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Resolved: Ednas rebellious inclinations have positive effects on her overall character

Carl Rogers once stated If we value independence, if we are disturbed by the growing
conformity of knowledge, of values, of attitudes, which our present system induces, then we may
wish to set up conditions of learning which make for uniqueness, for self-direction, and for selfinitiated learning. This quote reflects Ednas journey of self-awakening. Throughout the book,
many of Ednas actions can be defined as rebellious. She defies social norms of the time and
does not function as women of the time should have. defines rebellious as
showing a desire to resist authority, control, or convention. It defines positive as good,
affirmative, or a constructive quality or attribute. My core value is independence, which is the
driving force of Ednas actions in the novel. Independence is defined as freedom from the
control, influence, support, aid, or the like, of others. Edna fights for independence from the
binds of Creole society and her dull and unsatisfying marriage. Her actions are constructive to
her character and are beneficial to her happiness.
Contention A: Quality of life
At the beginning of the novel, Edna was not satisfied with the life she was living. She
settled in her marriage, it functioned as a business arrangement not a loving relationship. She
was not satisfied in her role in her family life and felt bound by social restrictions. She was
trying to conform into a foreign society instead of truly living the way SHE desired to. Ednas
rebellion started with her friendship with Adle, she began to express her previously repressed
emotions and desires. This friendship begins her awakening which further develops as her
relationship with Robert grows. Her relationship with Robert was clearly not acceptable in a
Creole society, although men did not usually fear about their wives loyalty. Edna did cared about
her husband, her disloyalty was not a malicious act towards him, but an attempt to improve her

quality of life. The relationship helped inspire her internal revelations, she realized her true
happiness during her days with Robert. She was lusting for true sexual pleasure and someone
who made her feel special. Although these actions may be viewed as morally wrong, they had
positive effects on her quality of life. Her actions were rebellious and not what creole society
thought was correct, but positive because they lead to her finding herself and her true passion.
Contention B: Freedom
A common theme in the book was Edna breaking free from the Creole society. Her
actions led to the final, triumphant escape from the binding nature of the society. She achieved
ultimate freedom.. As she continues to learn to swim, it becomes a time of escape. She is not
constricted by her responsibilities or under constant watch of her husband. Her actions of moving
out of her house were not to hurt her husband, but because she needed to escape from the
crippling marriage and did not feel right right living off his money any longer. In this moment
she is formally requesting her independence from him.When Edna began to awaken her selfexpression through her art, it was liberating feeling. When creating her pieces, she realized what
she truly wants and is able to reflect on herself. Mademoiselle Reiszs music also helped her
discover her true desires, it draws out emotions that would not otherwise have been felt. In her
time spent with Robert and her affair with Arobin, she began to realize the passion available in
her. Her raw sexual experience with Arobin was about trying to understand what love is and
fulfilling her longing for arousal in her marriage. These actions bettered Ednas character
because she began to understand herself. She finally began to accepted who she was while trying
to find her personal freedom. When she realized her wants and how they could not be obtained,
she gained her ultimate freedom in her triumphant death in the sea. In that moment, Edna was in
complete control of herself and what she wanted, without the expectations from anyone else.

Contention C: Equality
Her rebellious actions were also a stand towards her beliefs which was beneficial towards
her character. She no longer allowed herself to conform to what, at the time, was believed to be a
perfect women. From the beginning of the novel, Edna shows an issue with being expected to
drop everything for her kids. She resented her husband when he ordered her around and she was
expected to comply with his every wish. When she is out on the deck and is asked to come in she
replies No and states that she wont be ordered around, which was shocking her Leonce. At
this time, women rarely held strong opinions or spoke out against their significant other. This
was one of the first stands Edna makes towards equality in the novel. This action would be seen
as a rebellious in this time, but now can we really feel any other way other than to support Edna?
How can we say that a women standing up for herself can ever be viewed as a negative action?
Also, when her father, another dominant male figure comes to visit, he and Edna fight about her
refusing to attend her sister's wedding. Although this may seem rude, she is valid in her
reasoning. She sees weddings as a ceremony to give away a women to a man. One man
relinquishing control of a woman to another man. Edna rebelling and standing up against male
figures in her life has the positive effect of gaining the power and equality her character
All of Ednas actions show her rebellious intuitions. These intuitions caused events that
had a positive effect on her overall character. Judges, I urge to vote affirmative due to the
improvement of Ednas quality of life, her newly gained freedom, the everlasting fight for
womens equality, and the internal revelations that occurred due to her intuitions.

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