
selection. Write it here with the citation at
the end. Make sure that it doesnt exceed
10 words. When you are finished copying
the quote here, cross it out in EV Box.
SENSE - ellipses when removing words,
brackets when adding words in

B2 (Actual Sentences) use the bullets from B1 and write them into sentences.

sentence variety - use a * where you want to shove your Q. incorp (Box A). When finished,
look back at EV Box and compare what youve written here to it. If you use any of the same
words or phrasings, or if your sentences look similar structurally, REVISE IT.

Between 1939-1945 around 11-14 million people died . About

6 million if them that died were Jews. Most deaths happens at
concentration camps.

Deaths took place in

concentration and
extermination camps
and through mass

later authorized a euthanasia

program for disabled adults.The
Holocaust was also conducted
under the auspices of racial
hygiene. Between 1939 and 1945,
Nazis and their collaborators were
responsible for the deaths of 11
million to 14 million people,
including about 6 million Jews,
representing two-thirds of the
Jewish population in Europe.
Deaths took place in concentration
and extermination camps and
through mass executions. Other
persecuted groups included Poles,
communists, homosexuals,
Jehovah's Witnesses and trade
unionists, among others. Hitler
probably never visited the
concentration camps and did not
speak publicly about the killings.

"Adolf Hitler." A&E Networks

Television, n.d. Web. 11 May 2016.

D Paraphrasing with quotation incorporation:

Combine Both A and B2 together with the synonyms of C. You should have 3 + sentences here. Make sure that your quotation is incorporated into your own


Between 1939-1945 around 11-14 million people died . About 6 million if them that died were Jews. Most deaths happens at
concentration camps. Around the same time Hitler had assembled the war and the German army had grown .

ASS 3 Q 1
Para 3 Ass Idea: (Trans. sig. word + Previous Ass
idea + , + Ass idea + dictator) PLUG IT IN

Alternatively + maintain power +,

+ lost power + hitler

PG 11
Para 3 Ass Sentence: (make sure to use an adv. transitional phrase from ASS1 Idea) (write it here)
Alternatively hitler's maintain of power did not last and he adventually lost power .

Q1 Idea: (Q idea + verb + ass idea) PLUG IT IN!

Trying to win more people over + fail + lost power

Q1 Sentence: (write it here)

Hilted kept trying to win more and more people over but failed to do so.

Box11EV1: Copy entire box here then cross out


the fat; put in ellipses where you crossed out

information. If you have multiple sources for this box,
place the citation directly after the passage - i.e.
(Ayer, 28)

Hitler used his position as

chancellor to form a de facto legal
dictatorship.Propaganda served
as an important tool to win over
the majority of the German public
who had not supported Adolf
Hitler and to push forward the
Nazis' radical program, which
required the acquiescence,
support, or participation of broad
sectors of the population.
Combined with the use of terror
to intimidate those who did not
comply, a new state propaganda
apparatus headed by Joseph
Goebbels sought to manipulate
and deceive the German
population and the outside world.
At each step of the way,
propagandists preached an
appealing message of national
unity and a utopian future that
resonated with millions of
Germans. Simultaneously, they
waged campaigns that facilitated
the persecution of Jews and
others excluded from the Nazi
vision of the National
Community. Wartime
propagandists universally seek to
justify the use of military violence
by portraying it as morally
defensible and necessary. To do
otherwise would jeopardize public
morale and faith in the
government and its armed forces.

(Bulleted Out) Read the research info in EV Box a few times until you understand
what it says. When you fully understand it, cover it up so you cannot read what it says. Now
you are to write down, in bullets in your own words, what EV Box says.

C Synonyms: find synonyms using a

thesaurus and write them here
Go forward with = to go on with

Used propaganda
Go forward with the NAZIS racial program
Intimidated Them

in EV Box,, underline the phrase that

youd like to use as your quotation
selection. Write it here with the citation at
the end. Make sure that it doesnt exceed
10 words. When you are finished copying
the quote here, cross it out in EV Box.
SENSE - ellipses when removing words,
brackets when adding words in

Propaganda served as
an important tool to win
over the majority of the
German public who had
not supported Adolf
B2 (Actual Sentences) use the bullets from B1 and write them into sentences.

sentence variety - use a * where you want to shove your Q. incorp (Box A). When finished,
look back at EV Box and compare what youve written here to it. If you use any of the same
words or phrasings, or if your sentences look similar structurally, REVISE IT.

Propaganda was a key to win over the people of Germany.

The Nazi sometimes even intimidated them to vote Hitler as
their leader.

