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A success Building Opportunities to Accomplish Success

A problem I am committing to create a solution for this semester is a service
provided to students in college you are seeking guidance of their career path. This
service will provide students with resume building, scholarship building, internship
building, and find their strengths and weaknesses the have to see what career path
fit them. To sum it up, it is mainly to give students the resources in one place to
confidently accomplish their dreams.
Interview questions

1. What problem have you had with the resources provided to you on campus
with towards your career?
2. Do you have a resume? Yes or no. If so! Do you update it? If not! Why?
3. Is it hard to find opportunities that fit your career path?
4. Is it hard to find scholarship/ internships within your major?
5. What ways can your college/school help accomplish your goals?
Tori Mack Race: Black major: Biology Pre-med career path: Pedestrians from
Tallahassee 3rd year
1. Tori explains how her school, biology pre-med doesnt have a specific field for
pediatriations, so there arent specific classes for what she wants to be.
2. Toes does have a resume, her SLS professor helped her make one her
sophomore year in college. But her resume isnt updated.
3. Yes! It is hard because they dont have the programs with her major.
4. Yes! It is hard because she cant find them for her major.
5. Ways her department can help her accomplish her goal is more tutoring and
Tahara Jordan 4th year Pre-med student from Connecticut, African American career
path: gynecologist
1. Tahara explains doesnt have enough tutors, the need for tutors is essential
2. Her department doesnt help her with her resume and wish someone from
the Pre-med department would help,
3. Yes it is hard sayings that no one helps her in her own department.
4. Yes they dont have advisors to guide them towards graduating.
5. Ways her department can help her accomplish her goals is more tutoring and
Kayla Crowley 4th year Criminal Justice student from Perry, Florida, African American,
career path: criminal investigator.
1. Very poorly put together when it comes to criminal justice
2. Career center, her sophomore year

3. Yes it is hard, because professors dont put in much effort for you to succeed.
You have to ask them, the advisors dont voluntarily give you the information
you need,
4. Yes! It is hard , because the advisors dont them know of the scholarships out
there that best fit them.
5. Ways her department that can help her accomplish her goals is to inform her
more about what opportunities she has for her major

Nailah Brown 3rd year Cardio puliminar Science student form Apoka, Florida, African
1. One problem she has is that the resources are available to her thought the
University but she wishes for them to be in one spot.
2. Yes she had her resume built at the career center on campus
3. No! Her advisor provides her with the necessary opportunities to apply for.
4. No the career center helps her with the information.
5. Ways her department can help her accomplish her goals is to give her the
proper information to get to the next level in life.
Christopher Davis 4th year psychology Student from Maryland, mixed African
American and Caucasian, career path: academic researcher.
1. One problem he has is the he has to go out and find and look out for
opportunities, it would be easier to have it in one spot.
2. He has a resume, self- taught himself, his senior year using templates off of
student at school.
3. Yes! Voluntarily had to go out and find the information for opportunities.
4. Yes! Hard, geared towards STEM majors students.
5. Ways his department can help him accomplish their goals is to model the
other school like SBI and J school. Interaction with people on the outside
world would be help prepare us for the outside world.

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