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Exploring Electromagnetic Radiation

Electromagnetic radiation is inescapable. It can be found in radio waves, sunlight, the

television and even pickles (under the right circumstances). In its simplest definition,
electromagnetic radiation is energy that is propagated through free space or through a material
medium in the form of electromagnetic waves, such as radio waves, visible light, and gamma
rays. The term also refers to the emission and transmission of such radiant energy. The
demonstration following will display the emission of light from a pickle, as a result of sodium
ions becoming excited by an electric current. When the electrons in an atom are excited, for
example when an electric current passes through a substance, the electrons may be pushed into
higher energy levels. These electrons then fall back to their ground state, emitting a frequency or
frequencies of light that are characteristic of the element that has been excited. In this demo the
nails inside the pickle are not touching one another, so the electric current must pass through the
salt-filled pickle, thus exciting the sodium ions (salt is sodium chloride or NaCl) .


the visual of electromagnetic waves and electricity, the Electric Pickle demo perfectly displays
an interesting representation of waves in the context of EM radiation.
The history of electromagnetism dates further back than one would imagine, starting with
ancient ways of dealing with aspects of atmospheric electricity, such as lightning. The people had
no way of explaining the relevant phenomena scientifically, until the unification of electric and
magnetic theory in the late 19th century. In the beginning of the 19th century many vital additions
were made to the world's knowledge concerning electricity and magnetism. In 1819 Hans
Christian rsted of Copenhagen discovered the deflecting effect of an electric current traversing
a wire upon- a suspended magnetic needle. This discovery gave a clue to the subsequently
proved intimate relationship between electricity and magnetism which was promptly followed up
by Ampre who shortly thereafter (1821) announced his celebrated theory of electrodynamics,
relating to the force that one current exerts upon another, by its electro-magnetic effects. Later in
the 19th century, a scientist named James Clerk Maxwell understood that the two principles
should be treated together, as he saw wherever charges are in motion electric current results, and
magnetism is a result of electric current. Maxwell first formally introduced the idea of
electromagnetic waves, and the theory was confirmed by Heinrich Hertz soon after. He found a

wave form of the electric and magnetic equations, resulting in uncovering the wave-like nature
of electric and magnetic fields and their symmetry

. Because the speed of electromagnetic

(EM) waves predicted by his equation coincided with the measured speed of light, Maxwell
concluded that light in itself is an electromagnetic wave. In the 20th century, many scientists
(such as Wilhelm Wien, Gustav Mie and Max Abraham) believed that all forces of nature are of
electromagnetic origin (the so-called "electromagnetic world view"). This was connected with
the electron theory developed between 1892 and 1904 by Hendrik Lorentz. Lorentz introduced a
strict separation between matter (electrons) and the aether, whereby in his model the ether is
completely motionless, and it won't be set in motion in the neighborhood of ponderable matter.
In opposition to other electron models previous, the electromagnetic field of the ether appears as
a mediator between the electrons. And continuing the studies of Lorentz, Henri Poincar
formulated the Principle of Relativity and tried to combine it with electrodynamics. He declared
simultaneity only a convenient convention which depends on the speed of light, whereby the
constancy of the speed of light would be a useful postulate for making the laws of nature as
simple as possible. All of this resulted in the study of electromagnetism that we have now,
allowing studies of then wild ideas, such as wireless electricity and magnetic resonance

Electromagnetic radiation is a form of energy produced by oscillating electric and

magnetic disturbance, or by the movement of electrically charged particles traveling through a
vacuum/matter. Three simple, general principles applying to all electromagnetic radiation are 1)
EM radiation can travel through empty space. Most other types of waves must travel through
some sort of substance. (For example, Sound waves need either a gas, solid, or liquid to pass
through in order to be heard.) 2) The speed of light is always a constant. (Speed of light:
2.99792458 x 10


. Finally, 3) Wavelengths are measured between the distances of

either crests or troughs. It is characterized by the Greek symbol . In EM waves, electric and
magnetic fields come at right angles to each other and combined wave moves perpendicular to
both magnetic and electric oscillating fields thus the disturbance. Electron radiation is released as
photons, which are simply bundles of light energy that travel at the speed of light as quantized
harmonic waves. This energy is then grouped into categories based on its wavelength into the

electromagnetic spectrum. As a waves wavelength increases, the frequency decreases, and as

waves wavelength decreases, the frequency increases. When electromagnetic energy is released
as the energy level increases, the wavelength decreases and frequency decreases. Thus,
electromagnetic radiation is then grouped into categories based on its wavelength or frequency
into the electromagnetic spectrum

. The different types of electromagnetic radiation shown in

the electromagnetic spectrum consists of radio waves, microwaves, infrared waves, visible light,
ultraviolet radiation, X-rays, and gamma rays. The part of the electromagnetic spectrum that we
are able to see is the visible light spectrum. Electromagnetic Radiation is also categorized into
two groups based, ionizing and non-ionizing, on the severity of the radiation. Ionizing radiation
holds a great amount of energy to remove electrons and cause the matter to become ionized;
higher frequency waves such as the X-rays and gamma-rays have ionizing radiation while lower
frequency waves such as radio waves, do not have ionizing radiation and are grouped as nonionizing