Throughout the Second World

War, Nazi propagandists
disguised military aggression
aimed at territorial conquest as
righteous and necessary acts of
self-defense. They cast Germany
as a victim or potential victim of
foreign aggressors, as a peaceloving nation forced to take up
arms to protect its populace or
defend European civilization
against Communism. The war
aims professed at each stage of
the hostilities almost always
disguised actual Nazi intentions
of territorial expansion and racial
warfare. This was propaganda of
deception, designed to fool or
misdirect the populations in
Germany, German-occupied
lands, and the neutral countries.


Eleanor H. The Importance of

Adolf Hitler. San Diego, CA: Lucent, 1996.

D Paraphrasing with quotation incorporation:

Combine Both A and B2 together with the synonyms of C. You should have 3 + sentences here. Make sure that your quotation is incorporated into your own


Propaganda was a key to win over the people of Germany. The Nazi sometimes even intimidated them to vote Hitler as their
leader. The Nazis also did all of this so they could go on with their racial program.

PG 13
F Transition Sentence
Since the NAZIS was the only political party left they made all the rules .

Box12EV2 Copy entire box here then cross out

the fat; put in ellipses where you crossed out
information. If you have multiple sources for this box,
place the citation directly after the passage - i.e.
(Ayer, 28)

In the months after Hitler took

power, the SA and Gestapo
agents went from door to door
looking for Hitler's enemies.
Socialists, Communists, trade
union leaders, and others who
had spoken out against the Nazi
party were arrested, and some
were killed. By the middle of
1933, the Nazi party was the only
political party, and nearly all
organized opposition to the
regime had been eliminated.
Democracy was dead in
Germany.Many different groups,
including the SA and SS, set up
hundreds of makeshift "camps" in
empty warehouses, factories, and
other locations all over Germany
where they held political
opponents without trial and under
conditions of great cruelty. One of
these camps was set up on
March 20, 1933, at Dachau, in an
abandoned munitions factory
from World War I. Located near
Munich in southwestern
Germany, Dachau would become
the "model" concentration camp
for a vast system of SS camps.


(Bulleted Out) Read the research info in EV Box a few times until you understand what it
says. When you fully understand it, cover it up so you cannot read what it says. Now you are to
write down, in bullets in your own words, what EV Box says.

C Synonyms: find synonyms using a

thesaurus and write them here
Empty= abandoned
Warehouses and factories = buildings

1930 The NAZIS were the only political party

The SA went looking for enemies of hitler
The SA and SS set up camps in empty
warehouses and factories

in EV Box,, underline the phrase

that youd like to use as your quotation
selection. Write it here with the citation
at the end. Make sure that it doesnt
exceed 10 words. When you are
finished copying the quote here, cross it
out in EV Box. MAKE SURE YOU
when removing words, brackets when
adding words in

B2 (Actual Sentences) use the bullets from B1 and write them into sentences.

Use sentence
variety - use a * where you want to shove your Q. incorp (Box A). When finished, look back at EV
Box and compare what youve written here to it. If you use any of the same words or phrasings,
or if your sentences look similar structurally, REVISE IT.

After a few months of Hitler being in power the NAZIS was the
last political party that was left in Germany.There were two
groups that created different camps .

In the months after

Hitler took power, the
SA and Gestapo
agents went from
door to door looking
for Hitler's enemies.

"Nazi Terror Begins." United States

Holocaust Memorial Museum. United States
Holocaust Memorial Council, 29 Jan. 2016.
Web. 11 May 2016.

D Paraphrasing with quotation incorporation:

Combine Both A and B2 together with the synonyms of C. You should have 3 + sentences here. Make sure that your quotation is incorporated into your own


After a few months of Hitler being in power the NAZIS was the last political party that was left in Germany.There were two
groups that created different camps .The camps were inside old abandoned buildings . The SA group went around to find all
the people who disliked Hitler .

ASS 3 Q 2
Q2 Idea: (Trans. sig. word + Prev. Q idea + , + Q2
idea + verb + ass idea) PLUG IT IN!

PG 14
Q2 EV Sentence: (make sure to use an adv. transitional phrase from Prev Q) (write it here)
In the end Hitler's plan to win people over failed, people started to lose faith in him and forced his to lose power.

In the end + win people over +,+ lost faith + force + lost

Box13EV1: Copy entire box here then cross out

the fat; put in ellipses where you crossed out
information. If you have multiple sources for this box,
place the citation directly after the passage - i.e. (Ayer,

Although German civilians

displayed a brave face at first,
much as the British had done
during the Blitz, the increasing
severity was wearing them down
nevertheless, as there was
absolutely no end in sight. In the
eyes of the people, the once
exalted image of Adolf Hitler was
beginning to erode amid the
ceaseless air raids, gloomy war
news from all fronts, increasing
deprivations and shortages on the
homefront, and the ever-mounting
death toll of loved ones in uniform.
People who used to
enthusiastically greet each other
by saying "Heil Hitler," were now
inclined to avoid eye contact and
say nothing at all. THe paranoia
caused hitler to become power
hungry. He would blame anything
that would keep him out of power
on the Jews. They did nothing to


(Bulleted Out) Read the research info in EV Box a few times until you understand
what it says. When you fully understand it, cover it up so you cannot read what it says. Now
you are to write down, in bullets in your own words, what EV Box says.

