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Vice Chief of the Defence Statt Nationa Defence Headquarters ‘tana, Ontario KYA OK? 1085-50-1 (D Cats & JCR) 10° aprit 2012 Distribution List CADET PROGRAM STRATEGIC REVIEW. IMPLEMENTATION DIRECTIVE References: A. 1905-1 (SR) 8 July 2011 — VCDS Implementation Directive for DND/CF SR B. 1085-50-1 (D Cats 2) 11 Oct 11 -SR Implementation Plan ~ Cadet Overhead Program (NOTAL) 1. As part of the DND Strategic Review (SR) plan, the Canadian Cadet Organization (CCO) is required to achieve modest savings to allow reinvestment in other high priority government activities. The purpose of this letter is to direct the necessary reductions to the CCO, Itis my intention that, over time, we will achieve these reductions through efficiencies allowing us to reinvest some of these savings in the Cadet Program to strengthen it and position it for greater success in the future, 2. Reference A is the VCDS Implementation Directive for DND/CF SR Reference B is the approved final SR implementation plan for B52 Cadet Program Overhead. That plan is consistent with the original SR submission and addresses the observations and questions raised previously. It should be noted that no consultation with affected stakeholders was permitted, so 4 National Defence Détense navonale Vice-chet d'état-major de la Défense Quarter general de Ia Getonse nationale Ottawa (Ontara) Kian? 1085-50-1 (D Cad & RIC) Le /0) avril 2012 Liste de distribution EXAMEN STRATEGIQUE DU. PROGRAMME DES CADETS DIRECTIVE DE MISE EN GUVRE Références : A. 1905-1 (SR) du 8 juillet 2011 — Directive de mise en euvre du VCEMD pour examen stratégique du MDN/des FC B, 1085-50-1 (D Cad 2) - Plan De mise en euvre de I'S — Frais généraux du Programme des cadets (NOTAL) 1, Dans le cadre du plan de Examen stratégique du MDN (SR), !Organisation des cadets du Canada (OCC) doit réaliser de modestes économies afin de permettre un réinvestissement dans d'autres activités hautement prioritaires du gouvernement. Le but de cette lettre est d’ordonner les réductions nécessaires & VOCC. Mon intention est que, au fil du temps, les économies proviendront d'efficacité qui nous permettrons d’en réinvestir une partie dans le programme des cadets afin de le renforcer et de le positionner pour mieux réussir plus tard. 2. Laréférence A est la directive de mise en euvre du VCEMD pour IES du MDN / FC, La référence B est le plan final approuvé pour la mise en ceuvre de ES pour les frais généraux B52 du Programme des cadets. Ce plan est conforme & la soumission originale de I"ES et tient compte des observations et questions soulevées précédemment. fl est & noter qu’aucune consultation avec les intervenants concemnés n’a Canad A0393093_1-A-2013-01091--000 although the overall financial data is reliable, the closure details and timings will need to be validated. 3. The Cadet Program Overhead directive will consist of savings in four areas. In making these plans the emphasis was on having minimum impact upon the local Corps and Squadron training and maintaining the number of cadets attending summer training. Specific details are outlined below. 4, Command and Support. The total savings of $1,553.5K across the program will come from the following areas: 2012/2013- $924K- reduction of $224K in TD, $200K from the IPRL (misc requirements), and $500K in transportation; a 2013/2014 further $129.5K in TD, and $500K in pay from the reduction of 8 Class B positions; and ©. 2014/2015- continue above. 5. Close RCSU(N). RCSU(N) is to be closed effective 1 October 2012 with the transfer of C2 responsibilities to Prairie Region, The total savings will be $924K. ‘Three Regular Force billets will be returned to the centre while five Class B and two civilian positions will be eliminated. Three Class B positions will be reallocated to RCSU(ra) Reg F Area Cadet Officers and Area Cadet Assistants will remain in the Northem Region. Local Supply support will also remain in place in the Northern Region. Administration, finance, and the training functions currently performed by RCSU(N) in Whitehorse will be transferred to RCSU(Pra) in Winnipeg. Of the 24 full time positions on the current RCSU(N) establishment, 10 will be eliminated. 24 été autorisée. De ce fait, méme si les données financiéres générales sont fiables, les détails de fermeture et les horaires devront étre validés. 3. Ladirective concemant les frais généraux du Programme des cadets sera composée 4°conomies dans quatre domaines. On s*est efforcé @avoir un impact minimum sur instruction menée dans les Corps et escadrons et de maintenir le nombre de cadets qui suivent une formation d'été. Des détails spécifiques suivent. 4. Commandement ef soutien. Les économies totales de 1 553,5 kS AT’échelle du programme proviendront des secteurs suivants : 2012-2013 : 924 kS. Réductions de 224 k$ en ST, 200 k$ de la liste intégrée des besoins, et 500 kS pour le transport; a 2013-2014 : 129 k$ additionnels en ST, et 500 KS en salaires vu la coupure de huit postes de réservistes en classe B; et c. 2014-1015 : suite de ce qui précéde 5. Fermeture de I'URSC(N). L’URSC(N) doit atre fermée & compter du Ler Octobre 2012 et les responsabilités de C2 transférées & la région des Prairies. Les économies totaliseront 924 kS. Trois positions de la Force réguliére seront remises au centre, tandis que cing postes de classe B et deux postes civils seront supprimés. Trois postes de classe B seront réaffectés & !'URSC(Pra). Les positions de la F rég de conseiller cadets et de conseiller cadets adjoint demeureront dans la région du Nord. Le soutien en approvisionnement local restera également en place dans la région du Nord, Les activités d’ administration, de finances et d’instruction présentement effectuées au sein de 'URSC(N) & Whitehorse seront transférées 4 !'URSC(Pra) & Winnipeg. Dix des 24 postes & temps plein figurant sur l’effectif actuel de l'URSC(N) seront éliminés. A0393093_2-A-2013-01091--000 6. NCSM Québec. NCSM Québec Cadet Summer Training Centre (CSTC) is to be closed after the 2012 summer training period and total annual savings will be $824.5K. This is primarily a sea cadet CSTC. This closure will not impact the total number of cadets ‘undergoing summer training; it will just change the location where the training is conducted. All $63 NCSM Québec cadet billets will be reassigned and each cadet will be trained in his / her language of choice. The current lease agreement for NCSM Québec includes summer training and year round storage facilities for Regional activities and expites 31 May 2013. One issue to be resolved is the continued storage and use of fall/winter/spring equipment and activities which ate included in the current contract. We will have to negotiate a new lease to support those activities or find another location to conduct them. The one time closure costs are estimated at $508K for the transfer of summer training related equipment. We will investigate the possibility of a sea cadet concentration at another CSTC in Quebec in order to reduce the impact of cadets receiving training outside Quebec. 7. CSTC Penhold. Penhold CSTC is to be closed upon completion of the cadet training in summer 2014. The total annual savings to be generated are estimated to be $1,848K. This closure will not impact the total number of cadets undergoing summer training; it will just change the location where the training is conducted. All 1,295 Penhold cadet billets will be reassigned. The full Penhold savings will not be realized until FY 15/16 as the contract for summer training does not expire until 30 August 2014. There are two contracts for Penhold; one for the use of the summer facilities at an annual cost of $1,402.5K and one for year round storage at a cost of 3/4 6. NCSM Québec, Le Centre d’instruction estivale des cadets (CIEC) NCSM Québec sera fermé aprés la période d’ instruction de été 2012 et le total des économies annuelles sera de 824.5 KS. Ce camp sert principalement les cadets de la Marine. Cette fermeture n’aura aucun impact sur le nombre total de cadets participant & instruction d'été, mais changera simplement Yendroit oi Iinstruction est donnée. Toutes les 563 positions "instruction du NCSM Québec seront réassignées et tous ces cadets seront instruits dans la langue de leur choix. Le bail actuel du NCSM Québec porte sur les installations "instruction estivale ainsi que celles de remisage a l'année longue en soutien & des activités régionales, et expire le 31 mai 2013. Une question & résoudre est le remisage et l'utilisation continuelle des équipements pour activités @automne / hiver / printemps et qui sont incluses dans le contrat actuel. Nous aurons & négocier un nouveau bail pour soutenir ces activités ou ‘trouver un autre endroit pour les effectuer. Les ofits inhérents & la fermeture sont estimés & 508 kS pour le déménagement de ’équipement «instruction d'été. Une vérification sera faite pour confirmer la possibilité dune concentration de cadets de la marine dans un autre CIEC au Québec afin de réduire l’impact sur les cadets recevant l’instruction & l’extérieur du Québec. 7. CSTC Penhold. Le CIEC Penhold sera fermé a la fin de la période d’instruction estivale des cadets de I'été 2014, Les économies annuelles sont estimées & 1 848 KS. Il n’y aura aucun impact sur le nombre de cadets participant & Pinstruction d'été car celle-ci sera donnée & un autre endroit. Toutes les 1 295 positions instruction de cadets de Penhold seront réassignées. Les économies complétes engendrées par cette fermeture ne seront pas réalisées avant EF 15/16 puisque le contrat pour instruction été expire le 30 aoGt 2014. Deux contrats sont en place & Penhold : un premier pour T'utilisation des installations d'été & un cost annuel de 1402,5 KS, et un second pour ’entreposage A0393093_3-A-2013-01091--000 $129.8K. These one time closure costs in FY 14/15 are $559.5K for the movement of summer training equipment. 8 DGRC will publish the SR Implementation Plan at Reference B separately after the release of this letter. The plan will contain sufficient details and direction for the RCSUs to produce their detailed Master Implementation Plans (MIPs). The D Cats & JCR OPI for the implementation is D Cats 5. Le Vices durant toute l'année 4 un coat de 129,8 k$. Les colts inhérents & la fermeture pour IEF 14/15 sont estimés & 559.5 k$ pour le déménagement de Véquipement d'entrainement d'été. 8. Le DGRC publiera séparément le plan d'exéeution pour la mise en ceuvre de cette directive (référence B) aprés la publication de la présente. Ce plan fournira suffisamment informations pour permettre aux URSC de développer leur plan principal de mise en auyre (PPMO). Le BPR de D Cad & RIC pour la mise en ceuvre est D Cad 5. fhaldson Vice-Admiral Distribution List Action Comd Atlantic Region (JTFA) Comd Eastern Region (JTFE) Comd Central Region (TFC) ‘Come Prairie Region (Comd 2 Cdn Air Div) Comd Pacific Region (JTFP) Comd Northern Region (ITFN) Information C Res & Cats CProg DGRC D Cats & ICR CO RCSU{Atlantic) CO RCSU(Eastemn) CO RCSU(Central) CO RCSU(Prairie) CO RCSU(Pacific) CO RCSUWNorthem) 44 Liste de distribution Action Cindt Région de I’ Atlantique (FOIA) Cmdt Région de l'Est (FOIE) ‘Cmdt Région du Centre (FOIC) Cmdt Région des Prairies (2° DAC) Cmdt Région du Pacifique (FOIP) ‘Cmdt Région du Nord (FOIN) Information C Rés & Cad C Prog DGRC D Cad & RIC Cmét URSC(Atlantique) Cmdt URSC(Est) Cmdt URSC(Centre) Cmdt URSC(Prairies) ‘Cmdt URSC (Pacifique) ‘Cmdt URSC(Nord) A0393093_4-A-2013-01091--000 National Defence National Defence Headquarters Ottava, Ontario KiADK Ottawa, (Ontario) KiAOK 1085-50-1 (D Cats 2) 12 April 2012 Distribution List SR IMPLEMENTATION DIRECTIVE — ADET PROGRAM OVERHEAD References: A. 1905-1 (VCDS Compt) dated 18 Jul 11 (NOTAL) B. 1085-50-1 (D Cats & JCR) VCDS Cadet Program Strategic Review Implementation Directive dated 10 April 2012 1. Enclosed is the implementation directive to effect the direction at References. It must be noted that no consultation was permitted with the affected stakeholders and as such, the overall financial data is reliable but the closure details and timings will need to be validated in due course. 2. The D Cats & JCR OPI for the closures of RCSU(N), HMCS Quebec and CSTC Penhold is D Cdts 5 LCol Y. Therrien (613) 992-3387. The overall SR coordinator will be the new D Cats 2 Coord, LCol M. Albert (613) 996-1316, Brigadier-g Annexes (page 2) Distribution List (page 2) v2 | Canada Défense nationale Quarter général de a Dstense nationale 1085-50-1 (D Cad 2) Le 12 avril 2012 Liste de distribution DIRECTIVE DE MISE EN (EUVRE ES ~ FRAIS GENERAUX DU PROGRAMME, DES CADE Références : A. 1905-1 (VCDS Compt) du 18 juillet 2012 (NOTAL) B. 1085-50-1 (D Cad & RJC) Directive de mise en ceuvre ~ Examen stratégique du programme des cadets du 10 avril 2012 1. Vous trouverez ci-joint la din mise en ceuvre telle que requis aux réfe Puisqu’il était impossible de consulter les intervenants pour I’élaboration des plans, les détails relatifs aux fermetures et les échéanciers devront étre confirmés durant le processus, mais les informations d’ordre financier sont fiables. 2. Le BPR de D Cad & RJC pour les fermetures de 'URSC(N). NCSM Québec et CIEC Penhold est le D Cad 5 Leol Y, Therrien (613) 992-3387. Le coordinateur de I’ES sera le nouveau D Cad 2 Coord, le Leol M. Albert, (613) 996-1316. Le Directeur général — Réserves et Cadets, iéral JG, Milne Brigadier-General Director General Reserves and Cadets, ‘Annexes (page 2) Liste de distribution (page 2) A0393094_1-A-2013-01091--000 Annex Annex A: DGRC Strategic Review Implementation Plan Appendix 1: SR Financial Table Annex B: Command and Support ‘Appendix 1: Command and Support = HR. Impact Analysis Annex C: Closure ~ RCSU(N) Appendix 1: RCSU(N) ~ HR Impact Appendix 2: RCSU(N) ~ Organization Chart Appendix 3: RCSU(N) - Staffing table Annex D: Closure - NCSM Québec Appendix 1: Potential costs for CSTC Appendix 2: NCSM Québec - IM/IT ‘Appendix 3: NCSM Québec ~ Planned movement of Cadets Annex E: Closure ~ Penhold CSTC Appendix 1: Potential costs for CSTC realignment Appendix 2: Penhold — IMT Appendix 3: Penhold — Planned movement of Cadets Annex F: PA Plan Appendix 1: PA Plan ~ RCSU(N) Appendix 2: PA Plan ~ NCSM Québec PA Plan — Penhold CSTC Distribution List D Cats & ICR D Cats 2 D Cats 3 D Cats 4 DCdts 5 D Cats 6 CO RCSU (Atlantic) CO RCSU (Eastern) CO RCSU (Central) CO RCSU (Prairie) CO RCSU (Pac CO RCSU (Northern) DGRC PA Coord DGRC Comptroller 22 Annexes : Annexe A : Plan de mise en ceuvre du DGRC de FExamen stratégique Appendice | : Tableau financier ES Annexe B : Commandement et soutien Appendice | : Commandement et soutien ~ Analyse de Pimpact sur les RH Annexe C : Fermeture ~ URSC(N) Appendice I : Impact RH ~ URSC(N) Appendice 2 : Tableau organisationnel URSC(N) Appendice 3 : Tableau des effectifs URSC(N) Annexe D : Fermeture ~ NCSM Québec Appendice | : Coats a prévoir pour les ajustements des C Appendice 2 : GUTI—-NCSM Québec Appendice 3 : Relocalisation des cadets — NCSM Québec Annexe E : Fermeture ~ CIEC Penhold Appendice I : Coats & prévoir pour les ajustements des CIEC Appendice 2 : GI/Tl - CIEC Penhold Appendice 3 : Relocalisation des cadets CIEC Penhold Annexe F : Plan AP Appendice | : Plan AP URSC(N) Appendice 2 : Plan AP NCSM Québec Appendice 3 : Plan AP CIEC Penhold Liste de distribution D Cad & RIC DCad 2 DCad3 DCad 4 DCad 5 DCad 6 Cmdt URSC (Atlantique) Cmdt URSC (Est) Cmdt URSC (Centre) Cmdt URSC (Prairies) Cmdt URSC (Pacifique) Cmdt URSC (Nord) Coord AP DGRC Contrdleur DGRC A0393094_2-A-2013-01091--000 Annex A 1085-S0-1 (D Cts 2) 12 April 2012 DGRC STRATEGIC REVIEW IMPLEMENTATION PLAN 1, The DGRC SR implementation plan will consist of savings in four areas. In making these plans the emphasis was on having minimum impact upon the local Corps and Squadron training and maintaining the number of cadets going to summer training. Since the original SR submission we have refined the financial numbers and there is a change the breakdown of both pay and O and M. Specific financial details outlined in Appendix 1 to this annex. 2. Command and support. The total savings of $1,653.5K will come from the following areas: a, 2012/2013- $924K- reduction of $224K in TD, $200K in IPRL (mise requirements), and S500K in transportat b. 2013/2014- further $129.5K in TD, and $600K in pay from the reduction of 8 Class B positions; and c. 2014/2015- continue above. Details are at Annex B. 3. Close RCSU(N). This plan will close RCSU(N) effective | October 2012 and transfer C2 responsibilities to the Prairie Region. The total savings will be $924K. Three Regular Force billets will be returned to the centre, 5 Class B and 2 civilian positions will be eliminated. Three Class B positions will be reallocated as required. Reg F Area Cadet Officers and Area Cadet Assistants will remain in their current locations. Local Supply support will also remain in place. Administration, Finance, and the training functions currently performed by RCSU(N) in Whitehorse will be transferred to RCSU(Pra) in Winnipeg. Of the 24 full time positions on the current RCSU(N) establishment, 10 will be eliminated. Details are at Annex C. 4. NCSM Québec. We will close NCSM Québec summer training center after the 2012 summer training period and total annual savings for this change will be $824.5K. This is primarily a sea cadet specific CSTC. This closure will not impact the total number of cadets undergoing summer training: it will just change the location where the training is conducted. All 563 NCSM Québec cadet billets will be reassigned as per Appendix 2. When the decision to include NCSM Québec in the SR proposals was made the information at that time was the owners were interested in selling the facility and were not interested in a further lease. This has changed as there are now other users of the facility. The facility is no longer for sale and the owners are interested in leasing the facility to DND for 5-10 years. ‘The current lease agreement for NCSM Québec includes summer training and year round storage facilities for Regional activities and expires 31 May 2013. One issue to be resolved is the continued storage and use of fallwinter/spring equipment and activities which are included in the current contract. We will have to negotiate a new lease to support those activities or find another location to conduct them. A-U2 A0393094_3-A-2013-01091--000 One time closure costs are estimated at $540K for the transfer of summer training related equipment. Details are at Annex D. 5. CSTC Penhold. We will close Penhold summer training center upon completion of the cadet training in summer 2014, The total annual savings to be generated are estimated to be $1,848K. This closure will not impact the total number of cadets undergoing summer training; it will just change the location where the training is conducted. All 1,295 Penhold cadet billets will be reassigned as per Annex E, Appendix 3. 6. ‘The Penhold savings will not be realized until FY 15/16 as the contract for summer training does not expire until 30 Aug 14. There are 2 contracts for Penhold; one for the use of the summer facilities at an annual cost of $1,402.5K and one for year round storage at a cost of $129.8K. One time closure costs in FY 14/15 are $559.5K for the movement of summer training equipment. Details are at Annex E. 7. Key dates and required actions are: DATE ACTIONS ‘ASAP once Implementation | DGRC communicates with Regional Commanders. Plan is approved ‘ASAP once Implementation | RCSUs are informed by the Regional Commanders. Plan is approved eo ‘ASAP once Implementation | Inform RCSUs-D Cais staff of decision reference C | Plan is approved personnel reductions effective 1 April 2013. "ASAP once Implementation | Cadet Leagues are informed once final plan approved. Plan is approved ‘ASAP once Implementation | Inform Penhold, NCSM Québec lease contract OPIs of Plan is approved ___| plans for impact on lease. TNov 11 1 Jun 12 ‘Complete detailed planning of the RCSU(N), NCSM Québec and CSTC Penhold closures once announcement is made. TApr 12 FY 12/13 savings start: Commence closure of RCSU(N) 31 Aug 12 | Québec ceases summer operations 1 Oct 12 [Closure of RCSUCN) TApr 13 FY 13/14 savings start SM Québec closure savings commence 31 May 2013 NCSM Québec contract expires. 1 Apr 14 FY 14/15 actions: no change from FY 13/14. 31 Aug 14) CSTC Penhold ceases summer operations [1 Sept 14-30 Aug 15 ‘Conduct closure of Penhold and redistribute all materials and functions. T Apr 15 FY 15/16 savings: Continue with FY 14/15 savings plus add impact of | closing Penhold. A0393094_4-A-2013-01091--000 s.21(1)(a) Appendix 1 ‘Annex A 1085-60-1 (D Cats 2) 12. April 2012 a soins aie [ates] HOES | One ne Same rear fea aaa 1 {cise PaCS Sam TRS COT REE TATE arom aaa ma SPOT 1 scare fan | tan [ss er ERATE TES TORCE TOUSSN ND SRT POSTING ee oe ee E A0393094_5-A-2013-01091--000 Annex B 1085-50-1 (D Cats 2) 12 April 2012 COMMAND AND SUPPORT Total savings of $1,653.SK will be made as follows: a SS00K- redu travel by air an jon in transportation costs by reducing the number of cadets that increasing the use of ground transportation: $200K- IPRL- Integrated Program Requirements List ~ this is the Cadet Program’s Miscellaneous Requirements program to replace bunks, bedding, foot lockers, camping gear, sails, furniture, etc. We typically spend $700K annually- we will reduce by $200K; $353.5K- reduce TD, conferences-more to be done by VTC, and reduction in 1g events: and $600K- reduction of 8 full time Class B positions. Details at Appendix 1 A0393094_6-A-2013-01091--001 Appendix 1 Annex B 1085-50-1 (D Cdts 2) 12 April 2012 STRATEGIC REVIEW IMPLEMENTATION ~ HR IMPACT ANALYSIS : ‘SR Implementation will result positions effective | Apr 13 as follows: a planned reduction of eight full time Class B a DCdts &JCR~1. b, — RCSU(Pac) 1; ©. RCSU(Pra)— 4. RCSU(C)- RCSU(E) = 2; and f RCSU(A)= 1. 2. The associated impact on management, administration and delivery of the Cadet Program is assessed as minimal. While some near-term adjustments will be necessary within each organization after elimination of the positions, these are considered fully achievable ‘without diminishing the cadet experience and without negative long-term effect on program delivery at Corps / Sqns or at CSTCs. 3. Some near term impact on morale and productivity of staff at D Cats & JCR and RCSUs is possible. This can be mitigated by ensuring early identification and communication of the positions to be eliminated. While there is no legal imperative to do so, to the extent possible, it is preferable to respect the period of service that has been in established in the Res F SOU of each Res F member. to 4. Although itis possible to simply identify a position to be eliminated and serve n the ineumbent in that position, the preferred means of achieving the reduction in staff levels is through attrition, This has been the approach that we have used in the past in reorganizing certain elements of our operations, such as the national RCIS reorganization and more recently, the transfer of IM / IT positions to ADM(IM). In some cases, this can allow for earlier implementation of the desired staff reductions. Reduction through attrition can be achieved as follows within each organization: BI-12 A0393094_7-A-2013-01091--001 a, Identify all existing vacant positions; b. Identify cach position to be eliminated based on organizational requirements; If the position to be eliminated is already vacant, EC action to eliminate it immediately; If the position to be eliminated is not vacant, review the qualifications and performance of the incumbent; e. If the performance of the incumbent warrants doing so and if his qualifications fit with a currently vacant position, laterally transfer the incumbent into the vacant position and eliminate the target position immediately; f. If there are no vacant positions that fit with the incumbent's qualifications but performance warrants retention to end of SOU, forecast retirements / attrition forward to | Apr 13 and determine ifa suitable position will become vacant for the incumbent before | Apr 13; g. __ If'so, advise the member accordingly and eliminate the position after lateral transfer on or before | Apr 13; and h, Inthe absence of an available position for which the incumbent is qualified or in cases where performance does not warrant retention, advise the incumbent ASAP that his period of Res F Service will cease NLT | Apr 13 so that they may plan accordingly. 3. For emphasis, note that there is no requirement to retain Res F personnel who have demonstrated less than ideal performance. In cases where the performance of an incumbent in a target position is mediocre at best, the CO should allow the Res F member’s SOU to expire as scheduled or, if necessary, terminate it early on 31 Mar 13 [AW the provisions of CF Mil Pers Instr 20-04 A0393094_8-A-2013-01091--001 Annex C 1085-50-1 (D Cats 2) 12 April 2012 IMPLEMENTATION PLAN AND CONCEPT OF OPERATIONS FOR CLOSURE OF RCSU (NORTHERN) INTRODUCTION 1. This plan results from a VCDS directive to carry out a Strategic Review in order to undertake an internal assessment to meet the cuts to the Cadet program of $5.25 M. The review has identified that the closure of Regional Cadet Support Unit (Norther) (RCSU(N)) is one of several other effective options to meet this goal. BACKGROUND urrently there are approximately 400 cadets in 16 corps and squadrons across the North along with about 50 officers of the Cadet Instructors Cadre (CIC) and 75 Civilian Instructors. The training of army and air cadets is supported by the RCSU(N) located in Whitehorse. RCSU(N) was established on 3 September 2000 and was co-located with JTF(N) HQ in Yellowknife before being re-located in Whitehorse in 2006. The HQ shares the use of Building DI at the CSTC Whitehorse. 