. Electric and magnetic waves travel perpendicular to each other and have certain

characteristics, including amplitude, wavelength, and frequency. Amplitude being the distance
from the maximum vertical displacement of the wave to the middle of the wave, measuring
essentially the height of a wave. The larger the amplitude, the higher the energy. Wavelength, in
short, is the distance of one full cycle of oscillation; the longer the wave the lower the energy.
Finally, frequency is the number of cycles per second. However, when electromagnetic radiation
acts as simply a photon to be absorbed, the electron can be moved up or down an energy level.
When it moves up, it absorbs energy, when it moves down, energy is released. Thus, since each
atom has its own distinct set of energy levels, each element emits and absorbs different
frequencies. Photons with higher energies produce shorter wavelengths and photons with lower
energies produce longer wavelengths

On a smaller, atomic scale, Coulombs law describes the electrostatic interaction between
electrically charged particles includes the fact that the force acts along the line joining the
charges. Simply put, like charges repel and unlike charges attract. Continuing with theories
essential to understanding, electromagnetism is the physical phenomenon associated with the
theory of electrodynamics, derived from Faradays Law ( E + B/t = 0), as well as

Maxwells modification to Amperes law ( B = 0j + 00 E/t). These verify that changing

magnetic fields produce electric fields. The Bio-Savart Law is an expression describing the
magnetic field generated by an electric current. It relates the magnetic field to the magnitude,
direction, length, and proximity of the electric current. Finally, Maxwells equation, which
represent one of the most elegant and concise ways to state the fundamentals of electricity and
magnetism. From them one can develop most of the working relationships in the field

According to Maxwell's equations; a spatially varying electric field is always associated with a
magnetic field that changes over time. Likewise, a spatially varying magnetic field is associated
with specific changes over time in the electric field. In an electromagnetic wave, the changes in
the electric field are always accompanied by a wave in the magnetic field in one direction, and
vice versa. This relationship between the two occurs without either type field causing the other;
rather, they occur together in the same way that time and space changes occur together and are
interlinked in special relativity. In fact, magnetic fields may be viewed as relativistic distortions
of electric fields, so the close relationship between space and time changes here is more than an
analogy. Together, these fields form a propagating electromagnetic wave, which moves out into
space and need never again affect the source. The distant EM field formed in this way by the
acceleration of a charge carries energy with it that "radiates" away through space, hence the term.
The demonstration presented will serve as a representation of particle (electron)
movement and the visual light section of the electromagnetic spectrum. Wires carrying 120 volts
are attached to nails, tightly held by a clamp which will be supported by the stand. The second
clamp will be placed slightly higher. The two nails, facing each other, will each pierce the pickle
at opposing ends. When the switch is flipped, 120 volts of electricity will flow through the
pickle, exciting the electrons in the NaCl, causing them to move between energy levels. This will
cause a bright yellow light to be emitted. This light can be observed through the rainbow light
spectrum glasses (diffraction glasses). As the light passes through this grating, each beam of light
is split into its individual spectrum of colors turning white light into a full rainbow spectrum. The
frequency of the wavelength of the light can be displayed on an electronic device live, or with a
picture previously taken. With this demonstration, the visual light frequency is displayed, and we
are also allowed to visualize electrons being emitted.

In the past, EM principles were applied to provide means of communication, with radios
and televisions, as well as with radar detection and the introduction of microwave ovens in the
late 20th century. Its still used in the same ways today, however more uses have been adapted.
For example, radio waves are still being used for more advanced satellite signals and infrared
radiation is used for television remotes, night vision goggles and even toasters. Doctors use Xrays more willingly than ever and modern scientists are using gamma rays to treat cancer and
mutated cells. For the future, scientists know that the electromagnetic spectrum contains a
tremendous amount of energy (which is now being increasingly explored.) Lasers of various
wavelengths are being and will be developed in the future to treat specific disease conditions.
These lasers also will be smaller and cheaper. Radio thermal and electrocautery devices will be
developed for other specific purposes.
EM radiation could be demonstrated endless ways, including several rods evenly placed
upon a line of duct tape, stretched between two bases. Tipping on end of a rod at an end of the
wave machine would cause the whole contraption to move in the pattern of the wave. The force
at which its encouraged will not change the height of the wave, only the wavelength. Another
potential demonstration could be the representation of radio waves hitting a frequency just right
to excite a lightbulb receiver. Both of these demonstrations are not practical for the contest
because the first is too simple, and does not provide nearly enough depth. While the latter is too
complicated, requiring more building and set-time than presentation time.
In summary, this demonstration addressed radiation, specifically electromagnetic radiation.
EM radiation is the form of energy produced by oscillating electric and magnetic disturbance, or
by the movement of electrically charged particles traveling through a medium. The
demonstration allowed one to visualize photon emission, and the frequency at which a series of
photons could travel to be seen by the human eye. However, EM radiation isnt only relevant in
the lab or in contests, its used in every day tools such as lightbulb or radios or toasters. Covering
a large area of physics, electromagnetic radiation is inescapable.

1. Relationship between magnetic and electric waves

as understood by Maxwell.


2. Electromagnetic Wave Spectrum (Chemwiki)

3. Photon before and after emission. (Chemwiki)

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