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Year Level: 7

Time: 1:20pm-3:00pm Date: 20/05/16

Learning Area: HaSS (Geography)

Strand/Topic from the Australian Curriculum
Apply geographical concepts to draw conclusions based on
the analysis of the data and information collected

reviewing the results of an analysis to propose an answer to

an inquiry question, using as an organiser at least one of the
concepts of place, space, environment, interconnection,
sustainability, scale or change

Students Prior Knowledge:

The Water Cycle and its elements:
Groundwater and Groundwater Movement
The Water Crisis, students identify:
What it is
Its impact on society and the world
Possible solutions to solve crisis

General Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)

Critical and
Cross-curriculum priorities (may be addressed in the lesson)
Aboriginal and Torres Strait
Islander histories and cultures (N)

Asia and Australias engagement with

Asia (N)

Personal and


Sustainability (Y)

Proficiencies: (Mathematics only)

Lesson Objectives (i.e. anticipated outcomes of this lesson, in point form beginning with an action verb)
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:
Locate important geographical information (such as Australias weather, climate regions, average maximum
temperature and average maximum rainfall over a period of time) using written paragraphs and/or source
diagrams in Student textbook.
Compare the weather and climate of Australia (such as weather, climate regions, average maximum
temperature and average maximum rainfall over a period of time) using multiple written paragraphs and/or
source diagrams in Student textbook.
Apply learned information of Australias weather and climate in the form of written or drawn answers and class

Teachers Prior Preparation/Organisation:
Photocopying of Blank Australia Map (Appendix 1) to
allow for one for each student: 22 students
Teacher Completed Copy of Blank Australia Map
(Appendix 2) is completed to show to students
Prior reading of Pearson Geography 7 text book
Teachers addition (pages 52-55)
YouTube video: The Is Australia Great Southern
Land (5:19 minutes) is loaded and ready to be played
on interactive whiteboard.

Provision for students at educational risk:

Students with learning difficulties (including but not
limited to dyslexia, dyspraxia, low level
concentration, and/or low level cognitive ability) will
benefit from a combination of visual and written
activities such as YouTube video, visual and written
sources in text book and hard copy Blank Australia
Map (Appendix 1)
Students who are gifted and/or talented will benefit
from participation in class discussions where the
teacher will aim to encourage critical thinking (see
key questions lesson steps)
Students with CAPD, ESL or vision impairments will
have the option of viewing YouTube videos with
Students will have option to use their personal IT
device (iPad) to type answers if writing proves

LESSON EVALUATION (to be completed AFTER the lesson)

Assessment of Lesson Objective and Suggestions for Improvement:

Teacher self-reflection and self-evaluation:

[OFFICIAL USE ONLY] Comments by classroom teacher, HOPP, supervisor:

**See lesson feedback form**


LESSON DELIVERY (attach worksheets, examples, marking key, etc, as relevant)

Motivation and Introduction:
YouTube video The Is Australia Great Southern Land (5:19 minutes) is
(See link to right )

YouTube Video

Pearson Geography 7
Text Book

Appendix 1

Interactive White
Appendix 2

Coloured Pencils

Key Question: From looking at the video, what can you understand about
Australia, its climate and the landscapes?
Lesson Steps (Lesson content, structure, strategies & Key Questions):

Teacher instructs students to turn to page 52 and reads Ecosystems

Teacher to refer to sources 3.22, 3.23 and 3.24 making comment on
difference between January average maximum temperature (source 3.22)
and July average maximum temperature (source 3.23) as well as annual
average maximum temperature (source 3.24).
Students turn to page 53 and read (with teacher) Why Australia is dry
paragraph and subsequent paragraphs: Cold ocean currents, flat
continent, high-pressure systems and shape of the continent.
Teacher to refer to sources 3.25, 3.26 and 3.27 making comment on
difference between January average rainfall (source 3.25) and July average
rainfall (source 3.26) as well as annual average rainfall (source 3.27).
Students turn to page 54 and read Climate Statistics paragraph
Teacher to refer to sources 3.29 making reference to average annual
temperature and rainfall of various major cities in Australia.
Again, looking at source 3.29, teacher makes reference to Key in bottom
right-hand corner: Climatic regions
Arid Meaning of little or no rain, too dry or barren to support vegetation
Temperate Mild temperatures, cool
Tropical Very hot and humid, high rainfall



Students turn to page 55 and answer the following questions:

Question 5:
Students individual responses
Question 6:
Students use Blank Australia Map (Appendix 1) and source 3.29 on page 54
to draw the boundaries of each climatic region using coloured pencils.
Teacher to show blank map on Interactive White board and use Teacher
Completed Copy of Blank Australia Map (Appendix 2) as reference point for
**Students will need coloured pencils**

Question 7:
a) Students match to climate regions to specific geographical locations
ie. Most tropical = Northern WA, NT and Queensland
b) See Teachers notes in Text book for answers

Question 8:
Students use source 3.29 on page 54 to answer questions

Lesson Closure and Transition:(Review lesson objectives with students/

What needs to happen prior to the next lesson?)

Students glue map into HaSS writing books

**Students to finish uncompleted work for Homework due next geography
lesson (Friday)**


Students pack up for home time.

Assessment: (Were the lesson objectives met? How will these be judged?)
Locate important geographical information (such as Australias weather,
climate regions, average maximum temperature and average maximum
rainfall over a period of time) using written paragraphs and/or source
diagrams in Student textbook.
To meet objective, students identify and synthesis relevant and important
information from given resources in student text book including both written
and diagrammed sources.
Objective to be judged by verbal assessment and assessment of written
questions in work book.

Compare the weather and climate of Australia (such as Australias

weather, climate regions, average maximum temperature and average
maximum rainfall over a period of time) using multiple written paragraphs
and/or source diagrams in Student textbook.
To meet objective, students will compare and contrast given resources (both
written and visual) and draw conclusions in relation to topic of discussion.
Objective to be judged by verbal assessment and assessment of written
questions in work book.

Apply learned information of Australias weather and climate in the form of

written or drawn answers and class discussion.
To meet objective, students must participate in class discussion, complete
assigned questions and enter answers into work book, and complete Blank
Australia Map (Appendix 1)
Objective to be judged by assessment of Australia map. Map must include:
Colour separating regions
Names of regions
Landmarks/Capital cities

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