3. The announcement of the closure of RCSU(N) was not made before this plan was conceived by the Directorate Cts & JCR without any consultation with SMEs and without any outside pricing or confirmation. It is imperative to understand that this strategic plan would be developed further upon directive and government announcement. RCSU(N) will operate until | Oct 12 to allow for smooth operation of CSTC Whitehorse in summer 2012. AIM 5. The aim of this plan is to provide some details required at reference A to achieve the closure of RCSU(N) by | Oct 12. ASSUMPTIONS 6. This plan assumes that: a. CSTC Whitehorse will continue to exist to support the summer training in the North; b. JTF(N) and ASU Edmonton will continue to support the Whitehorse CSTC; and C3 A0393094_9-A-2013-01091--001 €. Support to local Corps and Squadrons from the North will continue and will be assumed by RCSU(Pra). SCOPE 7. The scope of this plan is as follows: a, Task RCSU(Pra) to prepare a detailed MIP to include timelines for implementation and divestment; The transfer of responsi cadet organizations; required to ensure continuity of support to the €. Identification of implementation costs; 4. Phased adjustment to the manning of RCSU(N) and overall impact on Human Resources; €. Extensive Public Affairs Communication Plan to be developed and implemented before the announcement of the closure as this news will be controversial; f. Some unforeseen impacts; and g& — Shortfalls (budget pressures arising from delays). CONCEPT OF CLOSURE 8 RCSUCN) will cease operations on I Oct 12. Following that date, the RCSU functions. will be assumed by RCSU(Pra). As the RCSU(N) is co-located in Bldg D1 of the Whitehorse CSTC, the closure of the RCSU will have no infrastructure impact as the CSTC will continue to operate in Whitehorse. Also, all RCSU(N) equipment will remain in Bldg 51 to be used by the Whitehorse CSTC staff. 9. Closure Phases a. A phased closure approach i Phase I~ Planning: | Noy 11-1 Jun 12 (1) Complete the analysis and Master Implementation Plan — 1 Jun 12; (2) RCSU(N) will remain operational until 1 Oct 12 Phase Il-Thin out: 1 Apr -1 Oct 12 (1) TFN) and ASU Edmonton will continue supporting Whitehorse CSTC after the closure of RCSU(N). Reduce command-support, or unnecessary A0393094_10-A-2013-01091--001 support not required from | Apr 12 until | Oct 12. ‘The Directorate Cadets and JCR will implement the staf? realignment as necessary. ¢. Phase Ill - Final closeout: 1 Oct 12-31 Mar 13 (1) Conduct closure procedures from | Oct 12 until 31 Mar 13. COMMAND AND CONTROL 10. D Cats & JCR is responsible for the consolidation and close out of RCSU(N), ensuring overall coordination and decisions. D Cats 5 will assume the overarching OPI for the RCSU(N) closure, on behalf of D Cats & JCR. Ih While RCSU (Northern) will carry out the closure efforts for efficient and effective execution, all expenditures associated with the closure of RCSU(N) will be captured in a centralized account in NDHQ (Financial coding to be provided in due course), All expenditures in excess of $1,000.00 will require D Cats & JCR approval before any funding commitments are made. 13. ‘The transfer of responsibilities to RCSU(Pra) is completed by 1 Oct 12 to ensure continuity of support to the Squadrons and Corps in the North as well at the Whitehorse CSTC seamless. Corps and Squadrons will transfer responsibility | Jul 2012 with the remainder on 1 Oct 12. C33 A0393094_11-A-2013-01091--001 Appendix 1 Annex C 1085-50-1 (D Cats 2) 12 April 2012 HR IMPACT CLOSURE OF RCSU(N) 1, SR Implementation will result in the disbandment / closure of RCSU(N) as a formed unit of the CF not later than | Oct 12. To that end, the Cadet Corps / Sqns currently under the command of RCSU(N) will be reassigned to the command and control of RCSU(Pra) effective 1 Jul 12, Command and control of Whitehorse CSTC will be reassigned to RCSU(Pra) effective 30 Sep 12. 2. ‘The current organization chart for RCSU(N) is attached as Appendix | to this annex. At end-state, disbandment of RCSU(N) will result in the following for each fulltime position on the RCSU(N) establishment: a. Cl Retum of the three Reg F positions below to the centre for re-deployment elsewhere in the CF, The CO and DCO positions are not currently filled by the Reg F, however, they are backfilled by Res F members (see para 2b below): (1) CO~Maj; (2) DCO — Capt; and GB) Chief Clerk ~ WO. Elimination of the following two Res F positions established to backfill vacant Reg F positions NLT 30 Oct 12: () CO~ Maj; and DCO ~ Capt; Elimination of five fulltime Res F positions as follows: (1) Asst Tre O = Capt (2) Ops & Trg WO- Wo; (3) Asst Admin ~ Capt (4) Fin NCO ~ Sgt ~ Currently vacant; and (3) Compt — Currently filled by a CWO; A0393094_12-A-2013-01091--001 Elimination of two CR 04 Clerk public service positions; Conversion of one fulltime Res F position to a public service CS position, transfer of this public service position to ADM(IM) / DGEAS and redeployment of the position to RCSU(Pac) to support CCO national network operations as previously agreed; and To support continued operation of Whitehorse CSTC and the 16 Cadet Corps / Sqns operating in the current AOR of RCSU(N) in the future, the following RCSU(N) positions will be transferred in situ to the command and control of RCSU(Pra) on the dates indicated (1) Sp Sves © ~ Capt ~ Whitehorse, YT ~ 30 Sep 12; (2) Log O~MWO - Whitehorse, YT - 30 Sep 12; 3) Sup O~ WO ~ Whitehorse, YT — 30 Sep 12; (4) ACO Western Arctic Area ~ Capt ~ Whitehorse, YT ~ 30 Jun 125 (5) ACA Westen Arctic Area ~ WO (Reg F) ~ Whitehorse, YT ~ 30 Jun 12; (6) ACO Central Arctic Area ~ Capt — Yellowknife, NT — 30 Jun 12; (7) ACA Central Arctic Area ~ WO (Reg F. currently vacant) ~ Yellowknife, NT—30 Jun 12; (8) ACO Eastern Arctic Area — Capt — Iqaluit, NU ~ 30 Jun 12; and (9) ACA Eastern Aretic Area ~ WO (Reg F, currently vacant) ~ Iqaluit, NU - 30 Jun 12. The three fulltime Res F positions below will be transferred to RCSU(Pra) on 30 Jun 12 and retained until the incumbent completes their current SOU (dates indicated below) to support the transition process. The disposition of these positions thereafter, including whether they are required to support / sustain the program in the north and where they will be located will be determined during the transition phase: (1) Teg O~Capt—3 Jan 14; (2) Admin O ~Capt—3 Jan 14; and (3) SO Whitehorse CSTC~ 31 Aug 14. A0393094_13-A-2013-01091--001 3. The overall impact on management, administration and delivery of the Cadet Program in Northern Canada as a consequence of disbanding RCSU(N) is assessed as low. There are 16 Corps / Sqns and one CSTC within Northern Canada. Oversight of the program in Northern Canada is complicated by climate, geography (travel requirements) and cultural issues. However, front-line support to Corps / Squs is provided by the ACO / ACA and these personnel will be retained in situ to provide support as they always have, Similarly, logistical support to Whitehorse CSTC operations is coordinated by a small support staff that would be retained. Retaining these personnel will mi s arising from the unique challenges associated with delivery of the Cadet Program in Northern Canada, 4. Allother higher level command, management, administrative and support funct currently performed by RCSU(N) exist at RCSU(Pra) and can be executed at a distance. Beyond retaining elements of the RCSU(N) staff at para 2fand 2g, economies of scale are such that there is no requirement for additional staff / resources at RCSU(Pra) to assume command and control of the 16 additional Cadet Corps / Sqns. This initiative directly targets overhead and administration and seeks to mitigate effects upon operation of the Cadet Program at the community level 5. While the overall impact on Cadet Program delivery is assessed as low, there are some residual issues / risks associated with the decision that will need to be addressed in a more detailed implementation plan. ‘These issues / risks include the following: a. Disconnecting Cadet Corps / Sqns from the command and control of JTF(N) as the higher formation commander may complicate (possibly negate) support to the Cadet Program in the north by JTF(N) controlled assets. While that support is not as extensive as it is with Junior Canadian Rangers program (where we are reliant on Canadian Rangers to deliver the program), there is some support provided which may be at risk in the future; and b. Arguably, reassigning northern Cadet Corps / Sqns to RCSU(Pra) reduces the footprint of Comd JTF(N) in northern communities. This may diminish his capacity to exercise influence on behalf of the CF with external stakeholders, such as territorial / municipal governments, the business community, Inuit leaders, etc. 6. There will be significant impacts on the morale of RCSU(N) staff during the transition period. These have the potential to impact on the effectiveness of support provided by RCSU(N) during the transition period. This can be mitigated by early communication of the positions to be eliminated and rapid development / execution of the implementation plan. 7. Attrition has been our preferred means of achieving reorganization / staff reduction objectives in the past. It is more difficult in this case given the number of positions being. eliminated and the geographic dispersal of the RCSU(N) staff. While there is no legal imperative to do so, to the extent possible, itis preferable to respect the period of service that has been in established in the Res F SOU of each Res F member. Of the eight Res F positions that will be eliminated outright, in six eases the Res F SOU of the incumbent expires before 30 Oct 12, one extends beyond that date (Asst Trg O — Capt to 19 Sep 14) and one position is 1-3/4 A0393094_14-A-2013-01091--001 vacant, If there is a need to retain more than the three personnel at para 2g to support the transition, the Asst Trg O should be selected so as to honour the Res F SOU of this member. 8. The extent to which existing career transition services available to CF members could be made available to affected Res F personnel at RCSU(N) needs to be explored further and incorporated into the more detailed implementation plan to the extent possible. 9. In most eases, the incumbents in the positions to be eliminated were moved at public expense to their place of duty and are entitled to a return move to former place of residen: While this future liability is incurred at the time of their initial selection for service and is not new now, it is rare to incur the costs of so many return moves at once. Assuming seven affected Res F members exercise the return move entitlement, the cost is estimated at between $300 ~ $350K in FY 12/13. cai A0393094_15-A-2013-01091--001 Regional Cadet Support Unit (Northern) Organization Chart Effective 1 April 2011 1085-50-1 (D cdts 2) a2 april 2012 Pearce Fa Res cias ( reeciae 1 cx Proposed Posen A0393094_16-A-2013-01091--002 s.19(1) 12 April 2012 RCSU NORTHERN STAFF REVIEW POSITION | _ POSITION INCUMBENT [STATUS] DAILY | ANNUAL COMMENTS | SOUEND DATE # | = | RATE | RATE 375996 [CO Maj [Peet Backfill Reg F Position [20 Jan 2012 375997 DCO Sinowte | Backfill Reg F Position [17 Oct 2012 235583___[ Trg 0 3 Jan 2014 286029 [A/Irz 0 19 Sept 2014 332152 | Ops & Trg | = 21 Oct 2011 235579 [Admin O 3 Jan 2014 332154 [A/AdminO | Capt__| Lalibertie 30 Jul 2012 306065 Chief Clerk {Wo [Rouleau RegF__|N/A___[N/A 323465 [Admin & Fin Civilian _ - 809064 |General Admin Civilian 235585 [Comptroller_ Res F 11 Dec 2011 235574 FinNCO ResF__1$147.32. [Vacant |Wacant Vacant 318664 |Log O [Capt [Ross Res F —_ [14 Dee 3013 [255742 | A/ Log 0 ‘TcP02_| White Res F [31 Oct 2011 235577 [Sup 0 [wo ~ [Res F 30 Sept 2017 235573 [Staff OF WCSTC | Capt Res e 31 Aug 2014 322071 [ISO Tt___[ Bartsch Res F 31 May 2012 235581 [ACO Whitehorse [Capt _|Winkelaar | Res F 27 Oct 2013 235578 [ACO Yellowknife | Capt [McKee [Res F 31 Aug 2012 235571 [ACO Iqaluit Capt_[Burton [Res F —_[30 Sept 2012 27023 ACA Whitehorse [WO [Green RegP |N/A [N/A : 27024 ‘ACA Yellowknife [WO | Vacant RegF _[N/A___[N/A Vacant Vacant [27025 ‘ACA Tgaluit [WO [Vacant RegF |N/A |N/A Vacant Vacant A0393094_17-A-2013-01091--002 Annex D 1085-50-1 (D Cats 2) 12 April 2012 IMPLEMENTATION PLAN AND CONCEPT OF OPERATIONS FOR CLOSURE OF NCSM QUEBEC CSTC INTRODUCTION 1. This plan results from a VCDS directive to carry out a strategic review in order to undertake an internal assessment to meet the possible cuts to the CCO program of $5.25M. The review has identified that the closure and relocation of the cadets from NCSM Québec CSTC to other CSTCs is one of several other effective options to meet this goal. NCSM Québec also operates year-round for boat maintenance, storage, and local training. Maintaining these activities on this site will require us to negotiate a new lease for the facility or relocate them elsewhere. Additionally, as part of the lease conditions, RCSU(E) is able to request the use of the facilities for meals, training and meetings at a reduced rate. BACKGROUND 2. The announcement of the closure of NCSM Québec was not made before this plan was conceived by the Directorate Cats & JCR without any consultation with SMEs and without any outside pricing or confirmation. It is imperative to understand that this strategic plan is for assessment only and would be developed further upon directive and government announcement. 3. NCSM Québee will continue operating until completion of summer training in 2012. The remaining year-round functions will continue until current lease contract expiry on 31 May 13. AIM 4. The aim of this plan is to provide some details required at Reference A to achieve the closure of NCSM Québec by 31 May 13 while maintaining the VCDS directive at Reference B. On 19 Apr 05 the CDS set the maximum attendance of up to 24,800 cadets annually to attend CSTC. Specifically, for CSTC this translates to: a. 22,300 Cadets under training (maximum); b. 2,500 Staff Cadets; and c. 13,500 in-house training bunks. D-1/17 A0393094_18-A-2013-01091--002 ASSUMPTIONS 5. This plan assumes that: a. The support requirements as per the contract for NCSM Québec training activities prior to closure will remain at current levels until contract expiry 31 May 13; b. There is an estimated one time closing and disposal cost of $340.7K (Appendix 1): ¢. Sufficient funding for O&M, closing, and disposal costs for 2013 will be available from within the VCDS-derived supplementary funds to cover reduction and. closure expenses, including environmental cleanup if required, and any incremental costs to SGSS, Valcartier, Bagotville, NCSM Ontario and NCSM Acadia in their capacity to support the transfer; 4. The closure will occur in a phased approach, with consolidation activities proceeding during the period up to | Sep 12, and final closeout actions accelerating in the period from 1 Sep 12 to 31 May 13: e. Any additional supply expansion required at the other CSTCs will be covered through the Infrastructure Capital Investment Plan or the ADM(LE) infrastructure Minor New Construction funding; f An increase of CSTC capacity back to the CDS levels mentioned earlier will be handled through the Infrastructure Capital Investment Plan and additional fund allocation to the ICR & Cadets baseline as required. SCOPE 6. The scope of this plan is as follows a, Task RCSU(E) to prepare a detailed MIP to include timelines for implementation and divestment; b. The transfer of responsibilities required to ensure continuity of support to the cadet organizations; ¢. [dentification of implementation costs broken down by CSTC (Appendix 1); 4. Arrangements for the gradual release of surplus infrastructure back to the contractor and the disposition of equipment resulting from the closure of the D-2/17 A0393094_19-A-2013-01091--002 €. Identification of the support requirements for the closure of NCSM Québee, and of units and functions supported by 5GSS, which must be assumed by the designated Support Bases; £. Identification of the appropriate SLAs and revise to reflect the designated Support Bases responsibility levels; Identification of property interests and agreements which must be cancelled, revised, or extended with appropriate authority; h. Phased adjustment to the mani Human Resources; 1g of NCSM Québec and overall impact on Extensive Public Affairs Communication Plan to be developed and implemented before the announcement of the closure as this news will be controversial; j. Some unforeseen impacts; and k. _ Shortfalls (budget pressures arising from delays), CONCEPT OF CLOSURE 7. NCSM Québec will cease operations on 31 May 2013. Following that date, the CSTC training function will be re-allocated to Bagotville, Valcartier, HMCS Ontario, and HIMCS Acadia, Details are at Appendix 3. The support function to local Corps and Squadrons will have to be included in a new lease or be relocated to other sites in the Region. Boat assets will be redistributed to other Sailing CSTCs as determined by Directorate Cadets and JCR. 8. Closure Phases. A phased closure approach is intended: a. Phase I~ Planning: 1 Oct 11-1 Jun 12 (1) Complete the analysis and Master Implementation Plan — 1 Jun 12; (2) NCSM Québec will remain operational until 31 May 13; and (3) Immediate inventory must be carried out before the 2012 CSTC detailing scope, tasks involved in the closure, and producing a detailed material inventory manifest. b. Phase II - Thin out: 1 Sep 12-1 Mar 13 (1) 5GSS will continue supporting NCSM Québec during the closeout and will liaise with other supporting bases as required for the transfer of assets to other CS D-3/17 A0393094_20-A-2013-01091--002 ¢. Phase III ~ Cadet course transfer: 1 Sep 12-31 Dec 12 (1) Reduce Command-support, or unnecessary support not required for the CSTC, or unnecessary expenses not in direct support to the CSTC. The Directorate Cadets and JCR will affect the staff realignment based on the share of the cadets’ realignment. d. Phase IV ~ Final closeout: 1 Mar 13- 31 May 13 (1) Conduct closure procedures from | Mar 13 until 31 May 13. This includes 60 days movements and 32 days misc and contingencies. COMMAND AND CONTROL, 9. The command and contro! relationships will change in respect of the custodial responsibilities of NCSM Québec during the closure, as described below and as detailed in the forthcoming MIP. 10. ADM(IE) policies and procedures relating to key infrastructure and logistics aspects of this plan, including the provision of management direction for environmental cleanup if required and the custodial requirements remains in effect. U1. CO RCSU(E) exercises command over NCSM Québec CSTC while 5 GSS Comd is responsible for the support of the CSTC. However, D Cats & JCR is responsible for the consolidation and close out of NCSM Québec, ensuring overall coordination and decis D Cals 5 will assume the overarching OPI for the NCSM Québec closure, on behalf of D Cats & JCR. ns. 12. While RCSU(E) will carry out the closure efforts for efficient and effective execution, all expenditures associated with the closure of NCSM Québec will be captured in a centralized account in NDHQ (Financial coding to be provided in due course). All expenditures in excess of $1,000.00 will require D Cats & JCR approval before any funding commitments are made. 13. During the period covered in the closure transition, it is anticipated that all regional supply support will continue until the end of the contract under the same Command and Control construct as established now. ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES. 14. Non-public Funds: NPF equipment and furniture, including ecclesiastical Non-public Property (NPP), will be redistributed. The control of NPP inventories shall remain with RCSU(E) until disposal or redistribution instruetions are promulgated. 15. Security: The Security and Military Police (SAMP) support is currently minimal as there is some military staff presence on the premises during the daytime, However, during the closeout phase, itis essential that 24/7 coverage be maintained to protect DND assets and D-4/17 A0393094_21-A-2013-01091--002 personnel, and to ensure that an effective crime prevention program is enforced. The local civilian police force on the premises are extremely limited and eannot be relied upon to provide the day-to-day police and security services normally afforded to DND establishments. Additionally, a potential problem during the consolidation and closure activities will be the security and control of property to prevent losses due to theft, improper disposal or vandalism. The presence of Military Police (MP) during that period will be very important for the protection of DND assets. The following are methods that will be employed to control this problem: a All cadet CSTC/NCSM Québec related ps regulations concei sonnel g theft of government prope Il be briefed on existing b. Vehicular traffic transiting through the cadet areas of NCSM Québee will be monitored by the MP. Periodic random vehicle checks will be considered as a means of discouraging pilferage or theft; ©. Key access to buildings. both internal and external, will be rigidly controlled, and locks or eylinders changed where necessary; 4. Main storage sites for excess material will be designated and kept to an absolute minimum to provide for increased security and control of movement; e, Security checks by individual building OPIs and MPs will be increased, as appropriate: and f _Building(s) situated outside the controlled access area of the base (e.g. Section) will require special attention, both during and after normal working hours. 16. Comptroller: The RCSU(E) comptroller will continue to provide the full range of accounting services that are consistent with the standard Comptroller operations. The RCSU comptroller will be responsible to account for the provisions of the following Public and Non- Public services until NCSM Québec is completely reverted to the landlord/contractor in accordance with the Finaneial Administration Manual (FAM) Chapter 1014-2 Comptrollership Roles and Responsibilities: a, Account for personnel Pay: b. Claims; shier’s operations; 4. Small contracts (lease vehicles, moving companies, ete); e DRMIS and invoices; f_Non-Publie Fund accounting; D-S/7 A0393094_22-A-2013-01091--002 g. RGDF; and nh Audit, TECHNICAL SERVICES 17. Concept of Operations. Although most technical services will be required until 31 May 13, Technical Services functions will be streamlined and consolidated, commencing as early as possible before the cessation of the CSTC. 5 GSS Technical services support include the Base Technical Services Officer (BTSO) and the following functions: a. Telecommunications: see Appendix 2; b. Construction engineering: Normal CE support (if'and when required) will continue until 31 May 13, albeit at a reduced pace. Because most facilities are leased, this level of activities will be minimized; ce. Supply: (1) Supply support includes local procurement services, customer account functions, distribution of publications, issues/receipts of material to/from first-line accounts and provision of second-line support to Cadet establishment and at times, other DND units. These functions will be reduced following the 2012 CSTC and terminate on 31 May 13. All the CSTC support material and funetions following Aug 2012 will be re- distributed to the other supply support detachments in accordance MIP with the following tasks in mind: the (a) 100% stocktaking to be conducted on all SCAs; (b) Outstanding items due in must be accounted for; (c) Advise DSCO prior closing the SCAs; (4) Close non essential SCAs as early as possible: (©) Only the essential items for continuation of operations will remain ‘on open SCAs; (0) Alltemporary loans will be reviewed and recalled when it is no longer required; (g)__ All write-off will be verified and hastened on outstanding items; and D-6/17 A0393094_23-A-2013-01091--002 (h) All CSTC support material belonging to CCO, will be re- distributed to other CSTCs. (2) Disposal: Local disposal will be coordinated with the local CADC office; (3) Serial Number Form: all unused serial number controlled and classified documents have to be verified and shipped as per the MIP; (4) Weapons: All weapons will be conditioned and redistributed as required by DSSPM with the help of D Cats & JCR as per instructions; (5) Clothing: All clothing will be re-distributed to various CSTCs. Any worn out clothing will be disposed of on site: (6) Logistik Unicorp Clothing online: Clothing/garments ordering for the last year of the CSTC operation will be kept to a minimum and to be re- Uistributed to various CSTCs by 31 Aug 12; to the Eastern Region for them to be retained for auditing purposes: (8) Consumption points: The replacement will cease and existing material will be drawn down, A central point will be kept only for high tum over materials that are needed (ie. PP&S, etc); (7) Auditable Documents: All supply auditable documents will be forwarded ) (9) Ammunition: All surplus of ammunition if any will be reported to their appropriate Region and the allocation for the SCA ammo account will be zero'd out; (10) Publications: All subscriptions will be cancelled. All publications plate numbers will be cancelled on the effective closing date and all classified publications will be mustered, verified and shipped to RCSU(E); and (11) Vehicles: All cadet vehicles coded ZX will be declared surplus to D Cats & JCR for re-distribution to other CSTCs. All vehicle code ZS on Temp loan will be returned to their appropriated location. 