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Morgan Lasota
Erin Wilder
Philosophy of Education
Of the six different educational philosophies, I believe that perennialism and
progressivism align most accurately with my values and that has held true for me over the
course of my last three years here at SOU. I chose both of these because I believe that my
teaching philosophy will be somewhere in between. I align with perennialism because of
its traditional values, and I also believe in progressivism because of its experimental and
explorative values. These characteristics are the roots that I want to glean my teaching
standards from to help me be as successful as I can in my future classroom.
I believe perennialism is an important philosophy because of its traditional values,
such as starting by teaching children the fundamentals. I want to incorporate these
traditions of public education into my teaching strategies because I believe that focusing
on the basics can be beneficial to a student and their future in education. Although
perennialism and essentialism are similar I more strongly believe in perennialism because
it is not as intense and by the book as essentialism. Perennialism teaches about
principles and human values as well, which I believe is vital in a students education and
even further on in their lives as adults.
I also want to incorporate ideas from the progressivism theory because I believe
that learning through experience is very important. This promotes democracy and social
living, which is a vital aspect in todays society. Progressivism also teaches real world
situations through a hands-on approach which allows for students to grasp deeper, more

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meaningful concepts, and a fun and interesting way. Through this approach the students
will have a say in the structure and content of the classroom and the curriculum as well,
however there will be an underlying respect for the teacher as the authoritarian figure of
the classroom.
I believe the purpose of public education is to gain knowledge about the world we
live in and how to socialize with our peers, while learning values and morals that will
help shape the lives and the futures of each student that gets this experience. I will
practice my philosophy in working with children and families of diverse backgrounds by
continuing to be accepting of everyone, and also by building a close community within
the classroom, not only with the students but their families as well.
Every child will learn differently and at their own pace. I will embrace these
diverse learning styles through my activity planning and make sure that there are ample
opportunities for each student to thrive no matter their learning style. I will embrace their
individual strengths and needs by being able to distinguish equality from equity, and
provide each student with the resources that they need no matter where they are in their
learning process. I believe my compassion and motivation will also embrace all learning
styles because the children will feel comfortable and confident enough to always try their
best. This will help each student to be successful because it will amplify their potential
and work on their needs. Each student also comes from a diverse background and home
life. I believe this adds so much character to the classroom as a whole and it is very
important to me to embrace each child and where they came from. I am going to set an
example of acceptance in my classroom to show the students that each person, no matter
where they are from, the color of their skin, how much money they have, or what

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language they speak, we are equal. I am so excited to have the opportunity to learn more
about my students diverse backgrounds and in fact, it is something that I most look
forward to going into this career.

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