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: Hendra Radiansyah


: University of Indonesia


: Astra Tower
I was a student who got an internship opportunity in Astra Tower Project at Shimizu

Corporation. My aim in writing this letter was to give an impression during my internship
program at Astra Tower Project, I did not mean to offend any parties. Astra Project was built by
two parties called STJO (Shimizu Total Joint Operation). First day, I came to the project and
received a warm welcome.

Both Shimizu and Total workers were very welcome to the

internship students to gain more knowledge there. Project Director for that project was Mr. Oki
and Project Manager was Mr. Sekihara. At first, I thought Mr. Oki and Mr Sekihara did not care
with an internship student, but I was wrong. They were very welcome and would like to share a
lot of knowledge to us. They had a unique style of leadership that I can not to forget. I am very
grateful to be allowed to do an internship in that project.
After a few days, I felt there was something odd about the project. It turns out I was right,
I consulted with the workers and they told me that the project was being disorganized. I did not
mean to offend any parties but I observed the relationship between the expatriate managers in
each division with the workers somewhat less harmonious. In addition, relationship between
STJO and some of sub-contractors somewhat less harmonious as well. STJO should maintain
good relations with any sub-contractors so that no parties would feel disadvantaged. I convey
this for the project progress faster. I hope Astra Tower Project could complete this project on
time and did not get any major problem in its completion.
I am very grateful to Shimizu Corporation for internship program during 2 months. I will
never forget this experience that have give me a lot of knowledge in an actual work experience. I
hope this internship program will continue into the next year and even better. I have an interest to
join Shimizu, and I hope I get the chance to develop my skills further in your company. I will do
my best.

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