4. Transportation: Once all the courses are transferred to other locations, then there will not likely be any significant savings but rather a small inerease in air transportation costs directly related to this closure. However, the charter flights that operate to transport cadets to and from NCSM Québec are presently being reviewed with the intention of reducing costs, The savings associated with this review are likely to result in more substantial savings. There is likely to be a small savings in associated costs, such as ground transportation to and from the airport and escort personnel, There is also likely to be a reduction in costs associated with transporting cadets within and between local training areas. This reduction would D-7/17 A0393094_24-A-2013-01091--002 D-8/17 be as a result of: fewer vehicles required transporting cadets; fewer staff vehicles required, fewer drivers; fewer CSTC transportation functions such as vehicle dispatchers, MSE safety, contracting and finance; and lower vehicle maintenance costs; Maintenance: TBC General Safety: TBC; and ironment: TBC, A0393094_25-A-2013-01091--002 Annexe D 1085-50-1 (D Cad 2) 12 Avril 2012 PLAN DE MISE EN (EUVRE ET CONCEPT DES OPERATIONS EN VUE DE LA FERMETURE DU CIEC NCSM QUEBEC INTRODUCTION 18, Le présent plan découle d’une directive du Vice-chef d’état-major de la Défense (VCEMD) selon laquelle il faut procéder a un examen stratégique afin d’entreprendre une valuation interne pour donner suite aux possibles compressions de 5,25 millions de dollars dont fera objet le programme des Organisations des cadets du Canada. L’examen a permis de déterminer que la fermeture du Centre d’instruction d’été des cadets (CIEC) NCSM QUEBEC et le transfert des cadets vers d’autres CIEC serait I'une des nombreuses solutions efficaces qui pourraient étre mises en ceuvre pour atteindre cet objectif. Le NCSM QUEBEC méne également des activités permanentes et offre des services d’entretien des bateaux, d’entreposage et @instruction locale. La poursuite de ces activités sur ee site nous obligerait 4 négocier un nouveau bail pour les installations ou & transférer ces activités & un autre endroit. De plus, dans le cadre des conditions de location, "Unité régionale de soutien des cadets (URSC) Est peut demander d’utiliser les installations pour les repas, instruction et les réunions & un tarif réduit, CONTEXTE - L‘annonce de la fermeture du NCSM QUEBEC n’a pas été faite avant la rédaction du présent plan par le Directeur ~ Cadets et Rangers juniors eanadiens (RIC) et sans avoir consulté des experts en la matiére et sans avoir fixé une tarification extérieure ni obtenu une confirmation. est essentiel de comprendre que ce plan stratégique ne sert qu’aux fins d’évaluation et qu'il sera élaboré en fonction de la directive et de l’annonce du gouvernement, 20. Le NCSM QUEBEC poursuivra ses activités jusqu’a la fin de l'instruction d’été en 2012. Les autres activités permanentes se poursuivront jusqu’a ce que le bail de location actuel prenne fin le 31 mai 2013. BUT 21, Le présent plan vise 4 fournir les détails requis pour le document de référence A en vue de réaliser la fermeture du NCSM Q * d'ici le 31 mai 2013 tout en respectant la directive du VCEMD qui figure dans le document de référence B, Le 19 avril 2005, le CEMD a fix¢ le nombre maximal d’inscriptions 24 800 cadets par année pour le CLEC. Plus précisément, cela se traduit pour le CIEC par : a, 22.300 cadets en formation (nombre maximum); D-9/17 A0393094_26-A-2013-01091--003 b. 2.500 cadets-cadres; c. 13 500 couchettes d’ HYPOTHESES 22. Le présent plan suppose que a, Les exigences liges au service de soutien établies en vertu du marché pour les activités d’instruction du NCSM QUEBEC avant sa fermeture demeureront aux niveaux actuels jusqu’a ce que le marché prenne fin le 31 mai 2013. b. _ Onestime un cotit unique de fermeture et de disposition de 540 700 dollars (appendice 1). ¢. Un financement suffisant des cotits de fonctionnement et d’entretien, de fermeture et de disposition pour 2013 sera puisé a méme le fonds supplémentaire provenant du VCEMD afin de couvrir les dépenses liges & la réduction et a la fermeture du site, y compris la dépollution environnementale, s'il y a lieu, et ensemble des colits différentiels ligs au 5° Groupe de soutien de secteur (5 GSS), & la Base des Forces canadiennes (BFC) Valcartier, & la BFC Bagotville, au NCSM ONTARIO. et au NCSM ACADIA en ce qui concerne leur capacité a appuyer le transfert des activités, 4. La fermeture du site se fera progressivement et des activités de consolidation seront menées d’ici le 1* septembre 2012. Le processus de fermeture du site accéléra par la suite, Celui-ci aura lieu du 1% septembre 2012 au 31 mai 2013. sa e. Toute demande d’approvisionnement supplémentaire présentée par les autres CIEC sera couverte en vertu du Plan d’investissement (Infrastructure) ou du plan de financement des projets mineurs de construction de nouvelles infrastructures du Sous-ministre adjoint (Infrastructure et environnement) [SMA(IE)]. f Une augmentation de la capacité du CIEC de fagon ce qu'elle atteigne les niveaux fixés par le CEMD mentionnés préeédemment sera gérée au moyen du Plan d’investissement (Infrastructure) et un financement supplémentaire sera accordé pour le programme de base des RIC et des cadets, au besoin. PORTEE. 23. Voici la portée du présent plan + a, Charger ’'URSC(Est) de rédiger un plan principal de mise en ceuvre d ‘comprenant un calendrier de mise en ceuvre et de retrait. D-10/17 A0393094_27-A-2013-01091--003 b. Transfirer les responsabilités requises pour assurer un appui continu aux organisations de cadets. c. Determiner les coats de mise en ceuvre répartis par CIEC (appendice 1), d. rendre les dispositions nécessaires en vue du retour progressif des infrastructures exeédentaires a lentrepreneur et du retrait de I’équipement résultant de la fermeture du CIEC. €. _Déterminer les exigenees liges au service de soutien en vue de la fermeture du NCSM QUEBEC et des unités, et des fonctions prises en charge par le 5 G qui doivent étre assumées par les bases de soutien désignées. f Conelure les accords sur les niveaux de service appropriés et procéder & la révision de ceux-ci afin qu’ils reflétent les niveaux de responsabilité des bases de soutien désignées & —_Déterminer les intéréts de propriété et les ententes qui doivent étre annulés, révisés ou prolongés avec I’autorité appropriée, h. Ajuster de fagon progressive le nombre d”employés affecté au NCSM QUEBEC et déterminer les répercussions générales de cette mesure sur les ressources humaines. i. laborer un Plan de communication des Affaires publiques complet et mettre en oeuvre de celui-ci avant l’annonce de la fermeture puisque cette nouvelle causera de la controverse. i ILy aura quelques conséquenc s imprévues. k. Manques 4 gagner (pressions budgétaires découlant des retards), 24. Le NCSM QUEBEC cessera ses activités le 31 mai 2013. Apres cette date, la fonction instruction du CIEC sera assumée par la BFC Bagotville, la BEC Valeartier, le NCSM ONTARIO et le NCSM ACADIA. Les détails figurent a l'appendice 3. La fonction de soutien aux corps et aux escadrons locaux devra étre ineluse dans un nouveau bail ou étre transférée vers d’autres sites situés dans la région. Les bateaux seront transférés vers d’autres CIEC qui offrent de Pinstruction dans le domaine de la navigation & voile tel qu’il est déterming par le Directeur — Cadets et Rangers juniors canadiens. 25. Phases de fermeture. On prévoit mettre en place une approche de fermeture progressive : Phase | - Planification : 1" octobre 2011 au 1 juin 2012 D-L/7 A0393094_28-A-2013-01091--003 (1) Achévement de Manalyse et du Plan de mise en auvre principal ~ 1" juin 2012. (2) Le NCSM QUEBEC poursuivra ses activités jusqu’au 31 mai 2013 (3) Uninventaire doit aire réalisé dans immeédiat avant que le plan du CIEC pour 2012 décrivant la portée et les taches liges au processus de fermeture, et contenant un inventaire détaillé du matériel ne soit produit. b. Phase I - Réducti 1% mars 2013 1n progressive des activités : 1" septembre 2012 au (1) Le 5 GSS continuera d’appuyer le NCSM QI de fermeture et assurera la liaison avec d’autres bases de soutien au pour le transfert des biens a dautres CIE c. Phase IIT — Transfert des cours offerts aux cadets : 1% septembre au 31 décembre 2012 (1) Réduction du soutien du commandement ou du soutien inutile non requis pour le CIEC ou encore des dépenses inutiles qui n’appuient pas directement les activités du CIEC. Le Directeur - Cadets et Rangers juniors canadiens effectuera le remaniement du personnel en fonction du remaniement des cadets d. Phase [V ~ Fermeture finale : 1" mars au 31 mai 2013 (1) Effectuer les procédures de fermeture du I* mars au 31 mai 2013. Cela comprend 60 jours pour les déplacements et 32 jours pour les activités diverses et les imprévus. COMMANDEMENT ET CONTROLE 26. Les relations de commandement et controle changeront en fonction des responsabilités quant a la garde du NCSM QUEBEC pendant le processus de fermeture, tel qu'il est décrit ci-aprés et tel qu'il est détaillé dans le plan principal de mise en ceuvre a venir. 27. Les politiques et les procédures du SMA(IE) en ce qui concerne les principales infrastructures et les volets logistiques du présent plan, y compris la formulation de directives en ‘matiére de gestion pour la dépollution environnementale, s'il ya lieu, et les exigences en matiére de garde restent en vigueur. 28. Le emdt de 'URSC (Est) prend le commandement du NCSM QUEBEC tandis que le cindt 5 GSS est responsable du soutien au CIEC. Toutefois, le D Cad & RIC est responsable de la consolidation et de la fermeture du NCSM QUEBEC; il assure ainsi I"ensemble de la D-12/17 A0393094_29-A-2013-01091--003 coordination et des décisions. Le D Cad 5 agira a titre de bureau de premiére responsabi général pour la fermeture du NCSM QUEBEC, au nom du D Cad & RIC. 29. Bien que 'URSC (Est) déploiera tous les efforts nécessaires pour que la fermeture se réalise de fagon efficiente et efficace, toutes les dépenses associées & la fermeture du NCSM. QUEBEC seront saisies dans un compte centralisé au QGDN (codage financier fourni en temps opportun). Toutes les dépenses de plus de 1 000 $ nécessiteront I’approbation du D Cad & RIC avant que tout engagement en matiere de financement soit pris. 30. Pendant la période couverte par la transition menant a la fermeture, on prévoit que tout le soutien d’approvisionnement régional sera maintenu jusqu’a la fin du marché en vertu du méme concept de commandement et contrdle en vigueur. SERVICES ADMINISTRATIFS 31. — Fonds non publics : le matériel et le mobilier des FNP, y compris les biens non publics ecclésiastiques, seront redistribués. Le contréle des inventaires des biens non publies doit demeurer au sein de 'URSC Est jusqu’a ce que des instructions soient données quant a Télimination ou la redistribution. 32. Sécurité : Ie soutien de la Sécurité et police militaire (SEPM) est actuellement limite, stant donné qu’une partie des effectifs militares est présente sur les lieu: pendant la journée. Toutefois, durant la phase de cléture, il est essentiel qu’une couverture soit maintenue 24 heures ur 24, 7 jours sur 7, afin de protéget les biens et le personnel du MDN, et de garantir application dun programme efficace en matiere de prévention de la criminali la police civile locale sur les lieux est trés limitée. Elle n’est done pas en mesure de garantir quotidiennement les services de police et de sécurité qui sont normalement fournis dans les établissements du MDN. De plus, pendant les activités de consolidation et de cléture, la sécurité ete cone des bens pouraient saxo problématiques Les iens sont en effet susceptbles etre perdus. volés, élimings de maniére incorrecte ou encore vandalisés. La présence de la police militaire (PM) sera par conséquent trés importante pendant cette période pour la protection des biens du MDN. Les méthodes qui seront employées pour pallier ce probléme sont énumérées ci-apres : a. tous les membres du personnel ayant un lien avec les cadets du CIEC/NCSM QUEBEC seront informés quant aux régles existantes en cas de vol de biens appartenant au gouvernement; b, la PM assurera la surveillance du transit des véhicules sur les sites des cadets du NCSM QUEBEC. Des contréles aléatoires occasionnels sur certains véhicules seront envisagés afin de prévenir le pillage ou le vol; €. _ ace’s aux bitiments au moyen de clés, & I’intérieur comme a l’extérieur, fera objet d’un contrdle rigoureux. Les serrures et cylindres seront changés au besoin; D-13/7 A0393094_30-A-2013-01091--003 des lieux 4 entreposage seront désignés pour le matériel exeédentaire. Ils seront limités au strict minimum, afin ”optimiser la sécurité et le contrdle des déplacements; e. les contrdles de sécurité efifectués par les BPR des batiments et par les agents de la PM seront renforeés le cas échéant; et f. les batiments situes l’extérieur des zones d’accés surveillées par la base (p. ex., section GC) devront faire l'objet dune attention particuliére pendant et aprés les heures normales de travail. 33. Contraleur : le contréleur de I" URSC Est continuera 4 fournir ensemble des services de comptabilité correspondant aux opérations de contrdle habituelles. Le controleur de 'URSC sera chargé de tenir la comptabilité des services publics et non publics énumérés ci-aprés, et c jusqu’a ce que le NCSM QUEBEC soit entiérement remis au propriétaire/fournisseur, aux termes du Manuel d’administration financiére (MAF), chapitre 1014-2, Roles et responsabilités de la fonction de contréleur a, salaires du personnel: b. _ plaintes; ©. opérations du caissier; 4, petits marehés (location de véhicules, entreprises de déménagement, ete. | e. — SIGRD et factures; | f. comptabilité des fonds non publics: g — SRDG:et | h. _vérifications SERVICES TECHNIQUES 34. Concept des opérations. Bien que la plupart des services techniques soient requis jusqu’au 31 mai 2013, les fonctions des Services techniques seront simplifiges et consolidées le plus t6t possible avant la fermeture du CIEC. Le soutien des Services techniques du 5 GSS comprend I'officier des services techniques de la base ainsi que les fonetions suivantes a, 18écommunications : voir annexe 2; b, _génie construction : le soutien habituel de génie construction (GC), si requis, se poursuivra jusqu’au 31 mai 2013, bien qu’é un rythme réduit. Etant donné que la D-14/17 A0393094_31-A-2013-01091--003 D-1S/17 plupart des installations sont louées, le niveau d’activité sera restreint au minimum; approvisionnement (1) Le soutien en matiére d’approvisionnement comprend les services d’achat Jocaux, les fonctions de compte client, la distribution des publications, envoi/la réception de matériel vers/depuis des comptes de premiére ligne, de méme qu’ un soutien de deuxigme ligne au Centre de cadets et, & occasion, & d'autres unités du MDN. Ces fonctions seront moins nombreuses aprés le CIEC 2012 et se termineront le 31 mai 2013. Au terme du mois d'aoat 2012, l'ensemble du matériel et des fonctions de soutien du CIEC seront redistribués aux autres détachements de soutien en ‘matiére d’approvisionnement, conformément au plan principal de mise en ceuvre. Cela concerne les taches ci-aprés : (a) le dénombrement complet des stocks sera effectué sur tous les CCA; (b) _lesarticles non rendus devront étre comptabilisés; (ce) avertir DOCA avant de fermer les CCA; (a) fermer les CCA qui ne sont pas indispensables le plus t6t possible; (©) seuls les articles indispensables pour la poursuite des opérations seront conservés sur des CCA ouverts; (tous les préts temporaires seront contrdlés et feront objet de rappels sils ne sont plus requis; (g) toutes les radiations seront contrdlées et les articles en suspens feront objet de rappels: et (h) tout le matériel de soutien du CIEC appartenant a I’Organisation des cadets du Canada sera redistribué 4 d'autres CIEC. (2) Elimination ; [’élimination au niveau local sera organisée de concert avec Je bureau local du Centre de distribution des biens de la Couronne. (3) Formulaires portant un numéro de série : tous les documents inutilisés portant un numéro de série ayant été contrdlés et archivés doivent étre examinés et expédigs conformément au plan principal de mise en ceuvre. (4) Armes : toutes les armes seront remises en fonction et redistribuées, tel que lexige la Direction - Administration du programme de ’équipement A0393094_32-A-2013-01091--003 D-16/17 du soldat, avec l'aide du D Cad & RIC, et ce, conformément aux instructions. (5) ‘Vétements : tous les vétements seront redistribués a différents CIEC, a exception des vétements usés, qui seront élimings sur pl (6) Vétements en ligne de Logistik Unicorp : les commandes de vétements effectuées pendant la derniére année d’opération du CIEC se limiteront au strict nécessaire. Ces vétements seront ensuite redistribués a différents CIEC a compter du 31 aoitt 2012. (7) Documents vérifiables : tous les documents vérifiables seront transmis a la région de l'Est afin d’étre conservés pour des fins de vérification. (8) Points de consommation : le matériel existant sera écoulé et ne sera plus remplaeé. Un point central sera conservé uniquement pour le matériel qui doit étre renouvelé en permanence (p. ex., fournitures de bureau, ete.). (9) Munitions : la présence d’éventuelles munitions excédentaires sera ‘communiquée & la région compétente et I’allocation pour le compte CCA des munitions sera remise a zéro. (10) Publications : tous les abonnements seront annulés. Tous les numéros de plaque des publications seront annulés & la date de fermeture et toutes les publications archivées seront rassemblées, vérifiges et expédiges a ' URSC Est. (11) Véhicules : tous les vehicules de cadets assortis du code ZX seront dgelarés comme exeédentaires au D Cad & RIC afin d’étre redistribués & d'autres CIEC. Tous les véhicules assortis du code ZS en prét temporaire seront retournés aux sites appropriés. Transport : une fois que tous les cours auront été transférés sur les autres sites, il nne faudra pas s*attendre a des économies notables, mais bien A une Iégére hausse des cotits du transport aérien directement lige & la fermeture du CIEC. Toutefois, les vols nolisés utilis¢s pour transporter les cadets jusqu’au NCSM QUEBEC et depuis ce dernier font actuellement l'objet d’un examen dans I objectif de réduire les coats. Les résultats de cet examen pourraient se traduire par des économies plus importantes. II est possible que de petites économies puissent étre réalisées sur les coats connexes, tels que les frais générés par le transport terrestre jusqu’a agroport et depuis ce dernier, de méme que les frais générés par le personnel accompagnant. Une réduetion des coiits associée au transport des cadets dans le périmétre des sites de formation locaux et entre ces derniers est également attendue. Cette économie pourrait s’expliquer par la diminution du nombre de véhicules nécessaires au transport des cadets et du personnel, ainsi que du nombre de conducteurs, par la suppression de certaines fonctions du CIEC en matiére de A0393094_33-A-2013-01091--003 D-I7N7 transport telles que les répartiteurs de véhicules et les personnes chargées de la sécurité du matériel roulant, des marchés et des finances, et enfin, par la réduction des cotits d’entretien des véhicules. Entretien : & confirmer; Sécurité générale : & confirmer; et Wironnement : 4 confirmer. A0393094_34-A-2013-01091--003 Appendix 1 Annex D 1085-50-1 (D Cats 2) 12 April 2012 Potential Costs for CSTC Alignment (Rough Order of Monte) ‘Quebec (Lease = as long as ne early termination ten no impact anticiptoa) ‘Closure Reaurements. Inventory CSTC = 30 days x2 pers s $ Paci up and load equpment for redistribution = 90 days x10 pers 5 5 Disposal of BER/Surpis lo requrementsnon-costefectve move equipment and doting 42-5185 $8990 Closure cooranator 120 days x1 ore yo § © 210 $ 25200 Ske closure astesement and mitigation before return to Leaser = 30 days x2 pers 60 «$1858 0.000. = “raenContiner ena = 40 30 day rental 8 as 10000 Transportation cost = 8,000 pe unt 4 $1000 $4000 Packaging marisa equpmont rentals + -$ 25000 § 25.000 $— F5000 F1s5.550 ACADIA ‘Total aye ORD Ta “ansiaton (Al nswucbos, SOP. and St Or wi equre Yansiaton) 1S e000 $00,000 Sutra rewew 1 LN x i20 day) to $405 $0800 Inestocure optimiza (1 LAN) x80 days) $65 § 8.800 “ring Asset opm (LUN) 60 day) oo § e5_§ 8000 oO onan “Toe ay OROL Toad ‘Transition (At insets, SOP, an Sts Or wt egure Yansation) Soon s 30000 ‘Sucre revew (LN #30 aye) so $15 $4850 inrasteture opumizaon (1 LAN) 20 days) wm $s $4880 “ranng Asset optmzston (1 LUN) x 60 oS) $e Goon oo ORGANIZATIONAL Planning Sessions RegNaUPWGSC sat 4 $ 48000 $ 90.000 IMT aastcture (Annex. Append 2) + $ 3100 $31.00 jon Ota Languages Cord (1 LN) x 95 das) + $ 75000 § 75.000 Contingency + $ e000 60.000 ToTAL A0393094_35-A-2013-01091--003 Appendice 1 ‘Annexe D 1085-50-1 (D Cad 2) 12 avril 2012 ‘Gouts possibles de Falinnement du CIEC (re de grandeur spproximati ns lies a fermetuse Inventare du GIEC = 20 jours x2 pere $9908 Emballage ot chargement du materiel en vue dela redistrbuton = 20 jours x 10 pers 300 1285 sa400§ Etminaton des reparations non retablesdu sus pat rappel aux besanaldeplacement du maténa ot es vetements uti 42 15S 0.0305 Coordonmatour des fermetire 120 jours x1 pors 20 210 § 25200 8 Evauaton de la fermeture ste et mesures Catenuaton avant de evens au ocsteur = 39 jours x2 pers 60 165 §_9.900 30350 § wont cru Location de romorques/conteneurs» 40x 30 Jour de locaton 2 250 $10,000 § (Coot du wanspor = 1 000 § par unt 40 4,000 $ 40,000 § Matai! Sombalage et location equipement 1 25.000 § ‘Traducton (outs es diectives, les IPO at es ondres permanent devant re radu) [Examen de a stucture (1 Lv x 120 ours) (Optimisation de Finrasructure (1 Lv 60 jours) CSptmsation des ressources de formation (1 Lv x 60 jours) ONTARIO “Traduction (outes les cractves es IPO ot es ores prmanents devront Gre wads) Examen de a stucture (1 Lv 30 urs) COptimsation de finastruture (1 Uv 30 jou) Optimsation des ressources de formation (1 Lv x 60 jours) ‘ORGANISATION Sessions de planifcation a intention du personnel regional, national et de TSPGC 4 15.000 § 60000 § Intastucture dia GIT (annoxe C,appertice 2) 1 31000 § 31.000 § Coordennateur de la trensitondes langues offi (1 Lv x 365 ours) 1 75000 § © 75,000 § Urgences 1 60000 $ _60,000 § 726,000 § TOTAL mae | A0393094_36-A-2013-01091--004 Appendix 2 Annex D 1085-50-1 (D Cats 2) 12 April 2012 CSTC NCSM QUEBEC CLOSURE IM/IT Task OPI Duration Costs Coordination with 5 GSS for the removal of DWAN infrastructure equipment (patch panels, cables, servers, etc.); tol laude at oe, $500 Removal of DWAN infrastructure 5.GSS 2 days s2k Removal of CCO Net infrastructure “| ADMaM)/DHRIM 11 | 2days $2K Removal of IT equipment and ship to RESU (Easter): ~— | ADM(M)/ DHRIM 11 3 days $3K Identification of any required CCO Net infrastructure upgrades at each receiving CSTC (HMCS Ontario, HMCS Acadia, Valcartier | ADM(IM) / DHRIM 11 3 days $3K and Bagoluille) to accommodate additional users Coordination with each support base for potential upgrades to | the DWAN infrastructure to accommodate additional users ea eo ow | DWAN infrastructure upgrade at each CSTC — As required Support Bases 5 days $10K (CO Net infrastructure upgrade at each CSTC —As required | _ADM(IM)/DHRIM 11 5 days $10K : : [TOTAL $31k A0393094_37-A-2013-01091--004 Appendice 2 Annexe D 1085-50-1 (D Cad 2) 12 avril 2012 FERMETURE DU CIECM NCSM QUEBEC - GI/TI Tache BPR Durée Coats Coordination avec le 5 GSS du retrait du matériel de infrastructure du RED (panneaux de raccordement, cables, SMA(GI) / DSGPM 11 0,5 jour 500 serveurs, etc.); Retrait de l'infrastructure du RED 5 GSS 2 jours 2k$ Retrait de infrastructure du Réseau des OCC SMA(GI) / DSGPM 11 2 jours 2S Retrait du matériel de TI et envoi a 'URSC(Est) SMA(GI) / DSGPM 11 3 jours 3kS Détermination de toutes les mises a niveau requises pour Vinfrastructure du Réseau des OCC a chaque emplacement responsable du CIEC (NCSM Ontario, NCSM Acadia, Valcartier | SMA(GI)/ DSGPM 11 3 jours 3k$ et Bagotville) afin de répondre aux besoins des utilisateurs supplémentaires Coordination avec chaque base de soutien relativement aux mises a niveau possibles de I'infrastructure du RED afin de SMA(GI) / DSGPM 14 0,5 jour 500 $ repondre aux besoins des utilisateurs suppiémentaires Mise a niveau de l'infrastructure du RED a chaque CIEC - Au besoin Bases de soutien 5 jours 10k$ Mise a niveau de linfrastructure du Réseau des OCC a chaque CIEC — Au besoin SMA(GI) / DSGPM 11 5 jours 10 k$ TOTAL 31k$ A0393094_38-A-2013-01091--004 ‘Appendix 3 ‘Appendice 3 Annex D Annex D 1085-50-1 (D Cats 2) 1085-50-1 (D Cats 2) 12 April2012 12 April 2012 783 [Basic Seamanship / Matelotage élémentaire {Ship Boat Operator / Opérateur embarcation legere. Boatswain Mate / Mare de manceuvre Basic Dil & Ceremonial /Exercice milfaire et ceremonial 6lementaire [Drill and Ceremonial Instructor /" Instructeur d’exercice militaire et de ceremonial - Watearter Za [General Traming? Instruction générale: [Basic Fitness and Sports / Conditionnement physique et sports élémentaire [Fitness and Sports instructor / Instructeur de conditionnement physique et sports: [Air Rifle Marksmanship insiucior/insructeut de tr de précision a la carabine & ait compre [ONTARIO Te basic Sail / Voile élémentaire intermediate Sail Vole mtermédiare [Sail Coach /Entraineur de vole Siver Sail/ Vole argent [Bagotville 26 [Military Band Intermediate Musician Musique miltaire - musicien intemédiaire JOUADRA a [Shipwright / Charpentier de maring Ss Sa RETURNER Ese BR RP INNO OC A0393094_39-A-2013-01091--004 Annex E, 1085-50-1 (D Cats 2) 12 April 2012 IMPLEMENTATION PLAN AND CONCEPT OF OPERATIONS FOR CLOSURE OF PENHOLD CSTC INTRODUCTION 1. This plan results from a VCDS directive to carry out a strategic review in order to undertake an internal assessment to meet the possible cuts to the program of $5.25M. The review has identified that the closure and relocation of the cadets from Penhold CSTC to other CSTCs is one of several other effective options to meet this goal. BACKGROUND 2 The announcement of the closure of Penhold was not made before this plan was conceived by the Directorate Céts & JCR without any consultation with SMEs and without any outside pricing or confirmation. It is imperative to understand that this strategic plan is for assessment only and would be developed further upon directive and government announcement. 