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University of San Carlos

College of Nursing
Cebu City


Topic: Non-Pharmacological Pain Management Venue/Time: Patient Bedside @ CCMC; 12:00AM


After 1 hour of The patient effectively
student nurse-client* Definition of - Lectures - Definition on - Significant other Hand-outs met the goals. The
interaction, the nonpharmacological pain - Demonstration – N- |_Facilitate patient was able to give
patient will be ablemanagement. Return pharmacological - Student Nurse me the uses of pain
to: - Non-pharmacological or Demonstration pain |_Lectures, Demos management stating
natural therapies are things you management: - Patient “makapatabang ni og
- State the uses of can do or think about that help [ 15mins. ] |_Return Demos pawala sa sakit pamaagi
pain management. decrease your pain. These sa pagpa-gawas sa atong
therapies do not involve taking lawas og mga
medicines, but work along with endorphins niya cost-
your medicines. People have effective pa jud”. Deep
- Utilize different used "natural" ways to help with breathing exercises &
non-pharmacological pain and healing from the very music therapy were used
pain management. beginning of time. by the patient to manage
his pain and that in the
* The different non- - The different process, he was able to
pharmacological pain N- manifest a relief in pain.
- Manifest a relief in management. Pharmacological
pain. - Breathing exercises, Music pain
therapy, Massage, Distraction, management:
Heat and Cold, Laughter [ 30 mins. ]

* How to do deep breathing - How to do

exercises. deep breathing
[ 30 mins. ]
- Sit up straight. (Do not arch
your back) First exhale
completely through your mouth.
Place your hands on your
stomach, just above your waist.
Breathe in slowly through your
nose, pushing your hands out
with your stomach. This ensures
that you are breathing deeply.
Imagine that you are filling your
body with air from the bottom
up. Hold your breath to a count
of two to five, or whatever you
can handle. It is easier to hold
your breath if you continue to
hold out your stomach. Slowly
and steadily breathe out through
your mouth, feeling your hands
move back in as you slowly
contract your stomach, until
most of the air is out. Exhalation
is a little longer than inhalation.

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