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Reflection on Goal Accomplishment and/or Progress (Teacher) - Troy SD

Evaluator: Joe Duda

Practitioner: CHARLES P TULL

Part I
Identify the specific indicators and/or artifacts collected that helped to evaluate the results of your work. Explain how these
provide examples of goal accomplishment. *

Student Growth Goal (Domain 5): All students will improve in the area of mathematical problem
solving. 85% of my students will increase their achievement in solving problems by 10-15% during
the 2014-2015 school year using the math department approved CER rubric.
The artifacts that I chose were designed to create meaningful learning experiences, grow
student's problem solving skills, make their thinking visible and improve their reasoning skills. The
artifacts show growth and improvement due to the impact of the initiatives, routines and strategies
that I implemented over the course of the school year. We began the year with the initiative to
incorporate various thinking routines and strategies to help grow and develop students reasoning
skills. Students were provided a variety of opportunities to discuss their thinking and reasoning.
We focused on making our thinking visible through Chalk Talks, See Think Wonder, Headlines,
Think Pair Share, What Makes You Say That, discussions, peer CER critiques and a variety of
performance tasks. These strategies, tools and techniques that the students worked with
throughout the process directly impacted their performance and skill development as they improved
their problem-solving and reasoning skills in the accomplishment of our goal.
Part II
Please respond to each of the following reflective questions. Refer to the components and/or elements from the Troy Educator
Appraisal Model which was targeted in your original individualized Development Plan (DP).
What impact has your plan had on your work and your students" learning? *

As the CER process continued to develop and grow throughout the course of the school year, the
focus that I continued to strive for was creating an environment rich in self-evaluation, quality
feedback and making ones thinking visible through various thinking routines. This quality feedback
along with a variety of thinking routines helped in strengthening students' ability to provide strong
evidence and enhance their reasoning in supporting their claim. The impact of the thinking routines
has been tremendous in developing and growing their reasoning skills. The ability to collaborate,
have conversation and think visibly dramatically impacted their reasoning statements. Their
interpretation of the evidence in supporting their claim has grown positively since the beginning of
the school year
If you had a chance to begin again, what would you do the same? Differently? Why? *

I am excited to reflect on the direction my teaching has progressed over the course of the past
school year. I worked diligently to incorporate various thinking routines as mentioned to further
impact our communication, reflection and feedback so as to guide and push students
understanding of important ideas. Students continued to be the driving force in our discussions,
feedback, reflecting, thinking and questioning, gaining confidence, skill development, comfort ability
and resilience as we worked with a variety of formats, strategies and routines. One change I would
like to make is to be able to provide opportunities where students can progress forward in concepts
and goals as learning targets are met. An environment where there is flexibility and freedom to
progress at a pace they feel comfortable with based on their level of achievement as I support and
facilitate along the way.
Based upon the goal(s) you achieved, can you identify specific strategies you used that may be helpful if used in other
domains? *

Students participated in designing Celebrations of Learning for various chapters in Math 7/8
honors (domain 1). Students were provided various presentation options to choose from to
demonstrate their learning (domain 1). Students curiosity drives the lesson and a common respect

demonstrate their learning (domain 1). Students curiosity drives the lesson and a common respect
for one another creates a classroom environment where students feel valued and are willing to take
risks (domain 2). Students were provided opportunities to adjust and design the physical space of
our learning environment (domain 2). The use of genuine discussion and peer critique in
Schoology, allows me to step aside and let students interact (domain 3). Students in my room often
are grouped in tables of two to four to generate a culture of think, pair, share and reflect. They
provide each other with specific feedback about what they think, share their thoughts and reflect on
their learning and what can be improved (domain 3). The use of technology enabled the students
the ability to participate more often within their class as well as with other classmates from math 7/8
honors and digital applications through discussions where they analyze, critique, provide feedback
and use counter examples to justify their position (domain 3). The use of a variety of performance
tasks challenged students to determine the necessary tools, technology and materials needed to
construct viable arguments and drive their learning.
Looking at the goal(s) you did not achieve, identify as best you can why, and what can be done differently next year. *

I am excited about the success and growth my students achieved this year. We focused on making
our thinking visible in helping to grow our interpretation and reasoning skills toward achieving
various learning targets. I still believe that there is plenty of work to be done in furthering students
thinking. I would like to continue to learn various thinking routines toward developing a stronger
culture of thinking. I really want to continue to learn, develop and implement the eight cultural
forces into my classroom environment so that we can transform the way we are learning.
What support(s) would be helpful for you as you continue to improve upon your goal(s)? *

I believe continued growth will happen through further collaboration with Larson staff as well as
district members. I would like the opportunity to visit other classrooms within Larson, even at other
buildings, to create a line of communication where conversations can help us grow as teachers and
learners toward the betterment of our students success. I would love the opportunity to visit other
TSD schools and classrooms as well as out of the district to see where the cultural forces are
working effectively. I am extremely interested in the impact that the cultural forces routines,
interactions and environment can have on ones learning and thinking.

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