3. Penhold CSTC will con 31 Aug 14, inue to operate until the expiry of the current lease contract on AIM 4. The aim of this plan is to provide some details required at Reference A to achieve the closure of Penhold CSTC by 31 Aug 14 while maintaining the CDS directive at Reference B. On 19 Apr 05 the CDS set the maximum attendance of up to 24,800 cadets annually to attend CSTC. Specifically, for CSTC this translates to: 22,300 Cadets under training (maximum); 2,500 Staff Cadets; and ¢. 13,500 in-house training bunks. E-1/9 A0393094_40-A-2013-01091--004 ASSUMPTIONS 5. This plan assumes that: a. The support requirements as per the contract for Penhold training activities prior to closure will remain at current levels until contract expiry 31 Aug 14; b. The support requirements as per the contract for Penhold storage facilities prior to closure will remain at current levels until contract expiry 30 Aug 15: c. One time closing and disposal cost are estimated at $559K (see details contained at Appendix 1 to this annex); d. Sufficient funding for O&M, closing, and disposal costs for 2015 will be available from within the VCDS-derived supplementary funds to cover reduction and closure expenses, including environmental cleanup if required, and any incremental costs to 4 Wing Cold Lake, Albert Head, or Vernon in its capacity t0 support the transfer: ¢. The closure will occur in four phases, with consolidation activities proceeding during the period up to 1 Apr 13, and final closeout actions accelerating in the period from | Apr 13 to 31 Aug 14. The period beyond 31 Aug 14 will involve additional custodial activities with the storage/supply facility only as per the contract; f. Any additional supply expansion required at the other CSTCs will be covered under the WBS structures for VCDS GP Minor Constructions projects; g. Any additional kitchen expansion required at the other CSTCs will be added under the WBS structures for VCDS GP Minor Constructions projects; and h. An inerease of CSTC capacity back to the CDS levels mentioned at para 5 will be handled through WBS structures for VCDS GP Minot Constructions projects and additional fund allocation to the JCR & Cadets baseline as required SCOPE 6. The scope of this plan is as follows: RCSU(Pra): prepare a detailed MIP to include timelines for implementation and divestment; b. The transfer of responsibilities required to ensure continuity of support to the cadet organizations: ¢. Identification of implementation costs broken down by CSTC (Appendix 1); E29 A0393094_41-A-2013-01091--004 4. Arrangements for the gradual release of surplus infrastructure back to the ‘contractor and the disposition of equipment resulting from the closure of the Te; €. Identification of the support requirements for the closure of Penhold, and of units and functions supported by CFB Edmonton and 4 Wing Cold Lake, which must be assumed by the designated Support Bases; f, Identification of the appropriate SLAs and revise to reflect the designated Support Bases responsibility levels: g. Identification of property interests and agreements which must be cancelled, revised, or extended with appropriate authority; h, Phased adjustment to the manning of Penhold and overall impact on Human Resources; i Extensive Public Affairs Communication Plan to be developed and implemented before the announcement of the closure as this news will be controversial (Annex F); j. Some unforeseen impacts; and k, — Shortfalls (budget pressures arising from delays). CONCEPT OF CLOSURE 7. CSTC Penhold will cease operations on 31 Aug 14. Following that date, the annual improvement fees for 2014 of $175K will be used to extend the contract after the summer CSTC for the duration of the moving out activities (approx 60 days). 8. The supply portion of the contract will remain self-supporting until Aug 15, by which ime most of the permanent personnel will be relocated or laid-off and the facility reverted to the landlord, 9. Post closure, cadet training function will be transferred to Cold Lake CSTC, Vernon CSTC, and Albert Head CSTC. The plan is outlined at Appendix 3. 10. Closure of Penhold includes the following facilities: HQ and Support Facilities a. Building 8 ~ Quarters/Offices/WIC Building 12 —Quarters/Offices A0393094_42-A-2013-01091--004 E4/9 ¢ a. Building 14 — Kitchen/Dining/Canteens Building 36 ~ Supply Building 39 — Administration/Training Accommodation facilities f 8 h Building 3 ~ Adult Staff Quarters/Training Building 4 — Adult Staff/Cadet Quarters Building 8 ~ Adult Staff Quarters Building 10 ~ Cadet quarters Building 11 - Cadet Quarters/Training k. Building 12 - Cadet Quarters/Offices Training fas L P. Building 3 — Music training Classrooms Buil 1g 7 — Music training. Building 1 — Cadet Quarters/Training Building 18 ~ Music Training Hangar 6 ~ Dri Rifle Range/Classrooms Canteen facilities 4. Building 14 ~ Course, Staff Cadet and Adult Staff Canteens Closure Phases. A four phased closure approach is intended: a Phase I-Planning: 1 Oct 11-1 Jun 12 (1) Complete the analysis and Master Implementation Plan — 1 Jun 12; (2) Penhold will remain operational until the 31 Aug 14. The streamline phase will begin immediately after the announcement of the closure and A0393094_43-A-2013-01091--004 {ast until complete closure. ‘This means that there will still be a CSTC in operation during the last summer of the contract; and (3) Immediate inventory must be carried out before the 2012 CSTC detailing scope, tasks involved in the closure, and producing a detailed material inventory manifest b. Phase I~ Thin out: | Sep 14—1 Jun 15 (1) 4 Wing Cold Lake, CFB Edmonton, and CFB Esquimalt remain the designated support bases for the CSTC of Cold Lake, Vernon, and Albert Head. This is understood to include the provision of time-limited support to Penhold during the closeout but ongoing and increased responsibility and support to the other CSTC as the influx of additional cadets and staff is transferred permanently to the other CSTCs. Phase Ill ~ Cadet course transfer: 1 Sep 14-31 Dec 14 (1) Reduce Command-support, or unnecessary support not required for the CSTC, or unnecessary expenses not in direct support to the CSTC. d. Phase IV ~ Final closeout: 1 Jun 15-31 Aug 15 (1) Conduct closure procedures from 1 Jun 15 until 31 Aug 15. This includes ‘60 days movements and 30 days mise and contingencies. COMMAND AND CONTROL 12. The command and control relationships will change in respect of the custodial responsibilities of Penhold during the closure, as described below and as detailed in the forthcoming MIP. 13. ADM(IE) policies and procedures relating to key infrastructure and logisties aspects of this plan, including the provision of management direction for environmental cleanup if required and the custodial requirements remains in effect. 14, CO RCSU(Pra) exercises command over Penhold CSTC. The B Comd CFB Edmonton and Cold Lake are responsible for the support of the CSTC. However, D Cats & JCR is responsible for the consolidation and close out of Penhold, ensuring overall coordination and. decisions. D Cats 5 will assume the overarching OPI for the Penhold closure, on behalf of, D Cats & JCR. 15. While RCSU (Prairies) will carry out the closure efforts for efficient and effective execution, all expenditures associated with the closure of Penhold will be captured ina centralized account in NDHQ (Financial coding to be provided in due course). All expenditures E5/9 A0393094_44-A-2013-01091--004 in excess of $1,000.00 will require D Cats & JCR approval before any funding commitments are made. 16. During the period covered in the closure transition, it is anticipated that all regional supply support will continue until the end of the contract under the same Command and Control construct as established now. ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 17. Non-public Funds: NPF equipment and furniture, including ecclesiastical Non-publi Property (NPP), will be redistributed. The control of NPP inventories shall remain with RCSU (Pra) HQ until disposal or redistribution instructions are promulgated. 18, Security: The security and Military Police (SAMP) support is currently minimal as there is a RCMP detachment on the premises. However, during the closeout phase, itis essential that 24/7 coverage be maintained to protect DND assets and personnel, and to ensure that an effective crime prevention program is enforced. ‘The local civilian police force on the premises are extremely limited and cannot be relied upon to provide the day-to-day police and secu services normally afforded to DND establishments. Additionally, a potential problem during the consolidation and closure activities will be the security and control of property to prevent losses due to theft, improper disposal, or vandalism. The presence of Military Police (MP) during that period will be very important for the protection of DND assets, The following are methods that will be employed to control this problem: a, Allleadet CSTC/Penhold related personnel will be briefed on existing regulations concerning theft of government property: Vehicular traffic transiting through the cadet areas of Penhold will be monitored by the MP. Periodic random vehicle checks will be considered as a means of discouraging pilferage or theft: €. Key access to buildings, both internal and external, will be rigidly controlled, and locks or cylinders changed where necessary; d. Main storage sites for excess material will be designated and kept to an absolute minimum to provide for increased security and control of movement: Security checks by individual building OPIs and MPs will be increased, as appropriate: and £ _Building(s) situated outside the controlled access area of the base (e.g. CE Section) will require special attention, both during and after normal working hours. E-6/9 A0393094_45-A-2013-01091--004 19. Comptroller: The RCSU(Pra) comptroller will continue to provide the full range of accounting services that are consistent with the standard Comptroller operations. The RCSU comptroller will be responsible to account for the provisions of the following Public and Non- Public services until Penhold is completely reverted to the landlord/contractor in accordance with the Financial Administration Manual (FAM) Chapter 1014-2 Comptrollership Roles and Responsibilities: a, Account for personnel Pay; b. Claims; ©. Cashier’s operations; 4. Small contracts (lease vehicles, moving companies, etc): e. DRMIS and invoices; f _Non-Public Fund accounting; g. RGDF; and h. Audit. TECHNICAL SERVICES 20. Concept of Operations. Although most technical services will be required until 31 Aug 14, Technical Services functions will be streamlined and consolidated, commencing as early as possible before the cessation of the CSTC. CFB Edmonton Technical services support include the Base Technical Services Officer (BTSO) and the following functions: a, Telecommunications: see Appendix 2; b. Construction engineering: Normal CE support (if and when required) will continue until 31 Aug 14, albeit at a reduced pace, Because most facilities are leased, this level of activities will be minimized; Supply: (1) Supply support includes local procurement services, customer account functions, distribution of publications, issues/receipts of material to/from first-line accounts and provision of second-line support to Cadet establishment and at times, other DND units. These functions will be reduced following the 2014 CSTC and terminate on 30 Aug 15. All the CSTC support material and functions following Aug 2014 will be re- distributed to the other supply support detachments in accordance with the MIP with the following tasks in mind: £79 A0393094_46-A-2013-01091--005 E-8/9 @ @) @) () 6) a” (8) 9) (a) 100% stocktaking to be conducted on all SCAs; (b) Outstanding items due in must be accounted for: (©) Advise DSCO prior closing the SCAs; (4) Close non essential SCAs as early as possible: (©) Only the essential items for continuation of operations will remain ‘on open SCAs; (2 All temporary loans will be reviewed and recalled when i longer requires no ® -off will be verified and hastened on outstanding items; (h) AIL CSTC support material belonging to CCO will be re- distributed to other SCTCs, Disposal: Local disposal will be coordinated with the local CADC office; Serial Number Form: all unused serial number controlled and classified documents have to be verified and shipped as per the MIP; ‘Weapons: All weapons will be conditioned and redistributed as required by DSSPM with the help of D Cats & JCR as pet instructions; Clothing: All clothing will be re-distributed to various CSTCs. Any worn out clothing will be disposed of on site; Logistik Unicorp Clothing online: Clothing/garments ordering for the last year of the CSTC operation will be kept to a minimum and to be re~ distributed to various CSTCs by 31 Aug 14; Auditable Documents: All supply auditable documents will be forwarded to the Prairie Region for them to be retained for auditing purposes; ‘Consumption points: The replacement will cease and existing material will be drawn down, A central point will be kept only for high turn over materials that are needed (ie. PP&S, etc); Ammunition: All surplus of ammunition if any will be reported to their appropriate Region and the allocation for the SCA ammo account will be zeto'd out; A0393094_47-A-2013-01091--005 £-9/9 (10) Publications: All subscriptions will be cancelled. All publications plate numbers will be cancelled on the effective closing date and all classified publications will be mustered, verified and shipped to RCSU(Pra); and. (11) Vehicles: All cadet vehicles coded ZX will be declared surplus to D Cats & JCR for re-distribution to other CSTCs. All vehicle code ZS on Temp loan will be returned to theit appropriate location. Transportation: Once all the courses are transferred to other locations, then there will not likely be any significant savings but rather a small increase in air transportation costs directly related to this closure. However, the charter flights that operate to transport cadets to and from Penhold are presently being reviewed with the intention of reducing costs. The savings associated with this review are likely to result in more substantial savings. There is likely to be a small savings in associated costs, such as ground transportation to and from the airport and escort personnel. ‘There is also likely to be a reduction in costs associated with transporting cadets within and between local training areas. This reduction would be as a result of: fewer vehicles required transporting cadets: fewer staff vehicles required, fewer drivers; fewer CSTC transportation functions such as vehicle dispatchers, MSE safety, contracting and finance; and lower vehicle maintenance cost Infrastructure: With the closure of Penhold and the realignment of CSTC billets to other CSTCs, we anticipate the following infrastructure impact: (1) Although Vernon CSTC has the bed capacity to accommodate the anticipated increase in cadets and staff, the old kitcher’dining facilities would not be able to sustain such an increase for a prolonged period, Currently, there is a project in the Capital Investment Plan to replace the old kitchen/dining hall bldgs in Vernon by a new facility to feed 1,000 persons/meal. With the reshuffling of CSTC billets pursuant to the closure of Penhold, the new kitchen facility would require to feed 1,500 persons/meal. (2) Assmall shortfall in staff accommodation at HMCS Quadra is also anticipated once the reshuffling of CSTC billets is completed. There is currently no infrastructure plan to alleviate this shortfall and we anticipate that the incremental staff will be lodged at CPB Comox until new accommodation infrastructure is built at HMCS Quadra in the long term, Maintenance: TBC General Safety: TBC; and ronment: TBC. A0393094_48-A-2013-01091--005 Appendix 1 Annex E 1085-50-1 (D Cdts 2) 12 April 2012 Potential Costs for $76 Alanmant ouph Orso of Maat) FPENTOLD (Lense “a org arto ey temraton en mo ect ancpted) Closure Requirements, te Ste trv STO s day x per : Pack up an bad eqaprt tr tesatbton = 60 dye x20 pare wo $e 8 te8e00 Daposalo Bervsuice fo requanentano-cost tecve move equement and doting = 21 day x5 pers foo $ te 3 tras ‘Goer cootnator 10 spe x1 per jo $m $3800 Site done assert and sigan blastn Leaser= 90 days x5 pers to $05 § Baran sees ne eeu Sea ‘eatettConiiner rata = 199» 20 dy rr too ge a00 8 200 Transporation cuts 3,000 prt foo 3000 $1000 Packaging teal ond equpmert ets ° § ancoo sas. = ‘VERNON Teta CRD To ‘Ste revow and change of nvrrment sessment = 10 ay 3 pre os ee Taring cation mous sseauen= Saye 9 prs 8 ies Pack up envrrmontal equpent fr easbaon = 30 y62 ere % 3 ters 100m Remrancog of ¢Svo= 10 caves pore te 8 Sao “ealetContines etal = 1020 ays “ranaponanon cos = 8000 per oat ALBERT HEAD She renew and change of envrement acess = 10 days pare Satara caton pact asonuent = § cy prs 8 8 8 2al0 Packup error equpmet to reatrbon = 20 ye 2 pre © $ ters wom Rewarding rosTe= 0 ay0x per fo tee 8 “tee “eatetontines ei “0 “raaponton cost= 8600 pert ‘o ‘ORcAMZATIONAL Plannna Sessore ReglasPWOSC stat 3 irttintarruere (amex, pens) ; ‘antngeny ; Tora, A0393094_49-A-2013-01091--005, “Appendix 2 ‘Annex E 1085-50-1 (D Cats 2) 12 April 2012 CSTC PENHOLD CLOSURE IM/IT Task OPI Duration | Costs Coordination with the support base (CFB Edmonton) for the removal of DWAN infrastructure equipment (patch panels, ADM(IM) / DHRIM 11 0.5 day $500 cables, servers, etc.) Removal of DWAN infrastructure CFB Edmonton 2 days $2K Removal of CCO Net infrastructure ADM(IM) / DHRIM 11 2 days s2k Removal of IT equipment and ship to RCSU (Pra): approximately 90 CCO Net laptopsiworkstations + 20 printers + | ADM(IM) / DHRIM 11 3days 33K 10 DWAN workstations Identification of any required CCO Net infrastructure upgrades at each receiving CSTC (Albert Head, Cold Lake, Vernon) to ADM(IM) / DHRIM 11 3days 83K accommodate additional users Coordination with each support base for potential upgrades to the DWAN infrastructure to accommodate additional users ea oe ow Support Base (CFB DWAN infrastructure upgrade at each CSTC ~ As required Edmonton, CFB Cold 5 days $10K Lake, CFB Esquimalt) CCO Net infrastructure upgrade at each CSTC —As required | ADM(IM)/DHRIM 11 5 days $10K TOTAL $31k A0393094_50-A-2013-01091--005 ‘Appendix 3 Annex E 1085-50-1 (D Cats 2) 42 April 2012 [UUIPEANNED MOVEMENT OF CADETS [Cold Lake Ea _ |General Training Course (E) Miltary Band - Intermediate Musician (E) [vernon | [Basic Leadership (E) _ [Pipe Band - Basic Musician (E) Pipe Band - Advanced Musician (E) [Basic Fitness and Sports (E) _ [Basic Fitness and Sports (E) Fiiness and Sports instructor) ~ [Air Rifle Marksmanship Instructor (E) [Quadra 737] Miltary Band - Basic Musician (E) Miltary Band - Advanced Musician (E) Note : Keep two week general training courses in-region. A0393094_51-A-2013-01091--005 Annex F 1085-50-1 (D Cats 2) 12 April 2012 PUBLIC AFFAIRS PLAN INTRODUCTION 1. D Cats & JCR must make several adjustments to its budgets to conform to the requirements of the SR; these form the basis of this Implementation Plan. While some changes are transparent and incremental, the planned closures of RCSU(N), NCSM Québec and Cadet Summer Training Centre (CSTC) Penhold merit their own plans, which are attached as appendices to this annex. The closure of two CSTCs will not impact the total number of cadets attending summer training, as affected cadet billets will be transferred to other locations, and all ing or two-week courses will remain in their respective regions. PLANNING ENVIRONMENT 2. During a period of economic uncertainty, the SR is one of several ongoing fiscal prudence measures, and its implementation has already begun in other departments. The current intent is for all DND/CF SR divestments to be announced collectively, including those affecting the Cadet Program, in April 2012. 3. Adding to the complexity, many Cadet units and activities are affiliated with, or dependent upon, DND/CF units and facilities that will also be affected by SR-related measures. News about divestments will travel swifily, and there will be significant potential for inaccuracy and misinformation. Since public perceptions can be at least as influential as the issues and events themselves, the requirement for accurate communication is correspondingly bi 4. In fact, despite the changes to be brought by SR, the aims and objectives of the youth programs will remain unchanged. We will still be able to deliver the full program as it existed prior to SR. Ongoing initiatives such as the Cadet Population Growth Initiative (CPGI) and the Cadet Program Update (CPU) remain fully in effect. The support of community stakeholders at all levels, including the participation of leagues, Cadets, staff, sponsors, and volunteers, is the Centre of Gravity of the Cadet Program. Effective communication is vital to its protection OBJECTIVES 5. The purpose of this plan is to communicate the implementation of SR requirements with relevant audiences by conveying accurate information, addressing concerns, and preventing misconceptions, in order help protect the integrity of the Cadet Program - with particular ‘emphasis that the routine local operations of Cadet Corps and Squadrons will remain | undiminished, and there will be no reduction in the overall numbers of Cadets sent to CSTCs as a result of SR implementation. P13 A0393094_52-A-2013-01091--005 | AUDIENCES, MESSAGES AND MEDIA (DELIVERY MEANS) 6. The following audiences will be addressed with necessary key messages and media: SEQUENCE OPL “MESSAGE(S) “MEDIA (TIMING) a3 (MEANS) 1 Dats & ICR Internal: 123.45 Teleconference apa) | Regional Comds | “Email 2 | Regional Comds Teleconference (rBa) = RCSUICSTC COs _ Email | ry DCaSeeICR | Internal: 2s in person | Announcement | RCSU/CSTC DCats/RCSU/ (collectively and Day (A-Day) COs CSTC Staff individually) 4. D Guts & ICR, Hybrid 123 Telecon; Letter A-Day RCSU COs Cadet Leagues Visits, if necessary Regional Comds External 1 Telecon; Letter Leaseholders Visits. if necessary DRC Exiemal: 123 Telecon; Letter DCdts&ICR/ | Relevant federal, | (Sitespecific | Visit, if necessary; Regional Comds territorial, and messaging in Internet content local leadership _| Appendices) 7. RESU COS; Hybrid: 123 ‘Telecon: Email: ASAP, on or Chain of Cadets, CSN CC/Sqn parade nights: post A-Day Command | officers, parents, Visits, if necessary: | { | sponsors Internet content 8. Regional External: 1,2.3 Telecon; Email; ASAP, on or Comds; RCSUICSTC (Site-Specific Letter; post A-Day | RCSUCOs | Stakeholders, Host | messaging in Visits, if necessary; ‘Communities Appendices) Internet content % ADM(PA); External: 1,23 Telecon/email; 1 ‘As Required | DGRCPA: | Media,as required | (Site-specific | Interviews, if necessary Spokespersons, | to reach other messaging in| (Reactive to query via as required audiences, Appendices) Media Ln Office) SERIAL, ee =o MESSAGE q 1 “The SR process included the review of the Cats & JCR Program to identify efficiencies in combining administrative and training functions, without adversely impacting on the Programm therefore requiring the reduction in fixed costs, and the consolidation of infrastructure, 2, __ | SR implementation will not impact negatively upon the routine local operations of Cadet ‘Corps and Squadrons. oF reduce the numbers of Cadets sent to CSTCs. |. ] These measures will be carefully implemented, monitored, and managed by the Chain of | ‘Command on an ongoing basis, to prevent harm to the overall Program — which will remain intact, with some courses and activities relocated. 4. | Inaddition to the closures of CSTC Penhold, RCSU North, and NCSM Québec, the elimination of eight full-time positions is consistent with other measures across DND and the CF, and will be distributed among national and regional HQs to limit impact to each 3. | Wherever possible, fulltime staff may be permitted to complete their contracts, and may be offered aliemnative employment, depending upon their skills and performance, F223 A0393094_53-A-2013-01091--005 7. Further, specifie-to-location guidance regarding audiences, messages, and media is listed in the respective appendices, below. ADDITIONAL PRODUCTS AND ACTIVITIES 8. The general Strategic Review announcement was made as part of the Federal Budget on 29 March 2012. Any ensuing media queries will be redirected reactively by the Media Liaison Office (MLO) to responsible agencies, including DGRC and appropriate regional commander. 9. In addition to the actions tabulated under paragraph 6, the following additional products and activities will be required for the successful implementation of this plan: a. Questions & Answers, specific to each site; b. Internet posting on, immediately upon public announcement, followed by articles in and other internal media; and ©. Face to face, “town hall” by the Chain of Command. style briefings with internal audi ices, where warranted, RESPONSIBILITIES AND COORDINATION 10. DGRC PA Senior PAO, Capt Quentin Wyne, (613) 992-1387, is OPI for the implementation of this PA plan, in coordination with the following: a. ADM(PA): Mr. Jeremy Sales, Director General DPAPML, (613) 943-5. c. VCDS: Ms. Jessie Chauhan, Senior Communication Advisor (819) 997-0214: and b, National Youth PAO: Capt Kim Banaszkiewicz, (613) 992-6865, who will coordinate with RCSU PA network. EVALUATION 11. ADM(PA) Media Monitoring and RCSU PAOs will be requested to monitor media coverage, and forward transcripts to DGRC PAO for assessment, Appendices: CSU (North)-Specific PA Plan NCSM Québec-Specific PA Plan Appendix 3: Penhold-Specific PA Plan P-3/3, A0393094_54-A-2013-01091--005 1085-50-1 (D Cals 2) 12 April 2012 PUBLIC AFFAIRS PLAN CLOSURE OF RCSU(N) INTRODUCTION 1, RCSUCN) supervises approximately 400 Army and Cadets divided among 16 Cadet Corps and Squadrons, and employs approximately 24 year-round staff. In addition, it operates CSTC Whitehorse, which trains approximately 250 predominantly Army Cadets each summer. Asa result of Strategic Review, RCSU(N) will stand down as a separate Headquarters following the 2012 summer training season, and its functions primarily transferred to RCSU Prairie. PLANNING ENVIRONME! 