C Synonyms: find synonyms using a

thesaurus and write them here
Blamed = Accuse


People were not even talking to anyone any

People used to say Heil Hitler
Hitler became power hungry
He blamed everything on the Jews.
People became careless

B2 (Actual Sentences) use the bullets from B1 and write them into sentences.

sentence variety - use a * where you want to shove your Q. incorp (Box A). When finished,
look back at EV Box and compare what youve written here to it. If you use any of the same
words or phrasings, or if your sentences look similar structurally, REVISE IT.

Hitler started to become hungry for power. People used

to love the idea of having hitler as their leader but now
people could care less about him.

in EV Box,, underline the phrase that

youd like to use as your quotation
selection. Write it here with the citation
at the end. Make sure that it doesnt
exceed 10 words. When you are finished
copying the quote here, cross it out in EV
SENSE - ellipses when removing words,
brackets when adding words in

In the eyes of the

people, the once
exalted image of Adolf
Hitler was beginning
to erode amid the
ceaseless air raids

CITATION:: "Defeat

of Hitler: Running Out of Time."

The History Place. The History Place, n.d. Web.
11 May 2016.

DParaphrasing with quotation incorporation:

Combine Both A and B2 together with the synonyms of C. You should have 3 + sentences here. Make sure that your quotation is incorporated into your own


Hitler started to become hungry for power. People used to love the idea of having hitler as their leader but now people could
care less about him. the people of Germany used to say Heil Hitler now they are starting to not even speak to each other

F Transition Sentence
Since no one wanted anything to do with each other they had no more trust in hitler.
Box14EV2: Copy entire box here then cross out the
fat; put in ellipses where you crossed out information. If
you have multiple sources for this box, place the citation
directly after the passage - i.e. (Ayer, 28)

On April 30, however, Hitler had

committed suicide and been
followed by Goebbels. Mussolini
was captured and executed by
Italian partisans. Two weeks
Himmler bit into a capsule of
cyanide. With these men dead, the
British opposition to a trial
He supervised the poisoning of his
beloved dog Blondi and her pups
and shortly after 3 p.m. he and Eva
Braun bade farewell to the staff,
assembled in the bunker, and
retired to their private room to carry
out their decision. They bit into thin
glass vials of cyanide - as he did
so, Hitler also shot himself in the
head with a 7.65 mm Walther


(Bulleted Out) Read the research info in EV Box a few times until you understand
what it says. When you fully understand it, cover it up so you cannot read what it says. Now
you are to write down, in bullets in your own words, what EV Box says.

C Synonyms: find synonyms using a

thesaurus and write them here
Die = passes away

April 30th
Hitler committed suicide
Shot himself in the head with a pistol
Him and his wife said their goodbyes
Both dies that day

in EV Box,, underline the phrase

that youd like to use as your quotation
selection. Write it here with the
citation at the end. Make sure that it
doesnt exceed 10 words. When you
are finished copying the quote here,
cross it out in EV Box. MAKE SURE
when removing words, brackets when
adding words in

On April 30,
however, Hitler had
committed suicide
B2 (Actual Sentences) use the bullets from B1 and write them into sentences.

sentence variety - use a * where you want to shove your Q. incorp (Box A). When finished,
look back at EV Box and compare what youve written here to it. If you use any of the same
words or phrasings, or if your sentences look similar structurally, REVISE IT.

On April 30TH Hitler died. He committed suicide and

died the same day as his wife. Before they died they
both had said their goodbyes to people.


Mitchell Geoffrey. The Complete

History of the Holocaust. San Diego, CA:
Greenhaven, 2001. Print.
The Suicide Of Eva Braun And Adolf Hitler. The
Suicide Of Eva Braun And Adolf Hitler. Louis
Blow, n.d. Web. 11 May 2016.

D Paraphrasing with quotation incorporation:

Combine Both A and B2 together with the synonyms of C. You should have 3 + sentences here. Make sure that your quotation is incorporated into your own


On April 30TH Hitler died. He committed suicide and died the same day as his wife. Before they died they both had said their
goodbyes to people. Hitler had committed suicide by shooting himself in the head with a pistol.

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