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Compromise of 1850

Missouri becomes a
slave state
Maine becomes a
free state
36'30 Line- above is
free, below is slave

Nullification Crisis
SC is mad about
high tariffs> new
lower tariffs
Nat Turner's
Slave Rebellion,
killed 55 whites>
tighter slave laws
and slave owners
are freaked
Wilmont Proviso
Mexican Cession
popular soverignty
in the teritories

California enters as a
free state
Utah and New
Mexico have popular
Fugitive Slave Lawmuch stronger than
Slave Trade ends in
Washington DC

Fuguitive Slave Law

Harriet Beecher Stowe

Kansas Nebraska Act

Allows owners to go
to the North to
recapture their
runaway slaves
If you see a runaway
you have to report it
Opened the doors for
free blacks to be sold
into slavery
"Liberator" William Garrison
"North Star"Fredrick Douglass

"Uncle Tom's
Cabin"> brought
attention to the
"Little Lady who
started this big
old war"

Gave Kansas and

Nebraska the
right of Popular
Soverignty when
deciding about
Missourians start
crossing the
border, Kansas is
labeled slave
"Bleeding Kansas"
mini civil war on
the KansasMissouri border

Sectionalism #2 Notes
Fill in these charts based on your notes. Make sure you answer the questions,
not just write the first thing you see in the notes.

Smaller Compromises

Sectionalism #1 Notes
Fill in these charts based on your notes. Make sure you answer the
questions, not just write the first thing you see in the notes.

Missori Compromise

Scott moved to a free

territory for extended
Sues for his freedom
Supreme Court says
You are not a citizen,
you cant sue
You are still a slave
because you are

Lincoln vs Douglas
Debates (1858)

John Brown's Raid at

Harper's Ferry (1859)

Lincoln argues to stop

the spread of slavery
Republican Party
Douglas argue popular
Douglas wins the
Illinois senate seat

John Brown attacks the

arsenal at HF
but he forgot to tell the
slaves that it was for
Executed the next
Marytr for the North
Terrorist for the
Slave owners are
freaked out.

Election of 1860
Lincoln gets elected, even though he isnt on the ballot in the south
SC threatens to secede if Lincoln accepts the presidency, but Lincoln says
have fun.

Sectionalism #3 Notes
Fill in these charts based on your notes. Make sure you answer the questions, not just write
the first thing you see in the notes.

Dred Scott v Sanford


Put all of the events from the Sectionalism Notes on this here timeline.




Outbreak of the Civil War

Lincoln Elected
Electoral votes of the

Ft. Sumter

SC Secceeded

Confederate States of

no one died

Want Brekinridge to
win instead of Lincoln

Southern States form

their own union

"beggining" of the

7 states join SC

Fort is federal land,

give him the option

No one in the South
voted for him>> >>

see ya later Sally

SC is firing on Federal
Land, the Civil War

Fill in the following series of events from your notes,

make sure you show cause and effect



Fill in the boxes,

and think about
the advantages of
the North over the
South. Draw
pictures to help
you remember.

-Left NC alone

-Destroyed GA and SC for starting

the war

-Burned everything to the ground

-Total War

Shermans March to the Sea

Using Google and your extensive knowledge of geography, fill in the following boxes showing the six
most important battle of the Civil War. Write the name of the battle, the winner, and the
impact/importance of the battle to the ultimate war effort.

-Completes the mission to

divide and conquer the

-Grant wins big and becomes

the General of the US Army

Vicksburg, Mississippi

Antietam, Maryland
-Should have been a
Confederate victory, but
Union won big time
-Convinces France and
Britain to stay out of war
-Emancipation Proclamation
directly after

-Lasted 3 days> bloodiest

-Over 20,000 men died
-Union Victory, Confed.
never won again.

Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

-Last battle of the

Civil War
-Lee surrenders the
Army of Northern
Virginia to Grant
-End of War


Bull Run
-First battle of the
Civil War
-Proved the South
could win


Precursor Event:
Battle of Antietam

Gettysburg Address

Precursor Event:
Battle of Gettysburg
turning point> 20,000 lives lost
in 3 days

General Message:
Free the slaves in the Rebellious
States, but hes not in charge... :/

General Message:
We have the responsibiblity to
those who died to finish the job
for them.

South has to deal with escaping
slaves, distracted soldiers
North starts winning, because
North has a better reason to fight

they fufilling their responsibility

Write as much information as you can about the two speeches we analyzed this Unit. Talk about the
event leading to the speech, the general message, and the effect of the speech on the Civil War

Color in the map of

the Civil War
States. Show the
Union (Free States),
Border, and
Confederacy States.
Make sure you use
the key under the

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