2. National Considerations: Since the Government of Canada's Northern Strategy known, any reduetion of DND/CF activities there may be portrayed as a retrograde or contradictory step. PA action must pre-empt this perception by emphasizing actions taken to mitigate the closure - but without straying into political terrain. idely 3. Regional Considerations: the nearest DND/CF headquarters will remain JTF(N) Yellowknife, whose presence is already well-established in the region for northern sovereignty Juding Op NANOOK. The Yukon economy is strong with a forecasted GDP growth of 3-4% in 2011, largely due to mining, and the August 2011 unemployment rate, at 6%, was below the national average of 7.3%, Local considerations: The Whitehorse population (25.304) constitutes the majority of the Yukon population (34.667), and employment base. Apart from the reduction of approximately 24 full-time positions to approximately ten, the economic impact is negligible. There are no local Regular or Primary Reserve units. 5. Local media: the Whitehorse media consist of one local daily newspaper, The Whitehorse Daily Star; the bi-weekly Yukon News; the CBC North regional radio station; Community Cable 9 TV station: and several musie radio stations 6. Public opinion in the region is generally favourable to the Canadian Cadet Organizations and the Canadian Forces - as was shown by recently supportive reactions to the National Marksmanship Championships in May 201 1. Public concer about the closure of RCSU(N) will therefore be likely related to perceived reductions in support to CSTC Whitehorse and the active Cadet Corps and Squadrons, and a loss of awareness of territorial - particularly First Nations - perspectives. These concerns must be addressed by coordinated, appropriate, and proactive engagement of target audiences. FI-3 A0393094_55-A-2013-01091--005 OBJECTIVES 7. The purpose of this plan is to communicate the reasons for the closure of RCSU(N), and to address any concems regarding its impacts on the Cadet Program and the regional host communities — with particular emphasis that routine, local Cadet Corps and Squadron, and Whitehorse CSTC, training activities will continue undiminished through SR implementation. AUDIENCES, MESSAGES AND MEDIA (DELIVERY MEANS) 8 In addition to the overall guidance issued in the main body of this annex, the following. site-specific guidance for external audiences is provided for RCSU(N): SEQUENCE oPL AUDIENCE MESSAGE(S) | MEDIAT 1 External: 11.234 Telecon (morning of Announcement | Regional ‘Yukon Federal M.P., | announcement) | Day Comd; Premier, and Governor, | Letter (A-Day) COs RCSU(Ny/ | and Whitehorse Mayor Visit, if necessary ___| @rairie) - Exiem: Telecon/email; | COs RCSU(NY | Yukon/northern public, Letter; visits, if ASAP | (Prairie) including host First necessary Post A-Day ‘Nations leaders/elders. (Will need to make introduetions to maintain relationships) x [ADM (PA: | Exiemal: 23, Telecon/email; DGRC PA; Yukon/northern media, Interview, if necessary As required | Spokespersons, | as required to reach (Reactive to query via as required other audiences Media Ln Office) SERIAL] MESSAGE 1. Year-round eadet training will not be reduced as a result of this divestment. CSTC Whitehorse and the local Army and Air Cadet Corps. together with their own direct full-time and part-time instructional and support staff positions, continue to operate. Some year-round staff will also remain in Whitehorse for logistics and continuity [72] Oversight for Yukon Cadet Programs will continue under RCSU(Pra), which has significant | experience in adapting to host First Nations traditions and expectations. 3.___| The Canadian Cadet Organizations appreciate the support the local population has provided to RCSU(N). This proud heritage will be perpetuated by CSTC Whitehorse, with the Cadet Corps and Squadrons that will remain active - and actively supported - in the Yukon. 4 | The long-term DNDICF commitment to, the region is unaffected by the closure since JTF(N) has regional jurisdiction over Canada’s northem sovereignty and other requirements. A0393094_56-A-2013-01091--006 RESPONSIBILITIES AND COORDINATION . 9. DGRC PA Senior PAO, Capt Quentin Wyne, (613) 992-1387, is OPI for the | implementation of this plan, in coordination with the following agencies: c. VCDS: Ms. Jessie Chauhan, Senior Communication Advisor (819) 997-0214; ADM(PA): Mr. Jeremy Sales, Director General DPAPML, (613) 943-535. ial Youth PAO: Capt Kim Banaszkiewiez, (613) 992-6865, who will coordinate with RCSU PA network, including: c. _ RCSU(Pra): Capt Mike Lagace, (204) 833-2500 Ext 4939; Capt Kerry Walker, ext. 49375 RCSU(N): UPAR Capt Daryl Laliberté, (867) 393-7349; and d.—_ STF(N): Lt (N) Paul Pendergast, (867) 873-0800 ext. 6005. EVALUATION 10, ADM(PA) Media Monitoring and JTF(N) will be requested to monitor media coverage, and forward transcripts to DGRC PAO for assessment. FI-3/3 A0393094_57-A-2013-01091--006 1085-50-1 (D Cats 2) 12 April 2012 PUBLIC AFFAIRS PLAN CLOSURE OF NCSM QUEBEC ‘TRODUCTION 1. NCSM Québec trains approximately 560 Sea Cadets each summer at Bécancour, near ‘Trois-Rivieres, QC, The facility is leased from a civilian owner who was considering selling the facility. As a result of Strategic Review, together with future uncertainty, the last courses will occur there in summer 2012. PLANNING ENVIRONMENT 2. National Considerations: NCSM Québec is one of 24 CSTCs that together provide courses for approximately 20,000 Sea, Army and Air Cadets from a total population of approximately 50,000. Since there is space available at other CSTCs, the overall Cadet Program capacity will not be reduced by the closure of NCSM Québec, which will involve the relocation of the cadets’ summer billets plus their direct instructional and support staff positions to CSTCs at Valcartier and Bagotville, QC; Kingston, ON; Cornwallis, NS; and Comox, BC. 3. Regional Considerations: Since Trois-Riviéres is approximately equidistant betwe Montreal and Québec City, nearby CF facilities include Reserve units in both major cities, and a substantial Regular Force presence at St. Jean-sur-Richelieu and CFB Valeartier. 4. Local considerations: Local military Reserve units include Le Regiment de Trois- Rivieres. Royal Canadian Sea, Army, and Air Cadet units train in the vicinity. Since the population of Trois-Riviéres is approximately 125,000 and the unemployment rate at 7.9% is close to the national average at 7.3% (August 2011), the economic impact of NCSM (including its closure) is insignificant. 5. Local media: the local media consist of Radio-Canada (CBC) and several music radio stations; focal TVA and Radio-Canada French language TV stations; and rebroadcasts of three Montreal French and English language TV stations. 6. Notwithstanding the firebombing of the Trois-Rivigres CFRC by obscure radicals in July 2010, regional public opinion is moderately supportive to the Canadian Cadet Organizations. Public concern is likely to focus on the relocation of approximately half the summer popula to out-of province, English-speaking CSTCs, plus the loss of local jobs and other economic impacts. These concerns must be addressed by coordinated, appropriate, and proactive engagement of target audiences. F2-13 A0393094_58-A-2013-01091--006 OBJECTIVES 7. ‘The purpose of this plan is to communicate the reasons for the non-renewal of the NCSM Québec lease, and to address any concerns regarding its impacts on the Cadet Program and the host community ~ with particular emphasis that routine, local Cadet Corps and Squadron, and overall CSTC training activities will continue undiminished through SR implementation. AUDIENCES, MESSAGES AND MEDIA (DELIVERY MEANS) 8. Inaddition to the overall guidance issued in the main body of this annex, the following site-specific guidance for external audiences is provided for NCSM Québec: SEQUENCE [OPI AUDIENCE | MESSAGES) MEDIA 1 Extemal: 1234 Telecon (morning of (Announcement | DGRC; Federal MP. announcement); Day) Regional Comd | Member of the Letter A-Day Québec National ___| Assembly | z | External: Telecon (morning of | CORCSUCE) | Mayors of Trois- announcement): ADay | Letter; Regional County Visits, if necessary Municipality of __| Bécancour _ x Regional Comd | External: 5 Telecon; Letter A-Day _| Leasehoider, Visit, necessary 4 Extemal [1334 Telecon/email; ADM(PA): | Local/regional media, Interview, if necessary Asrequired | DGRC PA; ed to reach (Reactive to query via Spokespersons, i Media Ln Office) asrequired | community. alumni | SERIAL me MESSAGE 1. | Cadet summer training will not be reduced as a result ofthis divestment. The courses will be relocated to other CSTC(s), together with their direct instructional and support staff positions. ‘The year-round supporto local training currently provided will be the subject of a new lease agreement or relocated to another location. 2, | DND and the CF will ensure a smooth transition for full-time Reservists to fulfill their contracts and for assistance to civilian employees. 3. __ | French language Sea Cadet training conducted at NCSM Québec will continue to be conducted in French, elsewhere, by creating French speaking instructor posns and assigning bilingual officers there, All basic training or two-week courses will remain in Québec. 4. _| The Canadian Cadet Organizations appreciate the ongoing support the local population has provided to NCSM Québec. This proud heritage will be perpetusted by the Royal Canadian Sea, Army, and Air Cadet Corps and Squadrons that will remain active in Trois-Rivieres. 3, | The SR process included the review of the Cals & JCR Program to identify efficiencies in combining administrative and training functions, without adversely impacting on the Program | therefore requiring the reduction in fixed costs, and the consolidation of infrastructure. A0393094_59-A-2013-01091--006 RESPONSIBILITIES AND COORDINATION 9, DGRC PA Senior PAO, Capt Quentin Wyne, (613) 992-1387, is OPI for the implementation of this plan, in coordination with the following agencies: a. ADM(PA): Mr. Jeremy Sales, Director General DPAPML, (613) 943-5353: c. VCS: Ms. Jessie Chauhan, Senior Communication Advisor (819) 997-0214; and b. National Youth PAO: Capt Kim Banaszkiewiez, (613) 992-6865, who will coordinate with RCSU PA network, including: b. RCSU(E): LCadr Pierre Babinsky, (613) 943-5353 EVALUATION: coverage, and forward transcripts to DGRC PAO for assessment. 10. ADM(PA) Media Monitoring and RCSU East will be requested to monitor media F2-3/3 A0393094_60-A-2013-01091--006 Appendix 3 Annex F 1085-50-1 (D Cdts 2) 12 April 2012 PUBLIC AFFAIRS PLAN CLOSURE OF CSTC PENHOLD INTRODUCTION 1. CSTC Penhold trains approximately 1,300 Cadets each summer. Courses range from aviation to music and marksmanship, and train primarily Air Cadets from the Prairies. The training facility lease is up for renewal in 2014; as a result of Strategic Review, renewal will not be pursued, and the last courses will occur in summer 2014. PLANNING ENVIRONMENT 2. National Considerat ‘STC Penhold is one of 24 CSTCs that together provide courses for approximately 20,000 Sea, Army and Air Cadets from a total population of approximately 50,000, Since the courses will be reassigned to space available at CSTCs Cold Lake, Vernon, and Quadra, the overall Cadet Program capacity will not be reduced by the closure of Penhold. 3. Regional Considerations: Red Deer Regional Airport serves the City of Red Deer, Alberta’s third largest city with a growing population of 91,877 (2011), Red Deer County, and ‘adjacent municipalities. Sited between Edmonton and Calgary along provincial Highway Two in central Alberta, regional economic activity is robust and spans the energy, agricultural, transportation, and service sectors. Nearby CF facilities include the Regular Force presence at Edmonton Garrison, and Naval, Army, and Medical Reserve units in Edmonton and Calgary 4. Local considerations: CSTC Penhold occupies leased civilian property at Red Deer Regional Airport, where 1,200 Commonwealth pilots trained during the Second World War. During the Cold War, the site served various Air Force purposes until its closure, as Canadian Forces Base Penhold, in 1995 - and its sale to civilian interests. The site and surrounding land (now known as Springbrook) now belong to a private developer, and significant housing development is under way. Apart from a corner store, there is little relevant business activity located near, or related to, CSTC Penhold. Local military Reserve units include: 78" Field Battery, 20" Field Antillery Regiment, Royal Canadian Anillery; and 249 (Red Deer) Communication Squadron. Royal Canadian Sea, Army, and Air Cadet units train in Red Deer. 5. Local media: the local media consist of two newspapers: the Red Deer Advocate (daily; circulation 14,000) and the Red Deer Express (weekly; circulation 44,000). Both cover CSTC Penhold activities seasonally. There are no local television or cable stations, and the local radio stations primarily program music (Country and Western; Rock). Recent defence-related stories include an event organized by the Red Deer Royal Canadian Legion to recognize local Task Foree Afghanistan veterans, F3-1/3 A0393094_61-A-2013-01091--006 6. While public opinion in the Red Deer region is traditionally favourable to the Canadian Cadet Organizations and the Canadian Forces, public concern about the non-renewal of CSTC Penhold lease is more likely to be nostalgic than economic, and readily addressed by coordinated, appropriate, and proactive engagement of target audiences. OBJECTIVES 7. The purpose of this plan is to communicate the reasons for the non-renewal of the CSTC Penhold lease, and to address any concerns regarding its impacts on the Cadet Program and the host community — with particular emphasis that overall CSTC training vacancies will not be reduced, due to SR. AUDIENCES, MES ‘AGES AND MEDIA (DELIVERY MEANS) 8. __ Inaddition to the overall guidance issued in the main body of this annex, the following site- specific guidance for external audiences is provided for CSTC Penhold: SEQUENCE, OFr ‘AUDIENCE MESSAGES) MEDIA. 1 External: 1.233 Telecon (morning oF Announcement | DGRC; Federal M.P. for Red announcement) Day Regional Comd | Deer; Provincial Let (A-Day) MLAS for Red Deer Visit, if necessary North and South _ z Extemal: 123 Telecon (morning of A-Day CO RCSU(Pra) | Mayors of Red Deer announcement) | Region and City Letter; | Visit. ifnevessary Regional Comd | Extera: 4 Telecon; Letter Leaseholder __ Visit. ifrnecessary ADM@PAY, | External: 723 | Telecon/email; Asneeded | DGRCPA; | Localiregional media, Interview. if necessary Spokespersons, | as required to reach (Reactive to query via asrequired | other audienees, i. Media Ln Office) community. alumni SERIAL MESSAGE. 1 ‘Cadet summer training will not be reduced as a result of this divestment. The courses will be relocated to other CSTC(s), together with their direct instructional and support staff positions. 2 DND and the CF will ensure a smooth transition for full-time Reservists o fulfill their | contracts and for assistance to civilian employees. 3 The Canadian Cadet Organizations appreciate the ongoing suppor the local population has provided to CSTC Penhold. This proud heritage will be perpetuated by the Royal Canadian | Sea, Army, and Air Cadet Corps and Squadton that will all remain active in Red Deer. + ‘The SR process included the review of the Cats & JCR Program to identify efficiencies in combining administrative and training functions, without adversely impacting on the Program = therefore requiring the reduetion in fixed costs, and the consolidation of infrastructure. F3-2/3 A0393094_62-A-2013-01091--006 RESPONSIBILITIES AND COORDINATION = DGRC PA Senior PAO, Capt Quentin Wyne, (613) 992-1387, is OPI for the | implementation of this plan, in coordination with the following agencies: a. ADM(PA): Mr. Jeremy Sales, irector General DPAPML, (613) 943 5353; b. VCDS: Ms. Jessie Chauhan, Senior Communication Advisor (819) 997-0214; c. NDPAO Calgary: Maj George Vriniotis, (403) 974-2825; Mr. Eric Cameron, (403) 974-2826; National Youth PAO: Capt Kim Banaszkiewiez, (613) 992-6865, who will coordinate with RCSU PA network, including: d, _ RCSU(Pra): Capt Mike Lagace, (204) 833-2500 Ext 4939; Capt Kerry Walker, ext. 4937, EVALUATION 10. ADM(PA) Media Monitoring and NDPAO Alberta will be requested to monitor media coverage, and forward transcripts to DGRC PAO for assessment. F3-3/3 A0393094_63-A-2013-01091--006 cape? CANADA MIP Update 23 May 2012 A0393095_1-A-2013-01091--006 cme Current Timelines >» RCSU (N) tasking order signed off by Comd JTFN 11 May » timelines for MIP « met with approximately 23 RCSU (Pra) individual staff members as well as with Departments and Maj Sinotte to develop Task List and Handover Questions « feedback on task list from RCSU (Pra) and RCSU (N) personnel was due 19 May « RCSU (Pra) and (N) Senior Staff can review updated MIP from 30 May to 5 June « MIP finalized 6 June A0393095_2-A-2013-01091--006 capers? Current Timelines meeting between Comd JTFN and Comd 2 CAD 28 May > seminar in Iqaluit 2-3 June « Department Heads to provide binder information to Maj Kiecker for consolidation NLT 28 May >» seminar in Yellowknife 23-24 June conduct handover ceremony in Whitehorse in early October Vv A0393095_3-A-2013-01091--007 caperang Current Timelines > Phase One « ends 31 May « initial meetings/briefings >» Phase Two e ends 30 September « assume responsibilities for corps 1 July « assume RCSU (N) HQ responsibilities 27 July « assume WCSTC responsibilities 15 September >» Phase Three « ends 31 December « final closeout on all details A0393095_4-A-2013-01091--007 CADET? Command (Phase One) > PA « RCSU (Pra) PA currently liaising with RCSU (N) * will need to develop Communications Plan for Amalgamation > SRO « RCSU (Pra) SRO should begin being copied on all issues e visited RCSU (N) >» MLO « RCSU (Pra) MLO currently involved with RCSU (N) process although DHQ still being processed in RCSU (E) A0393095_5-A-2013-01091--007 CA De? Command (Phase Two) > draft SLAs (JTFN/ASU Yellowknife, ASU Edmonton, 17 Wing, RCSU (C), RCSU (Pac), etc.) - PA « update social media to include Territories SRO « coordinate all conflict management « make contact with unit CCMAs MLO « transfer DHQ responsibility from RCSU (E) A0393095_6-A-2013-01091--007 CADE 4 Cawana Command (Phase Three) > should be operating status quo from Phase Two A0393095_7-A-2013-01091--007 CADE V1 AMADA Air Operations (Phase One) > assessing capabilities and options for inclusion of Territorial squadrons « how will familiarization flying occur « place simulator in each of the three communities? A0393095_8-A-2013-01091--007 CADET? Air Operations (Phase Two) > provide Territorial squadrons gliding familiarization flying opportunity in conjunction with Air Training (joint FTX) or Common Training (biathlon or marksmanship) activity « i.e. cadets travel to Edmonton/Winnipeg on Wednesday, conduct gliding familiarization Thursday and Friday, conduct joint FTX Friday to Sunday, return home on Monday » determine future for flying familiarization opportunities (in Territories or at existing Gliding Centres?) A0393095_9-A-2013-01091--007 CADETS *. CANADA Air Operations (Phase Three) > should be operating status quo from Phase Two A0393095_10-A-2013-01091--007 CADE 2 CANADA Corps Svcs (Phase One) > selection board convened 1 May, personnel advised on 11 May that notification of results will be postponed indefinitely « prevents RCSU (Pra) Departments from making contact with selected personnel and beginning the handover process > submit MOO « updates CFOO « closes RCSU (N) e forms RCSU (NW) * RCIS (NW) + RGS (NW) >» CC e visited RCSU (N) A0393095_11-A-2013-01091--007 Vv Vvv Corps Svcs (Phase Two) update Work Processes update SOPs update PAIs IM Fortress CadetNet DWAN websites communications outlook mailboxes common drive >» CC have files leave Whitehorse 27 August * archive/clean files prior to 27 August + drive vehicle up 25 Aug CADE 4 CANADA A0393095_12-A-2013-01091--007 CADE is CANADA Corps Svcs (Phase Two) still a few tasks but should mainly be operating status quo from Phase Two » final updates to systems/databases A0393095_13-A-2013-01091--008 CADE 4 CANADA Finance (Phase One) > visited RCSU (N) « NPF noted as concern to be addressed > assumed all financial control A0393095_14-A-2013-01091--008 CADE 4 Finance (Phase Two) > should be operating status quo from Phase One A0393095_15-A-2013-01091--008 CADE i CANADA Finance (Phase Three) > should be operating status quo from Phase Two A0393095_16-A-2013-01091--008 ” CADE: 1 Support Services (Phase One) > Contracting e assisting in contracting process A0393095_17-A-2013-01091--008 CADETS 4 Support Services (Phase Two) > Sup « SCA verifications * ensure write-offs completed by CO RCSU (N) prior to 1 October « take back CSG Winnipeg assets from Thunder Bay stores (note this is not removing Thunder Bay store’s regular assets) > Contracting « assume contracting responsibilities A0393095_18-A-2013-01091--008 cape? Support Services (Phase Three) > should be operating status quo from Phase Two A0393095_19-A-2013-01091--008 CADE 4 CANADA Training Services (Phase One) >» Common Trg « include RCSU (N) corps into Training Directive > RCIS « send Staff Management Plan to RCSU (N) corps to complete and send back A0393095_20-A-2013-01091--008 CADE V3 caNaba Training Services (Phase Two) > update GSOM >» Sea Trg « take back Regional assets from NWO Sail Centres (note this is not removing the Sail Centre’s regular assets > Army Trg e Expedition Training * RCSU (N) to conduct their Regional expedition end of August as previously planned A0393095_21-A-2013-01091--008 caD 4 Training Services (Phase Two) > Air Trg « provide Territorial squadrons Air Training (joint FTX) or Common Training (biathlon or marksmanship) activity « in conjunction with gliding familiarization flying opportunity * i.e. cadets travel to Edmonton/Winnipeg on Wednesday, conduct gliding familiarization Thursday and Friday, conduct joint FTX Friday to Sunday, return home on Monday >» RCIS « incorporate Staff Management Plans from Territorial corps into calendar A0393095_22-A-2013-01091--008 CADE = CANADA Training Services (Phase Three) > still a few tasks but should mainly be operating status quo from Phase Two >» RCIS « provide cultural awareness training A0393095_23-A-2013-01091--009 CADE 4 CANADA DHRIM (Phases One-Three) oy > requires decision on who will manage Territorial corps > ensure we keep DWAN connection in Whitehorse A0393095_24-A-2013-01091--009 caDI ay Other (Phases One-Three) > Cadet Leagues of Canada > BAC > WCSTC A0393095_25-A-2013-01091--009 > Vv caper? CANADA Questions when do we want RCSU (N) to begin answering the Handover Questions? use of the term “amalgamation” vice “closure” if not losing NWO, use of the term “formation of RCSU (NW)”’ otherwise? use of the term “Territorial” vice “Northern” (and “Provincial” when we need to differentiate)? format Maj Head’s submission into MIP template provided by D Cdts & JCR, continue with our project plan to accomplish Maj Head’s submission? DHRIM responsibilities for Territories? change evening work hours? A0393095_26-A-2013-01091--009 s.19(1) 823 A0393095_27-A-2013-01091--009 BRIEFING NOTE FOR COMMANDER JTEN & COMMANDER 2 CDN AIR DIV SUPPORT TO CADETS IN THE NORTH Refs: A. 1901-1, CDS Delegation of Authority Responsibility Assignment for the CF Within the Canadian Cadet Movement, 23 Nov 02 B. 1085-1 (D Cats 2-2), CF Support to the Canadian Cadet Organization, 17 Feb 10 C. CFOO 3938 dated 28 Apr 06 D. CFOO 3936 dated 3 Jun 11 E, 1085-1 (CO RCSU(N)) JTEN Tasking Order #001/12, 11 May 12 F, 1085-50-1 (D Cdts & JCR) Cadet Program Strategic Review, 10 Apr 12 1. This briefing note outlines the support requested from JTEN for support to cadets in the territories after the closure of Regional Cadet Support Unit (Northern) (RCSU(N)) and recommends a handover ceremony be conducted from Comd TEN to Comd 2 Cdn Air Div. BACKGROUND = As part of the Director General Reserves and Cadets (DGRC) Strategic Review (SR), RCSU(N) will be closed and command and control of the cadet elements in the North will be assigned to Regional Cadet Support Unit (Prairie) (RCSU(Pra)). Refs A through D outline command and support responsibilities for the cadet program in a broad scope, but do not provide detail at the operational level. There are currently no Service Level Agreements (SLAs) in place that detail support to the cadet program in Northern Region, 3. With the closure of RCSU(N), there is some uncertainty on behalf of supporting elements as to the future support requirements. This briefing note is intended to outline the current support being provided and summarize future requirements, 4, Support to operate the cadet program in the territories can be generally grouped into the three broad categories of: support to corps and squadrons, support to staff, and infrastructure support. The following is a brief summary of support requirements, 5. Support to Comps & Squadrons. There are 16 corps and squadrons in the territories and there are no plans to reduce either the number of corps or the level of training activities conducted. Corps are mostly supported by RCSU(N) staff for supply and administrative support. Although RCSU(N) is closing, full-time positions will remain in the territories in order to provide front line support to cadet training. Positions remaining include: 2 supply positions in Whitehorse, 1 Area Cadet Officer (ACO) in V4 A0393096_1-A-2013-01091--009 Yellowknife, and 1 ACO in Iqaluit, Administrative support to the corps will be provided by the staff in Winnipeg. Corps are supported by ASU(N) in Yellowknife for the issue of initial DEU upon enrolment and issue of their environmental clothing; this should not change, Each corps also has a Supply Customer Account (SCA) which is verified when necessary by the RCSU staff. Completion of write-off and SCA verifications is provided by ASU(N). This will also remain unchanged. Annual Technical Inspections (ATT) and Physical Security Survey’s (PSS) are also completed by ASU(N), while weapons inspections are carried out by ASU Edmonton. ‘These support requirements are unchanged. 6. Support to Staff. With the reduction of full-time staff in the territories from 23 to 4, there will be less support required in Whitehorse. The support provided to staff in Igaluit and Yellowknife will be unchanged, The ACO and ACA positions in Whitehorse are provided office space at the JTFN Detachment. This office space will no longer be required. At Boyle Barracks the two supply positions will primarily work out of the supply building and will require DWAN support; however. with only two staf¥ in Whitehorse this unit will not create sufficient work for full-time onsite technical support. CO ASU(N) has indicated his intention to move the full-time public servant position from Whitehorse. The move of that position will not have a significant impact on the staff remaining in Whitehorse. The summer training centre operates primarily on a cadet network separate from the DWAN and is supported by ADM(IM) with remote assistance throughout the year and a dedicated onsite technician during the summer. 7. In Yellowknife RCSU(N) is provided with office space for two full-time members within ASU(N) lines. While one full-time position will be moved, the need remains for space for one full-time member who will be augmented when necessary by part-time staff, RCSU(N) also has stores housed in a building provided by JTFN at the Cam L: industrial area, Office space and storage space requirements in Yellowknife remain unchanged. 8, In Iqaluit, 3 Wing Bagotville provides support to JTFN Det Nunavut through an SLA that allocates 25% of the Personnel Accommodation Barracks (PAB) to the Detachment. The two RCSU(N) full-time are provided office and storage space at the PAB from JTFN Det Nunavut. Those staff also use the Detachms fax, photocopier and common DWAN assets. Storage space is provided at the FOL in Iqaluit and the FOL in Rankin Inlet and is included in the SLA between 3 Wing Bagotville and JTFN Det Nunavut. Office space and storage space requirements in Iqaluit remain unchanged 9. Medical and dental support for full-time staff in Whitehorse and Yellowknife provided by 1 Fd Amb Det Yellowknife and the Dental Detachment Edmonton, Staff in Iqaluit is provided support from Ottawa. Medical and dental support for the four staff remaining in the territories remains unchanged. 10. Infrastructure Support. Boyle Barracks will continue to have two full-time staff to maintain supply support to cadet corps in the territories, the summer training centre, A0393096_2-A-2013-01091--009 JTFN Det Yukon and Ist Canadian Ranger Patrol Group (1 CRPG). This facility will continue to support user groups throughout the training year and as a result of the closure of Penhold Air Cadet Summer Training Centre (PACSTC) in 2014, would like to expand to maximum capacity in summer 2015. 11. Boyle Barracks is on land leased from the Yukon Territorial Government. ‘The lease is paid by ASU Edmonton (85.00 per year) who also pays for hydro, propane, oil, septic and day to day cleaning. Incremental costs are billed to the user unit, Repairs to the facility are paid by ASU Edmonton and JTFN has onsite one full-time public servant employed as the maintenance supervisor. Para 2b at Ref E directs the CO of ASU(N) to review the JTEN personnel establishment to determine if positions such as the maintenance supervisor are still required. As there is no intention to reduce or restrict usage of Boyle Barracks, this position is still required. 12, Inorder to continue supporting the military community in the territories and expand usage of the summer training centre, three infrastructure projects are needed; an expansion to the existing warehouse facility, an upgrade to the septic system, and additional water storage capability. A capital project for the septic system upgrade is currently being planned by ASU Edmonton. 13. MSE Support. RCSU(N) does not have any cadet owned vehicles, but are provided vehicles by ASU(N). In Whitehorse there are three F250 trucks (one dedicated to maintenance, one dedicated to supply. and one dedicated to the ACO) and one 7 passenger van. In Yellowknife the ACO is provided with one F250 truck and the ACO in Igaluit is provided with one 9 passenger van, Fuel, maintenance and life eycle management is paid by ASU(N). MSE support is still required with the only reduction being the vehicle for the ACO in Whitehorse as this position will no longer exist. 14, Handover Ceremony. As a visual representation of the change of C2 responsibilities from Comd JTEN to Comd 2 Cdn Air Div, an official signing ceremony should be conducted. This ceremony will also give commanders the opportunity to affirm their continued support to the cadet program in the territories, At Ref F, the VCDS directed that RCSU(N) would be closed effective | Oct 12. Boyle Barracks houses RCSU(N) and the Whitehorse Cadet Summer Training Centre (WCSTC) and is the physical representation of cadets in Northern Region. It is recommended that a handover ceremony be conducted in Whitehorse at Boyle Barracks on or around 1 Oct 12. approved, recommend the RCSU(Pra) Unit CWO be appointed OPI for the ceremony. 15, RCSU(Pra) has also recommended that the amalgamated RCSU be renamed to Regional Cadet Support Unit (North West) and that a new unit badge be created to better represent the new unit. It is unlikely that the new badge would be available for the handover ceremony. A0393096_3-A-2013-01091--009 CONCLUSIO} 16, The closure of RCSU(N) affects only the C2 elements of the cadet organization, ‘The number of cadet corps is not changing and the summer training centre will continue to operate. Therefore, there is no reduction in the support required for cadet corps or the summer training centre. Support to staff in Whitehorse is reduced slightly due to the reduction in the number of staff and the intention to remove the onsite technical support will not affect operations, Support to staff in Yellowknife and Iqaluit remain unchanged The infrastructure in Whitehorse will continue to need the same level of support plans for increased usage starting summer 2015. The maintenance worker at Boyle Barracks should remain at continue to be funded by ASU(N) or ASU Edmonton, An SLA should be put in place to detail support to the cadet program in the territories. An official handover ceremony should be conducted between the Comd JTFN and Comd 2 Cdn Air Div in Whitehorse at Boyle Barracks on or around 1 Oct 12. Prepared by: Maj N.R. Head, Corp Sves O, RCSU(Pra), CSN 257-5926 Col L.L. Brodeur, CO RCSU(Pra), CSN 257-5750 Maj D.H. Peet, CO RCSU(N), CSN 766-7301 Reviewed by Date prepared: 24 May 12 ala A0393096_4-A-2013-01091--009 —— sets pent = 7 == [er [em [BE fot f Sa — t Se ET — E SEE EEE —= t eT SSS A0393097_1-A-2013-01091--009 ee cist A0393097_2-A-2013-01091--010 —s — = == =| ceo See eee a ef eet EST A =< ST OT OT et a = eres TE RT —— ~ DRAFT - EBAUCHE A0393097_3-A-2013-01091--010 DRAFT - EBAUCHE A0393097_4-A-2013-01091--010 DRAFT - EBAUCHE A0393097_5-A-2013-01091--010 DRAFT - EBAUCHE A0393097_6-A-2013-01091--010 DRAFT - EBAUCHE A0393097_7-A-2013-01091--010 cone DRAFT - EBAUCHE A0393097_8-A-2013-01091--010 ‘comnmoznTeuenTs meTRUCTON OTE De CADeTS 215 DRAFT -EBAUCHE A0393097_9-A-2013-01091--010 Pe ene 082 choo tone ona ak ea ein 2 DRAFT -EBAUCHE A0393097_10-A-2013-01091--010 rrexenra eoeTmvsTION OTE ORS CADET 213 DRAFT -EBAUCHE A0393097_11-A-2013-01091--010 ‘Conan TenenTs SmeTROSTION OTE De CADETS 13 DRAFT - EBAUCHE A0393097_12-A-2013-01091--011 ey comment oneMocON CEH DRS CASTE 3 oe A0393097_13-A-2013-01091--011 pa eee ee ee reece jaa aap hm DRAFT - EBAUCHE A0393097_14-A-2013-01091--011 Lae ELEC feuctbadiheesy ai DRAFT - EBAUCHE, A0393097_15-A-2013-01091--011 DRAFT -EBAUCHE A0393097_16-A-2013-01091--011 DRAFT - EBAUCHE A0393097_17-A-2013-01091--011 DRAFT - EBAUCHE: A0393097_18-A-2013-01091--011 id 4 ens 202 commer onus oe oe nT a in pe DRAFT - EBAUCHE A0393097_19-A-2013-01091--011 DRAFT-EBAUCHE A0393097_20-A-2013-01091--011 ee aa om eae aC ER DRAFT - EBAUCHE A0393097_21-A-2013-01091--011 conmadizaes Omron oe er DRAFT -EBAUCHE A0393097_22-A-2013-01091--012 RE: CIC Trg Production Review / Révision de la production de I'Instr du CIC “ees Page | of 3 Templeman Maj SMJ@RCSU Northwest @ Winnipeg From: McRae LCdr DR@ VCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hull Sent: Saturday, 13, October, 2012 21:51 To: ‘Templeman Maj SMJ@RCSU Prairie @ Winnipeg; Mckinlay Capt EM@RCSU Prairie@ Winnipeg Ce: Pigeon Li(N) JRPD@VCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hull Subject: Re: CIC Trg Production Review / Revision de la production de Instr du CIC Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Completed Great, Let's discuss Monday with David. Darin McRae LCdr D Cats 6-4 / Pers Trg Coord 613-992-3077 work 613-889-3905 cell Sent from my wireless handheld device / Transmis de mon appareil portable From: Mckinlay Capt EM@RCSU Prairie@Winnipeg To: McRae LCdr DR@VCDS D Cats & JCR@Otawa-Hull femplerian Maj SMI@RCSU Prairie@Winnipeg Sent: Sat Oct 13 17:23:06 2012 ‘Subject: RE: CIC Trg Production Review / Révision de la production de Instr du CIC LCdr McRae Ihave some of problems with the adjustmenst to the North West Schedule. | do have alternate solutions, which | will compile and return to you on Monday. The biggest problem is the collapse of the courses in different locations into one location. I have cost comparisions and justification for these courses. Can we discuss prior to the telecon? Thank you EM McKinlay Capt AOC ACIS CSN 257-6975, From: McRae LCdr DRAVEDS D Cats & JCREOttawa-Hl Sent: Frday, 12, October, 2012 15:19 PM ‘To: Cater Maj JEARCSU (Atlant) RCIS(A) Shearwater; Chabot Maj NHCAURSC-ESTSt Jean; Cleary Maj KA@RCIS(C) Borden; Templeman aj SMJORCSU Praie@Wnnipeg; Hildebrandt Maj LY@RCSU (Pacic)BEsquimal; Fraser L1{N) PDGVCDS D Cats & ICRAGKaWe-Hull Ce: _Arsoneauit LCol AGAVCDS D Cats & ICREOKaWa-Hul; Buon Maj ARECDS D Cats & ICRMOttawa-Hul; Pigeon Lt{N) JBPDGVCDS D its & JCRBOtaWa-Hul, McRae LCdr DRAVCDS D Gets & ICREOHAW=-Hul Subject: CIC Trg Production Review / Révison de a production de instr du CIC Importance: High BILINGUAL EMAIL / COURRIEL BILINGUE potas co A0393098_1-A-2013-01091--012 RE: CIC Trg Production Review / Révision de la production de 'Instr du CIC eee Page 270i Good day, 1. As discussed during the most recent TMB meeting, the planned cost associated with CIC Training for FY13- 414 has reached $13.8M, which is $2M beyond our $11.7M funding envelope. We have managed to raise the available envelope for RCIS budget up $8.6M to $8.9M, but the total RCIS request of $10.5M and the $1.6M gap is stil unmanageable. For the last few years, we have risk managed the CIC Trg Org budget by allowing Training Establishments to conduct training based on slightly adjusted production numbers with reduced funding in an effort to reduce the large surplus reported at the end of the year. 2. Since the yearly surplus is trending to zero, and according on the projection of the cost per training day for FY 13-14 based on EYR numbers and a modest inflation increase, were are now expecting this surplus to convert into an actual deficit. In order to prevent this from happening, D Cats 6 has directed that we take a hard review the number of training days, quotas, sessions and align the numbers to fit within the available funding. As a result, D Cdts 6-4-3 and | have reviewed the overall pian and amended the quotas, sessions, and therefore the overall training days. The proposed changes have been made based on historical data from the EYR and we have amortized similarly across the various RCISs and courses. The new adjusted quotas still exceed the historical average, but the gap has been diminished significantly. 3. _ Please review the attached National Consolidated Schedule for FY 13-14 that reflects the suggested changes. All yellow cells have been amended from the initial submission. Your initial request can be found in the green highlighted column and the math is included in columns X to AB. On average, we have tried to keep the deviation % between FY 13-14 submission numbers and the average similar across the RCIS although some numbers are sometimes higher based on known special circumstances, the need to include more than one course date for a school within a region, etc 4. _ Lull be scheduling a teleconference for the midle of next week so we can discuss these proposed changes and their impacts. This wil allow you time to review the proposed changes with your staf Before the teleconference. After the teleconference we will need to agree upon a timeline for your adjusted return so that we finalize the plan in the next few weeks. Do nat hesitate to contact me prior to this teleconference if you have pressing questions or concerns. ‘Thank you, END OF ENGLISH TEXT / DEBUT DU TEXTE EN FRANCAIS. Bonjour, 1, Tel que discuté lors de la demnigre réunion du CGI, les coats prévus pour l instruction du CIC lors de "EF 13-14 ont atteint $13.8M, ce qui représente $2M de plus que notre allocation budgétaire de SIL.7M. Nous avons réussi A augmenter I'enveloppe disponible pour les ERIC de $8.6M 3 $8.9M, mais le total des demandes des ERIC, qui est de $10.5M, créent un écart ingérable de $1.6M. Depuis les demigres années, nous avons géré les risques liés 2 1’Org Instr CIC en autorisant les écoles & conduire instruction selon un contingentement légérement ajusté mais une allocation financiére réduite afin de combler les gigantesques surplus rapportés 2 la fin de année. 2. Depuis que les surplus se rapprochent de zéro, et selon les projections de coiits par journée instruction calculés en se basant sur information contenue dans les rapports de fin d’année et une légere inflation, nous nous attendons actuellement & ce que ce surplus se convertisse maintenant en un déficit. Afin de prévenir que ceci ne se produise, le D Cad 6 a exigé que nous révisions le nombre de journées d’instruction, le contingentement et le nombre de sessions et que nous modifions les nombres afin qu’ils soient alignés avec I’allocation financitre. Par conséquent, le D Cad 6-4-3 et moi avons révisé le plan global et avons modifié le contingentement et les sessions, et donc le nombre de jours instruction, Les changements suggérés ont été calculés en tenant compte des données des rapports de fin d’années et ont été appliqués similairement entre les différentes ERIC et les différents cours, Les nouveaux contingentements ajustés excédent toujours les moyennes historiques, mais I"écart & 66 significativement diminué. 3. Veuillez réviser lhoraire nationale pour EF 13-14 qui est jointe & ce courriel. Cette derniére 2013-09-30 A0393098_2-A-2013-01091--012 RE: CIC Trg Production Review / Révision de la production de l'Instr du CIC eoeeee Page )3 Ola) refléte les changements suggérés. Les nombres contenus dans les cellules jaunes ont été modifiés. Vos demandes initiales se trouvent dans la colonne verte et les calculs sont inclus dans les colonnes X & AB, Nous avons tenté de conserver un % de déviation entre les soumissions pour "EF 13-14 et la moyenne similaire d'une ERIC & l'autre, mais certains nombres sont parfois plus élevés afin de satisfaire : des circonstances particuligres connues, le besoin de compter sur plus d’une date de cours au sein d’une méme région, etc. 4, Je planifierai une téléconférence en milieu de semaine prochaine afin que nous puissions discuter des changements proposés et de leurs impacts. Ceci vous permettra de réviser les changements proposés avec votre personnel avant la téléconférence. Suite a la téléconférence, nous devrons établir une Echéance pour la nouvelle soumission nous entendre sur une date afin de nous renvoyer votre soumission révisée nous permettant ainsi de finaliser le plan dans les semaines & venir. N’hésitez pas & me contacter d'ici la téléconférence si vous avez des questions ou des inquiétudes urgentes. Merci, «<< File: National Consolidated Schedule FY 13-14 Budget Production Adjustment v1.xis >> Darin R. MoR Lieutenant - Commander / Capitaine de corvette D Cats 6-4 Personnel Training Coordination | D Cad 6-4 Coordination de tinstruction Directorate - Cadets and Junior Rangers | Direction - Cadets et Rangers junior canadiens Chief Reserves and Cadets | Chef - Réserves et Cadets National Defence | Défense nationale Ottawa, Canada K1A OK2 darin.merae @ Telephone | Téléphone 613-992-3077 / Facsimile | Télécopieur 613-966-1618 Cellular | Cellulaire 613-889-3905 Government of Canada | Gouvernement du Canada 2013-09-30 A0393098_3-A-2013-01091--012 oa — a Oe aed = SB i “te A0393098_4-A-2013-01091--012 en nd a % & & se Be A0393098_5-A-2013-01091--012 aa gas Templeman Maj SMJ@RCSU Northwest@ Winnipeg McRae LCdr DR@VCDS D Cats & JCR@ Ottawa-Hull Tuesday, 6, November, 2012 14:22 Mekinlay Capt EM@RCSU Prairie @ Winnipeg; Cater Maj JF@RCSU (Atlantic) RCIS(A) @ Shearwater; Chabot Maj MHC@URSC-EST @St-Jean; Hildebrandt Maj LY@ RCSU. (Pacific) @ Esquimalt; O'leary Maj KA@RCIS(C)@ Borden; Templeman Maj SMJ@RCSU Prairie@ Winnipeg Ce: ‘Arseneault LCol AG@VCDS D Cats & JCR@ Ottawa-Hull; Pigeon Lt(N) JRPD@VCDS D Cats & JCR@ Ottawa-Hull; Fraser L(N) PD@VCDS D Cats & JCR@ Ottawa-Hull; Gelinas Maj JOA@VCDS D Cats & JCR@ Ottawa-Hull Subject: RE: CIC Trg Production Review / Revision de la production de rinstr du CIC Giday, 1 Here is a quick update on the schedule of activities wrt the CIC Trg Budget CIC CDL to review / adjust plan based on RCIS training - NLT 8 Nov 12: D Cats 6 Brief - NLT 9 Nov 12; D Cats & JCA Brief - NLT 14 Nov 12; Approval of Training Schedule - NLT’ 16 Nov 12; ACIS commence MITE action and post schedules - After 16 Nov 12; Funding Allocation Letter issued - NLT 30 Nov 12; and National Trg Directive issued - NLT 15 Dec 12. 2. Questions to Lt(N} Pigeon or myself Darin R. McRae LCor DCuls 6-4 SO Pers Trg Coord 613-992-3077 McRae LCér DRAVCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hull Friday, 12, October, 2012 16:19 PM Coter Maj JFARCSU (Atlantic) RCIS(A)@Shearwater; Chabot Maj MHCBURSC-EST@St-lean; Oleary Maj KA@RCIS(C)@Borden; Templeman Maj SMJGRCSU Pravie@Winnipes; Hidebranct Ma} LY@RCSU (Pacfic)OEsqumalt; Fraser LKN) PDGVCDS D Cats & 3cRGORAKaHul ‘rseneault LCol AG@VCDS O Cis & ICR@OLawa-Hul; Butson Ma} ARBVCDS D Cats & ICRBOMawa-Hull; Pigeon Lt(N) IRPDGVCDS D Cats & ICREOttaWa-Hull; McRae LCér DRAVCDS O Cots & JCR@Ottawe-Hull Subject: {CIC Tra Production Review / Révision de la production de instr du CIC Importance: High BILINGUAL EMAIL / COURRIEL BILINGUE Good day, 1 {As discussed during the most recent TMB meeting, the planned cost associated with CIC Training for FY13-14 has reached $13.8M, which is $2M beyond our $11.7M funding envelope. We have managed to raise the available ‘envelope for RGIS budget up $8.6M to $8.9M, but the total RCIS request of $10.5M and the $1.6M gap is stil unmanageable. For the last few years, we have risk managed the CIC Trg Org budget by allowing Training Establishments to conduct training based on slightly adjusted production numbers with reduced funding in an effort to reduce the large surplus reported at the end of the year. 2, Since the yearly surplus is trending to zero, and according on the projection of the cost per training day for FY 13-14 based on EYR numbers and a modest infiation increase, were are now expecting this surplus to convert into an actual deficit. In order to prevent this from happening, D Cats 6 has directed that we take a hard review the number of training days, quotas, sessions and align the numbers to fit within the available funding. As a result, D Cats 6-4-3 and | have reviewed the overall plan and amended the quotas, sessions, and therefore the overall training days. The proposed changes have been made based on historical data from the EYR and we have amortized similarly across the various ACISs and courses. The new adjusted quotas still exceed the historical average, but the gap has been diminished significantly A0393099_1-A-2013-01091--012 3. Please review the attached National Consolidated Schedule for FY 13-14 that reflects the suggested changes. All yellow cells have been amended from the initial submission. Your intial request can be found in the green highlighted Column and the math is included in columns X to AB. On average, we have tried to keep the deviation % between FY 4-14 submission numbers and the average similar across the RIS although some numbers are sometimes higher based on known special circumstances, the need to include more than one course date for a school within a region, etc. 4, Lwillbe scheduling a teleconference for the middle of next week so we can discuss these proposed changes and their impacts. This wil allow you time to review the proposed changes with your staff before the teleconference. After the teleconference we will need fo agree upon a timeline for your adjusted return so that we finalize the plan in the next few ‘weeks. Do not hesitate to contact me prior to this teleconference if you have pressing questions or concerns, Thank you, END OF ENGLISH TEXT / DEBUT DU TEXTE EN FRANCAIS Bonjour, 1 Tel que discuté lors de la derniére réunion du CGI, les cofits prévus pour I’instruction du CIC lors de EF 13-14 ont atteint $13.8M, ce qui représente $2M de plus que notre allocation budgétaire de $11.7M. Nous avons réussi a augmenter 'enveloppe disponible pour les ERIC de $8.6M & $8.9M, mais le total des demandes des ERIC, qui est de $10.5M, créent un écart ingérable de $1.6M. Depuis les dernitres années, nous avons géré les risques liés 4 1’Org Instr CIC en autorisant les écoles 4 conduire I’ instruction selon un contingentement Iégerement ajusté mais une allocation financiére réduite afin de combler les gigantesques surplus rapportés & la fin de l'année. 2, Depuis que les surplus se rapprochent de zéro, et selon les projections de coats par joumée d’instruction caleulés en se basant sur l'information contenue dans les rapports de fin d’année et une lég@re inflation, nous nous attendons actuellement & ce que ce surplus se convertisse maintenant en un déficit. Afin de prévenir que ceci ne se produise, le D Cad 6 a exigé que nous révisions le nombre de journées dinstruction, le contingentement et le nombre de sessions et que nous modifions les nombres afin qu’ils soient alignés avec allocation finaneitre. Par conséquent, le D Cad 6-4-3 et moi avons révisé le plan global et avons modifié le contingentement et les sessions, et donc le nombre de jours d’instruction. Les changements suggérés ont été calculés en tenant compte des données des rapports de fin d’années et ont été appliqués similairement entre les différentes ERIC et les différents cours. Les nouveaux contingentements ajustés excédent toujours les moyennes historiques, mais I"écart & été significativement diminué. 3. Veuillez réviser "horaire nationale pour |’ EF 13-14 qui est jointe & ce courriel. Cette demniére refléte les changements suggérés. Les nombres contenus dans les cellules jaunes ont été modifiés. Vos demandes initiales se trouvent dans la colonne verte et les calculs sont inclus dans les colonnes X & AB. Nous avons tenté de conserver un % de déviation entre les soumissions pour "EF 13-14 et la moyenne similaire d’une ERIC & Vrautre, mais certains nombres sont parfois plus élevés afin de satisfaire : des circonstances particulidres connues, le besoin de compter sur plus d’une date de cours au sein d’une méme région, ete. 4. Je planifierai une téléconférence en milieu de semaine prochaine afin que nous puissions discuter des changements proposés et de leurs impacts. Ceci vous permettra de réviser les changements proposés avec votre personnel avant la téléconférence. Suite 2 la téléconférence, nous devrons établir une échéance pour la nouvelle soumission nous entendre sur une date afin de nous renvoyer votre soumission révisée nous permettant ainsi de finaliser le plan dans les semaines & venir. N*hésitez pas & me contacter d’ici la tléconférence si vous avez des questions ou des inquigtudes urgentes. Merci << File: National Consolidated Schedule FY 13-14 Budget Production Adjustment v1 xis >> Darin R. McRae A0393099_2-A-2013-01091--012 Lieutenant - Commander / Capitaine de corvette D Cats 6-4 Personnel Training Coordination | D Cad 6-4 Coordination de instruction Directorate - Cadets and Junior Rangers | Direction - Cadets et Rangers junior canadiens Chief Reserves and Cadets | Chef - Réserves et Cadets National Defence | Défense nationale Ottawa, Canada K1A 0K2 darn mcrae @ Telephone | Téléphone 613-992-3077 / Facsimile | Télécopieur 613-966-1618 Cellular | Cellulaire 613-889-3905 Government of Canada | Gouvernement du Canada A0393099_3-A-2013-01091--012 WEST Maj DJ@RCSU (Prairie)@Winnipeg From: Boulay Maj MS@RCSU (Prairie) @Winnipeg Sent: Frday, 16, November, 2012 12:11 To: WEST Maj DJ@RCSU (Prairie)@Winnipeg; Head Maj N@RCSU Prairie@Winnipeg: Roy Maj DR@RCSU Prairie@ Winnipeg; Lagace Maj MW@RCSU Prairie@Winnipeg ce: Szezerski LCol T@RCSU (Prairie)@Winnipeg; Kamphuis LCol RW@RCSU Prairie@Winnipeg Subject: FW. RODs FYI ‘Front Fontoura (Car iMBWLEBC Lake Sent Friday, 16, Nverber, 2012 10:33 AM Te: Mclean Capt EDGRCSU (Praine)eWinipeg ce: Bovey Haj MSARCSU (raxte}OWinipeG; Mavhinney Maj LC@WCOMPTOCOG Lake Subject: RE: RODS Capt Mclean, | concur, that is an excellent recap of our discussions and captures all the salient points. Joe Fontoura Lieutenant Commander | Captaine de CorvetteDCO WLE | 0 Cmdt A Log et G Ere 4 Wing Cold Lake | 4iéme escadre Cold Lake Telephone | Telephone 780-840-8000 ext 3055 CSN 620-3055 Government of Canada | Gouvernement du Canada From: ean Capt EDGRCSU (Prane¥EWnnineg Sent: Friday, 16, November, 2012 09:24 AM To: Foneoira (Cdr NBWLEGCold Lake ce: Boulay Ma} MSBRCSU (Praine}@Winaipeg; Mawhinney Maj LC@WCOMPTECd Lake Subject: RODS sir, | have the following notes. Do you concur? MEETING IN COLD LAKE 6 NOV 12 General Succinetly, the proposed increase of cadets and adult staff poses no concerns, although there are some issues regarding access to the GRA, getting a parade square bull, and food services that need to be addressed. Specific Accommodations ‘The addition of trailers for Maple Flag will increase Cold Lake's capacity by 300 beds prior to 2015, The proposed increase of cadets and adult staff poses no concems, A0393100_1-A-2013-01091--012 Food Services ‘There are problems getting qualified cooks in general, regardless of whether there are increases or not. Cold Lake is ‘working to mitigate these concerns but is requesting RCSU (Pra)/D Cats & JCR to do CFPTO for food service positions or GDs. As well as the additional staff required, meal hours will have to be extended and feed times will have to be staggered, If these can be addressed, the proposed increase of cadets and adult staff poses no concems, Medical and Dental Increased number of persons will require an increase in the number of medical personnel, Most likely the established positions from Penhold would be moved to other locations with Penhold’s closure. If this can be addressed, the proposed increase of cadets and adutt staff poses no concerns. Miltary Police There are cuts to Commissionaire's for 2013, so new ways of doing business within the GRA must be looked at. The possibilty of having a few CLACSTC personnel have escort passes for the summer is being examined. A parade square ‘outside the GRA needs to be in place by 2016, otherwise due to the heightened security restrictions going into effect at Cold Lake, there may be no viable non-GRA options for CLACSTC to parade on. If these can be addressed, the proposed increase of cadets and adult staff poses no concerns. WOps Until the parade square is bul, W Ops stated the cadets should be able to continue to use the GRA, although the actual procedure to make this happen will probably be changed from its current one. The proposed increase of cadets and adult staff poses no concerns. ce ‘The proposed increase of cadets and adult staff poses no concerns. ss Increased personnel will Increase comms requirements. The proposed increase of cadets and adult staff poses no cconcems, TEME Minor issues getting dispatcher and drivers. CFPTO may be able to address the issues. Also, contracting a company to provide both the vehicle and driver will reduce impact on TEME/CLACSTC personnel. There may be issues getting instructors to qualify CLACSTC staff with 404's and safe backing course. if these can be addressed, the proposed increase of cadets and adult staff poses no concerns. ‘Supply ‘The proposed increase of cadets and adult staff poses no concems. Psp. Will support CLACSTC as much as possible. Request as much advance notice for activities as possible. Once the plan for the summer is approved, should try to minimize changes. CLACSTC needs to look at alternate ways, outside of PSP. personnelifacilties, to accomplish their physical fitness requirements in an effort to reduce their overall impact on Cold Lake's resources. If these can be addressed, the proposed increase of cadets and adult staff poses no concems. Com Is the POC for the SLA at Cold Lake, Needs to be included in all correspondence so that all aspects of this project can be accounted for. First draft of SLA by Cold Lake sections is due fo Cold Lake Comp by 31 Jan 13, Will be in ongoing liaison with RCSU (Pra) Compt/Fin Sves/Sp Svcs throughout. The proposed increase of cadets and adult staff poses no concems, Edison MeLean A0393100_2-A-2013-01091--013 Captain Sup 0 RCSU (Pra) (204) 833-2500 local 6461 1-800-842-1851, option 8, local 6461# A0393100_3-A-2013-01091--013 Templeman Maj SMJ @RCSU Northwest@ Winnipeg Arseneault LCol AG@VCDS D Cats & JCR@ Ottawa-Hull Tuesday, 20, November, 2012 17:21 Cater Maj JF @RCSU (Atlantic) RCIS(A) @ Shearwater; Chabot Maj MHC @URSC-EST@St- Jean; O'leary Maj KA@RCIS(C)@ Borden; Templeman Maj SMJ@RCSU Prairie @ Winnipeg; Hildebrandt Mal LY@ACSU (Pacttic)@ Esquimalt Ce: Mckinlay Capt EM@RCSU Prairie @Winnipeg; McRae LCdr DR@VCDS D Cats & JCR@ Ottawa-Hull; Butson Maj AR@ VCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hull; Pigeon Lt(N) JRPD@VCDS D Cats & JCR@ Ottawa-Hull Fraser Li(N) PD@VCDS D Cats & JCR@ Ottawa: Hull; DiPersio Cdr WJ@RCSU (Atlantic) Comd@ Shearwater; Sulik Lcol JR@URSC-EST@St- Jean; MACMILLAN LCol JA@CSU(C)@ Borden; Kamphuis LCol RW @RCSU Prairie @ Winnipeg; Bates Cdr WS@RCSU (Pacitic)@ Esquimalt; Gelinas Maj JOA@ VCDS D Cats & JCR@ Ottawa-Hull Subject: FY 13/14 CIC Training Production - Production pour l'nstruction du CIC EF 13/14 Attachments: National Consolidated Schedule FY 13-14 Budget_Final for RCIS posting.xis BILINGUAL EMAIL / COURRIEL BILINGUE Colleagues, 1 As discussed at the September TMB meeting, our intention was to release the FY 13/14 funding allocations by 1 Nov 12. However, as you are aware D Cats 6-4 staff are still working on the CIC Trg Org budget for FY 13/14. We expect this to be complete by 14 Dec 12. In the meantime, RCISs / CIC CDL are authorized to finalize MITE work and advertise regional schedules in accordance with the schedule / level of production as outlined in the Consolidated CIC Training ‘Schedule (attached). The national training directive with course dates, load factors and locations will be released under Separate cover in the near future. 2. Any questions may be directed to LCdr Darin McRae at 613-992-3077. END OF ENGLISH TEXT / DEBUT DU TEXTE FRANCAIS | Collegues: 1, Tel que ciscuté lors de la réunion du CGI de septembre, notte intention était de vous faire parvenir les allocations financieres pour 'EF 13/14 le 1 nov 12. Cependant, comme vous le savez le personnel de la D Cad 6-4 travaile encore sur le budget pour Org Instr du CIC pour [EF 13/14. Ceci devrait étre compléte dci le 14 déc12. En attendant, les ERIC / le CAD CIC sont autorisés a finaliser le travail dans le systéme lIEM et publciser leur horeire régional selon les niveaux de production détaillés dans le calendrier consoidé dinstruction du GIG (c\joint). La Directive nationale de instruction CIC qui décrit en detail les dates des cours, les contingentements et es sites dinstruction sera publiée séparément dici peu 2. Veuillez diriger toute question au Cape Darin McRae au 613-992-3077. National snsoldated Schedule Alain G. Arseneault Lieutenant-Colonel Personnel Policies & Training | Politiques et instruction du personnel Directorate of Cadets & Junior Canadian Rangers | Directorat des cadets & Rangers juniors canadiens 101 Colonel By Dry, Ottawa, Canada K1A 0K2 in arseneault ‘Telephone | Téléphone 613-995-7068 / Facsimile | Télécopleur 613-996-1618 Government of Canada | Gouvernement du Canada A0393101_1-A-2013-01091--013 A0393101_2-A-2013-01091--013 peaseaaseannnnnaaaaas - A0393101_3-A-2013-01091--013 = A0393101_4-A-2013-01091--013 Roy Maj DRARCSU PraiieSWinnipeg ‘Thursday, 10, January, 2013 07:31 AM Suczerski {Col THORCSU (Prae)aWinnipeg FAV: RCSU (Prairies) ~ Changes to CSTC Quotas for Summer 2013 ‘Gelinas aj JONGEDS D Cas & ICREOttawa-Hull ‘Wednesday, 12, December, 2012 07:23 AM Roy Maj DRARCSU Praie@Winnipeg ‘Albert LCol JPM@VCDS D Cats & JCR@OKtawa- Hl, Poulot Capt GEVCDS DGRCBOttawa-Hull Subject: RCSU (Prairies) - Changes to CSTC Quotas for Summer 2013 Reference : Compt / BP conference 21-22 Nov 2012 Denis, Before releasing the final allocation for FY 13-14, we need to assess the funding requirements resulting from the changes in cadet quotas for summer 2013. Ina nutshell, and as explained at Ref, we will compare the proposed plan for 2013 to the plan on which you were funded for summer 2012 and make the appropriate financial adjustments. Your training staff has already received the cadet training quotas for summer 2013 and, while there might be some very minor changes to come, the attached figures should be good enough to undertake the review. As detailed in the attached spreadsheet, your 2013 plan will result in an overall f 73 cadets and 1,725 training days resulting in an overall proposed funding reduction of 43.4K. Hence, IAW with the attached proposal each CSTC would be affected as follows: Rocky Mountain : (25 6K); Penhold : (101.3K); Cold Lake : (15.6K); Whitehorse : 91.3K; RGS{ Prairies) : 6.3K; and Flying School : 1.5K Total (43.4K) You are requested to perform your own analysis of the funding impact of the changes for each training centre and complete the applicable portion of the attached spreadsheet (highlighted light blue cells) and identify the funding impact (Increase / reduction) for Mil Pay, Civ Pay and O&M. | would like to provide regional initial allocations in early February 2013 and therefore | would appreciate your response to reach the HQ no later than 17 Jan 13. If no reply is received by that date, | will make the funding adjustments as shown above and as per column "O" of the spreadsheet for each training centre. You may also accept this proposal as presented and simply confirm your acceptance. A0393102_1-A-2013-01091--013 <<< File: Prairies Financial - Cadet Quotas Summer 2013.xIs >> Alain Gélinas Major / major $0 Planning / OEM Planification D Cats / D Cad National Defence / Défense nationale Ottawa, Canada K1A OK2 Telephone / Téléphone 613-995-8599 Facsimile / Télécopieur 613-996-1618 A0393102_2-A-2013-01091--013 Mclean Capt ED@RCSU (Prairie)@Winnipeg Monday, 21, January, 2013 08:40 Gelinas Maj JOA@VCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hull Roy Maj OR@RCSU Prairie@Winnipeg; Szczerski LCol TJ@RCSU (Prairie)@Winnipeg; Albert LCol JPM@VCDS D Cats & JCR@Ottawa-Hull Subject: RE: Penhold Closure Attachments: 2012-04-13 Annex E+ Penhold pdf Thanks for the figures. needed the numbers for the Penhold Closure MIP because your plan involves moving cadets to Pacific Region in accordance with Appendix 3 to Annex E of your document, attached, | want to ensure | am using CPD from the same source. ial 2012-04-13 Annex E+ Penhold. pd Edison McLean Captain RCSU (Pra) Supply Officer Office: (204) 833-2500 local 6461 Tol-free: 1-800-842-1851, option 8, local 6461# Fax: (204) 833-2833 Cell: (204) 292-4619 Galas Ma) JOAGVEDS D Cats & JCR@Otawa-Hull Monday, 21, January, 2013 07:21 AM Mclean Capt ED@RCSU (Praine}aWinnipeg Roy Maj DRERCSU Prairie Winnipeg; Szczerski LCol TH@RCSU (Praire}@Winnipeg; Albert Col SPHAVCDS D Cats & ICRBOIaWa-Hul FW: Penhold Gasure Kind of strange here since Major Roy has already confirmed that he agreed with NDHQ proposal. See Attached << Message: RE: RCSU (Prairies) - Changes to CSTC Quotas for Summer 2013 >> | do not understand why your proposal would need to compare the costs of doing business at other locations since the decisions of sending cadets to other locations has already been made, It will be up to Verson and Quadra to determine the costs of doing Business at their place. That being said, CPTD are listed in the Youth Program Statistics Report, as follws: Quadra: $193.86; and Vernon: $183.09 Alain Gelinas Major / major A0393104_1-A-2013-01091--013 SO Planning / OEM Planification D Cats /D Cad National Defence / Défense nationale Ottawa, Canada K1A OK2 Alain Telephone / Téléphone 613-995-8599 Facsimile / Télécopieur 613-996-1618 From: clean Capt EDERCSU (Praiie)@Winnipeg Sent: Friday, 18, January, 2013 14:59 PM To: Gelinas Maj JOA@VCDS D Cis & ICREOWaWa-Hull Subject: FW: Penhold Cosure Sir, Can | please have the CPD for Vernon and Quadra? Our proposal needs to compare the cost of doing business in those proposed locations. Edison McLean Captain RCSU (Pra) Supply Officer Office: (204) 833-2500 local 6461 Toll-free: 1-800-842-1851, option 8, local 6461# Fax: (204) 833-2833 Cell: (204) 292-4619 From: Boulay Maj MS@RCSU (Prairie)@Winnipeg ‘Sent: “Thursday, 10, January, 2013 08:40 AM To: clean Capt ED@RCSU (Praie)@Minnipeg Subject: FW: Penhold Closure See below From: ‘Szczerski LCol TI@RCSU (Prairie Winnipeg Sent: ‘Thursday, 10, January, 2013 07:57 AM To: Boulay Maj MS@RCSU (Praive)aWinnipeg ce: WEST Maj DJORCSU (Praiie)@Winnipeg Subject: Penhold Closure Mitch In your cost calculations for the subj closure and increases at other CSTCs, use NDHQ's figures as per the attached spreadsheet, 1) Szczerski Lcol DCO RCSU (Pra) 6372 A0393104_2-A-2013-01091--013 ‘WASTER CONTROL SHEET. CADET VACANGIES ADJUSTMENT - SUMMER 2012 (AS OF 1 DEO 2042) mi ai aE ela =a — AEGON SuBMESION — aes | [eas Teg ys | [Cae e Pay —[—GivPay [08M [For YONA ane} [zee ae) [oor] [a 55 aes] 0 ROCKY MOURTAN-FOREGR [aro [—"12| 4 [12-00 3 53007 000 AY MOUNT. 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PASSENGER VEHICLES 5801 ‘SCHOOL BUS SCHOOL BUS ‘SCHOOL BUS SCHOOL BUS SCHOOL BUS ‘SCHOOL BUS ‘SCHOOL BUS SCHOOL BUS SCHOOL BUS SCHOOL BUS ‘SCHOOL BUS SCHOOL BUS Inv-201312815 Date-22 July 13 Inv-201312816 Date-30 July 13, Inv-201312817 Date-09 Aug 2013 Inv-201312818 Date-19 Aug 13 ROCKALTA TRAILERS CALGA SPIRIT WEST OUTDOOR AP 403-2 SPIRIT WEST OUTDOOR AP 403-2 SPIRIT WEST OUTDOOR AP 403-2 ROCKALTA TRAILERS CALGA ROCKALTA TRAILERS —_CALGA Garry Bratland Inv 2013-02 Dated 9 Jul 13, LUBE CITY - STORE#19 COCHR ROCKALTA TRAILERS CALGA 429508 429588 429508 429588 429508 420508 429508 429508 429508 429508 429508 429508 429508 429508 429588 4295AB 429508 429588 420508 429588 429588, 429588 429588 429508 429508 429588 429588 429508 429588 429508 4295AB 429588 429508 429588 429588 429508 429588 4295AB 429588 429508 429508 429508 429508 429508, 429508 429508, 429508 429508 429508 429508 429508 429508 429508 429588 429508 429508 A0393104_4-A-2013-01091--014 LUBE CITY - STORE#19 COCHR: 429508 LUBE CITY - STORE#19 COCHR: 4295AB BFI CALGARY CALGA 429588 BFI CALGARY CALGA 429508 FI CALGARY CALGA 429588 PRO H20 cocHR 429588 Correct Funds-Charged to CSTC Rocky 429508 Correct Funds-Charged to CSTC Rocky 429508 Correct Funds-Charged to CSTC Rocky 429508 Correct Funds-Charged to CSTC Rocky 429508, Correct Funds-Charged to CSTC Rocky 429508 SA Rocky Expenses 429588 SA Rocky Expenses 429588 SA Rocky Expenses 429508 SA Rocky Expenses 429588 ‘SA Rocky Expenses 429588 SA Rocky Expenses 429508 SA Rocky Expenses 429588 SA Rocky Expenses 429588 SA Rocky Expenses 429588 SA Rocky Expenses 429588 SA Rocky Expenses 429508 SA Rocky Expenses 429508, SA Rocky Expenses 429508 SA Rocky Expenses 429508 ‘SA Rocky Expenses 429508 ‘SA Rocky Expenses 420508 CON TIRE STORE #00493 COCHR 429588 Correct Funds-Charged to CSTC Rocky 42958 Correct Funds-Charged to CSTC Rocky 420508 Correct Funds-Charged to CSTC Rocky 429588 Correct Funds-Charged to CSTC Rocky 429588 Correct Funds-Charged to GSTC Rocky 429548 Correct Funds-Charged to CSTC Rocky 42958B Correct Funds-Charged to CSTC Rocky 429588 CARWASH CORRAL COCHR’ 429588 CORANCO CORP LIMITED POINT 429508 CAR WASH CORRAL —__COCHR: 429508 DJAUTOPARTS — COCHR 429508 WAL-MART #5726 CALGA 429508 ‘SA Rocky Expenses 429508 SA Rocky Expenses 429508 SA Rocky Expenses 429508, ‘SA Rocky Expenses 420508, ‘SA Rocky Expenses 429508 ‘SA Rocky Expenses 429588 ‘SA Rocky Expenses 429588 SA Rocky Expenses 4295AB SA Rocky Expenses 429588 SA Rocky Expenses 4295AB SA Rocky Expenses 429508 SA Rocky Expenses 429508 SA Rocky Expenses 429508 SA Rocky Expenses 429508 SA Rocky Expenses 429508 SA Rocky Expenses 429508 A0393104_5-A-2013-01091--014 | ‘SA Rocky Expenses ‘SA Rocky Expenses ‘SA Rocky Expenses CARWASH CORRAL COCHR CON TIRE STORE #00493 COCHR SOBEYS COCHRANE #5030 COCHR Nails BARBECUES GALORE —_CALGA PRO H20 CocHR: PAXX INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY CALGA KEY WEST SECURITY AND COCHR: COCHRANE HOME HARDWARE COCHR COCHRANE HOME HARDWARE COCHR ARI CREDIT CARD FUEL MAR-APR 13 ARI CREDIT CARD FUEL MAY-JUN 13 ARI CREIDT CARD FUEL JUN-JUL 13 Inv-32587935 Date-22 Apr 13 Correct Funds-Charged to CSTC Rocky Correct Funds-Charged to CSTC Rocky Correct Funds-Charged to CSTC Rocky Correct Funds-Charged to CSTC Rocky Correct Funds-Charged to CSTC Rocky Correct Funds-Charged to CSTC Rocky ARI CREDIT CARD FUEL MAR-APR 13 ‘ARI CREDIT CARD FUEL MAR-APR 13 ‘ARI CREDIT CARD FUEL MAR-APR 13 ‘ARI CREDIT CARD FUEL APR-MAY 13 INV-32950949 Date-11 June 13 ‘ARI CREDIT CARD FUEL MAY-JUN 13 ‘ARI CREDIT CARD FUEL MAY-JUN 13 SA Rocky Expenses SA Rocky Expenses SA Rocky Expenses ‘SA Rocky Expenses ‘SA Rocky Expenses ‘SA Rocky Expenses Imperial Oil Inv 33109166 Dated 3 Jul 13 ‘SA Rocky Expenses ARI CREIDT CARD FUEL JUN-JUL 13 ‘ARI CREIDT CARD FUEL JUN-JUL 13 RUSSELL FOOD EQUIPMENT CALGA WINNABLE 201WF EXP FILE 13POC SAFEGUARD BUS SYSLTD 800-5 CA TRODAT 5430 PROFESSIONAL DA SA doc 2803712555 to proper !O THE COMPUTER MEDIA GRO OTTAW MOUNTAIN EQUIP CO-OP EDMON SA Rocky Expenses SA Rocky Expenses CON TIRE STORE #00467 EDMON SPIRIT WEST OUTDOOR AP. 403-2 DARYL S SERVICE GLASS COCHR SPIRIT WEST OUTDOOR AP 403-2 SPIRIT WEST OUTDOOR AP. 403-2 SPIRIT WEST OUTDOOR AP. 403-2 ‘SA Rocky Expenses 420508 420508, 429508 429508 429508 429548 429548 429508 429588 429588 429508 429588 429588 429508 429508 429508 429508 429508 429548 429503 429508 429508 429508 429508 429508 429588 429588 429508 429588 429588 429508 429588 429508 429588 429588 429508 429508 4295AB 429588 429508 429508 429508 429508 429588 429508 429588 429508 4205AB 429588 429508 429508 420588 429508 429508 429508 429548 A0393104_6-A-2013-01091--014 SA Rocky Expenses SA Rocky Expenses SA Rocky Expenses SA Rocky Expenses SPIRIT WEST OUTDOOR AP 403-2 PIT STOP PORTABLES TOI CALGA SPIRIT WEST OUTOOOR AP 403-2 SAFEGUARD BUS SYS LTD 800-5 CARWASH CORRAL COCHR PUROLATOR 13657374 MISSI HLWAY 9 EXPRESS LTD _ORUMH BFI CALGARY CALGA CORANCO CORP LIMITED POINT WINNABLE 201WF EXP FILE 13POC. PUROLATOR 13657374 MISSI PITNEY BOWES OF CANADA MISSI GLOBALSTAR MISSI XEROX CANADA LTD -A/R_ 888-2 SPIRIT WEST OUTDOOR AP_ 403-2 LUBE CITY - STORE#19 COCHR SPIRIT WEST OUTDOOR AP_ 403-2 LUBE CITY - STORE#19 COCHR: SPIRIT WEST OUTDOOR AP 403-2 SPIRIT WEST OUTDOOR AP 403-2 SPIRIT WEST OUTDOOR AP_ 403-2 ROCKALTA TRAILERS CALGA PUROLATOR 13657374 MISSI IKEA CALGARY CALGA SPIRIT WEST OUTDOOR AP. 403-2 SPIRIT WEST OUTDOOR AP 403-2 PIT STOP PORTABLES TO! CALGA SPIRIT WEST OUTDOOR AP 403-2 HLWAY 9 EXPRESS LTD DRUMH CARWASH CORRAL COCHR: PUROLATOR 13657374 MISSI BFI CALGARY CALGA WINNABLE 201WF EXP FILE 13P0C CORANCO CORP LIMITED POINT PITNEY BOWES OF CANADA MISSI PUROLATOR 13657374 MISSI XEROX CANADA LTD -A/R_ 888-2 GLOBALSTAR Missi SPIRIT WEST OUTDOOR AP_ 403-2 LUBE CITY - STORE#19 COCHR: LUBE CITY - STORE#19 COCHR: SPIRIT WEST OUTDOOR AP 403-2 SPIRIT WEST OUTDOOR AP 403-2 SPIRIT WEST OUTOOOR AP 403-2 ‘SPIRIT WEST OUTOOOR AP 403-2 ROCKALTA TRAILERS CALGA SPIRIT WEST OUTDOOR AP 403-2 SPIRIT WEST OUTDOOR AP_ 403-2 IKEA CALGARY CALGA PIT STOP PORTABLES TOI CALGA PUROLATOR 13687374 MISSI SPIRIT WEST OUTDOOR AP 403-2 420508 429508 429508, 429508 429588 429508 429508 4295AB 429588 4295AB 4295AB 429508 429508 429508 429508 429508 429508 429508 429508 429508 429508 429508 429508 420508 429508 429508 429588 429588 429588 429508 429508 429588 429508 429588 429588 429588 429588 429508 429588 429508 429508 429508 429508 4295AB 429588 420508, 429508 429508, 429508, 429508, 429508, 429508 429588 429588 4205AB 429508 A0393104_7-A-2013-01091--014 PIT STOP PORTABLES TO! CALGA SPIRIT WEST OUTDOOR AP 403-2 SAFEGUARD BUS SYSLTD 800-5 CARWASH CORRAL COCHR. ROCKALTA TRAILERS CALGA PUROLATOR 13667374 MISSI XEROX CANADA LTO AIR 888-2 DJAUTOPARTS _ COCHR SPIRIT WEST OUTDOOR AP 403-2 BFI CALGARY CALGA SPIRIT WEST OUTDOOR AP 403-2 GLOBALSTAR MISSI PIT STOP PORTABLES TO! CALGA SPIRIT WEST OUTDOOR AP_CALGA B&L MARINE CALGA SPIRIT WEST OUTDOOR AP 403-2 B& LMARINE ‘CALGA CA TRODAT 5430 PROFESSIONAL DA WAL-MART #5726 CALGA PUROLATOR 13657374 MISSI SPIRIT WEST OUTDOOR AP 403-2 ORYCLEANING BY DAVE —COCHR ROCKALTA TRAILERS CALGA CARWASH CORRAL COCHR. ROCKALTA TRAILERS CALGA PUROLATOR 13657374 MISSI SPIRIT WEST OUTDOOR AP 403-2 XEROX CANADA LTD -A/R 888-2 DJAUTOPARTS —_COCHR. BFI CALGARY CALGA SPIRIT WEST OUTDOOR AP 403-2 GLOBALSTAR MISSI PIT STOP PORTABLES TOL CALGA B&L MARINE CALGA SPIRIT WEST OUTDOOR AP 403-2 Ba L MARINE CALGA CA TRODAT 5430 PROFESSIONAL DA WAL-MART #5726 CALGA SPIRIT WEST OUTDOOR AP CALGA SPIRIT WEST OUTDOOR AP 403-2 PUROLATOR 13657374 MISSI DRYCLEANING BY DAVE _COCHR ROCKALTA TRAILERS CALGA CAR WASH CORRAL COCHR SPIRIT WEST OUTDOOR AP_ 403-2 LUBE CITY - STORE#19.COCHR SPIRIT WEST OUTDOOR AP 403-2 BFI CALGARY CALGA THE COMPUTER MEDIA GRO OTTAW CON TIRE STORE #00493 COCHR SPIRIT WEST OUTDOOR AP 403-2 Nails DARYL S SERVICE GLASS COCHR ‘SOBEYS COCHRANE #5030 _COCHR PHARMX REXALL P.O. #72. COCHR GLOBALSTAR Missi 429508 420508, 429508 420508 429508, 42950B 429508 429508 429508 429508 429548 429588 429508 429508 429588 429588 429588 429588 429588 429508 429508 429508 429508 429508 429508 429588 429508 429508 429508 429508 429588 429508, 429508 429508, 429508 429508 429508 429508 420508 429548 4295AB 429508 429508 429508 429508 429508 429508 429508 429588 429508 429588 429508 429508 420508 429508 429588 A0393104_8-A-2013-01091--014 BELLEXPRESSVU 888-7 RUSSELL FOOD EQUIPMENT CALGA BARBECUES GALORE —CALGA SPIRIT WEST OUTDOOR AP. 403-2 PRO H20 COCHR SPIRIT WEST OUTDOOR AP 403-2 PRO H20 COCHR SPIRIT WEST OUTDOOR AP 403-2 KEY WEST SECURITY AND COCHR PAXX INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY CALGA CON TIRE STORE #00493 COCHR PUROLATOR 13657374 MISSI ROCKALTA TRAILERS CALGA SPIRIT WEST OUTDOOR AP 403-2 COCHRANE HOME HARDWARE COCHR COCHRANE HOME HARDWARE COCHR SPIRIT WEST OUTDOOR AP 403.2 CARWASH CORRAL COCHR, STAMPEDE GATES __CALGA RUSSELL FOOD EQUIPMENT CALGA PILOT SUPER COL MARKER EX/FINE PRO H20 ‘COCHR WALMART #3013 CALGA SPIRIT WEST OUTDOOR AP. 403-2 ECO FEE KE-TECHICANADA GREEN _WINNI MOUNTAIN EQUIPMENT COO _CALGA STAMPEDE GATES CALGA BELLEXPRESSVU 888-7 DISCOUNT TWO WAY RADIO 03102 COCHRANE HOME HARDWARE COCHR RMS00 NEENAH PASTELS 20LB 8.5X SPIRIT WEST OUTDOOR AP_ 403-2 ROCKALTA TRAILERS — CALGA DIGITCOM CANADA INC TORON BFI CALGARY CALGA GREGG DIST CALGARY CALGA PILOT SUPER COL MARKER EX/FINE CON TIRE STORE #00493 COCHR: SPIRIT WEST OUTDOOR AP 403-2 XEROX CANADA LTD -A/R 888-2 COCHRANE TIRE CORP COCHR: COCHRANE AWARDS & PROM COCHR KEY WEST SECURITY AND COCHR: SQ “THE LOST SOCK LAUN Cochr WAL-MART#5726_ CALGA SQ “THE LOST SOCK LAUN Cochr THE COMPUTER MEDIA GRO_OTTAW NIKON CANADA ING MISSI NIKON CANADA INC __ MISSI SPIRIT WEST OUTDOOR AP 403-2 GLOBALSTAR MISSI COCHRANE HOME HARDWARE COCHR: Pk4 SCOTCH MAGIC810 TAPE REFIL PLAY SAND 25 GRAND AVENUE PHARMACY COCHR: 429508 429588 429508 429508 429508 429508 429508 429508 429588, 429508 429508 429508 420588 429508 429548 429588 4295AB 429508 429508 429588 429588, 420508 420508 429508, 429508 4205AB 429508 420548 429588 4295AB 429588 429508 429508 429508 429508 429508 429508 429508 429508, 429508, 429508 420508, 429508 420508 429588 429508 429508 429508 429508 429588 429588 429508 429508 429508 429588 429508 A0393104_9-A-2013-01091--014 PROH20 cocHR BOW CYCLE & SPORTS LTD _CALGA PHARMX REXALL P.O. #72. COCHR: SPIRIT WEST OUTDOOR AP 403-2 ‘SPIRIT WEST OUTDOOR AP 403-2 SQ “THE LOST SOCK LAUN. Cochr BELLEXPRESSVU 888-7 DJAUTOPARTS —__COCHR BOW CYCLE & SPORTS LTD CALGA STAPLES #54 CALGA RULED NOTE PAD OPEN END 3X5 PAXX INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY CALGA DJAUTOPARTS — COCHR Foam brushes PRO H20 cocKR SPIRIT WEST OUTDOOR AP 403-2 SPIRIT WEST OUTDOOR AP 403-2 PUROLATOR 13657374 MISSI ECOLOGIX NOTEPRO N/BK 8X7 BLK ‘ALSCO CANADA-WLCAL 403-2 SQ "THE LOST SOCK LAUN Cochr PRAXAIR OLM (INDUSTRIA BRAMP WAL-MART #3011 CALGA WAL-MART #5726 CALGA CP CASES INC TORON SPIRIT WEST OUTDOOR AP 403-2 CARWASH CORRAL COCHR: SPIRIT WEST OUTDOOR AP_ 403-2 LUBE CITY - STORE#19 _COCHR THE COMPUTER MEDIA GRO OTTAW SPIRIT WEST OUTDOOR AP_ 403-2 CON TIRE STORE #00493 |COCHR DARYL S SERVICE GLASS COCHR SOBEYS COCHRANE #5030 COCHR Nails PHARMX REXALL P.O. #72 COCHR BELLEXPRESSVU 888-7 GLOBALSTAR Missi SPIRIT WEST OUTDOOR AP 403-2 SPIRIT WEST OUTDOOR AP_ 403-2 RUSSELL FOOD EQUIPMENT CALGA BARBECUES GALORE CALGA SPIRIT WEST OUTDOOR AP 403-2 PRO H20 ‘COCHR PRO H20 COCHR PAXX INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY CALGA ROCKALTA TRAILERS CALGA KEY WEST SECURITY AND COCHR SPIRIT WEST OUTDOOR AP_403-2 CON TIRE STORE #00493 COCHR PUROLATOR 13657374 MISSI COCHRANE HOME HARDWARE COCHR SPIRIT WEST OUTDOOR AP. 403-2 COCHRANE HOME HARDWARE =COCHR BFICALGARY CALGA ‘SA Rocky Expenses 429508 420508 4295AB 429588 429508 429548 429508 429508 429588 429508 429508 429588 429588 429588 429508 429588 429588 429508 429508 429508 429588 429508 429588 429508 429588 429508, 429508, 429508, 429508 429508 429508 429588 429508 429508 429588 429508 429508 429508 429508 429588 429588 429508 429588 4295AB 429548 429588 429508 429588 429548 429508 4295AB 429588, 429548 4295AB 4295AB 429508 A0393104_10-A-2013-01091--014 SA Rocky Expenses SA Rocky Expenses SA Rocky Expenses SA Rocky Expenses ‘SA Rocky Expenses ‘SA Rocky Expenses ‘SA Rocky Expenses ‘SA Rocky Expenses SA Rocky Expenses SA Rocky Expenses CSTC Fin Scanner Int:0180:2101891055:2014-V Reftt1-1234 Int:0180:2101003871:2014.V ReffESS FY 12/13 ‘Sara Wasiuta Travel Inv 2013-001 12 Jun 13, INV-CMO063013-TRAVEL Date-30.06.2013 DUCKERINGS TRANSPORT L_ REDD DUCKERINGS TRANSPORT L_ REDD DUCKERINGS TRANSPORT L_ REDD DUCKERINGS TRANSPORT L_ REDD DUCKERINGS TRANSPORT L_ REDD PUROLATOR 14348528 MISSI CPCISCP #0577316 PENHO CPCISCP #0577318 PENHO CPCISCP #0577316 PENHO. CPCISCP #0577318 PENHO CPCISCP #0577316 PENHO CPCISCP #057316 PENHO CPCISGP #0577316 PENHO CPCISCP #057736 PENHO CPCISCP #0577316 PENHO PUROLATOR 14348528 MISSI PUROLATOR 14348528 MISSI GRAND AVENUE PHARMACY COCHR: CPCISCP #0577316 PENHO GRAND AVENUE PHARMACY COCHR: FABRIC CARE CLEANERS EDMON FABRIC CARE CLEANERS EDMON. CLASSIC CLEANERS & TAI REDO. Compass Group Canada Inv 4247347 Dated 13 Jun 13 Compass Group Canada Inv 4247348 Dated 27 Jun 13 Compass Group Canada Inv 4247352 11 Jul 13, Compass Group Canada Inv 4247349 24 Jul 13, INV-4247353 Dale-25 July 13 ARI CREDIT CARD MONTHLY FEE ARP 13 ARI CREDIT CARD MONTHLY FEE ARP 13 ‘ARI CREDIT CARD MONTHLY FEE MAY 13 ‘ARI CREDIT CARD MONTHLY FEE JUN 13 ‘ARI CREDIT CARD MONTHLY FEE JUL 13 ‘ARI CREIDT CARD MTHLY FEE AUG 13 ARI CREIDT CARD FUEL JUN-JUL 13 MISC SVCS. TYCO INTEGRATED SECURI_ TORON INV-MP083013 Date-30 June 13 INV-AL083013 Date- 30 June 13 429588 429508 4295AB 4295AB 429508 429588 429508 429508 429508 429508 429508 20130802 20130802 “429508, 429588 429508 429508 429508 429508 429508 429588 429508 429508 429588 4295AB 429588 429508 429508 429508 429588 429508 429508 429508 429588 429588 429508 429588 429588 429548 429508 429508 429508 4295AB 429508 429508, 429508 420508 429508 420588 429588 429588 429588 429588 A0393104_11-A-2013-01091--014 ‘Sara Wasiuta Sve Contract 19-30 Jun 13 2013-002 ‘Sara Wasiuta Svc Contract 1-15 Jul 13 Inv 2013-003, ‘Amanada Longmore Inv ALO71513 15 Jul 13 Margo Pearson SVC Contract 1-15 Jul 13, ‘Margo Pearson Svc Contract 16-31 Jul 13 XEROX CANADA LTO -A/R 888-2 ‘Amanda Longmoore Svc Contract 16-31 Jul 13, Sara Wasiuta Sve Contract 16-31 Jul 13, CLA SA# 95240100238 - DANIEL CIV DROUIN ‘Amanda Longmoore Svc Contract 1-17 Aug 13 Sara Wasiuta Sve Contract 1-19 Aug 13, THE KEY HOLE, REDD THE KEY HOLE. REDO TROPHY LOFT REDD THE KEY HOLE REDD INV-4 Date-t Aug 13 to 17 Aug 13 Harvard Park - CADETS LEASE - June 2013 Harvard Park - CADETS LEASE - July 2013 HARVARD PARK BUSINESS SPRIN HARVARD PARK BUSINESS SPRIN HARVARD PARK BUSINESS _SPRIN Harvard Park - CADETS LEASE - August 2013 Harvard Park Lease C12581 - April 2013 Harvard Park Business Centre Lease - May 2013, Harvard Park Business Centre Lease - June 2013 Harvard Park Business Centre Lease - July 2013 Harvard Park Business Centre Lease - August 2013, XEROX CANADA LTD -AR_ 888-2 XEROX CANADA LTD -AIR 888-2 XEROX CANADA LTO -AIR 868-2 XEROX CANADA LTO -A/R 888-2 XEROX CANADA LTO -A/R 888-2 XEROX CANADA LTD -A/R 888-2 XEROX CANADA LTO -A/R 888-2 XEROX CANADA LTO -A/R 888-2 XEROX CANADA LTO -AIR 888-2 XEROX CANADA LTO -AR 888-2 XEROX CANADA LTD -AIR 888-2 XEROX CANADA LTD -A/R 888-2 XEROX CANADA LTO -A/IR 888-2 XEROX CANADA LTD -A/R 888-2 BUDGET RENTACARCALG CALGA CAM CLARK FORD RED DEE REDD. HORIZON MARINE SERVICE SYLVA BFICANADA INC - REDD REDD BFI CANADA INC -REDD REDD BFI CANADA INC -REDD REDD Red Deer County Acct 50201.01Dated 31 May 13. BFI CANADA INC - REDD REDD ‘Acct-21660949 Date- 21 June 13 ‘Acct 21660949 Date- 22 July 13 THE TRUCK TOWN WASH REDO. THE TRUCK TOWN WASH REDD. ARTESIAN SPRING WATER REDD Red Deer County Account 0201.01 1-30 Jun 13 ARTESIAN SPRING WATER REDD 429508 429548 429548 429508 429508 429588 429588 429588 4295AB 429588 4205AB 4295AB 429508 429508 429588 420548, 429508 429588, 429548 429508, 429548 429508 429508 429508 429508 429508 429508 429508 429508 429588 429508 429588 429508 429508 429588 429508 429508 429508 429588 429588 429508 429508 429588 4295AB 429508 4295AB 4295AB 429508 429508 429588 429508 429588 429508 429508 429508 429508 A0393104_12-A-2013-01091--014 Acct-76 4521012 1 01 6 Date- 26 June 13 429588 ‘Acet-50201.01 -Billing Period- 1-31 Mar 13, 429508 ‘Acct-21660949 Date- 22 Apr 13 429588 ‘Acct-50201.01 Date- 1-30 Apr 13 429508 ‘Acct-21660949 Statement Date-22 May 2013 420508 Acct-764521012016 Date- 9 Apr 13 429508 ‘Acct-76 4521012 1 01 6 Date- 8 May 13 429508 ‘Acct-76 4521012 1 01 6 Date-26 July 13 429508 GRAND AVENUE PHARMACY COCHR 429508, GRAND AVENUE PHARMACY COCHR: 429508, HARVARD PARK BUSINESS SPRIN 4295AB CON TIRE STORE #00655 SYLVA 429508 PRINCESSAUTO REDD. 4295AB COMMERCIAL SOLUTIONS REDD 429508 PRINCESSAUTO REDD. 4295AB CON TIRE STORE #00645 REDD 429508 CON TIRE STORE #00329 REDD 429508 PRINCESS AUTO. REDD 429508 ACKLANDS-GRAINGER INC REDD 429508, CENTEX PENHOLD(C-STORE PENHO 429508, ARI CREDIT CARD FUEL APR-MAY 13 429508, ‘ARI CREDIT CARD FUEL MAY-JUN 13 420508 ‘ARI CREDIT CARD FUEL MAR-APR 13 420588 ARI CREDIT CARD FUEL APR-MAY 13 429508 ARI GREDIT CARD FUEL MAY-JUN 13, 429508 ‘Sa charge to proper IO from 200621 429508 Lo-Cost Propane REDO. 429588 ‘ARI CREIDT CARD FUEL JUN-JUL 13 429508 53RD STREETMUSIC REDD 4295AB 53RD STREETMUSIC REDD 42950B 53RD STREETMUSIC REDD 429508 53RD STREETMUSIC REDD. 429508 ‘53RD STREETMUSIC REDD. 429508 ST.JOHN S MUSIC WINNI 429508 53RD STREET MUSIC REDD 429508 SSRD STREET MUSIG REDD 429548 COPORATE EXPRESS CANAD EDMON 429508 COPORATE EXPRESS CANAD EDMON 429548 COPORATE EXPRESS CANAD EDMON 429508, 6PK GRN TAPE 4295AB BIANCA AMOR S LIQUIDAT REDD 429588 STAPLES STORE #72. REDD 429508 COPORATE EXPRESS CANAD _EDMON 4295AB AARDVARK STAMP & SEAL RED D. 4295AB AARDVARK STAMP & SEAL REDD. 4295AB Inv-10376 Date-24 May 13 429588 WESTERN MATERIALS HAND 403-3, 429588 CSTC Fin Scanner 429508 Int:0180:2101791 183:2014:V RefC12581, APRIL 13 20130518 Int:0180:2101783806:2013:-V Reftt:21660949 21 MAR 20130818 Int:0180:2101889308:2014'V Reft:C12063, 20130802 Int:0180-2101889308:2014.V ReftC12063, 20130802 ‘CLA SA# 94540100183 - CHRISTOPHER CWO SAWA 429508 A0393104_13-A-2013-01091--015 KELLY CWO JUN 12 RM REC ‘CLA Sa# 94540100262 - NEVILLE MAJ HEAD B And R Eckels Transpo Sonny EXCELL TEL KRAZEE KLEAN KRAZEE KLEAN KRAZEE KLEAN KRAZEE KLEAN KRAZEE KLEAN KRAZEE KLEAN KRAZEE KLEAN KRAZEE KLEAN INV-001 Date-30 June 13 INV-CM083013 Date-30 June 13, Mare Lagace Sve Contract 19-20 Jun 13 Cold Lake Marc Lagace Sve Contract 23 Jun 13 Travel Expenses Carter Munday Sve Contract 1-16 Jul 13 CM71513. Mare Lagace Sve Contract 1-15 Jul 13 Darlene Butt Sve Contract 1-18 Jul 13 Bob Deobald Sve Contract 19 Jun 15 Jul 13, Bob Deobaid Sve Contract Travel Expenses Darlene Butt Sve Contract 16-31 Jul 13, Carter Munday Sve Contract 16-31 Jul 13 Marc Lagace Sve Contract 16-31 Jul 13 Bob Deobald Svc Contract 16-31 Jul 13 COMMISSIONAIRES, 1-15 JUL Carter Munday Sve Contract 1-17 Aug 13 Robert Deobald Sve Contract 1-17 Aug 13 Darlene Butt Sve Contract 1-17 Aug 13, Carter Munday Travel Expenses Summer 2013 BOEHLI COL AUG 15-18 RM REC XEROX CANADA LTD -AR 888-2 XEROX CANADA LTD -AR 888-2 XEROX CANADA LTD “AIR 888-2 XEROX CANADA LTD -AR 888-2 XEROX CANADA LTD -AIR 888-2 XEROX CANADA LTD -AIR 888-2 XEROX CANADA LTD -AR 888-2 XEROX CANADA LTD -AIR 888-2 DALE FLEMING CONSUTLING WO 89037 Esso COLD Esso coLD Willer Auto Industria Gold Wilter Auto Industria Cold CDN TIRE STORE #00450 COLD Fuel on 29/07/13, 110.08 Lis, detail 11207 SA 4 WG FUEL REPORT APR 2013- GAS ‘Sa charge to proper IO from 200621 ARI FINANCIAL SERVICES INV MCN1MG ‘SA doc 5300906426 to proper GL reverse doc 5300934940 ‘SA doc 5300906426 to proper GL reverse doc 5300934940 MECH. PENCIL CLICKSTER ASST. 429508 429508 429508 429508 429508, 429588 429508 420508 4295AB 429508 429508 429588 4295AB 429508 429588 429588 4295AB 429588 429588 429508 429588, 4295AB 420588 429588 429508 429548 429548 429548 429588 429548 429588 429508 4295AB 429508 429508 420508, 429588, 429548 429508 429508 429508 429508 429548 429508 429508 429508 429508 429588 429588 429508 429508 429508 429508 429508 429508 4295AB A0393104_14-A-2013-01091--015 CDN TIRE STORE #00450 COLD FLAG SHOP THE EDMON COMMERCIAL SOLUTIONS EDMON CLA SA# 94540100262 - NEVILLE MAJ HEAD CHAD AND STEPHANIE MAHON CDN TIRE STORE #00450 COLD CSTC Fin Scanner Int:0180:2101886171:2014.V Reff15 JUL 13 Int:0180:2101885925:2014.V Reff15 JUL 13 Rat Rec.01-30Jun13,RCRSE Prairie HQ Cadets Rat, Rec 5Jul13, CLACSTC BULK PUROLATOR 16709735 MISSI Gimli Community Development Inv 2013-025 15 May 13, Gimli Community Development inv 2013-024 15 Apr 13 Inv-2013-043Date- 22 July 13 Inv-2013-044 Date-05 Aug 13, INV-13-2914 Date- 10 May 13, INV-001 Date-30 June 13 INV-001 Date-30 June 13, INV-001 Date-30 June 13, ‘Alex McCormick Sve Contract 1-15 Jul 13, Linton Werral Sve contract 1-18 Jul 13, Jennifer Sammon Inv 2 Dated 15 Jul 13 Sve Contract, Future Mechanical Systems Ltd Inv 6211 8 Jul 13, Future Mechanical Systems Ltd Inv 6157 Dated 3 Jul ‘Mat Lok Security Inv 6539 Dated 18 Jun 13 Mat Lok Seourity Inv 6557 Dated 8 Jul 13 Design Canada Inc Inv 1988 Dated 27 Jun 13 Jennifer Sammon Sve Contract 16-31 Jul 13 ‘Alexis McCormick Inv 002 Dated 22 Jul 13 Linton Worrall Sve Contract 16-31 Jul 13, Jennifer Sammon Sve Contract 16-31 Jul 13, ‘Jennifer Sammon Svc Contract 16-31 Jul 13, Linton Worrall Sve Contract 1-17 Aug 13 ‘Jennifer Sammon Sve Contract 1-17 Aug 13 ‘Alexis McCormick Sve Contract 1-15 Aug 13 Inv-LMO04 Date-22.08.2013 Inv-005 Pay Dates 16 - 23 Aug 13, ‘SA Gimli Lease auth Capt Renaud Doc 2101784146 SA AMEX Jul Charges MORGAN ESSO "QPS _KENOR 4 AV Fuels Inv 97260 Dated 27 Jul 13 Rural Municipality of Gimil Inv 2013-219 19 Jul 13 Design Canada Inv 1990 Dated 3 Jul 13 INV-CANRGS1001 Date-18 Mar 13 Gimli Community Development Corp 2013-038 24 Jun Gimli Community Development Inv 2013-042 81/7/12. Int:0180:2101900937:2014:V Ref: 31/JUL13. RCSU NW GIMLI GLIDING SCH AL455 23 JUL 13/115HM CLA SA# 95240100272 - DAVID CPL DRUKEN 429508 429508 429508 429508 429508 429508 420508 20130802 20130802 420508, 420508, 420508 429588 429588 420508 429508 429588 429588 429508 429508 429588 429508 429508 429508 429508 429588 429508 429508 429508 429508 429508, 429508 429508 429508, 4295AB 429548 420508 4295AB 429588 4295AB 429588 429588 4295AB 429588 4295AB 429508 429588 20130802 429508 429508, A0393104_15-A-2013-01091--015 8.19(1) irs 07-17Apr13 Capt Notschaele 707 irs Capt Pomedi & Capt Lindley-Scott 8879 RATIONS 7-17 APR 13/CAPT NOTSCHAELE RATIONS 7-26 APR 13/CAPT LINDLEY-SCOTT/ROMEDLI CLA SA# 94540100078 - RHONDA CAPT NOTSCHAE CLA SA# 94540100085 - VELVET CAPT POMEDLI 3924882900 3926078045 3926442981 3928674949 CLA SA# 94540100Zz/ - VAVID LUD FIIZHAIK! Qirs 29-30Jun13 OCdt Templeman 880 Qtrs 29-30Jun13 3Fm & 2 Reg mms BB7S Cadets Qirs Group 4666 RCSU (NW) 15-17 Junt3 CLA SA# 94540100238 - DAVID LCDR FITZPATRI CLA SA# 94540100239 - LIONEL CPO2 RIVET irs 05-08ul13 Lt Boxshall 488 irs 05-07.Jul13 Capt Henry & 5-6Jul Capt Pelletier irs 06-07Ju!13 Lt McArthur 976 FM room Qtrs 17-30Jun13 Capt Pomedii 364 BB79 SEBASTIAN CAPT JUL 7 RM REC CLA SA# 94540100249 - KER! CAPT WINKELAAR. CLA Sit 94540100249 - ALLYSON LT(N) BOURRE CLA SA# 94540100248 - GERARD WO GOSSE CLA Sas 94540100248 - GERARD WO GOSSE CLA SA# 94540100248 - GERARD WO GOSSE CLA SA# 94540100248 - EDISON CAPT MCLEAN CLA Sas 94540100248 - TARA CAPT LOWNDES CLA SA# 94540100248 - STEPHEN WO GREELEY GLA Sa# 94540100248 - KEITH SGT WILLIAMS CLA Sai 94540100248 - JUDY CAPT PARSONS CLA Sa# 94540100253 - KEITH SGT WILLIAMS CLA Sa# 94540100253 - GLENN PO1 MCDONALD CLA Sa# 94540100260 - BONITA CAPT BIBBY GLA SA# 94540100260 - BONITA CAPT BIBBY RATIONS 14-19 JUN 13/CAPT POMEDLI RCSU NW SUMMER MOVE/FSR AL393/12HM RCSU NW SUMMER MOVE/FSR AL393/5MA GLA SA# 94540100262 - MICHAEL MAJ LAGACE CLA SA# 94540100282 - JUDY CAPT PARSONS: RATIONS 30 JUN 13/1 Qtrs 19-20Jul13 S1ms BB79 Qtrs 19-20Jul13 Capt Boxshall 488, irs 20-21.Jul13 LUN) Chadwick 394 Qirs 20-21u!13 irs 20-21ul13 Qirs 20-2 1Jul13 2m ms + 1 Cot CLA SA# 94540100275 - ADAM CAPT NEISH CLA SA# 94540100275 - EVELYN LT(N) GABOURY CLA SA# 94540100267 - JEFF SGT BEAUDRY CLA SA# 94540100276 - BONITA CAPT BIBBY CLA SA# 94540100276 - BLAINE CAPT BEAVEN CLA SA# 94540100276 - BONITA CAPT BIBBY LA SA# 94540100276 - BLAINE CAPT BEAVEN CLA SA# 94540100276 - CONNIE LT HAGEL TANS for Jul 13, 429508 429588 429508 429588 429588 429508 429508 429588 4295AB 429588 429588 429588 429588 429508 420588 42954B 429588 429508 420588 429588 420548, 429588, 429588, 4295AB 429508 420508 429508 429508 420508 429588 429508 429508 429508 429508 429508 429508 429508 429508 429588 429508 429508, 429548 429508 429508 A0393104_16-A-2013-01091--015 s.19(1) Qtrs 26-28ul13 Capt Boxshall 488 & Capt Henry 839, CLA SA# 94540100278 - TYLER CAPT DESMARAIS, CLA SA# 94540100278 - CLARENCE CAPT PAUL CLA SA# 94540100278 - ROBERT 2LT SMITH CLA SA# 94540100278 - DAWN-MARIE 2LT BLANC. CLA SA# 94540100278 - TIBOR CAPT BOGOVICS| irs 28-29Jul13 irs Group 4722 Cadets 27-28Jul13 2trms BBE3 CLA SA# 94540100279 - TOMASZ LCOL SZCZERSK CLA SA#t 94540100279 - ROBERT 2LT SMITH CLA Saft 04540100279 - WILLIAM CAPT LINDSAY CLA SA#t 94540100279 - ALAN MAJ CANN Qtrs 01-31Jul13 Capt Pomedli 364 BB79 CLA SA# 94540100296 - OCDT KERRY MARK TAN for Edison McLean irs 03.04Aug13 Capt Henry 839 Qirs 03-04Aug13 irs Group 4724 Cadets 03-04Aug13 20"ms BB63 CLA SA# 94540100298 - EVELYN LT SEBASTIAN CLA SAs 94540100298 - SHERRY CAPT BURGESS CLA SA# 94540100298 - ROBERT LT(N) PRESS CLA Sait 94540100298 - GARRETT LT(N) MCKENZ CLA SA#t 94540100298 - DARCY CAPT PARKER CLA SA# 94540100298 - KRISLE-LYNN CAPT WOO CLA Sa# 94540100298 - GERARD WO GOSSE CLA Sa# 94540100298 - KEITH SGT WILLIAMS, CLA Sa# 94540100298 - GERARD WO GOSSE GLA SA# 94540100298 - GERARD WO GOSSE CLA Sa# 94540100298 - SHERRY CAPT BURGESS CLA SA# 94540100298 - ALEX CAPT ROSS CLA Sai 94540100298 - JUDY CAPT PARSONS CLA SA# 94540100298 - DARCY CAPT PARKER LA SA# 94540100298 - MARY APPL DESMARAIS CLA Sa# 95240100272 - DAVID CPL DRUKEN CLA SA# 95240100272 - DAVID CPL DRUKEN CLA SA# 95240100272 - DAVID CPL DRUKEN CLA SA# 95240100272 - DAVID CPL ORUKEN CLA SA# 94540100302 - SHERRY CAPT BURGESS CLA SA# 94540100305 - TERRY CAPT PLANT CLA SA# 94540100305 - EVELYN LT(N) GABOURY ltrs 10-11Aug13 CLA SA# 94540100311 - WENDOLYN LT KODAMA CLA Sat 94540100311 - BRUCE LT MORAN ltrs 05-06Jul13 Oat Blanchette 602 LA SA# 94540100313 - CINDY CAPT CROW CLA SA# 94540100313 - MARY APPL DESMARAIS. CLA Sa# 94540100313 - RONLEY LT ARNOLD CLA SA# 94540100313 - CONNIE CAPT HAGEL CLA Sa# 94540100313 - CINDY CAPT CROW CLA SA# 94540100321 - RHONDA CAPT NOTSCHAE CLA SA# 94540100321 - TIBOR CAPT BOGOVICS CLA SA# 94540100321 - JUDY CAPT PARSONS. CLA SA# 94540100321 - KEITH SGT WILLIAMS CLA SA# 94540100323 - OCDT KERRY MARK Qirs 01-19Augt3 Capt Pomedii 364 BB7S RATIONS 5 JUL 131 429508 429588 429508 420508 429508 429508 429508 429508 429508 429508 420508, 429508 429508 429508 429588 429508 429508 429508 429588 420588 429508 429508 429508 429508 429508, 429588 429508, 429508 429508, 429508, 429508 429508, 429508 429508 429588 429588 4295AB 429548 4295AB 429508 429588 420508 429508 429508 429508 429508 429508 420508, 420588, 429588, 429588, 4295AB 429508 4295AB 429548 429588 A0393104_17-A-2013-01091--015 8.19(1) CLA SA# 94540100325 - SHERRY 2LT LEGACY CLA SA# 94540100325 - CLARENCE CAPT PAUL CLA SA# 94540100325 - TIBOR CAPT BOGOVICS CLA SA# 945401 00325 - KATE CAPT SIMPSON. CLA SA# 94540100325 - DANE LT BONNEVILLE. CLA SA# 94540100325 - NICOLE CAPT NEISH CLA SA# 94540100325 - JUDY CAPT PARSONS RATIONS 19-21 JUL 13/ RATIONS 26-28 JUL 13/ RATIONS 20 JUL 13 RCSU(NWW) SUMMER MOV 26-28 JUL 13 FSR FLIS2/AL410 RCSU(NW) SUMMER MOV BMA 19 JUL 13 FL 204. RCSU(NW) SUMMER MOV 6-7 JUL 13 FSR FLIS2/AL410 RCSU(NW) SUMMER MOV BMA 20 JUL 13 CLA SA# 06440200754 - LT MARK OWEN CLA SA# 94540100332 - JASON SLT PALANSKY. CLA SA# 94540100332 - KERI CAPT WINKELAAR CLA SA# 94540100332 - SHEILA MAJ TEMPLEMAN, irs 16-18Aug13 Capt Boxshall & Capt Henry Qtrs 17-18Aug13 Capt Lindley-Scott 352 CLA SA# 94540100335 - KEITH SGT WILLIAMS CLA SA# 94540100335 - SHERRY 2LT LEGACY CLA SA# 94540100335 - JUDY CAPT PARSONS CLA SA# 94540100338 - MATTHEW LT(N) AYRES CLA SA# 94540100338 - MITCHELL CAPT KRASEY CLA SA# 94540100338 - MITCHELL CAPT KRASEY CLA SA# 94540100338 - MITCHELL CAPT KRASEY CLA SA# 94540100338 - MITCHELL CAPT KRASEY CLA SA#t 94540100338 - JASON SLT PALANSKY CLA SA# 94540100338 - DEBRA LT(N) MCARTHUR, SEBASTIAN AUG 16 RM REC KODAMA/HOCHBAUM/MARLATT AUG 18/16 RM REC PUROLATOR 18159053 MISSISSAUGA 9637107578 Delta Cleaners Inv 3518 Dted 16 Jul 13 INV.3531 Date-2 Aug 13, Inv-3535. Date-21 Aug 13 SYSCO WINNIPEG WINNIPEG 0315290702 Inv-4247385 Date-30 Jul 13 ‘ARI CREDIT CARD FUEL MAY-JUN 13, ‘ARI CREIDT CARD FUEL JUN-JUL 13 MISC SVCS ‘ARI CREIDT CARD FUEL JUN-JUL 13 MISC SVCS SA AMEX Jul Charges SA AMEX Jul Charges SA AMEX Jul Charges SA AMEX Jul Charges SA AMEX Jul Charges SA AMEX Jul Charges SA AMEX Jul Charges Ventures West Charters Ltd Inv 163 8 Jul 13 Ventures West Charters Lid Inv 164 8 Jul 13 Alta North Coaches inc Inv 1268 Dated 6 Jul 13 Al Pro Busing Inv STOOO1 Dated 1 Jul 13 Bylend Bussing Inv DOD 02 Dated 7 Jul 13 Fuel on 06/07/13, 220 Lts, detail 11116 ‘SA Fuel Charges ARI CREDIT CARD FUEL MAY-JUN 13 429508 429508, 420508 429588 429508 429508 429508 429588 429508 429588 429588 4295AB 429588 429588 4295AB 429508 429508 429508 429508, 429508 429508 429508 420508 429508 429508 420508 4295AB 429508 420508 429508 429588 429508 429588 429508 429508 429588 429588 429588 429508 429508 429508 429588 429508 429508 429588 429588 429588 429588 429588 429508 429508 429508 429588 429588 429548 4205AB A0393104_18-A-2013-01091--015 SA Fuel Charges SA Fuel Charges SA Fuel Charges SA Fuel Charges SAARI Card Regina ‘SAARI Card Regina ‘SAARI Card Regina ‘SAARI Card Regina SA ARI Card Regina ARI CREIDT CARD FUEL JUN-JUL 13 ‘ARI CREIDT CARD FUEL JUN-JUL 13 ARI GREIDT CARD FUEL JUN-JUL 13 GRAND & TOY AO DON MILLS 0107344896 THE COMPUTER MEDIA GROUP 613-226-7071 1012054191 LYRECO (CANADA) INC MARKHAM 0105381062 LYRECO (CANADA) INC MARKHAM 0105020660 PARTY STUFFIU RENT IT WINNI CLA SA# 94540100253 - RICHARD PO1 LOWRY RCSU GP# 4666 FSR AL356 16-16 JUN 13, HMSHOST EDMONTON AIRPO_EDMON. SUBWAY #15947 QPS BRAND SUBWAY #17761 QPS REGIN HMSHOST SASKATOON AIRP SASKA PIZZA PIRATES _SASKA HMSHOST SASKATOON AIRP_ SASKA HMSHOST EDMONTON AIRPO EOMON HMSHOST EDMONTON AIRPO EDMON Taramar Ventures Ltd Inv 0163 Dated 7 Jul 13 ‘Taramar Ventures Ltd Inv 0164 Dated 27 Jul 13, ‘Tim Hortons Inv 4337284 Dated 2 Aug 13 REAL CDN WHOLESALE #67_REGIN ‘A-12NORTHERN HOME APPL WHITE YUKON HONDA, WHITE CPCISCP #0165913 WHITE CPCISCP #0165913 WHITE Inv-9518893570 Date- 2 Jul 13 RETAIL SALES WHITE Compass Group Canada Inv 4247301 27 Jun 13 Compass Group Canada Inv 4247303 16 Jul 13, Inv-4247304.Date-29 Jul 13, ‘SA doc 2101747356 to proper GL reverse doc 5300934940 Yukon Design Works Inv 938 Dated 9 Aug 13 ‘SHAW DIRECT CALGA INV-01-DND-2013 Date-30 June 13, 429508 429508 429508 429508 429548 429548 429588 429548 429588 4295AB 429508 429508 429508 429508 429508 429508, 429508 429508, 429508 429508 429548 429588 429588 429588 429508 4295AB 429508 429508 429508 429508 429508, 429508 429508 429508, 429508 429508, 429508, 429508 429508 429508 429508 429508 429588 429508 429508 429588 429508 429508 429508 429508, 429508 429508 429508 A0393104_19-A-2013-01091--015 INV-001 Date-30 June 13 Sally Tisiga Svc Contract 1-15 Jul 13, Sally Tisiga Svc Contract 16 Jul -31 Jul 13 Kyle MacDonald Svc Contract 1-15 Jul 13, Kyle MacDonald Svc Contract 16-31 Jul 13, Gary Watts Sve Contract Travel Expenses Jun 13. Gary Watts SV Contract 19-30 Jun 13, Gary Watts Sve Contract 1-16 Jul 13 Gary Watts Sve Contract 18-31 Jul 13 June Services Extra cleaning Extra charges~Mattress Disinfection Extra charges-wax floor Extra charges~-clean washers and dryers Sally Tisiga Svc Contract 1-17 Aug 13 Kyle MacDonald Sve Contract 1-13 Aug 20 Yamnuska Inv |-1241 Dated 1 Aug 13 Cabin Fever Adventures Inv 15536794 15 Aug 13 Cabin Fever Adventures Inv 15536794 15 Aug 13, INV-18536794 Date-15 Aug 13. Iny-2013081401 Date-16 Aug 13 Pitney Bowes Inv 543905110950 Dated 4 Jun 13 LEASE DIRECT OAKVI LEASE DIRECT ‘Oakvi LEASE DIRECT OakV! Inv-2824 Date-31 Jul 13 18 June 2013 Service ‘Summer Contract 49,21, 28, 30 June Services 30 June Services AFD PETROLEUM LTD. QPS WHITE ‘ACKLANDS-GRAINGER INC WHITE FIREWEED RV SERVICES L_ WHITE WAL-MART #3191 WHITE PEACOCK SALESLTO WHITE PEAGOGK SALESLTD = WHITE PEACOCK SALESLTD == WHITE PEACOCK SALESLTD WHITE STAPLES STORE #251 WHITE YUKON OFFICE SUPPLIES WHITE STAPLES STORE #251 WHITE STAPLES STORE #251 WHITE STAPLES STORE #251 WHITE YUKON SERVICE SUPPLY WHITE YUKON SERVICE SUPPLY WHITE. YUKON SERVICE SUPPLY _ WHITE COAST MOUNTAIN SPORTS#. WHITE CON TIRE STORE #00452 WHITE ACKLANDS-GRAINGER INC WHITE CDN TIRE STORE #00452. WHITE ‘Yukon Spring Inc Inv 168850 Dated 11 Jul 13. Yukon Spring Inc Inv M33676 Dated 20 Jul 13, SA doc 2101747356 to proper GL reverse doc 5300934940 Yukon Design Works Inv 937 Dated 16 Jul 13, ACKLANDS-GRAINGER INC WHITE 429508 429508 429588 429588 429508 429508 429508 429588 429588 429588 429508 429508 429588 4295AB 4295AB 429588 429508 429508, 429508, 429508, 429508 429508 429508 429508 429508 429508 429588 429508 429588 429588 4295AB 4295AB 429588 429588 429508, 429508, 429508, 429508, 429548 429508 429508 429588 429508 429588 429508 429508 429508 429508 429508 429508 429588 429508 429508 429508 429508 429548 A0393104_20-A-2013-01091--015 CSTC Fin Scanner 4295AB BJ Bus Lines Ltd Inv 293317 6 Jul 13 429588 A0393104_21-A-2013-01091--015 Gosse WO GF@RCSU Praile@Edmonton Thursday, 24, January, 2013 09:28 Mclean Capt ED@RCSU (Prairie)@Winnipeg Rondeau CWO L@RCSU Prairie@Edmonton; Sawatzky CWO CG@RCSU(Prairie) @Coid Lake; White CPO2 KH@RCSU Prairie@Edmonton Subject: RE: Penhold Closure Capt McLean, CSG Edmonton could support the additional 8 corps highlighted in your spreadsheet if we had our full compliment of staff (2 X Sup Tech & 2 X Warehouse staff) and the ability to hire on class B contracts during peak periods. We may require an additional vehicle depending on how many different training events we would be required to support every weekend. The CSG Edmonton budget would need to be reviewed as well The question of how many more corps we can take before we require additional staff depends on how far away we have to deliver equipment. CSG Edmonton used to support all AB corps with 6 staff and a few class A days but we did not regularly deliver equipment to training events, we shipped it to the corps and they rented a cube truck to deliver the kit fo their training location. The scheduling of training events would become more important and the agreed upon schedule would have to be adhered to by the ACOs and corps! | think that if we are assigned more than 51 corps the class B peak position would need to be ful time. | think the warehouse in Calgary looks like a very viable option. G.F. Gosse wo RCSU (Pra) - CSG Edmonton (780) 973-4011 Ext 5631 CSN 528-5631 Toll Free (800) 842-1851 Opt 7-3 Fax (780) 973-1469 clean Capt EDGRCSU (Praie}@Winnipeg Wednesday, 23, January, 2013 08:44 AM Gosse WO GFARCSU Praie@Edmonton; Rondeau CWO LORCSU Praiie@Edmonton; Sawatzky CWO CG@RCSU(Prarie)@Coid Lake; White CPO2 KH@RCSU Pravie@Edmonton Subject: Penhold Closure | did up a spreadsheet to show the distances from each cadet corps to all CSGs in Alberta in an effort to examine possibilties for redistribution of cadet corps once CSG Penhold closes. (I only compared Cold Lake to Edmonton though) In the spreadsheet, | have CSG Edmonton highlighted in yellow to show cadet corps that they are closer to than the existing CSG that supports them, Orange for Rocky. | am aware that in some cases, the difference is negligible, such as the one cadet corps currently under CSG Cold Lake that is 20km closer to Edmonton, << File: Business Case Alberta Cadet Corp Annex A.xls >> A0393105_1-A-2013-01091--015 My current point of view is that we open a warehouse in Calgary. Rocky and Penhold staff would then work out of Calgary and go to Rocky as required. Part of this reason is that Calgary is closer than Rocky to all but 3 cadet corps. The benefit of being closer, reducing travel time, outweighs the cost of leasing space in Calgary. Another option is redistribution of cadet corps between Rocky and Edmonton and one Penhold staff moves to Rocky, the other to Edmonton. To help with options | would need to know, can CSG Edmonton / should CSG Edmonton take on any new cadet corps, and if so, how many more can they take before they require additional staff? am open to all options. Your thoughts? Edison McLean Captain RCSU (Pra) Supply Officer Office: (204) 833-2500 local 6461 Toll-free: 1-800-842-1851, option 8, local 6461# Fax: (204) 833-2833 Cell: (204) 292-4619 A0393105_2-A-2013-01091--016 8.19(1) [BAUR BVEEELA ABCEEENONSNON GASSES From: Rondeau CWO L@RCSU Prairie@Edmonton Sent: Friday, 26, January, 2013 11:37 To: Mclean Capt ED@RCSU (Prairie)@Winnipeg Ce: Sawatzky CWO CG@RCSU/Prairie)@Cold Lake; White CPO2 KH@RCSU Prairie@Edmonton; Gosse WO GF@RCSU Praile@Edmonton; Boulay Maj MS@RCSU (Prairie)@Winnipeg Subject: RE: Penhold Closure Attachments: Proposed Establishment Rocky 2015.xis, This has already being tried and failed. Every year we support more cadet units and cadet activities at Rocky and north of us at Camp Howard. Presently we do not have enough kit to support Rocky cadet units. CSG Edmonton has indicated that we can have the kit from Penhold which should provide enough kit to support ours and penhold operations(refer to tab Cadet Units on attached). | am not sure if there is any benefit to having a warehouse in calgary. | think before we proceed any further with this topic we need to sit down with all of us around a table a discuss the options. At this point | am totally against having 2 warehouses to support this area, We can very effectively and efficiently support all activities south of Red Deer with a few additional assets, Attached find our proposal Proposed tabiishment Rocky 2 Lary Rondeau ‘Chief Warrant Officer | Adjudant-Chet ‘Training Centre Co-ordinator | Coorcinateur du centre dinstuction Regional Cadet Suppon Unit (Prairie) | Unite Regionale de Soutien aux Cadets (Prarie) Rocky Mountain National Army Cadet Summer Training Centre| Le Cenive National instruction d'6té des Cadets de Time des Montagnes Rocheuses Natonal Defence | Defense nationale PO Box 1847, Cochrane, AB, Canada TAC 187 lamy rondeau@orces gc ca Telephone | Telephone 403-851-5123 x 5106 or 403-851-5127 el 402-818-0281 Fax | Télécopieur 403-851-5126 Government of Canada | Gouvernement du Canada From dean Capt EDERCSU (Prare\eWinnineg Sent: Friday, 25, January, 2013 08:27 AM To: Sawatiky CWO CGBRCSU(Praiie)@Cold Lake; White CPO2 KH@RCSU Prairie@Ecmonton; Gosse WO GF@RCSU Pravie®E> My current point of view is that we open a warehouse in Calgary. Rocky and Penhold staff would then work out of Calgary and go to Rocky as required. Part of this reason is that Calgary is closer than Rocky to all but 3 cadet corps. The benefit of being closer, reducing travel time, outweighs the cost of leasing space in Calgary. ‘Another option is redistribution of cadet corps between Rocky and Edmonton and one Penhold staff moves to Rocky, the other to Edmonton. A0393106_2-A-2013-01091--016

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